Translate String Representation of Enum Values Qt - c++

Is it possible to translate the string representation of an enum (i.e. via QMetaEnum) using Qt's translation system?
What I think I need is for some way to get lupdate to pick up the enum strings for translation, either by emitting some QT_TR_NOOP() code if and only if the file is being processed by lupdate, or by modifying the behavior of lupdate/moc themselves.
For example, my application presents "settings" options to users via a dialog box. All of the settings are defined as Q_PROPERTY 's. Options which use an enum are presented as a combo box and the text options for the combo box use the QMetaEnum::key() as the displayed text. Below is some pseudo-code to get the point across.
Widgets will have some enum property defined like:
class SomeWidget : public QWidget
Q_ENUMS( Configuration );
enum Configuration
Config_Blue = 0,
Q_PROPERTY( Configuration READ Configuration WRITE SetConfiguration );
The combo widget creation is done by a separate settings manager and goes something like this:
QWidget* SettingsItem::CreateWidget()
const QMetaObject* pMetaObj = this->m_pWidget->metaObject();
const QMetaProperty& rcProp = pMetaObj->property( this->m_iProp );
QMetaEnum cEnum = rcProp.enumerator();
if( cEnum.isValid() )
QComboBox* pRetWidget = new QComboBox;
for( int i = 0; i < cEnum.keyCount(); ++i )
int iVal = cEnum.value( i );
QString strKey = cEnum.key( i ); // Translate here?
pRetWidget->addItem( strKey, iVal );
return pRetWidget;
The combo box in the settings dialog shows "Config_Blue", "Config_Green", etc. I would like it to just say "Blue", "Green", etc. in whatever the current language is.
For the rest of the code we use Qt's translation system and the linguist utility which works really nice. I was hoping that I could enable this type of translation for the enum 's as well without having to add string literals and tr() 's into the code manually. Basically all of the information that a translator would need is already there in the code, I just need linguist to be able to identify these enum values as translatable. I can then invoke tr() when the combo box is populated.
What I think I need is for some way to get lupdate to pick up the enum strings for translation, either by emitting some QT_TR_NOOP() code if and only if the file is being processed by lupdate, or by modifying the behavior of lupdate/moc themselves.
I was thinking maybe a macro would work, might not be possible though. Perhaps modifying some Qt code is necessary?

An enum identifier shouldn't be user-visible to begin with. These are identifiers that should be meaningful to the developer, not to the user. Exposing them directly to the user adds a strong coupling between the internal design of the code and user-visible behavior. That is best avoided.
You need to map between enum values and user-visible strings. The values in the map should be subject to translation, and the map should be re-populated upon retranslation. E.g.:
class Object : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(Configuration READ Configuration WRITE SetConfiguration);
enum Configuration {
Config_Blue, Config_Green, Config_Invisible, Config_Backwards
static QString toString(Configuration c) {
switch (c) {
case Config_Blue: return tr("Blue", "Configuration");
case Config_Green: return tr("Green", "Configuration");
case Config_Invisible: return tr("Invisible", "Configuration");
case Config_Backwards: return tr("Backwards", "Configuration");
You can now translate the configuration values.

I'm using a dedicated function within the class in which I define my enum. Is it helpful? (Qt5.13).
I call it like MyClass::toTrString(myEnumVal);
class MyClass : public QObject
explicit MyClass(QObject *parent = nullptr);
enum MyEnum {
static QString toTrString(MyEnum t) {
return tr(qPrintable(QVariant::fromValue(t).toString()));


