I love ag :: the_silver_searcher but I am wondering how can I perform a search non-recursively.
Sometimes I want to search only inside files from my home directory but without looking in subdirectories.
Check the depth option from the manual :
--depth NUM : Search up to NUM directories deep, -1 for unlimited. Default is 25.
I can find a way to use regex with the rmdir command on Windows. I need to delete any folder that has names as follows:
Basically, I need something like rmdir /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\[0-9]*
[0-9]* being a regular expression to match all folders with names starting with numbers.
A little background: folders are created regularly by an application. The folders have random names, but the folder names have something in common: they are always numbers.
I need to schedule a deletion of those folders on Windows, so I'm trying to create a task to run a command every month. But I can't find a way to use a pattern for this. And I can't delete all the folders inside the immediate parent folder. I can only delete the fodlers with numbers as names.
Thanks in advance for any help.
As I couldn't find a way to target all folders with names starting with numbers with a single regular expression, I ended up creating a batch file with a for loop that targets all files starting with 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9.
Here's the content of the file:
for /d %%i in (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\DriveFS\0* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\1* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\2* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\3* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\4* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\5* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\6* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\7* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\8* %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\FolderA\SubFolderB\9*) do #rmdir "%%i" /q
If anyone can think of a better solution let me know.
Within a particular directory, I have a series of files that are labelled sequentially:image0000.png, image0001.png, image0002.png, etc.. They are labelled by number, but I don't necessarily know how many preceding zeroes there are in the filename, i.e. whether it will be image0001.png or image00001.png.
Within a bash script, I wish to find a single file at a time (over a for loop), and then apply some processing to the file. This search could start at zero and end before I've reached the end, or could be of varying steps. To expand, I could want to find image0000.png, image0001.png, image0002.png and so forth, or I could start at image0010.png and find every other file, i.e. the next two would be image0012.png and image0014.png.
To try and find the first file (image0000.png), I've tried using find and ls, with the following outputs:
$ find video/figs/ -name 'image*[0]0.png'
$ ls video/figs/image*[0]0.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 user machine 165K Feb 19 09:06 video/figs/image00000.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 user machine 207K Feb 19 09:06 video/figs/image00100.png
Similar results occur for finding the second (i.e., find video/figs/ -name 'image*[0]0.png' finds image00101.png and image00001.png. So it's finding the file I want (image00001.png), but is also finding one that I don't (image00101.jpg). Can anyone help me understand why, and fix it?
I would use ls and grep for that:
ls | grep -oP 0*[1-9]+.png
$:/tmp/test$ ls
00001.png 00002.png 00010.png 00013.png 00201.png
$:/tmp/test$ ls | grep -oP 0*[1-9]+.png
I suspect you don't want to dive into subdirectories, and find files, sorted by number, spread over subdirs.
So find isn't necessary.
ls image*{08..10}.png
image00010.png image0008.png image0009.png image0010.png image008.png image009.png
Part 2 of your question, only find every other file:
ls image*{08..10..2}.png
image00010.png image0008.png image0010.png image008.png
Maybe you know for-loops. It's like that,
for (i in 8 to 10 by 2)
for (int i=8; i <= 10; i+=2)
Restricting the search to find image image00010.png but not imageAB010.png wouldn't work.
The reason to exclude 101 is still unclear. Maybe it's only a sorting thing.
With directories, which aren't the PWD, there is no big difference:
ls video/figs/image*{08..10..2}.png
Note, that instead of ls, you use just the program, you want to process on the files, if the program is able to handle more than one file at a time, like ls.
Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed an answer - perhaps I explained it poorly, or I was too wedded to the code I'd already written to use any of the provided answers. However, I've found the following solutions:
1) Why did I find more answers than I expected?
find video/figs/ -name 'image*[0]0.png' uses very limited comprehension of wildcards, and thus the above was interpreted as finding a file with name image<wildcard>00.png. There is no way, using the -name option, to restrict the application of * to match only a given character (in this case, only find zero or more matches to 0.
2) How do I find the image files with an unknown number of padding zeroes?
The following is a MWE from my final code. It demonstrates how to search within a given directory SEARCH_DIR (not necessarily including subdirectories, but I haven't checked)
f1=0 # Starting number
f2=10 # End number
df=2 # number to skip between images
for ((f=$f1; f<=$f2; f=$f+$df)); do
export iFile=$(find $SEARCH_DIR -regex '.*/image0*'$f'.png')
The export ensures the variable is available to sub-processes, with the iFile=$() syntax allowing me to export the result of the command to the variable iFile. The bit within the parentheses is the bit I was looking for: find $SEARCH_DIR -regex '.*/image[0]*'$f'.png'
a) find $SEARCH_DIR specifies the location for the search
b) -regex specifies to use regular expressions, which are more powerful than standard bash scripting and allow me to limit wildcards as required
c) '.*/image0*'$f'.png': The regular expression search looks over the entire string, so apparently I need the initial .*/ to perform the match. The 0* now performs as I originally wanted - the * wildcard is now searching for zero or more matches of the preceding term, which here is 0 (so if I wanted to search for zero or more matches of any digit, I would use [0-9]*). The $f term is to search for the numbered file in the for loop.
I am trying to use rsync to complete an unfinished transfer from a remote server to a local machine using
rsync -a user#domain.com:~/source/ /dest/
where /dest/ is the location of the partially completed transfer. However, due to bandwidth concerns I need to run rsync to a /tmp_dest/ on a different machine that does not have a copy of /dest/, from where I can then later move /tmp_dest/ to /dest/
The solution I have come up with thus far is to use rync's --exclude-from option, using a file containing a complete list of files from /dest/.
