boost asio async_read header connection closes too early - c++

Providing a MCVE is going to be hard, the scenario is the following:
a server written in c++ with boost asio offers some services
a client written in c++ with boost asio requests services
There are custom headers and most communication is done using multipart/form.
However, in the case where the server returns a 401 for an unauthorized access,
the client receives a broken pipe (system error 32).
AFAIK this happens when the server connection closes too early.
So, running into gdb, I can see that the problem is indeed the transition from the async_write which sends the request, to the async_read_until which reads the first line of the HTTP Header:
The connect routine sends the request from the client to the server:
And the write_request callback, checks if the request was sent OK, and then reads the first line (until the first newline):
template <class T>
void asio_handler<T>::write_request(const boost::system::error_code & err,
const std::size_t bytes)
if (!err) {
// read until first newline
else {
The problem is that the end(err) is always called with a broken pipe (error code 32). Meaning, as far as I understand, that the server closed the connection. The server indeed closes the connection, but only after it has sent a message HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized.
using curl with the appropriate request, we do get the actual message/error before the server closes the connection
using our client written in C++/boost asio we only get the broken pipe and no data
only when the server leaves the connection open, do we get to the point of reading the error (401) but that defeats the purpose, since now the connection is left open.
I would really appreciate any hints or tips. I understand that without the code its hard to help, so I can add more source at any time.
If I do not check for errors between writing the request, and reading the server reply, then I do get the actual HTTP 401 error. However this seems counter-intuitive, and I am not sure why this happens or if it is supposed to happen.

The observed behavior is allowed per the HTTP specification.
A client or server may close the socket at anytime. The server can provide a response and close the connection before the client has finished transmitting the request. When writing the body, it is recommended that clients monitor the socket for an error or close notification. From the RFC 7230, HTTP/1.1: Message Syntax and Routing Section 6.5. Failures and Timeouts:
6.5. Failures and Timeouts
A client, server, or proxy MAY close the transport connection at any time. [...]
A client sending a message body SHOULD monitor the network connection for an error response while it is transmitting the request. If the client sees a response that indicates the server does not wish to receive the message body and is closing the connection, the client SHOULD immediately cease transmitting the body and close its side of the connection.
On a graceful connection closure, the server will send a response to the client before closing the underlying socket:
6.6. Tear-down
A server that sends a "close" connection option MUST initiate a close of the connection [...] after it sends the response containing "close". [...]
Given the above behaviors, there are three possible scenarios. The async_write() operation completes with:
success, indicating the request was written in full. The client may or may not have received the HTTP Response yet
an error, indicating the request was not written in full. If there is data available to be read on the socket, then it may contain the HTTP Response sent by the server before the connection terminated. The HTTP connection may have terminated gracefully
an error, indicating the request was not written in full. If there is no data available to be read on the socket, then the HTTP connection was not terminated gracefully
Consider either:
initiating the async_read() operation if the async_write() is successful or there is data available to be read
void write_request(
const boost::system::error_code & error,
const std::size_t bytes_transferred)
// The server may close the connection before the HTTP Request finished
// writing. In that case, the HTTP Response will be available on the
// socket. Only stop the call chain if an error occurred and no data is
// available.
if (error && !socket_->available())
boost::asio::async_read_until(*socket_, buffer_, "\r\n", ...);
per the RFC recommendation, initiate the async_read() operation at the same time as the async_write(). If the server indicates the HTTP connection is closing, then the client would shutdown its send side of the socket. The additional state handling may not warrant the extra complexity


How to tell gRPC client tells whether gRPC server has cancelled?

