How do I add a new dependency to a Clojure project using emacs or lein? - clojure

I use emacs (to be more precise, Spacemacs), and so far, I haven't seen any way to add a project dependency (say, ring or hiccup) to my project, other than opening ./project.clj and adding a new vector to :dependencies. I'm not feeling comfortable doing this because I need to remember exact version of the package I want to add as a dependency, and multiplied by possible number of these packages, this amount of information is clearly not for a human head. Meanwhile, I have a strong feeling that it's possible to add a project dependency either via CLI or in emacs directly (perhaps Cider?). Is it possible, and how do I do this?

In Spacemacs you can use clj-refactor to help you with this. Navigate to your project.clj, cider jack-in with ,' and press ,rap (major mode, refactor, add, project dependency) for cljr-add-project-dependency.
In the menu you can search for an artifact available in Clojars:
and select one of the available versions:
When you press enter the dependency is added to the bottom of the list.

Managing this by hand is not difficult. As you said you simply open your project.clj file in your editor and add dependencies.
You can find the current version by either checking the project's page or by searching for it on clojars' or maven's website. If you know what you need it only takes a few minutes, and if you're not writing throw away code a few minutes is nothing compared to the life of the project.
To maintain dependencies, something like lein ancient is very helpful.


create a project from a template

I have several project setups in very different languages. For example an android project.
Whenever I want to create a new android project I copy that project, rename everything I need to rename and I have a ready to go project with which I start working.
Since this is very time consuming and I am sure this can be automated I thought about creating a tool that does this for me, but then I thought there are probably thousand solutions out there, which solve the exact same problem already, I am just not aware of.
So my question is, do you know of any tools like this? The requirements I see are, that it has to be os, language, IDE independent and it must support a command line interface. Ideally with less setup effort.
You should try Telosys ( a lightweight code generator that is able to generate any kind of langage with any kind of framework.
This tool is quite simple, free and Open Source.
It provides a Command Line Interface (so it can be used with any environment/IDE).
It is usualy used to boostrap a project and to generated all the repetitive code (CRUD, Controllers, unit tests, HTML pages, etc)
See also :

I accidentally deleted part of my code in c++ Visual Studio

I deleted part of my code, and accidentally saved.
I tried looking at my history and my source explorer, but those were both greyed out.
I'm not sure if you can pull your deleted code out of the void, but you should look into version control software, like Git, to keep a lock on each version of your programs. I know it doesn't solve your problem now, but it will help a ton in the future if you make changes often!
Go to "Edit" → "Undo" to undo recent changes.
Or, go into your version control system's log and revert to an older committed version.
Or, restore from one of your off-site backups.
The most important was already said. However, here some relevant complements:
The Edit -> Undo (or Ctrl+Z) has to be done file by file if you have several files in your project.
The Undo works after a Save, provided that you've set the focus in the editor's window (and not the solution explorer's). However, once you've left Visual Studio, it's lost forever!
The AutoRecover setting in the Environment section of the Option dialog box ensures that a copy of your unsaved work is saved every couple of minutes and keep it a couple of days (in your document folder under Visual Studio 20xx\Backup Files...). Unfortunately, it is designed to protect you against a crash; so the files are removed when you save, and it won't help you (I mention it only in case you were aware of the backup files and hoped to get a solution with it).
If you're working with windows 10 and have activated the file history backup you may luckily look at older versions in the explorer. This will not help if you have done changes and deleted them without a backup in-between (e.g within one hour at least).
You may not like this suggestion because the VS IDE is very comfortable, once you're used to it. But some programming editors allow you to set the configuration to make a backup of the files before you save them (e.g. such as for example emacs or atom). The purpose is exactly to prevent the kind of problems that you've just mentioned.
The best approach to avoid loosing previous work is of course the source code version control, with the corresponding discipline. It's easy to setup: a right-click on your solution in the solution explorer to activate this feature on your project, then at each significant change, again a right-click on the solution to commit the changes. With git, you don't even need to create a central repository if you're working alone on smaller projects. The local repository is sufficient to archive the successive versions of your code and find them back. But again, it's no magic: if you've made a lot of changes and didn't commit them, it won't retrieve them...

Disable Gradle auto make in Android Studio

In Android Studio 0.2.0, whenever I type anything in my build.gradle files, Gradle decides it's time to rebuild. This takes a long time, generates noise and kills my battery life. It never ends as well, at least not until I finish editing the file… always rebuilding as I type. Lucky me I use Ubuntu with plenty of free memory.
So… I'd like to deactivate any option to auto make stuff. This is what I've tried so far:
Checking "File" | "Power Save Mode" in the menu.
Unchecking all options and all combinations between them in "Compiler" options, especially "Make Project Automatically".
Nothing works. I'd like a way to only build when I ask. Like a manual mode with a button. Something like that.
I understand Android Studio and the whole build system is very new, with lots of rough edges, but I'm hoping it's just a matter of an obscure flag definition in a file somewhere.
Previous research: this question does not provide enough details or goals, so I made my own. This G+ thread was a dead end as well. I'm still getting used to the new stuff and may be lost searching (i.e., missing the right keywords etc.), so sorry in advance if there are no updates on this issue.
Thank you.
under preferences > Gradle you can disable auto-import. With it selected it'll reimport the gradle project (which right now builds it first) every time you change the file.
Additionally, if you are using Kotlin build script (Kotlin DSL), after disabled auto-import like #Xavier said, you need one more step: uncheck the Auto Reload checkbox of KotlinBuildScript under preference -> languages & frameworks -> Kotlin -> Kotlin Scripting.

