Eclipse debugger C++ 'No source available for "std::ostream::operator<<()"'; 'std::endl' issue - c++

I am debugging a program that I have built. The program compiles and runs without error.
When using the debugger gcc4.9.3 (rtools_34) I get a message:
'No source available for "std::ostream::operator<<()"'
When stepping over any lines that contain std::cout << "Text" << std::endl;
This causes the debugging to crash. However if I set a breakpoint past the rogue code I can skip it without problem.
The code includes: iostream, ostream and string.
This code has also been debugged with other compilers without this issue. It is a new import into Eclipse for a newer compiler so I am assuming that I have set things up wrong.
The problem appears to be with std::endl as using '\n' instead works.
Any hints on interpretation of the error message or how to resolve the problem greatly appreciated.

Have you remembered to
#include <string>?
Sorry if that was obvious and has been checked, it just wasn't clear that that was definitely the case from your question!


GDB Skips While Loop Condition When Used With File Input

Alright Stack Overflow, I am running into a decently persistent problem in my C++ code. I'm sure this is one of those dumb mistake moments, but I have tried everything and cannot seem to squish this bug.
I have a bit of code here, and it's behavior is very odd. I have a main function that opens a file containing text I want to read in. I was taught in programming fundamentals class at my university that I could use getline() as a condition for the while loop, which is nice since it automatically terminates when it reaches the end of the file.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream input_mem_traces("gcc.txt");
string trace_to_parse = "";
while(getline(input_mem_traces, trace_to_parse))
cout << trace_to_parse << endl;
When I compile and run it, it works just fine. It reads out every single line of the file I pass it, and returns with no problems.
However, when I try to use gdb, and set a breakpoint at the line
cout << trace_to_parse << endl;
it didn't hit the breakpoint. Curious as to why that was, I broke above the loop, and tried single stepping through the code. When I got to the while loop, and tried to step, it simply skipped to the line after it, which happened to be the end of the program.
This behavior occurs both using the VSCode GUI front end for gdb, as well as straight gdb from the command line. I am running this on Windows using Ubuntu under WSL2, and VSCode as my IDE with the Remote - WSL extension enabled.
Turns out there was some weirdness going on with the working directory with GDB. For some reason, my working directory was changing under the VSCode GUI, thus the file was not able to be opened, and the while loop condition performed as expected for that circumstance by not entering the loop. Upon the recommendation by Retired Ninja in the comments, I used an absolute path in the fstream object constructor, and that solved the issue.

Simple Noob C++ Input/Output Question: Code Error

Expected Behavior: Print out "What's your name?" and then ask User for Input. After that, print out "Hello " + Input.
Observed Behavior: Outright Crash, Failed to Build.
Just Found the Reason for the Errors. Turns out it was just my compiler being wierd.
Just needed to update it and the project itself, is all.
Still Thanks for the help though! And Sorry if this was obvious...

Print to locate the error code block

Hi great C++ programmers,
I've been in this situation many times, but I still don't know how to solve it.
I am programming in C++ in Rstudio, and my program runs into a fatal error which needs me to restart. I want to locate where the mistake is in my code. What I often do is adding some detection lines like:
int main()
...code block;
...code block;
...code block;
...code block;
return 1;
Then I run the code.
The weird thing is, before it runs into "fatal error", sometimes I got "1.1" printed on the console, sometimes I got "1.1" and "1.2", sometimes I got "1.1", "1.2" and "1.3, and sometimes I got nothing.
I guess it has something to do with the operating system because it is the operating system that got the order to print something which would take some time, but meanwhile the CPU was executing forward the code and met the fatal error.
Or, maybe it's the way the codes were compiled that results in such thing?
Is there anyway to solve it? I just want the program to print out everything I asked before it runs into "fatal error".
The compiler optimization could reorder the code, making the printouts unreliable. You are coding C++ in the R environment, and the default g++ compiler optimization is set to -O2. Go to your R directory, search for a file named "Makeconf". Open it with a text editor, locate command "CXX11FLAGS = -O2 ...", erase "-O2", save the file and rebuild your program. Other commands like "CXXFLAGS = -O2 ..." may also need to be modified. Code will run in strictly sequential order by then.
You are using std::cout which is not what R uses, and you get caught up in two different buffering schemes.
Easy solution: use Rcpp::Rcout instead which redirects into R's output stream.

Why would calling MessageBox[etc]() without a return variable cause the program to crash?

