Keeping two bool class members with opposite values - c++

I'm planning to have two bool class members (m_alive & m_dead) so that their values are always opposite ones. This might seem something stupid (in fact, it may just be stupid), but as you can see in the code below, but what I really look for is to have a clearer way to check the object status depending of the circumstances, and it would be useful not having to type !m_alive or !m_dead.
So, yeah, I don't really need both members but I can't think of an easier way of doing this.
The first idea that came to my mind is to create a function that changes the state of one of them if the other one changes too, but I'm pretty sure there needs to be a simpler, easier and faster way of keeping each one with it's correct value.
AFAIK, it's not possible to do it with define's since there would be as many of them as different objects I plan to create and doesn't seem practical.
#define object1.m_death= !object1.m_alive;
#define object2.m_death= !object2.m_alive;
// ...
So here you have the main idea of having both members:
class myclass
// (...)
bool m_alive;
bool m_death; // Always !m_alive
int main()
myclass myobject;
// (...)
if (myobject.m_dead)
if (myobject.m_alive) // clearer than !myobject.m_dead()
// ...
Any suggestions of how-to keep'em updated is welcome, as well as any other ways of implementing my idea. Thanks in advance!
PD: While re-reading my question, enumerated types have just came to my mind.
It would emply checking myobject.m_status==dead or myobject.m_status==alive, being dead and alive possible values of dead_or_alive enum-type class member dead_or_alive m_status.
Could this be a nicer approach to what I'm seeking, despite being a bit longer syntax?
Final edit:
Thanks to all who commented and answered. Here's the solution I've finally adopted:
enum Piece_status:bool{ dead= false, alive= true};
class Piece
bool isAlive() const {return m_status;}
bool isDead() const {return !m_status;}
Piece_status m_status; // dead=false, alive=true

class myclass
bool isAlive() const { return m_alive; }
bool isDead() const { return !m_alive; }
bool m_alive;
int main()
myclass myobject;
// (...)
if (myobject.isDead())
if (myobject.isAlive())
// ...

You're trying to violate the "Single Source of Truth" best practice, by keeping 2 copies of the same information.
If you're looking for clarity (and you don't find if(m_alive) and if(!m_alive) clear enough) then add custom getters to myclass:
bool isAlive() const { return m_alive; }
bool isDead() const { return !m_alive; }

You can implement this by using a setter for changing the variables:
// optional setters
void setDead() { setDead(true); }
void setAlive() { setDead(false); }
// main setter
void setDead(bool isDead) {
m_alive = !(m_dead = isDead);