The command would look something like this
rsync -a --exclude-from 'list.txt' user#domain.com:~/source/ /tmp_dest/
At this point I feel as though I have scoured everywhere for a solution and tried every variant I came across.
This included relative and absolute paths for the 'list.txt'
path 1/file 1
path 2/file 2
/absolute/source/path 1/file 1
/absolute/source/path 2/file 2
I have tried the above with combinations of including - to explicitly exclude that line (where I have seen examples of people wanting to also + other files)
- /absolute/source/path 1/file 1
- /absolute/source/path 2/file 2
I have tried putting leading **/ in front of the file paths to rectify the relative path problem
**/path 1/file 1
**/path 2/file 2
I have also tried navigating to the directory containing 'list' and executing rsync from there, to avoid the issue where rsync looks for
and undoubtedly finding nothing
I have also ensued that the correct line breaks are being used in the 'list' file. i.e. LF (Unix) line breaks.
I have tried to create the 'list' with the following command
find . -type f | tee list.txt
this initially created a file looking something like this
./yyyy-mm-dd folder 1/sub folder [foo]/file.a
./(yyyy) folder 2 {foo2}/file.b
./folder, 3/sub-folder 3/file.c
as you can see, there are spaces and other characters in the file paths, but from my current understanding, this shouldn't affect. But perhaps I am mistaken and will need to escape any characters with special meaning, which I may then need help with
which I then perform a replace on ./ in notepad++ or some other text editor that preserves the LF (Unix) line breaks to get the desired result.
(e.g. as above, I've tried replacing ./ with nothing, with /absolute/path/for/source/ noting the leading slash, or even double wildcards to match any parent tree structure containing the files.
The only thing I feel that I haven't tried is escaping the spaces in the file names and paths, but I have read that this shouldn't be an issue.
Perhaps I am overlooking something and any help would be appreciated.
Here is from rsync man page how to use "--exclude-from":
--exclude-from=FILE read exclude patterns from FILE
Use the following command:
rsync -a --exclude-from=list.txt user#domain.com:~/source/ /tmp_dest/
And also it is better to use full path name of list.txt file
Trying to use GPRename for rename some directories quickly but no success.
I have some directories named with artist names like "StevieRayVaughan" and i need rename it to "Stevie Ray Vaughan".
Is some way to make it happen in bash/regular expression? space before upper letters?
Thank you.
There is a tool called perl-rename sometimes called rename - not to be confused with rename from util-linux.
This tool take a Perl expressions and renames accordingly:
perl-rename 's/(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])/ /g' *
The above will rename all files / directories in the current directory to add spaces before uppercase letters:
helloWorld -> hello World
John Doe -> John Doe
You can try the regex online
I have a folder with several hundreds of folders inside it. These folders contain another folder each, called images, and in this folder there is sometimes a strictly numerically named .jpg file. Sometimes there are other JPG files in the folder as well, but these need to be ignored if they aren't strictly numeric.
I would like to learn how to write a script which would, when run in a given folder, traverse every single subfolder and look for this numeric file. It would then add the "_n" suffix to a copy of each, if such a file does not already exist.
Can this be done through the unix terminal easily?
To be more specific, this is the structure I'm dealing with:
master folder
After the script is run, the situation would look like this:
master folder
Update: Sorry about the typo, I accidentally put 2235 into 47772.
Update 2: Regarding the 2nd comment on the mathematical.coffee's answer, the OS I am currently on (at work) is MacOS, but my main machines are running CentOS and Ubuntu at home, so I just assumed my situation applies to all unix based systems.
You can use the -regex switch to find to match /somefolder/images/numeric.jpg:
find -type f -regex './[^/]+/images/[0-9]+\.jpg$'
Edit: refinement from #JonathanLeffler: add -type f to find so it only finds files (ie don't match a directory called '12345.jpg').
The ./[^/]+/ is for the first folder (if that first folder is always numeric too you can change it to [0-9]+).
The [0-9]+\.jpg$ means a jpg file with file name only being numeric.
You might want to change the jpg to jpe?g to allow .jpeg, but that's up to you.
Then it's a matter of copying these to xxx_n.jpg.
for f in $(find -type f -regex './[^/]+/images/[0-9]+\.jpg$')
# replace '.jpg' in $f (filename) with '_n.jpg'
# see if this new file exists
if [ ! -f $newf ];
# if not exists, copy it.
cp "$f" "$newf"
What should be the logic behind the renames in Folder 47772? If we assume you want to rename all the files just consisting of numbers to numbers + _n
With mmv you could write it like:
mmv "[0-9][0-9]*.jpg" "#1#2#3_n.jpg"
Note: mmv is for moving; mcp is for copying, and so is more appropriate to this question.
Question of Vader:
Well I checked the man page and the problem is that it's a bit strange.
I was thinking [0-9]* would match zero or more numbers. I turns out that this assumption was wrong.
The problem is that I could not tell I want two or more numbers at the start of the name.
So [0-9][0-9]* matches a name starting with at least two numbers (after that it takes all the rest up to the .. Now every [0-9] is one pattern and so I had to make the to pattern into:
"#1#2#3_n.jpg" With e.g 1234.jpg I have #1 = 1; #2 = 2, #3 = 34 So
#1#2#3 -> 1234; _n appends the _n and .jpg the extension
However it would rename also files with 12some_other_stuff.jpg sot 12some_other_stuff_n.jpg. It's not ideal but achieves in this context what was intended.