iMacros - WhatsApp Web - imacros

I'm working on a project that extracts a table from a webpage dashboard, then it goes to excel where it gets filtered by how many each user has in a nice table, and the next step I'm working on is having already in the clipboard the table I want to send it to our work group on whatsapp, specifically in chrome since it sends the tables as an image.
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=CLASS:btn<SP>btn-round<SP>btn-l&&TXT:
I used EVENT mode since the conventional mode didn't do anything
This script was working but then it stopped doing it, on Chrome instead of writing the group name on the search bar it does in the chat now:S
on Firefox, I need to have something written in the search bar(like a space) so it writes it there but the ENTER part doesn't always work.
Is there a way that ensures it writes where it should?, I tried something in javascript but it wrote it on search but it was like I had to type something so it searches what it was written, I hope I explained myself correctly.

Since the search bar was very tricky, and worked when it wasn't empty I tried to write a space before the word and it worked:


How create alarm on SwiftUI watchOS

I want create alarm app for my apple watch but I don't know how to wake a person. There is an app - Sleep Cycle and they trigger something that looks like on picture:
Watch vibrates constantly like default timer app on apple watch. The question is what's the name of this interface element? This not a notification, not an Alert (, not a WKInterfaceDevice play function. I just want reproduce that behavior. Thanks for help!
What you need is notifyUserWithHaptic, it gives a repeating haptic and also displays this notification style screen with Open and Stop buttons if the app isn't active.
As per Apple Docs
For schedulable sessions such as smart alarms, call this method during
the session to alert the user. When you call the method, the system
plays repeating haptic feedback. If the app isn’t active, the system
also displays a system alarm alert on the watch.
Link to Apple Documentation

GCP Alert Filters Don't Affect Open Incidents

I have an alert that I have configured to send email when the sum of executions of cloud functions that have finished in status other than 'error' or 'ok' is above 0 (grouped by the function name).
The way I defined the alert is:
And the secondary aggregator is delta.
The problem is that once the alert is open, it looks like the filters don't matter any more, and the alert stays open because it sees that the cloud function is triggered and finishes with any status (even 'ok' status keeps it open as long as its triggered enough).
ATM the only solution I can think of is to define a log based metric that will count it itself and then the alert will be based on that custom metric instead of on the built in one.
Is there something that I'm missing?
Adding another image to show what I think might be the problem:
From the image above we see that the graph wont go down to 0 but will stay at 1, which is not the way other normal incidents work
According to the official documentation:
"Monitoring automatically closes an incident when it observes that the condition is no longer met or when 7 days have passed without an observation that the condition is still being met."
That made me think that there are times where the condition is not relevant to make it close the incident. Which is confirmed here:
"If measurements are missing (for example, if there are no HTTP requests for a couple of minutes), the policy uses the last recorded value to evaluate conditions."
The lack of HTTP requests aren't a reason to close the metric as it keeps using the last recorded value (that triggered the metric).
So, using alerts for Http Requests is fine but you need to close them by yourself. Although I think it would be better to use a custom metric instead if you want them to be disabled automatically.

Item updated via CSOM will not fire remote event receiver

We have a remote event receiver associated to a list and hooked on all events there. When you update any list item using OOB SharePoint page, the event receiver is executed; a web service which is taking care of the afterward actions works nicely. However when you update item use CSOM code e.g. in simple console application, nothing happens. The event receiver is not called at all. I found this issue on both SP 2013 and 2016.
I will not post any code while it is irrelevant: item is updated using standard approach and values are actually changed in the list item, only the event receiver is not fired. To put it simply:
item updated manually from site -> event receiver fired
item updated via CSOM -> event receiver not fired.
I remember similar issue on SharePoint 2010 when using server side code and system account. Could it be that behind the scene web service called by CSOM (e.g. list.asmx) is using system account to make changes as well? It's just hypothesis...
So after deeper investigation and many try/fails we found out it was indeed issue with code in our event receiver. For some strange reason original developers were checking Title field in after properties and cancelling code if not present. I guess it was probably an attempt to prevent looping calls.
One lesson learned: When using CSOM after event properties contains only those fields which were altered by CSOM code. Keep it in a mind in case you need to use other values than those you want to update. You may need to stupidly copy and assign them again just because of this.

Block GUI when waiting for QTcpSocket data

I am writing a program to interact with a network-based API using Qt.
The interaction with the API is made with XML messages (both queries and results)
I implemented the communication and data processing in a class in a shared library project and I have a QMainWindow in which the user can enter the connection details. When clicking on the connect button, the following should happen:
1. An instance of the connecting class is created.
2. A connection message is sent to the API to get the session ID. The answer is parsed and a session ID is stored in the class instance.
3. A message is sent to the API the get some field information. The XML is then parsed to extract the required field information to get data from the API.
4. Another message is sent to get the data matching the fields. The XML answer is then parsed and stored in a data structure for processing.
5. The data is then processed and finally displayed to the user.
I made a simple console program to test the library and it is working fine - no message is sent before all the data from the previous message has been processed. However, when I implement the same process in a QMainWindow instance, no wait occurs and messages are sent one after another without waiting.
How can I block the GUI thread to wait for full processing before sending the next message?
Blocking the UI isn't achieved by blocking the event loop. It's done by disabling the widgets that you don't want to allow interaction with - either by literally calling disable() method on them, or by guarding the interaction based on some state variable, e.g.:
connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, button, [this]{
if (! hasAllData) return;
// react to a button press
All you need is to define a set of states your application can be in, and disable relevant widgets in appropriate states. I presume that once the session is established, it'd be fastest to issue all queries in parallel anyway, and asynchronously update the UI as the replies come back in real time.

SignalR and one browser window for a session at a time

I have a situation where a user can modify an Excel like grid schedule online. I would like to be able to show a message stating that the schedule is being modified in another window. However, how can I do this with a window open, and if the previous window was closed with SignalR. For other sessions I just want to state another user is modifying the schedule.
It might be easiest to use localStorage to communicate between multiple tabs/windows a single user has open:
You can listen for the storage event which is triggered on every window a user has open on your site when you call localStorage.setItem or localStorage.removeItem.
Of course, it would still make sense to use SignalR to notify other users.
If you cannot use the localStorage API for some reason, you can still use SignalR to send a message to every window the user has open by using Clients.User(userName).... inside your Hub. By default, userName should match your user's IPrincipal.Identity.Name, but you can register your own IUserIdProvider to customize this: