How do i pass the arguments with self - python-2.7

def read_contents(self,filename):
with open(filename,'r') as f:
print lines
When trying to run this program the error is thrown as two arguments required and self needs to be present as one of the arguments (this is part of a bigger code)
how do i pass filename as arguments without getting error

You must use it within a class:
class Test:
def read_contents(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines =
print lines
test = Test()
s = test.read_contents('input.txt')
Or remove the self:
def read_contents(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines =
print lines
s = read_contents('input.txt')


Text file value replace in python

I am trying to replace text value as below. I have 2 text file
1 - input.txt
abc = 123
xyz = 456
pqr = 789
2 - content.txt
AAA = abc
XXX = xyz
PPP = pqr
now I need to read the input.txt file and replace value on content.txt file with input.txt values and get the below output file.
3 - new.txt
AAA = 123
XXX = 456
PPP = 789
How can I do this ?
First read the contents of the file into 2 arrays in the following way
file1handle = open('filename1', 'r')
file1 = file1handle.readlines()
file2handle = open('filename2', 'r')
file2 = file2handle.readlines()
Then iterate over the contents and try finding the match with variable names and assignments and put the values into third array in following way
for item in file1:
name, value = item.split(' = ')
for item2 in file2:
name2, assignment = item2.split(' = ')
#Here we are trying to check which name is to be assigned which value
if assignment == name:
val = name2+'='+value
Then write the contents into file in following way
filehandle3 = open('filename3', 'w')
for line in file3:
This may help you,
_input = {}
with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
s =
_input = dict((a.split(' = ')[0], int(a.split(' = ')[1])) for a in s.split('\n'))
_content = {}
with open('content.txt', 'r') as f:
s =
_content = dict((a.split(' = ')[0], a.split(' = ')[1]) for a in s.split('\n'))
for key in _content:
_content[key] = _input[_content[key]]
In [18]: _content
Out[19]: {'AAA': 123, 'PPP': 789, 'XXX': 456}
How about using pandas: It's shorter, easier to read and faster when using large files.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
class Defs:
def __init__(self, defs_file):
self._defs = {}
with open(defs_file) as df:
line_num = 0
for l in df:
line_num += 1
m = re.match(r'\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*', l)
assert m, \
"invalid assignment syntax with \"{}\" at line {}".format(
l.rstrip(), line_num)
self._defs[] =
def __getitem__(self, var):
return self._defs[var]
def dict(self):
return self._defs
class Replacer:
def __init__(self, defs):
self._defs = defs
def replace_with_defs(self, context_file, output_file):
with open(context_file) as context, open(output_file, 'w') as output:
for line in context:
string_repl = re.sub(r'\b(\w+)\b',
lambda m: self._defs.dict.get( or, line)
def main():
defs = Defs('input.txt')
repl = Replacer(defs)
repl.replace_with_defs('context.txt', 'output.txt')
if __name__ == '__main__':
To describe what's going on above, the Defs class takes a defs_file which is the input.txt assignments and stores them in a dict binding each variable name to the associated value. The Replacer class handles takes a Defs object and uses those to iterate over each line in the context_file i.e. context.txt and replaces any token (assuming the token is a variable name) with the value associated with it, specified within the Defs object, and writes this out to a file output_file i.e. output.txt. If the token doesn't exist in the Defs object as a valid variable name, it defaults to the write the token as is.

How can I extract information in the lines between two headers?

I am new to python and am attempting to use this currently nonfunctioning code to extract information between two headers from a text file.
with open('toysystem.txt','r') as f:
start = '<Keywords>'
end = '</Keywords>'
i = 0
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line == start:
keywords = lines[i+1]
i += 1
For reference, the text file looks like this:
Any ideas on what might be wrong with the code? Or perhaps a different way to approach this problem?
Thank you!
lines read from file contains newline symbol at the end, so we probably should strip them,
f object is an iterator, so we don't need to use str.readlines method here.
So we can write something like
with open('toysystem.txt', 'r') as f:
start = '<Keywords>'
end = '</Keywords>'
keywords = []
for line in f:
if line.rstrip() == start:
for line in f:
if line.rstrip() == end:
gives us
>>> keywords
If you don't need newline at the end of keywords as well – strip them too:
with open('toysystem.txt', 'r') as f:
start = '<Keywords>'
end = '</Keywords>'
keywords = []
for line in f:
if line.rstrip() == start:
for line in f:
if line.rstrip() == end:
>>> keywords
But in this case it will be better to create stripped lines generator like
with open('toysystem.txt', 'r') as f:
start = '<Keywords>'
end = '</Keywords>'
keywords = []
stripped_lines = (line.rstrip() for line in f)
for line in stripped_lines:
if line == start:
for line in stripped_lines:
if line == end:
which does the same.
Finally, if you need your lines in the next parts of script, we can use str.readlines and stripped lines generator:
with open('test.txt', 'r') as f:
start = '<Keywords>'
end = '</Keywords>'
keywords = []
lines = f.readlines()
stripped_lines = (line.rstrip() for line in lines)
for line in stripped_lines:
if line.rstrip() == start:
for line in stripped_lines:
if line.rstrip() == end:
gives us
>>> lines
['<Keywords>\n', 'GTO\n', '</Keywords>\n']
>>> keywords
Further reading
file objects,
iterators (including file iterators),
list comprehension,
generator expression
Use Python re module insted and parse it using regex?!
import re
with open('toysystem.txt','r') as f:
contents =
# will find all the expressions in the file and return a list of values inside the (). You can extend the expression according to your need.
keywords = re.findall(r'\<keywords\>\s*\n*\s*(.*?)\s*\n*\s*\<\/keywords\>')
from your file it will print
for more about regular expression and python check Tutorialspoint
, For python3 and Python2

Read file as list, edit and write back

Say I have a textfile containing the following:
I am trying to read this textfile as a list, then have a user specify which 0 of a line they want to change to 1, then rewrite the changes made back into textfile.
So for example if a user specifies line 2, I want the 0 in line 2 to be changed to 1 and then save the changes made back onto the textfile.
So far I have the following and I just can't get it to over write it:
class Book_list:
def __init__(self,book_ID,book_title,book_author,availability):
self.book_ID = book_ID
self.book_title = book_title
self.book_author = book_author
self.availability = availability
def __str__(self):
return ('ID: ' + self.book_ID + '\nBook_Title: ' + self.book_title +
'\nBook_author: ' + self.book_author +
'\navailability: ' + self.availability + '\n')
def __getitem__(self,book_ID):
return self.book_ID
def __getitem__(self,availability):
return self.availability
x=str(raw_input('enter line number.'))
with open('database.txt','r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
library = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
data = line.split(':')
b = Book_list(data[0],data[1],data[2],str(data[3]))
for i in range (0,len(library)):
if (library[i])[0]==x and (library[i])[3]==0:
(library[i])[3]== '1'
with open('database.txt', 'w') as f:
f.writelines( library )
you can read file and store it in a string. then using split make a list from file:
lst=str.split(':') #lst=['a','b','c']
edit as you like and then join them with .join:
str2=':'.join(lst) #str2='a:b:c'

How do I access text files from my computer?

My current code is as follows but I cannot figure out how to access a text file (e.g "john.txt")
def read_script():
while True:
filename = input('Please Enter Text Name: ')
F = open (filename, 'r')
script -
slist = script.split()
return slist
except OSError:
print ('Oops! That file does not exist! Try spelling it correctly: ')
def pig_english():
letterlist = [i + i[0] for i in read_script()]
ayList = [i + 'ay' for i in letterlist]
delaylist = [i[1:] for i in aylist]
print (delaylist)
you want raw_input() and not input(). input() interprets the user input as an object and not a string.

Parse a file in various parts

I am trying to parse a file that contains the following
# This is 1st line
# This is 2nd line
ATOM This is 3rd line
ATOM This is 4th line
# This is 5th line
# This is 6th line
I wish to use Python 2.7 to parse the file and append lines up to the line starting with ATOM to a list head_list, the lines starting with ATOM to atom_list and lines after the line containing ATOM to a tail_list.
I want to use the startswith() in Python to match lines that start with ATOM. Below is my code, i am passing counter variable which has the index of the last line in the file which starts with ATOM. yet my output does not seem to be right
import sys, os
global counter
def AskForFileName () :
file_name = raw_input('Enter the name of the input file \n')
if not file_name :
print "You did not enter a name !"
except :
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
return file_name
def ReadFileContents (file_name) :
#print file_name
file = open(file_name,'r')
return file_strings
def BuildHeadList(all_file_contents) :
try :
for line in all_file_contents:
if line.startswith("ATOM") :
else :
#print "BuildHeadList :"+str(i)+"\n"
except :
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
return head_list
def BuildAtomList(all_file_contents) :
global counter
try :
for i,line in enumerate(all_file_contents):
if line.startswith("ATOM") :
#print "BuildAtomList :"+str(i)+"\n"
else :
except :
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
return atom_list
def BuildTailList(all_file_contents) :
global counter
print "Counter value is "+str(counter)
try :
for i,line in enumerate(all_file_contents,counter):
print i
except :
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
return tail_list
def WriteNewFile(head_list,atom_list,tail_list):
file=open('output.txt', 'w')
#for line in head_list :
# print>>file, line,
#for line in atom_list :
# print>>file, line,
for line in tail_list :
print>>file, line,
tail_list=BuildTailList(all_file_contents )
This line:
enumerate(all_file_contents, counter)
Doesn't do what you think it does; it iterates over everything in the lists, but numbers them starting from counter instead of 0. A minimal fix would be:
for i, line in enumerate(all_file_contents):
if i >= counter:
However, much better would be to not iterate over the whole file three times. In particular, note that tail_list = all_file_contents[counter:] gets the result you want. Additionally, get rid of the global and pass counter around explicitly.
You should also read the style guide.