So if I write the following code:
MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
the program crashes with an access violation when it exits. When I write the code like this:
int a;
a = MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
it doesn't crash. Now I know why it crashes when it crashes thanks to another question I asked, also regarding argument-mismatching, but I don't know why it crashes.
So why does this cause an APPCRASH? I was always under the impression that calling a function that had a return-type, without actually giving one was safe, example:
int SomeFunction (void) {
std::cout << "Hello ya'll!\n";
return 42;
int main (void) {
int a;
// "Correct" ?
a = SomeFunction();
a = MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
// "Incorrect" ?
MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
When I run this kind of test "clean" (in a new file) I don't get any errors. It only seems to give an error with MessageBox/MessageBoxA when run in my program. Knowing the possible causes would help me pinpoint the error as the project code is too big to post (and I would need my friend's permission to post his code anyway).
Additional Info:Compiler = GCCPlatform = Windows
UpdateThanks everyone for your feedback so far. So I decided to run it through a debugger... Now Code::Blocks doesn't debug a project unless it is loaded from a project file (*.cbp) - AFAIK. So I created an actual project and copy-pasted our project's main file into the projects. Then I ran in debug mode and didn't get so much as a warning. I then compiled in build mode and it ran fine.Next, I decided to open a new file in Dev-C++ and run it through the debugging and later the final build process and again I got no errors for either build or debug. I cannot reproduce this error in Dev-C++, even with our main file (as in the one that causes the error in Code::Blocks).
ConclusionThe fault must lie in Code::Blocks. AFAIK, they both use GCC so I am pretty confused. The only thing I can think of is a version difference or perhaps my compiler settings or something equally obscure. Could optimizer settings or any other compiler settings somehow cause this kind of error?
The version with the return value does not crash because it had one int more on the stack. Your erroneous code reads over the bounds of the stack and then runs into an access violation. But if you have more on the stack you will not hit the guard page, because that is just enough extra stack. If the the erroneous code only reads it is sort of OK, but still broken.
We had one bit of WTF inducing code that was like so:
char dummy[52];
There was thankfully a longish comment explaining that removing dummy, makes some_function crash. It was in a very old application so nobody dared touch it and the some_function was totally different module we had no control over. Oh yea and that application was running smoothly in the field for over 20 years in industrial installations, like refineries or nuclear power plants... ^_^

C++: Unable to resolve identifier cout, Netbeans, Ubuntu

I am using C++ on Netbeans 7.1 on Ubuntu 11.04. For some reason, the following code results in the error message "Unable to resolve identifier cout".
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::cout << "Hello,world!\n";
return 0;
Any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
The solution for your problem is at least strange ;)
Once iostream header is added, one has to reparse code. Click right on a project, go to code assistance and click to reparse project. Worked for me.
I was using netbeans for mac.
check whether iostream is really getting included;
i have tried your code on my machine using eclipse cdt it worked, please check the
What sort of file is this in? Is it a .h file, or .hpp file? I had this same issue. Netbeans can be ridiculous sometimes with C++. For me, I changed #include <iostream> to #include<iostream.h>
This may seem too simple, but...
In my NetBeans installation, when I go to create a new project, specify C/C++, it brings up a dialog box prompting for "Project Name:", location, folder, makefile name, and then...
a check box for "Create Main File", an edit box with "main" filled in, and to the right of that is a drop down list that reads "C". If you hit Finish, this will create "main.c" (C, but NOT a C++ file). Instead, in the drop down list, select "C++". Then the IDE creates main.cpp, which will be compiled with g++ and will find those includes and functions.
There is a difference between std::cout and cout. You don't currently have std::cout defined in your file. std::cout is a c standard out. In C++ we only need cout to work with iostream.
If you must use a standard c out then do the following:
Add this to the top under iostream
#include <iostream> //Input output stream in C++
#include <cstdlib> //Stands for c standard library
using namespace std;
Your code will now work because:
This change defines std::cout and std::cin among other things. (standard in, standard out respectively.)
However, I'd recommend this alternative if you don't need standard in outs:
Replace std::cout with cout, because cout is defined in iostream in C++. Your program would have worked without the std:: portion of your cin cout commands because you originally included iostream.
Try taking out the using namespace std; - it's generally considered bad form anyway :-)
I'm not sure that will fix the problem but most people either use the namespace or fully qualify things like std::cout. I've never seen code that does both.
The other thing to check is that the iostream header actually is being bought in. In other words, are there any errors on that line. A lot of problems (at least in the Windows world, so it may not necessarily apply to you) seem to be due to faulty path setup in NetBeans.
Hey look at your Output Debug. You may see "no permission". After I changed the file permission of "/YourProjekt/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux/file" to runable and everyone can read and write the error disappeared. (BTW: I had the bug because I was on a NTFS System with my Projekt, it have to be ext partition)
Hope I can help you with that.
Try taking out the std:: next to cout