I'm using a synchronous bidirectional streaming grpc service, and I've let Server-side to close connection when timeout detected.
// server-side code
if (timeout-detected) {
My question is: how do I detect whether the connection still valid on client-side? If so, I could reestablish connection. I've tryed
// client-side code
if (client_reader_writer_->Write(&request)) {
// I consider it connection is still valid
} else {
// connection decided cancelled. Re-establish connection and do something.
But client_reader_writer_->Write(&request) return true, even after the server's log has shown cancelled.
If someone could give me some hints on this, I would be much grateful!
If your concern is about link, Keepalive can be used a mechanism to check if the channel is fine by transmitting HTTP2 pings at regular intervals and if there is no response, it is considered as broken.
Other approach is you can also come up with your own "heartbeat" mechanism where you can have the heartbeat sent periodically to check on server/network failure while trying to write to socket.
For server timeout in a typical scenario, indication to client can be done using context.abort(grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, 'RPC Time Out!')
Here is a reference for the same.

Cesanta Mongoose - problems when connecting to localhost

I'm having issues building an HTTP server using the Cesanta Mongoose web server library. The issue that I'm having occurs when I have an HTTP server built to listen on port 8080, and a client sending an HTTP request to localhost:8080. The problem is that the server processes the request fine and sends back a response, but the client only processes and prints the response after I kill the server process. Basically Mongoose works where you create connections which take an event handler function, ev_handler(). This event handler function is called whenever an
"event" occurs, such as the receiving of a request or a reply. On the server side, the event handler function is called fine when it receives a request from the client on 8080. However, the client-side event handler function is not called when the response sends the reply, but is called only after the server process is killed. I suspected that this may have something to do with the fact that the connection is on localhost, and I was right - this issue does not occur when the client sends requests to addresses other than localhost. The event handler function is called fine. Here is the ev_handler function on the client-side for reference:
static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *p) {
if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_REPLY) {
struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *)p;
fwrite(hm->message.p, 1, (int)hm->message.len, stdout);
exit_flag = 1;
} else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
exit_flag = 1;
Is this a common issue when trying to establish a connection on localhost with a server on the same computer?
The cause of such behavior is the fact that client connection does not fire an event until all data is read. How client knows the all data is read? There are 3 possibilities:
Server has sent Content-Length: XXX header and client has read XXX bytes of the message body, so it knows it received everything.
Server has sent Transfer-Encoding: chunked header, and sent all data chunks followed by an empty chunk. When client receives an empty chunk, it knows it received everything.
Server set neither Content-Lenth, nor Transfer-Encoding. Client does not know in this case what is the size of the body, and it keeps reading until server closes the connection.
What you see is (3). Solution: set Content-Length in your server code.

What is the proper way to securely disconnect an asio SSL socket?