Accessing another object's member [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner to C++ and I was wondering if there was a good way to access a member of another object.
Currently I'm using this to access the members:
&_HeatSensor->IsOverheating == true;
&_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled == true;
/*... many more similar ones but different names*/
Where HeatSensor or LeftLegSensor is the name of the object and IsOverheating or IsStalled is a Boolean member in the object.
I want to create a new SensorOverLimit class, and create many objects(ex: Left Leg, MotorTemperature... etc.
To save time and reuse code, I want to be able to pass something that can reference the Boolean members that were created in the constructor and then save the location via reference or pointer as a member in the new SensorOverLimit object.
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress)
bool* Sensor = SensorAddress;
if (SensorAddress == true)
SensorOverLimit Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(bool* &_HeatSensor->IsOverheating);
SensorOverLimit DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(bool* &_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled);
This doesn't work, does anyone have any ideas for how to get this to work?
Edit: Changed question, new answer...
class SensorOverLimit
bool* sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool* sensorAddress);
void check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* sensorAddress)
: sensor(sensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::check()
Have a look at Remy's answer for references instead of pointers (bool& instead of bool*, and you can omit dereferencing (if(sensor))
HeatSensor heatSensor;
LeftLegSensor leftLegSensor;
SensorOverLimit overHeating(&heatSensor.isOverheating);
SensorOverLimit leftLegDamaged(&leftLegSensor.isStalled);
int main(int, char*[])
// ...
return 0;
You might have noticed: I directly instantiated global variables. This is often more appropriate in embedded environments, at least easier to use.
Be careful with identifiers starting with an underscore - these are reserved in many cases (C++ standard, 2.10):
Each identifier that contains a double underscore __ or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved to the implementation for any use.
Each identifier that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implementation for use as a name in the global namespace.
Edit 2:
I'm coming up with a completely different design, inverting what you had so far:
class Sensor
: isActive(false)
{ }
virtual ~Sensor()
{ }
void check()
if(getValue() != isActive)
isActive = !isActive;
bool isActive;
virtual bool getValue() = 0;
class HeatSensor : public Sensor
virtual bool getValue()
bool isActive = false;
// do what ever is necessary to detect overheat
// e. g. read from ADC and compare against threshold
return isActive;
class LegSensor : public Sensor
bool isSignal;
virtual bool getValue()
// do what ever is necessary to detect stalled leg
// e. g.: simply returning the value that has been set from
// within an interrupt handler
return isSignal;
Not really happy about the names of my members, you might find something better...
What is your intention of this design, however? Are you going to iterate over each city, checking the bool pointers? Seems a questionable design to me...
I suggest an alternative for you:
Each Sensor gets a SensorOverLimit* pointer, you might call it 'controller' or whatever seems appropriate to you. Then add functions to each Sensor class: oveheating(), stalling(), etc. Within these functions, you call a newly defined function of SensorOverLimit: disturb(int reason, Sensor* source). Instead of int, you could define an enum containing all possible reasons, such as Overheat, Stall, etc.
Could look like this:
class Sensor;
class SensorOverLimit
// appropriate members
enum Disturbance
SensorOverLimit() {}
void disturb(Disturbance reason, Sensor* source)
class Sensor
SensorOverLimit* controller;
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
Sensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : controller(aController) {}
class HeatSensor : public Sensor
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
HeatSensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : Sensor(aController) {}
void overheating()
if (controller)
controller->disturb(SensorOverLimit::Overheat, this);
class LegSensor : public Sensor
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
LegSensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : Sensor(aController) {}
void stalling()
if (controller)
controller->disturb(SensorOverLimit::Stall, this);
SensorOverLimit controller;
HeatSensor heatSensor(&controller);
LegSensor leftLegSensor(&controller);
int main(int, char*[])
// ...
return 0;
Advantage: You can associate many sensors to one and the same controller.
You can use a bool* pointer like this:
class SensorOverLimit
bool* Sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress);
void Check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress)
: Sensor(SensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::Check()
if (*Sensor)
SensorOverLimit *Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(&(_HeatSensor->IsOverheating));
SensorOverLimit *DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(&(_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled));
Then you can do this:
_HeatSensor->IsOverheating = true;
_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled = true;
With that said, it would be safer to use references instead of pointers:
class SensorOverLimit
bool& Sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool& SensorAddress);
void Check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool& SensorAddress)
: Sensor(SensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::Check()
if (Sensor)
SensorOverLimit *Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(_HeatSensor->IsOverheating);
SensorOverLimit *DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled);
_HeatSensor->IsOverheating = true;
_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled = true;
Is there a particular reason why you're not using getters and setters in order to access the members of your objects?
If you're referencing to all your objects as pointers, you may want to reconsider that practice. This StackOverflow question gives some insight into common practice with C++ and pointers: Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?
I think the best answer to your question would actually be to familiarize yourself with the concept of pointers. This question as well the one I mentioned earlier give a good starting point - C++ Objects: When should I use pointer or reference. I think one of the best things to note is that if you are coming from a Java background, pointers and references are hidden in the code for you. Every object is a pointer and vice versa in Java. In C++, they are separate.
I think your desire to reuse code is commendable, but in this case, using pointers will probably cause unknown errors!
I'd recommend changing your constructor in the City class to actually work with the objects, not just their members (for instance, create a City with a person as your parameter, not whether the person is alive or dead). With a little more practice in object-oriented programming, you may find that it is much easier than your initial approach!

