Iterating over all (i,j)-elements in a circle - c++

Given two (very simplified) classes:
class Rectangle {
int iL,jL; // lower left point of rectangle
int width, length; // width: in i-direction, length: in j-direction
class Circle {
int iC,jC; // center-point of circle
int radius;
If I want to iterate over all elements in a Rectangle, I can simply do that by:
for (int i = iL; i < iL-width; i--)
for (int j = jL; j < jL+length; j++)
My problem is to implement a smart way of iterating over all elements in Circle. My current solution looks as follows:
for (int i = iC-radius; i <= iC+radius; i++)
for (int j = jC-radius; j <= jC+radius; j++)
if ( sqrt(pow(i-iC,2)+pow(j-jC,2)) <= r ) // checking if (i,j) lies within the circle (or its boundary)
However, for radius getting large my current solution is very time-expensive (since I touch many elements which aren't in the Circle and since I always need to evaluate pow). Can you think of a more intelligent and efficient way of iteration over all Circle-elements?

For every line find the first column that belongs to the circle, and walk from this column to one mirrored relative to the circle center. Pseudo code
for (int iy = - radius to radius; iy++)
dx = (int) sqrt(radius * radius - iy * iy)
for (int ix = - dx to dx; ix++)
doSomething(CX + ix, CY + iy);

Let the radius of the circle be r. Consider a Square of size (2r+1)*(2r+1) around the circle to be drawn. So equidistant points in square are stored in 2D array .
Now walk through every point inside the square. For every point (x,y), if (x, y) lies inside the circle (or x^2+ y^2 < r^2), then print it. For example, equidistant points form a 10x10 array, and a chosen "center" of the array at (x,y):
for i from 0 to 9 {
for j from 0 to 9 {
a = i - x
b = j - y
if a*a + b*b <= r*r {
// Do something here


Drawing an image along a slope in OpenGL

I'm writing a program that can draw a line between two points with filled circles. The circles:
- shouldn't overlap each other
- be as close together as possible
- and the centre of each circle should be on the line.
I've written a function to produce the circles, however I'm having trouble calculating position of each circle so that they are correctly lined up
void addCircles(scrPt endPt1, scrPt endPt2)
float xLength, yLength, length, cSquare, slope;
int numberOfCircles;
// Get the x distance between the two points
xLength = abs(endPt1.x - endPt2.x);
// Get the y distance between the two points
yLength = abs(endPt1.y - endPt2.y);
// Get the length between the points
cSquare = pow(xLength, 2) + pow(yLength, 2);
length = sqrt(cSquare);
// calculate the slope
slope = (endPt2.y - endPt1.y) / (endPt2.x - endPt1.x);
// Find how many circles fit inside the length
numberOfCircles = round(length / (radius * 2) - 1);
// set the position of each circle
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCircles; i++)
scrPt circPt;
circPt.x = endPt1.x + ((radius * 2) * i);
circPt.y = endPt1.y + (((radius * 2) * i) * slope);
drawCircle (circPt.x, circPt.y);
This is what the above code produces:
I'm quite certain that the issue lies with this line, which sets the y value of the circle:
circPt.y = endPt1.y + (((radius * 2) * i) * slope);
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I recommend to calculate the direction of the line as a unit vector:
float xDist = endPt2.x - endPt1.x;
float yDist = endPt2.y - endPt1.y;
float length = sqrt(xDist*xDist + yDist *yDist);
float xDir = xDist / length;
float yDir = yDist / length;
Calculate the distance from one center point to the next one, numberOfSegments is the number of sections and not the number of circles:
int numberOfSegments = (int)trunc( length / (radius * 2) );
float distCpt = numberOfSegments == 0 ? 0.0f : length / (float)numberOfSegments;
A center point of a circle is calculated by the adding a vector the the start point of the line. The vector pints in the direction of the line and its length is given, by the distance between 2 circles multiplied by the "index" of the circle:
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfSegments; i++)
float cpt_x = endPt1.x + xDir * distCpt * (float)i;
float cpt_y = endPt1.y + yDir * distCpt * (float)i;
drawCircle(cpt_x , cpt_y);
Note, the last circle on a line may be redrawn, by the first circle of the next line. You can change this by changing the iteration expression of the for loop - change <= to <:
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++)
In this case at the end of the line won't be drawn any circle at all.

