nfcpy python 2.7 pyinstaller - python-2.7

I am working on project that reads near field communication card and identifies the card user, I am using nfcpy with python 2.7, my nfc card reader is acr122 by ACS and I am working on windows 10. The application seems to be working fine when I run the python script. However, when I convert the python script to .exe using pyinstaller I have error "no module named acr122". Is there any specific protocol I have to follow to bundle nfcpy in exe file. Any help would be much appreciated, Thank you in advance.

finally, found a solution, I need to import ['nfc.clf.acr122'] as hidden-input.


Tkinter no $DISPLAY or display name (Berkley pacman project)

I am trying to use Berkley's AI pacman projects.
Specifically this project.
A little bit about me: I'm on Windows 10 using cygwin as my terminal. I have both python and python3 installed as well as both versions of Tkinter and tkinter respectively. This project uses python 2.7. Trying to run the main project using the python results in a long trace with the error being '_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable'.
Calling echo $DISPLAY outputs an empty string.
I believe this is the most relevant file:
I understand this is a relatively specific and difficult issue, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Edit: I have installed xwin and the relevant packages. I am able to start a server in one terminal with startxwin and then I try to run the same command in another terminal but arrive at the same issue. I believe my problem is that I cannot establish the xwin server as my $DISPLAY.

ee.mapclient with python 2.7 and Anaconda, possible alternatives?

I have installed the google earth engine python APIs in my MAcOS where also Anaconda is installed. I got problem with the object ee.mapclient. I made it working modifying the line of the import using
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
Now it does not produce error message but it is not working either. When I run a script in Spyder the console returns several message and it enters in loop.
Running the same script line by line in the console, a big black window is opened but nothing is displayed.
Is there any solution to make it working? I know that the developer is not maintaining this object because too dependent to TK libraries. Is there any other solution to display satellite data?

blpapi Bloomberg - Python prog. vs. BBG Interaction

I'm quite new to Python (Got forced to use it since BBG don't support R), and i'm having difficulty installing blpapi. I'm currently using Spyder and Python 2.7 version.
Does anyone on this forum had already used python to send orders to Bloomberg and manipulate data provided by the terminal? If Positive, could you pls share how you've installed the API Libs and any other useful stuff. The idea is to feed a certain model with live data.
There's an .exe file in the Zip that you download from WAPI , but there's an error message appearing. I've already tried to speak with a BBG represent. but that does not helped.

Python IDLE giving startup error

I have just installed kivy in python 2.7.11. After installing it, whenever i try to open IDLE, it is giving subprocess startup error.
Actually i installed kivy on my windows 7 PC through command prompt. After installation, I copied programs of kivy from my android tab to run them on my pc. When I tried to open them, IDLE doesn't respond for some time and after some time it gives startup error. Since then IDLE is not starting .
But it is quite strange that, on running python builtin module, there is no error.
I had reinstalled python but still there is no change.
reason for subprocess startup error can be a new python file that you have created recently with the same name as same existing libraries or module name
e.g. '','' etc
beacuse re,os are the predefined libraries
just go and find the file and rename it
hope so it will be resolved

Missing module to read MS Access using python

I was trying with the situation described in this question - Read an Access database in Python on non-Windows platform (Linux or Mac)
I downloaded the jython 2.5 jar file tried setting up the class path, but I am getting the error:
No module named com.ziclix.python.sql.
I dont know if i am doing it in a wrong way,
I just could not figure out how to configure odoo directory..
Jython includes com.ziclix.python.sql in "jython.jar" itself, so no external dependencies should be required. If you are able to get Odoo to run under Jython (instead of CPython) then com.ziclix.python.sql should be available.