avoiding if statements on a static boolean for logic decision making

I have a class whose member itemType is only set once and never modified but it is used in many if-statements to decide which function to call.
Since itemType is only set once is there way to avoid the if statements else where in the class. This will simplify and clean the code and as a bonus will also save the overhead of if checks.
I was thinking about function a pointer taht I can initiatlize in the constructor based on the itemType value.
Is there any alternate and a better way of doing that?
Please note the original class and code base is large and I cant go around creating child classes based on itemtype.
enum ItemTypes
class ItemProcessing
//This function is called hundreds of times
void ProcessOrder(Order* order)
//This member itemType is set only once in the constructor and never modified again
//Is there a way to not check it all the time??
if (itemtype == ItemTypes::ItemTypeA )
else if (itemtype == ItemTypes::ItemTypeB )
ItemProcessing(ItemTypes itype)
itemtype = itype; //can I do something here like setting a function pointer so I dont have to check this property in ProcessOrder() and call the relevant function directly.
ItemTypes itemtype;
void ProcessTypeA(Order*);
void ProcessTypeB(Order*);
Use an array of function pointers, indexed by itemtype, like this:
typedef void(*ProcessType_func_t)(Order *);
ProcessType_func_t processType_f[] = {
Then you can do:
void ProcessOrder(Order *order) {
If you have lots of different functions that need to be dispatched like this, you can use a structure.
struct {
ProcessType_func_t processType_f,
OtherType_func_t otherType_f,
} dispatchTable[] = {
{ ProcessTypeA, OtherTypeA, ... },
{ ProcessTypeB, OtherTypeB, ... }
Then you would use it as:
Finally, you could do the fully object-oriented method, by defining new classes:
class Processor { // abstract base class
virtual void Process(Order *order) = 0;
class ProcessorA {
void Process(Order *order) {
class ProcessorB {
void Process(Order *order) {
Then you can have a member variable
Processor *processor;
and you initialize it when you set itemtype
ItemProcessing(ItemTypes itype)
itemtype = itype;
if (itemtype == ItemTypeA) {
processor = new ProcessorA;
} else {
processor = new ProcessorB;
Then you would use it as:
This is easily expanded to support more functions that need to dispatch on itemtype -- they all become methods in the classes.
I hope I got the syntax right, I don't actually do much C++ OO programming myself.
You can consider to use either a couple of pointers to member methods or the state pattern.
The former solution has probably higher performance, while the latter is more elegant and flexible (at least from my point of view).
For further details on the state pattern, see here. This pattern fits well with your problem, even though you have to refactor a bit your classes.
I guess the first suggestion is indeed quite clear and does not require further details.
In c++ pointer to function should be mimic with virtual function and inheritance. (Polymorphism)
Define a virtual class including a pure virtual methods
processOrder ( Order* ordre);
And define subclass for each value of your enum.
You can use abstract factory pattern to creat those object or either if needed.
I can write the code if wish.

How to change a behavior for all instances of a class in a header only class

For a class, which is only defined in a header, I need a special behavior of one method for all instance of the class. It should be depending on a default value, which can be changed any time during runtime. As I do not want a factory class nor a central management class I came up with that idea:
class MyClass
void DoAnything() // Methode which should be act depending on default set.
// Do some stuff
// Do it this way...
// Do it that way...
static bool getDefaultBehaviour(bool bSetIt=false,bool bDefaultValue=false)
static bool bDefault=false;
return bDefault;
It works, but it looks a little awkward. I wonder if there is a better way following the same intention.
In the case where I want to use it the software already created instances of that class during startup and delivered them to different parts of the code. Eventually the program gets the information how to treat the instances (for e.g. how or where to make themselves persistent). This decision should not only affect new created instances, it should affect the instances already created.
I'd advise to use a simple method to simulate a static data member, so the usage becomes more natural:
class MyClass
// get a reference (!) to a static variable
static bool& DefaultBehaviour()
static bool b = false;
return b;
void DoAnything() // Methode which should be act depending on default set.
// Do some stuff
// Do it this way...
// Do it that way...
where the user can change the default at any time with
MyClass::DefaultBehaviour() = true;
My thanks to Daniel Frey with his answer which I already marked as the best. I wanted to add my final solution which is based on the answer from Frey. The class is used by some c++ beginners. As I told them to use always getter and setter methods, the way described by Frey looks very complex to beginners ("uuuh, I can give a function a value?!?!"). So I wrote the class like followed:
class MyClass
// get a reference (!) to a static variable
static bool& getDefaultBehaviour()
static bool b = false;
return b;
static void setDefaultBehaviour(bool value)
void DoAnything() // Methode which should be act depending on default set.
// Do some stuff
// Do it this way...
// Do it that way...
for the user, I looks now like a usual getter and setter.

