This might be something really silly. But I am not able to figure out why this errors out.
Please help.
data _null_;
dt = date();
year = put(year(dt),4.);
curr_month = put(month(dt),2.);
call symput('year',year);
call symput('curr_mon',curr_month);
put &year;
put &curr_mon;
Without including your error and having run your code on my machine, I can only assume it's that you used 'put' and not %put.
Assuming the output should be that &year = 2016 and &curr_mon = 12
How to convert the default timestamp "0001-01-01-" in SAS, i have tried below code but it has returned null value. Can someone help on this please
data _NULL_;
x = "0001-01-01-";
rlstime = input(x,anydtdtm26.);
call symput('rlstime',rlstime);
%put rlst: &rlstime;
As far as I remember, SAS cannot do that. Any date/timestamp before 1.1.1600 doesn't exist for SAS. Do you need it or can you just replace it with a null value? If you really need it you could transform it into another valid timestamp, split it into different columns (year, month, etc.) or just use it as a string. In your example you just write the timestamp into the log, meaning it's not necessary to transform it.
The earliest date that SAS will handle is 1st January, 1582. Additionally, a colon character should be used to delimit the time from the date, as well as the hours, minutes and seconds. Therefore, your code may be adjusted to the following:
data _NULL_;
x = "1582-01-01:00:00:00.000000";
rlstime = input(x,anydtdtm26.);
call symput('rlstime',rlstime);
%put rlst: &rlstime;
I'm compiling order data using a program that has already been built, but am trying to update a section of the code to take today's date minus 61 days and plus 56 days for the respective start and end dates, rather than a manually typed in date as shown below. The current, functional code as well as one of my attempts is below.
The current format that is working and executing is:
/* Set report dates (dd-mm-yyyy) */
%let fore_start = %str(08-SEP-2019);
%let fore_end = %str(03-JAN-2020);
I'm attempting to build something like:
/* Set report dates (dd-mm-yyyy) */
%let fore_start = %str(TODAY()-61);
%let fore_end = %str(TODAY()+56);
I'm looking for help devising a syntactically sound line to solve this problem. Any help would be appreciated!
Try this:
%let fore_start = %sysfunc(putn(%eval(%sysfunc( today() ) - 61), ddmmyyd10.) );
%let fore_end = %sysfunc(putn(%eval(%sysfunc( today() ) + 56), ddmmyyd10.) );
It looks like there's a lot there, but it really isn't. Removing all of the syntax of macro language and converting it into data step functions, here's all you are doing:
fore_start = put(today() - 61, ddmmyyd10.);
fore_end = put(today() + 56, ddmmyyd10.);
There are a few things at play:
In macro language, SAS functions such as putn and today() need to both be enclosed with %sysfunc(). %sysfunc() is your connection to SAS system functions and the macro facility.
%eval will subtract two integers from each other.
putn, another SAS function, will convert the resulting SAS date into your desired format of ddmmyyd10.. putn is required for macro language instead of put.
The date representations you show as being kept in macro variables fore_start and fore_end are actually dd-mmm-yyyy, or format DATE11.
The %sysfunc marco function will invoke a DATA step function and optionally format the result. The INTNX function will perform date arithmetic.
%let fore_start = %sysfunc(intnx(DAY, %sysfunc(today()), -61), DATE11);
%let fore_end = %sysfunc(intnx(DAY, %sysfunc(today()), +56), DATE11);
The following variable are in my current SAS script, that is run daily.
I have to change the following
%let begdt = '22Feb16 00:00:00.0'dt ;
%let enddt = '23Feb16 03:00:00.0'dt ;
%let sync_int = 600;
%let ginterval='01:00:00.0't ;
filename filein (
to the following (So for today - ie the 24th) it will look like this
`%let begdt = '23Feb16 00:00:00.0'dt ;
%let enddt = '24Feb16 03:00:00.0'dt ;
%let sync_int = 600;
%let ginterval='01:00:00.0't ;
filename filein (
In the first line
I change 22Feb16 to 23Feb16... It needs to be the previous day's date
In the 2nd line
I change 23Fed16 to 24Feb14 - it needs to be today's date
and in the file name
I have to change the Folder name freom 02.23.16 to 02.24.16 and the file name from data02_23_ to data02_24_
Basically it's a script that I run daily (manually). I am trying to use SAS to detect what day it is when it runs, and have it change those date fields - so I can set it to run on my SAS server each day without having to change any code... I was trying to use what was avabilable to me - but as you can see I am struggling with it... Ive been handed the script and am stuck..