Qt6 - Draw custom metatype in table/tree from QAbstractTableModel

If I have an overridden QAbstractTableModel that supplies a non-qt type, it's my understanding that supplying overloads for the << and >> operators will allow Qt to natively represent those types.
I have prepared an example with std::u16string in an attempt to create the most minimal test case, but can't seem to render anything.
Here's how I register the type with Qt:
#include <QtCore>
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const std::u16string& myObj)
return out << QString::fromStdU16String(myObj);
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, std::u16string& myObj)
QString tmp;
in >> tmp;
myObj = tmp.toStdU16String();
return in;
My trivial main.cpp which connects the type to the appropriate widget:
#include <QItemEditorFactory>
#include <QLineEdit>
int main()
// not sure if this is required.
// this blogpost ( suggests it's
// needed for name-to-type conversions, but no idea if that is still needed internally.
// tell qt that we would like to visualise std::u16string with the default text editor.
QItemEditorFactory* factory = new QItemEditorFactory;
factory->registerEditor(QMetaType::fromType<std::u16string>().id(), new QStandardItemEditorCreator<QLineEdit>());
// kick off ui, etc
return doApp();
And my trivial model, which supplies the external type via a variant:
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
class simple_model : public QAbstractTableModel
explicit simple_model(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QAbstractTableModel(parent) {}
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override
return QVariant::fromValue<std::u16string>(u"Hello, World!");
Now, when I create QTableView like so:
QTableView* tableView = new QTableView;
tableView->setModel(new simple_model);
I would expect every column and row to print "Hello, World!". However, I just get a blank text box instead. Attaching my debugger to my overloaded << and >> operators shows they don't get run at all.
I feel like I'm missing a link here, but I'm not quite sure what. Some ideas about what could possibly be wrong:
Do I need to create a custom delegate and set it for each row and column which I'm returning this value? Ideally, I'd like my types to be interpreted as automatically and naturally as Qt would allow; I feel like it could create a lot of boilerplate code in my (actual, non-trivial) application.
Does QLineEdit not actually invoke any data conversions to display custom data? Perhaps there's a more appropriate text editor I should be using? I was hoping that QLineEdit would automatically convert them because it's the default QString editor; would be nice to have the exact same behaviour.
In my case, it turns out that the << and >> operators weren't needed at all. Instead, providing an appropriate meta type converter allowed for what I wanted.
Sample code for converter:
struct string_converter
static QString toQString(const std::u16string& value)
return QString::fromStdU16String(value);
static std::u16string tou16String(const QString& value)
return value.toStdU16String();
and to register these converters:
QMetaType::registerConverter<std::u16string, QString>(&string_converter::toQString);
QMetaType::registerConverter<QString, std::u16string>(&string_converter::tou16String);
Once these are provided, no other registration code appears to be needed. The simple_model seems to be able to construct a QVariant from the std::u16string and represent it with a QLineEdit without any extra boilerplate code.
However, we'll need to explicitly convert the modified data back to std::u16string in simple_model, because they get tweaked and returned as a QString from QLineEdit. Eg:
QVariant simple_model::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) override
std::u16string newData = value.value<std::u16string>();
// do something with newData
While this has unblocked me, I'm not sure this is preferred Qt approach as it seems to be quite different to what the documentation says (as I cited originally in the question). Any extra feedback or tips would be appreciated.

QML/QT How to convert object from C++ to QML?

