vmware player - run VM at specific date - vmware-player

I have a centos7 VM running under VMWare Player. I have changed the vmx file so that
tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.continue = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.restore = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.resume.disk = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.shrink = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.tools.startup = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.tools.enable = "FALSE"
time.synchronize.resume.host = "FALSE"
rtc.startTime = "1463290457"
And it works. The VM date at startup is in May 2016.
Several months later, I have created another VM of centos 7 under VMPlayer 12.5.2. Again changed the above and this time it starts with date set to now.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to debug this? There is nothing in the VMware.log that I can see that is useful. The values in the vmx file are loaded.

forgot to set "Automatic date and time" to off in Settings in Centos.
Also giving the VM a static IP address in DHCP seemed to be necessary.


\[INS-30014] Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS

On migrating my local Oracle DB on Windows, from 11g to 19c, while running the setup.exe, I got a:
[INS-30014] Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS
In my case, I needed to open my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) and comment out the following:
# host.docker.internal
# gateway.docker.internal
# kubernetes.docker.internal
These seemed to be remnants of my old docker installation which has since been removed.
In my case this was a permissions issue on the Oracle Home directory. If your Windows PC name is >= 16 characters in length, the name of the administrators group is affected, because only the first 15 characters are included. The mismatch between that first part of the name and the full name is what was causing the issue. DESKTOP-ASUS-ROG vs. DESKTOP-ASUS-RO in my case (notice the missing G). I renamed the PC to DESKTOPASUS, restarted the machine, and it worked without issue. The name discrepancy was apparent when looking at the security configuration of the folder when my system name was over max.
You can get your PC name by running hostname from the command line. If it's >= 16 characters, rename the PC to be <= 15 characters, and restart.
The underlying issue is indirectly discussed here in a different context:
Maximum name length: 15 characters.
I tried other solutions from Stackoverflow, but none worked in my case.
Here is the fix:
Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections
vEthernet (Docker)
vEthernet (Default switch)
resume the install
re-enable both disabled vEthernet.
By installing the software first and then running dbca to create the db I got it to work,
Execute hostname in command prompt
Add the hostname returned by hostname command next to IP address in windows hosts file. Also add the hostname with domain name next to it LP1-AP-WIN73 LP1-AP-WIN73.yourdomain.com
Save hosts file and resume install
INS-30014: Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS
Cause: The location specified might not have the required permissions.
Action: Provide a location which has the appropriate required permissions.
During installation of oracle 21c enterprise,
I got:
INS-30014: Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS
In may case, in environment variable, I remove all unwanted path of oracle, which are not useful. And its work fine for me.
I faced this issue when I tried installing Oracle 19c on my Windows 10, I just disconnected from the internet(WiFi), and then the issue got disappeared.
While installing oracle 19 c I was faced with the INS-30014: Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS
On windows 11 I was able to solve the error by connecting to the internet