Formula of rotating matrix/image 90 degree C++

Let's say I have image, which I need to rotate 90 degrees in any direction and I just can't understand how to do that clear. I need to work with matrix, where Width - it's X, and Height - it's Y. I've already done rotating an image 180 degrees, but can't figure out 90 degrees.
Here are the examples. Let's say I have an image 3x4 pixels. Width = 3, Height = 4, the amount of data in each cell - N = Width * Height = 3 * 4 = 12. Let's make the matrix:
The formula to easily go through the matrix is y*Width + x. And the formula for our rotating 180 degrees is:
N - Width + x - y * Width
So we have:
DataOut [y * Width + x] = DataIn [N - Width + x - y * Width]
Using this formula we get:
But I can't come up with the formula of rotating 90 degrees. Can you help me, please?
you can simply rotate the matrix by this:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i][j]= datIn[rows-j][i];
and in 1-D array:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i * rows + j]= datIn[(rows-j) * cols + i];
You can easily convert the (x + y * width) to a simpler (x, y) representation.
using P = point_data_type;
P point(int x, int y){
return DataIn[x + y * width]; // N - ...?
Now a right angle rotation is just a coordinate switch and maybe a sign correction.
P rotate90(int x, int y){
return point(y, x);
This is a positive rotation in a left-handed system.
Subtract x from Width if the rotation is in the wrong direction.

Code to produce edges of a triangle

I am using some code I found that tests two triangles for intersection. The portion of the code I am having trouble with is:
/*tr_tri_intersect3D - C1 is a vertex of triangle A. P1,P2 are the two edges originating from this vertex.
D1 is a vertex of triangle B. P1,P2 are the two edges originating from this vertex.
Returns zero for disjoint triangles and non-zero for intersection.*/
int tr_tri_intersect3D (double *C1, double *P1, double *P2,
double *D1, double *Q1, double *Q2);
What I don't understand is, if I have the three vertices of 2 triangles, what do I need to do to produce the input for this function?
The full source code can be found at:
Triangle Triangle Code
The source code had a test function, it was:
for (i = 0; i<10000; i++){
for (j = 0; j<3; j++){
for (k = 0; k<3; k++){
PS[i][j][k] = drand48();
QS[i][j][k] = drand48();
for (j = 0; j<2; j++){
for (k = 0; k<3; k++){
EPS[i][j][k] = PS[i][j + 1][k] - PS[i][0][k];
EQS[i][j][k] = QS[i][j + 1][k] - PS[i][0][k];
double sum = 0;
int t0 = clock();
int sums[100] = { 0 };
for (j = 0; j<1000; j++)
for (i = 0; i<10000; i++){
int res = tr_tri_intersect3D(PS[i][0], EPS[i][0], EPS[i][1],
QS[j][0], EQS[j][0], EQS[j][1]);
if that help.
From the sample code it seems like what it mean by an edge is the vector from the originating vertex to the end vertex.
In the case of a triangle with three vertices C1, C2, C3, the two input edges would be P1 = C2-C1, P2=C3-C1
Reading the test code, it looks like C and D are two [3][3] array of 9 doubles, which are points 1, 2 and 3 and their 3D x,y,z coordinates.
P1 and P2 are the x,y,z distances of points 2 and 3 from point 1 in triangle C, and Q1 and Q2 are the x,y,z distances of points 2 and 3 of triangle D from point 1. (Edit: byebyebryan said it better, this is the x,y,z vector from point 1 to points 2 and 3). These two are both an array of [3] doubles (basically, bounding box info).
No idea why the Ps and Qs are not computed inside the function, unless the vars also serve to hold return values somehow.

How do I draw a cylinder in OpenTK(.Glu.Cylinder)?