It took me a while, but eventually I managed to convert a JavaScript/QML POJO to a custom object not derived from QObject.
I think it's easier to understand my issue with a working example. So let's start with this:
struct SomeType { /* Just a plain struct that does not derive from QObject! */ };
SomeType FooFactory::convertQMLToSomeType(const QJSValue& val) {
SomeType result = /*... some kind of conversion takes place here ... */
return result;
void FooFactory::registerTypes(QQmlEngine& engine) {
QMetaType::registerConverter<QJSValue, SomeType>(FooFactory::convertQMLToSomeType);
What this does is it registers a converter for the transformation of QSValue to SomeType. So now, whenever I do something like this in QML
my_prop = { "foo": "some plain javascript object" };
assuming my_prop is exposed like so in the corresponding C++ class:
Q_PROPERTY(SomeType my_prop MEMBER _myProp);
SomeType _myProp;
// Somewhere else outside the class, this is needed for registering the converter
the string is implicitly converted into a SomeType without the need of doing things manually.
But what about the opposite direction of the conversion? I Need QML to deal with strings, not QVariant(SomeType) objects (QT always uses QVariant wrappers internally to store user defined types when dealing with the meta system).
I already tried registering an inverse converter like this:
QMetaType::registerConverter<SomeType, QJSValue>(FooFactory::convertBackToQML);
or this
QMetaType::registerConverter<QVariant(SomeType), QJSValue>(FooFactory::convertBackToQML);
but none of these approaches work. I believe the second line is quite promising, but I wasn't even able to compile that one due to problems with registering the static meta type.
So, how would I solve this? As a short reminder, I am not able to derive SomeType from QObject, and yes, I am aware that this is the most common way to do these kinds of things.
Does anyone have an idea? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Many thanks in advance!
This may not be what you want, but it might also be your only option. You can create a QObject wrapper class around your struct. Just create properties for whatever values in the struct you want to expose.
class SomeWrapper : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString someData READ someData WRITE setSomeData NOTIFY someDataChanged)
explicit SomeWrapper(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
QString someData() { return m_struct.someData; }
void setSomeData(QString data)
if (data != m_struct.someData)
m_struct.someData = data;
emit someDataChanged();
void someDataChanged();
SomeType m_struct;
If you want to operate with your structure as with a plain JavaScript object, then another option may be using QVariantMap as a type for your property. Then you could define the needed conversions in getter and setter of your property:
class Whichever : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap my_prop READ myProp WRITE setMyProp)
QVariantMap myProp() const {
QVariantMap map;
map["some_field"] = _myProp.someField;
// Fill the other fields as needed.
return map;
void setMyProp(const QVariantMap& map) {
_myProp.someField = map["some_field"].toString();
// Fill the other _myProp fields as needed.
Conversions between QVariantMap and the actual JavaScript objects would be handled by QML engine automatically. Nested JavaScript objects should also be possible by nesting the corresponding QVariantMaps.
Of course, this option makes property declaration not so explicit about which type does it correspond to, and perhaps it will require a bit more boilerplate code if you need to declare multiple properties of this type (you can define and use your own macro for that though if needed). But this is probably one of the easiest ways to achieve what you have described.

Qt and C++: Overwrite or Expand Class

I want to add some properties (like an ID) to a QPushButton. Therefore, I need to expand or overwrite the class Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QPushButton : public QAbstractButton
How do I do that?
Thanks for the help.
you dont need to extend the class to just put an id in it ... instead make use of the property system.
as specified in the official doc here:
A property can be read and written using the generic functions QObject::property() and QObject::setProperty(), without knowing anything about the owning class except the property's name.
you just have to do:
ui->myButton->setProperty("Id", 123456);
can also be another object e.g a string (or even your own class if you define it to do that)
ui->myButton->setProperty("_name", "123456");
to read the property is the method property() there for you but read the doc because you get a QVariant as return example:
QVariant(int, 123456)
It really depends on the use case. There is no problem (and often the intended way) in inheriting from Qt-(Widget) Classes (correct me, if I am wrong).
So you could do:
class MyQPushButton : public QPushButton
MyQPushButton() : QPushButton(...) {}
int ID = -1;
Qt has a very good documentation and you can look at the sources to see what to override.
You could also extend a new class with QPushButton, but than you always have to deal with the QPushButton reference in your class, if you want e.g. connect something. In the inherited class you can connect the slots and so on. But for example you could do this:
class MyQPushButton
MyQPushButton() {}
const QPushButton& const GetQPushButton() { return pushButton; }
const QPushButton* const GetQPushButtonPtr() { return &pushButton; }
QPushButton pushButton;
int ID = -1;
There is no right and wrong. But I would use the inheritance for Qt-classes.