Vagrantfile with multiple vm and providers

I am trying to write a Vagrantfile with multiple machines backed up by multiple providers. I specifically want to be able to spawn more than one of those machines in one go. Basically I want to run the command:
vagrant up vb_vm aws_vm
I am aware of the --provider flag, but this would apply to all machines being spawned, so not applicable in my case.
This is my (very trimmed down but still valid) Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.define 'vb_vm' do |vb_vm|
vb_vm.vm.box='ubuntu/trusty64' # from hashicorp
vb_vm.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
config.vm.define 'aws_vm' do |aws_vm|
aws_vm.vm.box = "aws/dummy"
aws_vm.vm.box_url = 'https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box'
aws_vm.vm.provider :aws do |a, override|
a.access_key_id = 'something'
a.secret_access_key = 'something'
A vagrant box list shows that the boxes used for each definitions are of the right type:
aws/dummy (aws, 0)
ubuntu/trusty64 (virtualbox, 20150928.0.0)
But a vagrant status gives me (note that I do have the lxc plugin available, which became the default)
Current machine states:
aws_vm not created (aws)
vb_vm not created (lxc)
So this shows that spawning multiple machine with multiple provider is indeed possible, but the choice of provider is wrong.
I am aware of the tricks to set up the default provider, but this only makes things worse (virtualbox used everywhere, aws not used at all...)
I am aware of old stackoverflow questions as well, but they are related to a much older version of Vagrant.
So the question is: how do I make sure that each box defined uses its proper provider?
The trick will be to create the VM with their own provider.
example: I've defined a quick Vagrantfile (minimized) with boxes for each provider
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.define "db" do |db|
db.vm.box = "..."
db.vm.hostname = "db"
config.vm.define "app", primary: true do |app|
app.vm.box = "..."
app.vm.hostname = "app"
app.ssh.forward_agent = true
app.ssh.forward_x11 = true
app.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vm|
vm.vmx["memsize"] = "4096"
I create each VM separately
fhenri#machine:~/project/examples/vagrant/multimachine$ vagrant up db --provider=virtualbox
Bringing machine 'db' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
fhenri#machine:~/project/examples/vagrant/multimachine$ vagrant up app
Bringing machine 'app' up with 'vmware_fusion' provider...
then I halt everything and next time I do vagrant up
fhenri#machine:~/project/examples/vagrant/multimachine$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'db' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'app' up with 'vmware_fusion' provider...
and status looks good
fhenri#machine:~/project/examples/vagrant/multimachine$ vagrant status
Current machine states:
db running (virtualbox)
app running (vmware_fusion)
This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

Increase ROOT_SIZE of minion in aws kubernetes cluster

I am making an kubernetes cluster in AWS. I am using kubernetes version 1.0.6. All the things necessary running for my cluster works fine in this version. But Now I need to increae the ROOT DISK SIZE of my minions. It is created by default 8GB. I want them to be 40GB instead. I am using t2.micro cluster.
The problem is there is a env variable about MINION_ROOT_DISK_SIZE in version : master, 1.1.0-alpha.1. But in 1.0.6 there is no env variable in this name. And setting this variable in 1.0.6 did not work as it work with 1.1.0-alpha.1. Can't use a pre release or can't just jump from 1.0.6 to 1.1.0-alpha.1. But need to increase my minions and masters root disk size.
How can i achive that?
The config file for both the version is here:
v1.0.6 That i am using
For Anyone still have this problem here is a solution.
If you have kubernetes file the u can achive this by editing the
"cluster/aws/util.sh" file.
{"DeviceName":"/dev/sda1","Ebs":{"VolumeSize":40, "VolumeType": "gp2"}
This feild is already into an string so u need to add \ before every "
{\"DeviceName\":\"/dev/sda1\",\"Ebs\":{\"VolumeSize\":40, \"VolumeType\": \"gp2\"}
This will create gp2 volume with 40GB of size and as minion and master's root disk.

Why doesn't better_errors work on cloud 9 ide?