A boost-asio SSL/TLS TCP socket is implemented as an ssl::stream over a tcp::socket:
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> ssl_socket;
In the TLS protocol, a cryptographically secure shutdown involves parties exchanging close_notify messages. Simply closing the lowest layer may make the session vulnerable to a truncation attack.
In boost asio ssl async_shutdown always finishes with an error? #Tanner Sansbury describes the SSL shutdown process in detail with a number of scenarios and proposes using an async_shutdown followed by an async_write to disconnect an SSL stream prior to closing the socket:
const char buffer[] = "";
async_write(ssl_socket, buffer, [](...) { ssl_socket.close(); })
Performing an async_shutdown on an ssl::stream sends an SSL close_notify message and waits for a response from the other end. The purpose of writing to the stream after the async_shutdown is to be notified when async_shutdown has sent the close_notify so that the socket can be closed without waiting for the response. However, in the current (1.59) version of boost the call to async_write fails...
In How to gracefully shutdown a boost asio ssl client? #maxschlepzig proposes shutting down receiver of the underlying TCP socket:
This produces a short read error, and async_shutdown is called when it's detected in the error handler:
// const boost::system::error_code &ec
if (ec.category() == asio::error::get_ssl_category() &&
// -> not a real error:
Or cancelling the read/write operations on the socket and then calling SSL async shutdown, i.e.:
boost::system::error_code ec;
ssl_socket.async_shutdown([](...) { ssl_socket.close(); };
I'm currently using this last method since it works with the current version of boost.
What is the correct/best way to securely disconnect a boost-asio SSL socket?
To securely disconnect, perform a shutdown operation and then close the underlying transport once shutdown has complete. Hence, the method you are currently using will perform a secure disconnect:
boost::system::error_code ec;
ssl_socket.async_shutdown([](...) { ssl_socket.close(); };
Be aware that the current async_shutdown operation will be considered complete when either:
A close_notify has been received by the remote peer.
The remote peer closes the socket.
The operation has been cancelled.
Hence, if resources are bound to the lifetime of the socket or connection, then these resources will remain alive waiting for the remote peer to take action or until the operation is cancelled locally. However, waiting for a close_notify response is not required for a secure shutdown. If resources are bound to the connection, and locally the connection is considered dead upon sending a shutdown, then it may be worthwhile to not wait for the remote peer to take action:
const char buffer[] = "";
async_write(ssl_socket, boost::asio::buffer(buffer),
[](...) { ssl_socket.close(); })
When a client sends a close_notify message, the client guarantees that the client will not send additional data across the secure connection. In essence, the async_write() is being used to detect when the client has sent a close_notify, and within the completion handler, will close the underlying transport, causing the async_shutdown() to complete with boost::asio::error::operation_aborted. As noted in the linked answer, the async_write() operation is expected to fail.
... as the write side of PartyA's SSL stream has closed, the async_write() operation will fail with an SSL error indicating the protocol has been shutdown.
if ((error.category() == boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category())
The failed async_write() operation will then explicitly close the underlying transport, causing the async_shutdown() operation that is waiting for PartyB's close_notify to be cancelled.
I'm probably late to answer this but I want to report my experience.
This solution so far (using boost 1.78) did not produce any visible error on the client nor the server:
// sock type is boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket>
sock->lowest_layer().shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);
Sandbox server with: openssl s_server -cert server.crt -key server.key -4 -debug
With this solution the server gets this after the sock->shutdown(ec).
read from 0x55e5dff8c960 [0x55e5dff810f8] (19 bytes => 19 (0x13))
0000 - 44 bc 11 5b a9 b4 ee 51-48 e0 18 f7 99 a7 a8 a9 D..[...QH.......
0010 - 21 1a 60 !.`
shutting down SSL
Before I was using this code (used for both plain TCP and ssl socket)
sock->lowest_layer().shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);
The old code, when leveraging ssl socket, produced this error on the server:
read from 0x55eb3d40b430 [0x55eb3d423513] (5 bytes => 0 (0x0))
shutting down SSL
As mentioned before, to avoid this behavior a close_notify should be sent out by the client using ssl::stream::async_shutdown or ssl::stream::shutdown
The trick of async_write() could be useful in case you want to leverage the async_shutdown() function instead of the synchronous shutdown()

boost asio ssl async_shutdown always finishes with an error?