Qt Dynamically create QWidget from QString

I am trying to create a program that reads information from a database, and accordingly set up the layout. Specifically, I want to read two date fields and depending on the difference between the days, create a day(s) number of elements. Have anyone got an idea on how this could be done? I have tried to create an element using the QString->text() property with no success for obvious reasons and I have managed to write a function to create an element, but my problem is that I cannot control the name of the element, making it impossible for me with my rubbish knowledge about c++ to then interact with the given element.
Thank you for your time,
I think a QHash would be the perfect tool for your needs. It allows storing and lookup of pretty much anything through a unique key. That means you can store the widgets with their title as a key and then later retrieve a widget with a certain title from that hash.
Here is how to define such a hash:
// .h file
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
class MyWidget : public QWidget
// ...
QHash< QString, QWidget* > m_dynamicWidgetHash;
The Widgets (or any QWidget subclass) can then be stored in the hash like this, assuming the titles will always be unique:
// .cpp file
void MyWidget::someMethod()
QList< QString > widgetTitles = getWidgetTitlesFromSomewhere();
foreach( QString title, widgetTitles )
SomeWidgetSubclass* widget = new SomeWidgetSubclass( this );
widget->setTitle( title );
// Note: This will not work if two widgets can have the same title
Q_ASSERT( !m_dynamicWidgetHash.contains( title ) );
m_dynamicWidgetHash.insert( title, widget );
You can then later find your widgets knowing only the name like this:
// .cpp file
void MyWidget::someOtherMethod( const QString& title )
SomeWidgetSubclass* widget = m_dynamicWidgetHash.value( title );
if( !widget )
// TODO: Error Handling
// Do whatever you want with the widget here
Also, it might be interested for you how to create object by class name using QMetaType. There is QMetaType::construct method. It requires that qRegisterMetaType function is should be called before. Detaild description is here.

Properties editor design pattern?