"Forward-unbreakable" accessor class templates [C++]

Unless I am thoroughly mistaken, the getter/setter pattern is a common pattern used for two things:
To make a private variable so that it can be used, but never modified, by only providing a getVariable method (or, more rarely, only modifiable, by only providing a setVariable method).
To make sure that, in the future, if you happen to have a problem to which a good solution would be simply to treat the variable before it goes in and/or out of the class, you can treat the variable by using an actual implementation on the getter and setter methods instead of simply returning or setting the values. That way, the change doesn't propagate to the rest of the code.
Question #1: Am I missing any use of accessors or are any of my assumptions incorrect? I'm not sure if I am correct on those.
Question #2: Are there any sort of template goodness that can keep me from having to write the accessors for my member variables? I didn't find any.
Question #3: Would the following class template be a good way of implementing a getter without having to actually write the accesor?
template <class T>
struct TemplateParameterIndirection // This hack works for MinGW's GCC 4.4.1, dunno others
typedef T Type;
template <typename T,class Owner>
class Getter
friend class TemplateParameterIndirection<Owner>::Type; // Befriends template parameter
template <typename ... Args>
Getter(Args args) : value(args ...) {} // Uses C++0x
T get() { return value; }
T value;
class Window
Getter<uint32_t,Window> width;
Getter<uint32_t,Window> height;
void resize(uint32_t width,uint32_t height)
// do actual window resizing logic
width.value = width; // access permitted: Getter befriends Window
height.value = height; // same here
void someExternalFunction()
Window win;
win.resize(640,480); // Ok: public method
// This works: Getter::get() is public
std::cout << "Current window size: " << win.width.get() << 'x' << win.height.get() << ".\n";
// This doesn't work: Getter::value is private
win.width.value = 640;
win.height.value = 480;
It looks fair to me, and I could even reimplement the get logic by using some other partial template specialization trickery. The same can be applied to some sort of Setter or even GetterSetter class templates.
What are your thoughts?
Whilst the solution is neat from implementation point of view, architectually, it's only halfway there. The point of the Getter/Setter pattern is to give the clas control over it's data and to decrease coupling (i.e. other class knowing how data is stored). This solution achieves the former but not quite the latter.
In fact the other class now has to know two things - the name of the variable and the method on the getter (i.e. .get()) instead of one - e.g. getWidth(). This causes increased coupling.
Having said all that, this is splitting proverbial architectural hairs. It doesn't matter all that much at the end of the day.
EDIT OK, now for shits and giggles, here is a version of the getter using operators, so you don't have to do .value or .get()
template <class T>
struct TemplateParameterIndirection // This hack works for MinGW's GCC 4.4.1, dunno others
typedef T Type;
template <typename T,class Owner>
class Getter
friend TemplateParameterIndirection<Owner>::Type; // Befriends template parameter
operator T()
return value;
T value;
T& operator=( T other )
value = other;
return value;
class Window
Getter<int,Window> _width;
Getter<int,Window> _height;
void resize(int width,int height)
// do actual window resizing logic
_width = width; //using the operator
_height = height; //using the operator
void someExternalFunction()
Window win;
win.resize(640,480); // Ok: public method
int w2 = win._width; //using the operator
//win._height = 480; //KABOOM
EDIT Fixed hardcoded assignment operator. This should work reasonably well if the type itself has an assignment operator. By default structs have those so for simple ones it should work out of the box.
For more complex classes you will need to implement an assignment operator which is fair enough. With RVO and Copy On Write optimizations, this should be reasonably efficient at run time.
FWIW here are my opinions on your questions:
Typically the point is that there is business logic or other constraints enforced in the setter. You can also have calculated or virtual variables by decoupling the instance variable with accessor methods.
Not that I know of. Projects I've worked on have had a family of C macros to stamp out such methods
Yes; I think that's pretty neat. I just worry it's not worth the trouble, it'll just confuse other developers (one more concept they need to fit in their head) and isn't saving much over stamping out such methods manually.
Since Igor Zevaka posted one version of this, I'll post one I wrote a long time ago. This is slightly different -- I observed at the time that most real use of get/set pairs (that actually did anything) was to enforce the value of a variable staying within a pre-determined range. This is a bit more extensive, such as adding I/O operators, where extractor still enforces the defined range. It also has a bit of test/exercise code to show the general idea of what it does and how it does it:
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
template <class T, class less=std::less<T> >
class bounded {
const T lower_, upper_;
T val_;
bool check(T const &value) {
return less()(value, lower_) || less()(upper_, value);
void assign(T const &value) {
if (check(value))
throw std::domain_error("Out of Range");
val_ = value;