I'm working on a number of projects on cloud9 IDE, and it's really frustrating that I can't get the better errors gem to work correctly. It isn't supposed to need initializing; it should just work out of the box. However, I still only get the usual ugly red errors page. I should specify that it is included in my gemfile, and I have bundle install already.
How can I get better errors to work correctly? Is there an installation step I'm missing?
The trick, I used, to get the 'better_errors' gem working in Cloud9 is setting the value of TRUSTED_IP to the public IP address of the computer my browser session is attached to. (As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with the IP address of the remote server or Cloud9 server addresses.)
I'll outline the process I used to get 'better_errors' working on my Cloud9 workspace, from my Chromebook on my residential network... maybe it will also work for you and others!
Add gem "better_errors" to the development group in the project Gemfile.
Add gem "binding_of_caller" to the project Gemfile.
Run $bundle in the project Cloud9 terminal.
Edit the project config/environments/development.rb file and add the following line of code to the end of the Rails.application.configure block.
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ENV['TRUSTED_IP'] if ENV['TRUSTED_IP']
Create a new "runner" in Cloud9 by clicking "Run" > "Run With" > "New Runner".
Cloud9 creates an basic runner file in a new tab to modify. Replace the contents of this file with following code.
"cmd": [
"TRUSTED_IP=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX rails server -p $port -b $ip $args"
"working_dir": "$project_path",
"info": "Your code is running at \\033[01;34m$url\\033[00m.\n\\033[01;31m",
"selector": "source.ru"
Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX in the code above with the local computer's public IP address. (I use http://ifconfig.me/ to find the public IP assigned to my Chromebook.)
Save the runner file with the name RoR.run into the /.c9/runners path for the project.
Start the projects server by using this new runner. Click Run > Run With > RoR.
Use the popup link that Cloud9 displays, after the runner starts the server, to view the app. Enjoy 'better_errors'!
NOTE: I still have not figured out how to automate the process of feeding the external IP address of my local computer into the RoR.run file that lives on the Cloud9 workspace. I just update it manually every time I move to a new network or my external IP address changes.
WARNING: I actually just started learning RoR, so I have no idea if this is the "correct" way to get this gem to work in a cloud dev server/service environment. I also have no idea how safe this would be. I suspect that my solution exposes the 'better_errors' in-browser REPL to all computers that resolve to that same external IP address. If you are working on a sensitive codebase/database please do not implement my solution.
I just tested this in cloud9.io and this is the simplest way to make this work in cloud9.io:
Add the following line to config/environments/development.rb:
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! 'xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24'
where xxx.xxx.xxx is the first three sections of the IP address of the local machine that you are using to connect to cloud9.io
There is a good answer in the better errors issues and c0 docs.
c9 Help
Use a Rack::Request object to get the IP. You can put the following code in your view.
if Rails.env.development?
request = Rack::Request.new(env)
puts "###### Request IP_ADDRESS = #{request.ip}"
Change the last quadrant of the IP you get to 0/24. For example.
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! '' <--note: change the last quad to 0/24 and of course your ip address will be different than 76.168.69.xx
Yeah!! I got it! Automatically!
Here is my solution:
1- Similar as described by #Grokcodile: edit the project config/environments/development.rb file and add the following line of code to the Rails.application.configure block.
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ENV['TRUSTED_IP'] if ENV['TRUSTED_IP']
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ENV['TRUSTED_IP']
2- At the Cloud9 edit the ~/.bashrc...
vi ~/.bashrc
add the line (enter, alt+a):
export TRUSTED_IP=''
Save it (esc, :wq)
3- run rails s -b $IP -p $PORT as usual...
4- Enjoy better errors!!
If you also work on this project at a Virtual Machine(vagrant):
1- edit at your VM (vagrant) your ~/.bash_profile (my case) and add:
export TRUSTED_IP=x.x.x.x
export PORT=3000
export IP=
x.x.x.x must be equal to the REMOTE_ADDR of ENV. (This in not a problem like cloud9 because at my VM the IP doesn't change everytime: always for me).
With this I am now able to use the gem foreman: foreman start at both places with the Procfile:
web: rails s -b $IP -p $PORT
This works because the global env variables are set on both.
I am just starting to learn RoR too, so, hope this is the right thing to do without bringing more problems in the future.
Because Cloud9 is all web-based you don't access it from localhost so by default better errors won't work. If you take a look at the security section of their README (https://github.com/charliesome/better_errors) you can add the following to config/environments/development.rb:
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! <ipaddress>
So that the errors page shows for your IP. You can find your apparent IP by hitting the old error page's "Show env dump" and looking at "REMOTE_ADDR".

How do I associate a Vagrant project directory with an existing VirtualBox VM?