Warning: This is super in-depth. I understand if you don't even want to read this, this is mostly for me to sort out my thought process.
Okay, so here's what I'm trying to do. I've got these objects:
When you click on one (or select several) it should display their properties on the right (as shown). When you edit said properties it should update the internal variables immediately.
I'm trying to decide on the best way to do this. I figure the selected objects should be stored as a list of pointers. It's either that, or have an isSelected bool on each object, and then iterate over all of them, ignoring the non-selected ones, which is just inefficient. So we click on one, or select several, and then the selectedObjects list is populated. We then need to display the properties. To keep things simple for the time being, we'll assume that all objects are of the same type (share the same set of properties). Since there aren't any instance-specific properties, I figure we should probably store these properties as static variables inside the Object class. Properties basically just have a name (like "Allow Sleep"). There is one PropertyManager for each type of property (int,bool,double). PropertyManagers store all the values for properties of their respective type (this is all from the Qt API). Unfortunately, because PropertyManagers are required to create Properties I can't really decouple the two. I suppose this means that I have to place the PropertyManagers with the Properties (as static variables). This means we have one set of properties, and one set of property managers to manage all the variables in all the objects. Each property manager can only have one callback. That means this callback has to update all the properties of its respective type, for all objects (a nested loop). This yields something like this (in pseudo-code):
function valueChanged(property, value) {
if(property == xPosProp) {
foreach(selectedObj as obj) {
} else if(property == ...
Which already bothers me a little bit, because we're using if statements where we shouldn't need them. The way around this would be to create a different property manager for every single property, so that we can have unique callbacks. This also means we need two objects for each property, but it might be a price worth paying for cleaner code (I really don't know what the performance costs are right now, but as I know you'll also say -- optimize when it becomes a problem). So then we end up with a ton of callbacks:
function xPosChanged(property, value) {
foreach(selectedObj as obj) {
Which eliminates the entire if/else garbage but adds a dozen more event-listeners. Let's assume I go with this method. So now we had a wad of static Properties, along with their corresponding static PropertyManagers. Presumably I'd store the list of selected objects as Object::selectedObjects too since they're used in all the event callbacks, which logically belong in the object class. So then we have a wad of static event callbacks too. That's all fine and dandy.
So now when you edit a property, we can update the interal variables for all the selected objects via the event callback. But what happens when the internal variable is updated via some other means, how do we update the property? This happens to be a physics simulator, so all the objects will have many of their variables continuously updated. I can't add callbacks for these because the physics is handled by another 3rd party library. I guess this means I just have to assume all the variables have been changed after each time step. So after each time step, I have to update all the properties for all the selected objects. Fine, I can do that.
Last issue (I hope), is what values should we display when multiple objects are selected an there is an inconsistency? I guess my options are to leave it blank/0 or display a random object's properties. I don't think one option is much better than the other, but hopefully Qt provides a method to highlight such properties so that I can at least notify the user. So how do I figure out which properties to "highlight"? I guess I iterate over all the selected objects, and all their properties, compare them, and as soon as there is a mismatch I can highlight it. So to clarify, upon selected some objects:
add all objects to a selectedObjects list
populate the properties editor
find which properties have identical values and update the editor appropriately
I think I should store the properties in a list too so that I can just push the whole list onto the properties editor rather than adding each property individually. Should allow for more flexibility down the road I think.
I think that about covers it... I'm still not certain how I feel about having so many static variables, and a semi-singleton class (the static variables would be initialized once when the first object is created I guess). But I don't see a better solution.
Please post your thoughts if you actually read this. I guess that's not really a question, so let me rephrase for the haters, What adjustments can I make to my suggested design-pattern to yield cleaner, more understandable, or more efficient code? (or something along those lines).
Looks like I need to clarify. By "property" I mean like "Allow Sleeping", or "Velocity" -- all objects have these properties -- their VALUES however, are unique to each instance. Properties hold the string that needs to be displayed, the valid range for the values, and all the widget info. PropertyManagers are the objects that actually hold the value. They control the callbacks, and the value that's displayed. There is also another copy of the value, that's actually used "internally" by the other 3rd party physics library.
Trying to actually implement this madness now. I have an EditorView (the black area drawing area in the image) which catches the mouseClick event. The mouseClick events then tells the physics simulator to query all the bodies at the cursor. Each physics body stores a reference (a void pointer!) back to my object class. The pointers get casted back to objects get pushed onto a list of selected objects. The EditorView then sends out a signal. The EditorWindow then catches this signal and passes it over to the PropertiesWindow along with the selected objects. Now the PropertiesWindow needs to query the objects for a list of properties to display... and that's as far as I've gotten so far. Mind boggling!
The Solution
* File: PropertyBrowser.cpp
* Author: mark
* Created on August 23, 2009, 10:29 PM
#include <QtCore/QMetaProperty>
#include "PropertyBrowser.h"
PropertyBrowser::PropertyBrowser(QWidget* parent)