bounded(T const &lower, T const &upper)
: lower_(lower), upper_(upper) {}
bounded(bounded const &init)
: lower_(init.lower), upper_(init.upper)
bounded &operator=(T const &v) { assign(v); return *this; }
operator T() const { return val_; }
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, bounded &b) {
T temp;
is >> temp;
if (b.check(temp))
b.val_ = temp;
return is;
#ifdef TEST
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
bounded<int> x(0, 512);
try {
x = 21;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
x = 1024;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
catch(std::domain_error &e) {
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
std::stringstream input("1 2048");
while (input>>x)
std::cout << x << std::endl;
return 0;
You can also use a getter or setter type method to get or set computable values, much the way properties are used in other languages like C#
I can't think of reasonable way to abstract the getting and setting of an unknown number of values / properties.
I'm not familiar enough with the C++ox standard to comment.
This may be overkill in this case but you should check out the attorney/client idiom for judicious friendship usage. Before finding this idiom, I avoided friendship altogether.
And now the question, and what if you need a setter as well.
I don't know about you, but I tend to have (roughly) two types of classes:
class for the logic
The blobs are just loose collections of all the properties of a Business Object. For example a Person will have a surname, firstname, several addresses, several professions... so Person may not have logic.
For the blobs, I tend to use the canonical private attribute + getter + setter, since it abstracts the actual implementation from the client.
However, although your template (and its evolution by Igor Zeveka) are really nice, they do not address the setting problem and they do not address binary compatibility issues.
I guess I would probably resort to macros...
Something like:
// Interface
// Not how DEFINE does not repeat the type ;)
#define DECLARE_VALUE(Object, Type, Name, Seq) **Black Magic Here**
#define DEFINE_VALUE(Object, Name, Seq) ** Black Magic Here**
// Obvious macros
#define DECLARE_VALUER_GETTER(Type, Name, Seq)\
public: boost::call_traits<Type>::const_reference Name() const
#define DEFINE_VALUE_GETTER(Object, Name)\
boost::call_traits<Name##_type>::const_reference Object::Name ()const\
{ return m_##Name; }
#define DECLARE_VALUE_SETTER(Object, Type, Name)\
public: Type& Name();\
public: Object& Name(boost::call_traits<Type>::param_type i);
#define DEFINE_VALUE_SETTER(Object, Name)\
Name##_type& Object::Name() { return m_##Name; }\
Object& Object::Name(boost::call_traits<Name##_type>::param_type i)\
{ m_##Name = i; return *this; }
Which would be used like:
// window.h
DECLARE_VALUE(Window, int, width, (GETTER)(SETTER));
// window.cpp
DEFINE_VALUE(Window, width, (GETTER)); // setter needs a bit of logic
Window& Window::width(int i) // Always seems a waste not to return anything!
if (i < 0) throw std::logic_error();
m_width = i;
return *this;
} // Window::width
With a bit of preprocessor magic it would work quite well!
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/rem.hpp>
#define DECLARE_VALUE_ITER(r, data, elem)\
#define DEFINE_VALUE_ITER(r, data, elem)\
#define DECLARE_VALUE(Object, Type, Name, Seq)\
public: typedef Type Name##_type;\
private: Type m_##Name;\
#define DEFINE_VALUE(Object, Name, Seq)\
Okay, not type safe, and all, but:
it's a reasonable set of macro I think
it's easy to use, the user only ever have to worry about 2 macros after all, though like templates the errors could get hairy
use of boost.call_traits for efficiency (const& / value choice)
there is more functionality there: getter/setter duo
it is, unfortunately, a set of macros... and will not complain if you ever
it wreaks havoc on the accessors (public, protected, private) so it's best not to intersped it throughout the class
Here is the canonical example then:
class Window
// Best get done with it
DECLARE_VALUE(Window, int, width, (GETTER));
DECLARE_VALUE(Window, int, height, (GETTER));
// don't know which is the current access level, so better define it
You're solving the wrong problem. In a well-designed application, getters and setters should be rare, not automated. A meaningful class provides some kind of abstraction. It is not simply a collection of members, it models a concept that is more than just the sum of its member variables. And it typically doesn't even make sense to expose individual members.
A class should expose the operations that make sense on the concept that it models. Most member variables are there to maintain this abstraction, to store the state that you need. But it typically shouldn't be accessed directly. That is why it is a private member of the class in the first place.
Rather than finding easier ways to write car.getFrontLeftWheel(), ask yourself why the user of the class would ever need the front left wheel in the first place. Do you usually manipulate that wheel directly when driving? The car is supposed to take care of all the wheel-spinning business for you, isn't it?
This is where I think #defines are still useful.
The template version is complicated and hard to understand - the define version is obvious
#define Getter(t, n)\
t n;\
t get_##n() { return n; }
class Window
Getter(int, height);
I am sure I have the syntax slightly wrong - but you get the point.
If there was a well known set of templates in, say, boost then I would use them. But I would not write my own.