I have a small ssl client that I've programmed in boost 1.55 asio, and I'm trying to figure out why boost::asio::ssl::stream::async_shutdown() always fails. The client is very similar (almost identical) to the ssl client examples in the boost documentation, in that it goes through an boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::async_resolve() -> boost::asio::ssl::stream::async_connect() -> boost::asio::ssl::stream::async_handshake() callback sequence. All of this works as expected and the async_handshake() callback gets an all-clear boost::system::error_code.
From the async_handshake() callback, I call async_shutdown() (I don't transfer any data - this object is more for testing the handshake):
void ClientCertificateFinder::handle_handshake(const boost::system::error_code& e)
if ( !e )
m_socket.async_shutdown( boost::bind( &ClientCertificateFinder::handle_shutdown_after_success,
boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );
m_handler( e, IssuerNameList() );
handle_shutdown_after_success() is then called, but always with an error? The error is value=2 in asio.misc, which is 'End of file'. I've tried this with a variety of ssl servers, and I always seem to get this asio.misc error. That this isn't an underlying openssl error suggests to me that I might be misusing asio in some way...?
Anyone know why this might be happening? I was under the impression that shutting down the connection with async_shutdown() was The Right Thing To Do, but I guess I could just call boost::asio::ssl::stream.lowestlayer().close() to close the socket out from under openssl if that's the expected way to do this (and indeed the asio ssl examples seem to indicate that this is the right way of shutting down).
For a cryptographically secure shutdown, both parties musts execute shutdown operations on the boost::asio::ssl::stream by either invoking shutdown() or async_shutdown() and running the io_service. If the operation completes with an error_code that does not have an SSL category and was not cancelled before part of the shutdown could occur, then the connection was securely shutdown and the underlying transport may be reused or closed. Simply closing the lowest layer may make the session vulnerable to a truncation attack.
The Protocol and Boost.Asio API
In the standardized TLS protocol and the non-standardized SSLv3 protocol, a secure shutdown involves parties exchanging close_notify messages. In terms of the Boost.Asio API, either party may initiate a shutdown by invoking shutdown() or async_shutdown(), causing a close_notify message to be sent to the other party, informing the recipient that the initiator will not send more messages on the SSL connection. Per the specification, the recipient must respond with a close_notify message. Boost.Asio does not automatically perform this behavior, and requires the recipient to explicitly invoke shutdown() or async_shutdown().
The specification permits the initiator of the shutdown to close their read side of the connection before receiving the close_notify response. This is used in cases where the application protocol does not wish to reuse the underlying protocol. Unfortunately, Boost.Asio does not currently (1.56) provide direct support for this capability. In Boost.Asio, the shutdown() operation is considered complete upon error or if the party has sent and received a close_notify message. Once the operation has completed, the application may reuse the underlying protocol or close it.
Scenarios and Error Codes
Once an SSL connection has been established, the following error codes occur during shutdown:
One party initiates a shutdown and the remote party closes or has already closed the underlying transport without shutting down the protocol:
The initiator's shutdown() operation will fail with an SSL short read error.
One party initiates a shutdown and waits for the remote party to shutdown the protocol:
The initiator's shutdown operation will complete with an error value of boost::asio::error::eof.
The remote party's shutdown() operation completes with success.
One party initiates a shutdown then closes the underlying protocol without waiting for the remote party to shutdown the protocol:
The initiator's shutdown() operation will be cancelled, resulting in an error of boost::asio::error::operation_aborted. This is the result of a workaround noted in the details below.
The remote party's shutdown() operation completes with success.
These various scenarios are captured in detailed below. Each scenario is illustrated with a swim-line like diagram, indicating what each party is doing at the exact same point in time.
PartyA invokes shutdown() after PartyB closes connection without negotiating shutdown.
In this scenario, PartyB violates the shutdown procedure by closing the underlying transport without first invoking shutdown() on the stream. Once the underlying transport has been closed, the PartyA attempts to initiate a shutdown().
PartyA | PartyB
ssl_stream.handshake(...); | ssl_stream.handshake(...);
... | ssl_stream.lowest_layer().close();
ssl_stream.shutdown(); |
PartyA will attempt to send a close_notify message, but the write to the underlying transport will fail with boost::asio::error::eof. Boost.Asio will explicitly map the underlying transport's eof error to an SSL short read error, as PartyB violated the SSL shutdown procedure.
if ((error.category() == boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category())
&& (ERR_GET_REASON(error.value()) == SSL_R_SHORT_READ))
// Remote peer failed to send a close_notify message.
PartyA invokes shutdown() then PartyB closes connection without negotiating shutdown.
In this scenario, PartyA initiates a shutdown. However, while PartyB receives the close_notify message, PartyB violates the shutdown procedure by never explicitly responding with a shutdown() before closing the underlying transport.
PartyA | PartyB
ssl_stream.handshake(...); | ssl_stream.handshake(...);
ssl_stream.shutdown(); | ...
| ssl_stream.lowest_layer().close();
As Boost.Asio's shutdown() operation is considered complete once a close_notify has been both sent and received or an error occurs, PartyA will send a close_notify then wait for a response. PartyB closes the underlying transport without sending a close_notify, violating the SSL protocol. PartyA's read will fail with boost::asio::error::eof, and Boost.Asio will map it to an SSL short read error.
PartyA initiates shutdown() and waits for PartyB to respond with a shutdown().
In this scenario, PartyA will initiate a shutdown and wait for PartyB to respond with a shutdown.
PartyA | PartyB
ssl_stream.handshake(...); | ssl_stream.handshake(...);
ssl_stream.shutdown(); | ...
... | ssl_stream.shutdown();
This is a fairly basic shutdown, where both parties send and receive a close_notify message. Once the shutdown has been negotiated by both parties, the underlying transport may either be reused or closed.
PartyA's shutdown operation will complete with an error value of boost::asio::error::eof.
PartyB's shutdown operation will complete with success.
PartyA initiates shutdown() but does not wait for PartyB to responsd.
In this scenario, PartyA will initiate a shutdown and then immediately close the underlying transport once close_notify has been sent. PartyA does not wait for PartyB to respond with a close_notify message. This type of negotiated shutdown is allowed per the specification and fairly common amongst implementations.
As mentioned above, Boost.Asio does not directly support this type of shutdown. Boost.Asio's shutdown() operation will wait for the remote peer to send its close_notify. However, it is possible to implement a workaround while still upholding the specification.
PartyA | PartyB
ssl_stream.handshake(...); | ssl_stream.handshake(...)
ssl_stream.async_shutdown(...); | ...
const char buffer[] = ""; | ...
async_write(ssl_stream, buffer, | ...
[](...) { ssl_stream.close(); }) | ...; | ...
... | ssl_stream.shutdown();
PartyA will initiate an asynchronous shutdown operation and then initiate an asynchronous write operation. The buffer used for the write must be of a non-zero length (null character is used above); otherwise, Boost.Asio will optimize the write to a no-op. When the shutdown() operation runs, it will send close_notify to PartyB, causing SSL to close the write side of PartyA's SSL stream, and then asynchronously wait for PartyB's close_notify. However, as the write side of PartyA's SSL stream has closed, the async_write() operation will fail with an SSL error indicating the protocol has been shutdown.
if ((error.category() == boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category())
The failed async_write() operation will then explicitly close the underlying transport, causing the async_shutdown() operation that is waiting for PartyB's close_notify to be cancelled.
Although PartyA performed a shutdown procedure permitted by the SSL specification, the shutdown() operation was explicitly cancelled when underlying transport was closed. Hence, the shutdown() operation's error code will have a value of boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
PartyB's shutdown operation will complete with success.
In summary, Boost.Asio's SSL shutdown operations are a bit tricky. The inconstancies between the initiator and remote peer's error codes during proper shutdowns can make handling a bit awkward. As a general rule, as long as the error code's category is not an SSL category, then the protocol was securely shutdown.