: QtTreePropertyBrowser(parent), m_variantManager(new QtVariantPropertyManager(this)) {
setFactoryForManager(m_variantManager, new QtVariantEditorFactory);
void PropertyBrowser::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QVariant &value) {
if(m_propertyMap.find(property) != m_propertyMap.end()) {
foreach(QObject *obj, m_selectedObjects) {
obj->setProperty(m_propertyMap[property], value);
QString PropertyBrowser::humanize(QString str) const {
return + str.mid(1).replace(QRegExp("([a-z])([A-Z])"), "\\1 \\2");
void PropertyBrowser::setSelectedObjects(QList<QObject*> objs) {
foreach(QObject *obj, m_selectedObjects) {
m_selectedObjects = objs;
if(objs.isEmpty()) {
for(int i = 0; i < objs.first()->metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++i) {
QMetaProperty metaProperty(objs.first()->metaObject()->property(i));
QtProperty * const property
= m_variantManager->addProperty(metaProperty.type(), humanize(;
m_propertyMap[property] =;
foreach(QObject *obj, m_selectedObjects) {
connect(obj, SIGNAL(propertyChanged()), SLOT(objectUpdated()));
void PropertyBrowser::objectUpdated() {
if(m_selectedObjects.isEmpty()) {
disconnect(m_variantManager, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QtProperty*, QVariant)),
this, SLOT(valueChanged(QtProperty*, QVariant)));
QMapIterator<QtProperty*, QByteArray> i(m_propertyMap);
bool diff;
while(i.hasNext()) {;
diff = false;
for(int j = 1; j < m_selectedObjects.size(); ++j) {
if(>property(i.value()) != - 1)->property(i.value())) {
diff = true;
if(diff) setBackgroundColor(topLevelItem(i.key()), QColor(0xFF,0xFE,0xA9));
else setBackgroundColor(topLevelItem(i.key()), Qt::white);
m_variantManager->setValue(i.key(), m_selectedObjects.first()->property(i.value()));
connect(m_variantManager, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QtProperty*, QVariant)),
this, SLOT(valueChanged(QtProperty*, QVariant)));
With a big thanks to TimW
Did you have a look at Qt's (dynamic) property system?
bool QObject::setProperty ( const char * name, const QVariant & value );
QVariant QObject::property ( const char * name ) const
QList<QByteArray> QObject::dynamicPropertyNames () const;
//Changing the value of a dynamic property causes a
//QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent to be sent to the object.
function valueChanged(property, value) {
foreach(selectedObj as obj) {
obj->setProperty(property, value);
This is an incomplete example to give you my idea about the property system.
I guess SelectableItem * selectedItem must be replaced with a list of items in your case.
class SelectableItem : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName );
Q_PROPERTY(int velocity READ velocity WRITE setVelocity);
QString name() const { return m_name; }
int velocity() const {return m_velocity; }
public slots:
void setName(const QString& name)
m_name = name;
emit update();
void setVelocity(int value)
m_velocity = value;
emit update();
void update();
QString m_name;
int m_velocity;
class MyPropertyWatcher : public QObject
MyPropertyWatcher(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
m_variantManager(new QtVariantPropertyManager(this)),
connect(m_variantManager, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QtProperty*, QVariant)), SLOT(valueChanged(QtProperty*,QVariant)));
m_propertyMap[m_variantManager->addProperty(QVariant::String, tr("Name"))] = "name";
m_propertyMap[m_variantManager->addProperty(QVariant::Int, tr("Velocity"))] = "velocity";
// Add mim, max ... to the property
// you could also add all the existing properties of a SelectableItem
// SelectableItem item;
// for(int i=0 ; i!=item.metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++i)
// {
// QMetaProperty metaProperty(item.metaObject()->property(i));
// QtProperty *const property
// = m_variantManager->addProperty(metaProperty.type(),;
// m_propertyMap[property] =
// }
void setSelectedItem(SelectableItem * selectedItem)
m_selectedItem->disconnect( this );
connect(selectedItem, SIGNAL(update()), SLOT(itemUpdated()));
m_selectedItem = selectedItem;
private slots:
void valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QVariant &value)
if(m_selectedItem && m_map)
QMap<QtProperty*, QByteArray>::const_iterator i = m_propertyMap.find(property);
m_selectedItem->setProperty(m_propertyMap[property], value);
void itemUpdated()
m_updatingValues = true;
QMapIterator<QtProperty*, QByteArray> i(m_propertyMap);
m_updatingValues = false;
QtVariantPropertyManager *const m_variantManager;
QMap<QtProperty*, QByteArray> m_propertyMap;
QPointer<SelectableItem> m_selectedItem;
bool m_updatingValues;
Calm down, your code has not O(n^2) complextity. You have a nested loop, but only one counts to N (the number of objects), the other counts to a fixed number of properties, which is not related to N. So you have O(N).
For the static variables, you write "there aren't any instance-specific properties", later you write about updates of the individual properties of your objects, which are exactly instance-specific properties. Maybe you are confusing the "class Properties" (which is of course shared among all properties) with the individual properties? So I think you don't need static members at all.
Do you want to display changes to the objects only if they appear, or do you want a continuos display? If your hardware is able to handle the latter, I would recommend going that way. In that case, you have to iterate over all objects anyway and update them along the way.
Edit: The difference is that in the former (update on change) the drawing is initiated by the operation of changing the values, for example a object movement. For the latter, a continuos display, you would add a QTimer, which fires say 60 times a second and calls a SLOT(render()) which does the actual rendering of all objects. Depending on the rate of changes this may actually be faster. And it is probably easier to implement.
Another possibilty is let Qt handle the whole drawing, using a Graphics View, which handles the objects-to-draw internally in a very efficient tree structure. Take a look at
If you want to display only the changes, you could use individual callbacks for each properties value. Each time the value of a property is changed (in this case making the properties vlaues private and using setSomeThing(value)), you call the update function with an emit(update()). If you are absolutly concernd about emit being slow, you could use "real" callbacks via function pointers, but I don't recommend that, Qt's connect/signal/slot is so much easier to use. And the overhead is in most cases really neglible.