Any help is greatly appreciated.... I tried the best I could to see if I could figure it out - but haven't figured it out yet
I am trying to use SAS to detect what day it is when it runs
Well good question, you can use Today(), Date(), or Datetime()
This should help too
I have a code that pulls transactional data starting at the beginning of the current calendar quarter, but from an year ago.
For example, if I run the code today (August 16, 2013) it will have to pull all the data from July 1, 2012 onwards.
I want to automate the starting date for the data pull with a macro variable.
So far, I'm stuck here:
%let ThisYear = %Sysfunc(Date(), YEAR.);
%let LastYear= %eval(&ThisYear-1); /* I get the starting year */
%let QTR_start_month= %eval(3*%Sysfunc(Date(), qtr.)-2); /* this gives me the current quarter starting month. If I run it in August, it outputs 7 for July */
%let start_date=%str(01/%Sysfunc(month(&QTR_start_month))/&lcy);
The final macro variable outputs the date which I want, but in a format which is not recognized by SAS.
I will greatly appreciate any help.
Many thanks in advance!
You can either input that date to a date format, or construct it like a SAS date literal ('01JUL2013'), DDMONYY(YY), or construct it as a date value directly.
INTNX is probably your best option here to construct it; you don't need all that work.
%let start_date = %sysfunc(intnx(Quarter,%sysfunc(date()),-4),DATE9.);
%put &start_date;
You can leave DATE9. to use it as a date literal, or remove the ,DATE9. to get the numeric value that can be used directly. You would use this as "&start_Date."d to use the date literal.
This should do the job.
data test;
format todays_date starting_qtr date9.;
/*this takes today's date and rolls back 4 qtrs and sets that date to the first day of that quarter*/
starting_qtr = intnx('qtr',todays_date,-4,'b');
/*so, running this code today, 16AUG2013 would yield starting_qtr=01JUL2012 */
call symputx('start_date', put(starting_qtr, date9.));
%put &start_date.;
I want to convert a String to Date in SAS, I tried:
data _null_;
monyy = '05May2013';
date = input(substr(strip(monyy),1,9),yymmdd.);;
put date=date9.;
But it did not work. Can this be done?
Formats like
are not valid for input command while converting text to a sas date. You can use
Date = input( cdate , ANYDTDTE11.);
Date = input( cdate , ANYDTDTE10.);
for conversion.
You don't need substr or strip.
As stated above, the simple answer is:
date = input(monyy,date9.);
with the addition of:
put date=yymmdd.;
The reason why this works, and what you did doesn't, is because of a common misunderstanding in SAS. DATE9. is an INFORMAT. In an INPUT statement, it provides the SAS interpreter with a set of translation commands it can send to the compiler to turn your text into the right numbers, which will then look like a date once the right FORMAT is applied. FORMATs are just visible representations of numbers (or characters). So by using YYMMDD., you confused the INPUT function by handing it a FORMAT instead of an INFORMAT, and probably got a helpful error that said:
Invalid argument to INPUT function at line... etc...
Which told you absolutely nothing about what to do next.
In summary, to represent your character date as a YYMMDD. In SAS you need to:
change the INFORMAT - date = input(monyy,date9.);
apply the FORMAT - put date=YYMMDD10.;
data _null_;
monyy = '05May2013';
date = input(substr(strip(monyy),1,9),date9.);
put date=date9.;
input(char_val, date9.);
You can consider to convert it to word format using
input(char_val, worddate.)
You can get a lot in this page
This code helps:
data final; set final;
first_date = INPUT(compress(char_date),date9.); format first_date date9.;
I personally have tried it on SAS
You can specify any date format at display time, like set char_val=date9.;