boost::asio::async_write issue over serial channel

I have client server application, the flow is as explained below:
client is at windows side and do not use boost
server is at linux side and uses boost
client-server communicates over serial channel RS485. and server uses boost::asio::async_write.
client --> calls command with specific command_id --> server
client <-- sends acknowledgement <-- server
{server process the command, meanwhile the client is blocked for response}
client <-- sends response <-- server
Sometimes what happens client receives the acknowledgement but do not receive the response even if the response is sent by the server.
The pending response is later received by the client when client sends another command.
If I use boost::asio::write for serial communication there is no problem at all.
below is the code snippet for async_write
boost::asio::async_write(serial_port, boost::asio::buffer(&v_chunk[0], v_chunk.size()),
boost::bind(&Serial_channel::async_write_callback, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
The way you use the io_service will not work. First of all the run function doesn't return until the service event loop is stopped. Secondly, if you just want to use it as a "poller" then you should use poll or optionally poll_one (or perhaps run_one).
But if you do it like that, it's the same as doing a non-async write call, and you loos the benefits of the async functions.
referencing #Joachim comment I have changed my flow like below and it worked.
boost::asio::async_write(serial_port, boost::asio::buffer(&v_chunk[0], v_chunk.size()),
boost::bind(&Serial_channel::async_write_callback, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
usleep(1000); // 1 millisecond delay