Member value changes between successive calls of the same function

I have a CognitiveEntity class, defined this way:
class CognitiveEntity : public Object
CognitiveEntity (FuzzyCognitiveMap fcm, SystemState s);
~CognitiveEntity ();
template <typename T> void RegisterChange (std::string context, T value);
bool operator!= (const CognitiveEntity& rhs) const;
FuzzyCognitiveMap m_fuzzyCognitiveMap;
SystemState m_systemState;
std::vector <SystemState> RunFuzzyCognitiveMap ();
As shown, a CognitiveEntity has a SystemState object, which in turn has a vector of Concept objects (only the most relevant lines are shown):
class SystemState
SystemState ();
~SystemState ();
void AddConcept (Concept c) { m_L.push_back(c); }
std::vector <Concept> m_L;
Inside the CognitiveEntity::RegisterChange, I mark a Concept as a potential cause (by calling Concept::IsPotentialCause (bool) which merely sets a private member with the value passed):
template <typename T>
CognitiveEntity::RegisterChange (std::string context, T value)
std::string name = context.substr(context.find_last_of ("/") +1);
int pos = m_systemState.FindConcept(name);
if (pos > -1)
int intValue = value ? 1 : 0;
m_systemState.m_L[pos].SetConceptValue (intValue, false);
if (m_systemState.m_L[pos].CheckVariation ())
m_systemState.m_L[pos].IsPotentialCause (true); // Mark this concept as a potential cause
for (int cause = 0; cause < m_systemState.GetSize (); cause++)
if ( (cause != pos) && (m_systemState.m_L[cause].MayBeCause ()))
m_fuzzyCognitiveMap.UpdateFuzzyCognitiveMapEntry (cause, pos, m_systemState);
m_systemState.m_L[cause].IsPotentialCause (false);
What happens is that as soon as RegisterChange is called another time, the Concept that was marked as potential cause, is marked no more.
I tried running gdb and I am sure that that member is not set elsewhere.
I'm not sure if this little information is enough for you to give me some hints about such a behavior (I didn't want to flood the post with the code of both SystemState and Concept classes).
If this was a multi-threaded system, I'd say it sounds like a classic case of shared, mutable state that wasn't properly synchronized.
If you don't have a multi-threaded situation, I'd say set a watch on that variable and see what changes it.
Turns out the problem lied in how the code was called from within the network simulator (the code was meant to be used in the "ns-3" network simulator).
So, the problem wasn't even in the code I posted, and yet you managed to help me find the solution: thanks to the suggestions you gave me, I prepared a standalone version of the code and I watched the variable.
The problem was how I was passing the object.
Specifically, instead of passing around the object by reference (as I thought I was doing) I should have used smart pointers.
Thank you all for the great insights!
(and sorry for the mess... next time I'll be more accurate!)