SSH connection in Amazon lightsail - amazon-web-services

I want to make an SSH connection from my own terminal, not from the browser-based command line interface Amazon provides. How do I know what username and host to use in my SSH command? So far, I'm unable to connect via SSH. I believe I am using the key correctly, but I am getting "permission denied (publickey)".
I have set 400 permissions for the private key file.
Can I use the public IP for the host? Is the username "ubuntu"? Something else?

Right now you can run only two base OS in LightSail:
Amazon Linux 2016.09.0
Default user: ec2-user
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Default user: ubuntu
The host name is the public IP, according to step #4 of the documentation at


Unable to connect to AWS EC2 instance (Permission denied publickey)

I am trying to connect to an EC2 instance which I recently spun up via the following SSH command from my Mac OS:
ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem ec2-***
I have removed the exact DNS name as it is probably not relevant here. Before I attempted to connect, I took the following steps:
Added a rule for inbound SSH traffic (using my IP)
Created an SSH key in AWS before spinning up the instance
Placed the private key mykey.pem file in my user .ssh folder
I have read many SO questions and other documentation, which is why I was even able to put the above steps together. I am at a loss as to why I can't connect to my EC2 instance, but I am hoping someone will see a flaw in what I am doing here.
You are missing the user name:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem ec2-user#host-or-ip
Depending on the type of instance, that user name may be ec2-user (amazon linux) or ubuntu (ubuntu). Other versions may have different requirements (some older redhat instances still use root, for example), but that should cover most cases.

Cannot create an SSH tunnel to Zeppelin web display on aws, using Putty on windows

The following instructions are given for the ec2 instance that I'm trying to connect to:
To access your instance: Open an SSH client. (find out how to connect
using PuTTY)
Locate your private key file (keypair.pem). The wizard automatically
detects the key you used to launch the instance.
I launched Putty with a .ppk and I also still have the .pem sitting on my local machine. However, how does this help once I am in the aws Linux terminal?
It sounds to me that the .pem should now be located on the remote machine, not my local one.
Your key must not be publicly viewable for SSH to work. Use this
command if needed: chmod 400 keypair.pem
This is fine once the previous step is clearer.
Connect to your instance using its Public DNS:
Example: ssh -i "keypair.pem"
I am currently typing this in (also trying ec2-user instead of root) but I get the following:
Warning: Identity file keypair.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permission denied (publickey).
Please note that in most cases the username above will be correct,
however please ensure that you read your AMI usage instructions to
ensure that the AMI owner has not changed the default AMI username.
In case this is important, what user name are they referring to here?
I have also made sure the I can SSH into the security group from all locations.
Christopher, I am not sure if you have access to the AWS console, but If you do, then it will be easy to find out the correct user name of your EC2 machine. click on the check mark box to pick your instance, then click Connect, and it will show you the correct user name. If it is an amazon AMI image, it will most likely be ec2-user, other images can have root, ubuntu, bitnami, or any other user configured by the AMI creator.
Your error message: " Warning: Identity file keypair.pem not accessible" indicates an issue with your private key not being accessible.
You said you converted the .pem to ppk for putty, which will enable you to SSH via putty. If you need to SSH from an EC2 machine to another EC2 machine, you will need that private key with the "pem" extension.
Think of your private key as your password, except that it's stored in a file.
ssh -i "keypair.pem"
This command says: Log me in via SSH protocol to server using password file (Private key) "keypair.pem" that resides in the current directory.
if you do an "ls" and you don't see "keypair.pem" then that is your issue.
I hope that helps!

AWS ssh into instance giving Permission denied (publicly)

I am trying to ssh into a new EC2 instance. I have followed the instructions and when I attempt to ssh I get Permission denied (publickey).
Below is an image of everything I did in the console according to the instructions. Everything seems to go accordingly until I enter yes. Then it fails. I have followed the instructions twice and get the same result. I also do not have AWS CLI Tools as I believe they are optional.
ssh will use your local username to connect to the instance by default, if you not specified Host, User and IdentityFile in your ~/.ssh/config.
As you call ssh to your instance with the pem specified on the command line you also have to specify the remote user name (which is ec2-user for AWS linux instances and ubuntu for AWS Ubuntu instances).
Try to use this commandline:
ssh -i sub_api.pem ec2-user#ec2-54....

Amazon aws ec2 login via putty

I had successfully used putty to login into Debian-8.1 on AWS by using key file. Once I upgraded debian using the command apt-get upgrade and tried to login through putty, it shows the error which i mentioned below:
putty fatal error: network connection refused
How can i resolve this?
I think Kernal Upgrade , Reboots the system in Linux and if you have not allocated Elastic Ip to the instance , the Ip would have have changed.
Did you Check the Instance IP ? Are you able to Login via Web based Interface from EC2- Console ?

AWS ssh login by ubuntu ternminal not working?

I have set amazon instance. I configured the proxy correctly.
I am getting this error.
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host.
Here is my .ssh/config file
Host AWS
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile Desktop/aws1/tutorial.pem
ProxyCommand /usr/bin/corkscrew 8080 %h %p
As seen image, you had used two ssh command and no need to mention key-pair file name using double quote.
Use single ssh command
ssh -i <my-key-pair.pem> <user>#<ip-address>
Check the key-pair has necessary permissions, you can use following command to set permission
chmod 400 <my-key-pair.pem>
And the user will be your instance user name, in case of ec2-instance the user name may be ec2-user and for ubuntu instance the user name is ubuntu