Somehow my Vagrant project has disassociated itself from its VirtualBox VM, so that when I vagrant up Vagrant will import the base-box and create a new virtual machine.
Is there a way to re-associate the Vagrant project with the existing VM?
How does Vagrant internally associate a Vagrantfile with a VirtualBox VM directory?
For Vagrant 1.6.3 do the following:
1) In the directory where your Vagrantfile is located, run the command
VBoxManage list vms
You will have something like this:
"virtualMachine" {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
2) Go to the following path:
cd .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox
3) Create a file called id with the ID of your VM xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
4) Save the file and run vagrant up
WARNING: The solution below works for Vagrant 1.0.x but not Vagrant 1.1+.
Vagrant uses the ".vagrant" file in the same directory as your "Vagrantfile" to track the UUID of your VM. This file will not exist if a VM does not exist. The format of the file is JSON. It looks like this if a single VM exists:
default is the name of the default virtual machine (if you're not using multi-VM setups).
If your VM has somehow become disassociated, what you can do is do VBoxManage list vms which will list every VM that VirtualBox knows about by its name and UUID. Then manually create a .vagrant file in the same directory as your Vagrantfile and fill in the contents properly.
Run vagrant status to ensure that Vagrant picked up the proper changes.
Note: This is not officially supported by Vagrant and Vagrant may change the format of .vagrant at any time. But this is valid as of Vagrant 0.9.7 and will be valid for Vagrant 1.0.
The solution with upper version is quite the same.
But first you need to launch the .vbox file by hand so that it appear in VBoxManage list vms
Then you can check the .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id to check that the uuid is the right one.
Had the issue today, my .vagrant folder was missing and found that there was a few more steps than simply setting the id:
Set the id:
VBoxManage list vms
Find the id and set in {project-folder}/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id.
Note that default may be different if set in your Vagrantfile e.g. config.vm.define "someothername".
Stop the machine from provisioning:
Create a file named action_provision in the same dir as the id file, set it's contents to: 1.5:{id} replacing {id} with the id found in step 1.
Setup a new public/private key:
Vagrant uses a private key stored in .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key to ssh into the machine. You'll need to generate a new one.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
name it private_key.
vagrant ssh then copy the private_key.pub into /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Update with same problem today with Vagrant 1.7.4:
useful thread at https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/1755
and specially with following commands:
For example, to pair box 'vip-quickstart_default_1431365185830_12124' to vagrant.
$ VBoxManage list
"vip-quickstart_default_1431365185830_12124" {50feafd3-74cd-40b5-a170-3c976348de27}
$ echo -n "50feafd3-74cd-40b5-a170-3c976348de27" > .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id
For multi-VM setups, it would look like this:
You can get the vm names from the Vagrantfile used to create those VMs. Look for this line:
config.vm.define :web do |web_config|
"web" is the name of the vm in this case.
This is modified from #Petecoop's answer.
Run vagrant halt if you haven't shut down the box yet.
Then list your virtualboxes: VBoxManage list vms
It'll list all of your virtualboxes. Identify the box you want to revert to and grab the id between the curly brackets: {}.
Then edit the project id file: sudo nano .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id (from the project directory)
Replace it with the id you copied from the list of VBs.
Try vagrant reload.
If that doesn't work and gets hung on SSH authorization (where I stumbled), copy the insecure public key from the vagrant git. Replace the content of /.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key. Backup the original of course: cp private_key private_key-bak.
Then run vagrant reload. It'll say it's identified the insecure key and create a new one.
default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
You should be all set.
I'm using Vagrant 1.8.1 on OSX El Capitan
My vm was not shut correctly when my computer restarted, so when i tried vagrant up it was always creating new vm. No solutions here worked for me. But what did work was a variation of ingmmurillo's answer
So instead of creating .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id based on the id from running VBoxManage list vms. I had to update the id in .vagrant/machines/local/virtual_box/id
I've got a one liner that essentially does this for me:
echo -n `VBoxManage list vms | head -n 1 | awk '{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-2)}'` > .vagrant/machines/local/virtualbox/id
This assumes the first box is the one i need to start from running VBoxManage list vms
In Vagrant 1.9.1:
I had a VM in Virtual Box named 'Ubuntu 16.04.1' so I packaged it as a vagrant box with:
vagrant package --base "Ubuntu 16.04.1"
responds with...
==> Ubuntu 16.04.1: Exporting VM...
==> Ubuntu 16.04.1: Compressing package to: blah blah/package.box
I'm on macos and found that removing the .locks on the boxes solved my problem.
For some reason
vagrant halt
did not remove these locks, and after restoring all my settings in .vagrant/machine/default/virtualbox using timemachine, removing the locks, the right machine booted up.
Only 1 minor problem remains, It booted into grub so I had to press enter once, don't know if this is staying, but I will find out soon enough.
I'm running vagrant 1.7.4 and virtualbox 5.0.2
for me deleting the
cd yourVagrantProject/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/
rm id