Namespace refactoring tool for Eclipse?

I'm doing some housekeeping on some files, and I need to move some classes to a new namespace. Currently I have to manually edit the files, but I was wondering if there's a more efficient way of doing this?
I heard about ReSharper for Visual Studio does what I need, but is there a similar tool for Eclipse?
is there a similar tool for Eclipse?
The is no such capability in eclipse until today MARS 8.1 . However, what on can do is to manually search for occurrences of the classes.
Select the class name that you want to refactor and to a File Search within the enclosing project.
From the tabs select "File Search" and then press "Replace ..." , it will find all occurences and let you fill in the replacement text.
Click "Preview" to see what is going to be applied and remove those actions that you do not wish that they be applied by unchecking them.
This should be sufficient. If you are using git you can always do git checkout -b _refactorme to feel safe and then merge your changes. In that manner if something went wrong you can always track the problem e.g. using git blame.
I'm not really sure if Eclipse does that but IntelliJ IDEA (from the same vendor as ReSharper) does have a refactoring to move classes between packages. It is available from Refactor > Migrate menu if I remember correctly.

how-to: programmatic install on windows?

Can anyone list the steps needed to programatically install an application on Windows. Aside from copying the files where they need to be, what are the additional steps needed so that your app will be a first-class citizen in Windows (i.e. show up in the programs list, uninstall list...etc.)
I tried to google this, but had no luck.
BTW: This is for an unmanaged c++ application (developed in Qt), so I'd rather not involve the .net framework if I don't have to.
I highly recommend NSIS. Open Source, very active development, and it's hard to match/beat its extensibility.
To add your program to the Add/Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) list, add the following reg keys:
I think the theme to the answers you'll see here is that you should use an installation program and that you should not write the installer yourself. Use one of the many installer-makers, such as Inno Setup, InstallSheild, or anything else someone recommends.
If you try to write the installer yourself, you'll probably do it wrong. This isn't a slight against you personally. It's just that there are a lot of little details that an installer should consider, and a lot of things that can go wrong, and if you want to write the installer yourself, you're just going to have to get all those things right. That means lots of research and lots of testing on your part. Save yourself the trouble.
Besides copying files, installation tasks vary quite a bit depending on what your program needs. Maybe you need to put an icon on the Start menu; an installer tool should have a way to make that happen very easily, automatically filling in the install location that the customer chose earlier in the installation, and maybe even choosing the right local language for the shortcut's label.
You might need to create registry entries, such as for file associations or licensing. Your installer tool should already have an easy way to specify what keys and values to create or modify.
You might need to register a COM server. That's a common enough action that your installer tool probably has a way of specifying that as part of the post-file-copy operation.
If there are some actions that your chosen installer tool doesn't already provide for, the tool will probably offer a way to add custom actions, perhaps through a scripting language, or perhaps through linking external code from a DLL you would write that gets included with your installer. Custom actions might include downloading an update from a specific Web site, sending e-mail, or taking an inventory of what other products from your company are already installed.
A couple of final things that an installer tool should provide are ways to apply upgrades to an existing installation, and a way to uninstall the program, undoing all those installation tasks (deleting files, restoring backups, unregistering COM servers, etc.).
I've used Inno Setup to package my software for C++. It's very simple compared to heavy duty solutions such at InstallShield. Everything can be contained in a single setup.exe without creating all these crazy batch scripts and so on.
Check it out here:
It sounds like you need to check out the Windows Installer system. If you need the nitty-gritty, see the official documentation. For news, read the installer team's blog. Finally, since you're a programmer, you probably want to build the installer as a programmer would. WiX 3.0 is my tool of choice - open source code, from Microsoft to boot. Start with this tutorial on WiX. It's good.
The GUI for innosetup (highly recommended) is Istool
You can also use the MSI installer built into Visual Studio, it's a steeper learning curve (ie is a pain) but is useful if you are installing software in a corporate environment.
To have your program show up in the Start program menu,
You would need to create folder
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
and added a short cut to the program you want to launch.
(If you want your application be listed
directly in the Start menu, or in the programs submenu,
you would put your short cut in the respective directory)
To programically create a short cut you can use IShellLink
(See MSDN article).
Since you want to uninstall, that gets a lot more involved because you don't want to simply go deleting DLLs or other common files without checking dependencies.
I would recommend using a setup/installation generator, especially nowadays with Vista being so persnickety, it is getting rather complicated to roll your own installation
if you need anything more than a single executable and a start menu shortcut.
I have been using Paquet Builder setup generator for several years now.
(The registered version includes uninstall).
You've already got the main steps. One you left out is to install on the Start Menu and provide an option to create a desktop and/or quick launch icon.
I would encourage you to look into using a setup program, as suggested by Jeremy.