How do I draw a cylinder with OpenGL in OpenTK?
Sample code from an older project of mine. This creates an "uncapped" cylinder (top and bottom are empty).
int segments = 10; // Higher numbers improve quality
int radius = 3; // The radius (width) of the cylinder
int height = 10; // The height of the cylinder
var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
for (double y = 0; y < 2; y++)
for (double x = 0; x < segments; x++)
double theta = (x / (segments - 1)) * 2 * Math.PI;
vertices.Add(new Vector3()
X = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(theta)),
Y = (float)(height * y),
Z = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(theta)),
var indices = new List<int>();
for (int x = 0; x < segments - 1; x++)
indices.Add(x + segments);
indices.Add(X + segments + 1);
indices.Add(x + segments + 1);
indices.Add(x + 1);
You can now render the cylinder like this:
foreach (int index in indices)
You can also upload vertices and indices into a vertex buffer object to improve performance.
Generating the geometry for a cylinder is quite simple (let's consider a Z-aligned cylinder). Let me use pseudocode:
points = list of (x,y,z)
where x = sin(a)*RADIUS, y = cos(a)*RADIUS, z = b,
for each a in [0..2*PI) with step StepA,
for each b in [0..HEIGHT] with step StepB
About the indices: Let us assume N equal to the number of "levels" or "slices" of the cylinder (which depends on HEIGHT and StepB) and M equal to the number of points on every "slice" (which depends on StepA).
The cylinder contains some quads, each spanning 2 neighbouring slices, so the indices would look like:
indices = list of (a,b,c,d)
where a = M * slice + point,
b = M * slice + (point+1) % M,
c = (M+1) * slice + (point+1) % M,
d = (M+1) * slice + point
for each slice in [0..N-2]
for each point in [0..M-1]
If you need normals for the cylinder, they are simple to generate:
normals = (x/RADIUS,y/RADIUS,0)
for each (x,y,z) in points
That's it for the round part of the cylinder, you might also want the "caps" but I believe they are easy to do.
I'll leave the fun part of translating my pseudocode into your language of choice for you. :)
The rest is to create/bind the VBO, load up the geometry, set pointers, use your shader of choice and call glDrawArrays(...) - any OpenGL 3 tutorial should cover this; are you familiar with that part?

Polygon in rectangle algorithm?

I have an algorithm which can find if a point is in a given polygon:
int CGlEngineFunctions::PointInPoly(int npts, float *xp, float *yp, float x, float y)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = npts-1; i < npts; j = i++) {
if ((((yp[i] <= y) && (y < yp[j])) ||
((yp[j] <= y) && (y < yp[i]))) &&
(x < (xp[j] - xp[i]) * (y - yp[i]) / (yp[j] - yp[i]) + xp[i]))
c = !c;
return c;
given this, how could I make it check if its within a rectangle defind by Ptopleft and Pbottomright instead of a single point?
Basically you know how in Adobe Illustrator you can drag to select all objects that fall within the selection rectangle? well I mean that. –
Can't you just find the minimum and maximum x and y values among the points of the polygon and check to see if any of the values are outside the rectangle's dimensions?
EDIT: duh, I misinterpreted the question. If you want to ensure that the polygon is encosed by a rectangle, do a check for each polygon point. You can do that more cheaply with the minimum/maximum x and y coordinates and checking if that rectangle is within the query rectangle.
EDIT2: Oops, meant horizontal, not vertical edges.
EDIT3: Oops #2, it does handle horizontal edges by avoiding checking edges that are horizontal. If you cross multiply however, you can avoid the special casing as well.
int isPointInRect( Point point, Point ptopleft, Point pbottomright) {
float xp[2] ;
xp[0] = ptopleft.x,
xp[1] = pbottomright.x;
float yp[2] ;
yp[0] = ptopleft.y ;
yp[1] = pbottomright.y ;
return CGlEngineFunctions::PointInPoly(2, xp, yp, point.x, point.y);
As mentioned before, for that specific problem, this function is an overkill. However, if you are required to use it, note that:
1. It works only for convex polygons,
2. The arrays holding the polygon's vertices must be sorted such that consecutive points in the array relate to adjacent vertices of your polygon.
3. To work properly, the vertices must be ordered in the "right hand rule" order. That means that when you start "walking" along the edges, you only make left turns.
That said, I think there is an error in the implementation. Instead of:
// c initialized to 0 (false), then...
c = !c;
you should have something like:
// c initialized to 1 (true), then...
// negate your condition:
if ( ! (....))
c = 0;