How to put a 100% TICK or VRULE for unknown data with RRDTool - rrdtool

I'm plotting a number of data on various graphs using RRDTool, occasionally I get unknown data points, this is totally expected especially if the computer updating the RRDs is offline.
That's cool, however, when this happens, I want there to be a nice big red line (for each and every unkonwn so it makes the graph's viewer very aware that the value at those points is not 0, but actually UNKNOWN.
What I have:
What I want (Photoshopped):
Is there an easy/elegant way to accomplish this?

Here's what worked:
I used the CDEF with an existing Data Source (DS) instead of having to create a new DS.
I added the following 2 lines in my RRDTool Graph section
'CDEF:up=a1,0,*,0,EQ,0,1,IF' \
'TICK:up#DB0865:1.0' \
The CDEF doe the calculation of:
a1 * 0
Then compares the the result of that to 0. If they're equal, set "up" to "0" else set "up" to "1".
The only time that they would not be equal, would be if "a1" was unknown.
Therefore when there is a gap in the graph (no data), it will have a 100% vertical bar (TICK) of a deep purple/pink colour (#DB0865)
Even though the documentation on the RRDTool site Indicates that a DS can be added to an existing RRD, it actually cannot be (according to Tobi Oetiker). So I went with the above method to avoid losing all the data in the rrds that I already have when creating a new rrd with a new DS.
Here's an example of how it looks:

The elegant way would be to check if load includes any reasonable value. If not add 1 to DS that you create for this purpose.
So for Robin Database add new DS that will have value 0 or 1
and then start adding 0 or 1 to this DS if your primary DS is not available
at the end for drawing the graph:
DEF:somestatus1=$RRD_FILE:somestatus1:AVERAGE \
CDEF:my_status_cdef=somestatus1,1,0,IF \
TICK:my_status_cdef#e0ffe0:1.0:"Device was ON\n" \
each TICK will draw 100% height vertical bar over the graph as you need
Another option is to create conditional CDEF that will create TICK if primary DS is none.

This method plots an area when "offline". The CDEF checks if the load measurement is UN (unknown), if it is, it will return 1, multiply by INF to make it to the highest value of the plot.
CDEF:offline=load,UN,INF,* \
AREA:offline#FF000011: \


RRDTOOL - RPN-Expression help, how to reference input in COMPUTE DS (add two DS values or the LAST DS value with a new number)?

I have a data feed that has a single value that increases over time until a forced wrap-around.
I have the wrap-around under control.
The value from the data feed I pass into a RRD GAUGE as ds1.
I want to add a couple data sources to handle exceptions where on a certain condition detected by my script (that calls rrdupdate) to add some details for reporting.
When the condition is true in the script, I want to update the RRD with:
the normal value into ds1
the difference of the prior value to the current value to be marked as batch exceptions into ds2
count (sum) all ds2 values in a similar way to ds1.
I've been playing with the below but wonder if there is a method using COMPUTE or do I need to code all the logic into the bash script to poll rrdinfo, fetch the last_ds lines and prep the data accordingly? Does the rrd COMPUTE type have the ability to read other DS's?
If ds2.value > 0 then set ds3.value to (ds3.last_ds + ds2.value) ?
I looked at the rpn-expression and found it references 'input' but does not show how to feed those inputs into the COMPUTE operation?
Currently state
Desired state?
DS:cs1:COMPUTE:input,0,GT,ds3,ds2,+,input,IF <-- what is 'input' is it passed via rrdupdate cs1:[value]?
Alternatively ds1 could have store the total without the exceptions and I could use an AREA and a STACK to plot the total.
If someone is knowledgeable of rpn-expressions when used with rrd it would be a massive help to clarity the rpn-express input reference & what is possible. There is very limited info online about this. If the script has to poll the RRD files for last_ds and do the calculations that is fine just it RRA has the smarts in the COMPUTE DS type, I'd rather use them.
Thank you.
A COMPUTE type datasource needs to have an RPN formula that completely describes it in terms of the other (non-compute) datasources. So, you cannot have multiple definitions of the same source, nor can it populate until the last of the other DS for that time window have been populated.
So, for example, if you have datasources a and b, and you want a COMPUTE type datasource that is equal to a if b<0, and a+b otherwise, you can use
From this, you can see how the definition of c uses RPN to define a single value using the values of a and b (and a constant). The calculation is performed solely within the configured time interval, and subsequently all three are stored and aggregated in the defined RRAs in the same way. You can also then use the graphs functions over c exactly as you would for a or b; the compute function is used only at data storing time.
Here is a full working example for the benefit of the original poster:
rrdtool create test.rrd --step 1800 \
DS:a:COUNTER:28800:0:U \
DS:b:COUNTER:28000:0:U \
DS:c:GAUGE:3600:0:U \
DS:d:COUNTER:3600:0:U \
DS:x:COMPUTE:b,0,GT,a,b,+,a,IF \
RRA:LAST:0.99999:1:72000 \
RRA:LAST:0.99999:4:17568 \
RRA:LAST:0.99999:8:18000 \
RRA:LAST:0.99999:32:4500 \

How to get y axis range in Stata

Suppose I am using some twoway graph command in Stata. Without any action on my part Stata will choose some reasonable values for the ranges of both y and x axes, based both upon the minimum and maximum y and x values in my data, but also upon some algorithm that decides when it would be prettier for the range to extend instead to a number like '0' instead of '0.0139'. Wonderful! Great.
Now suppose that after (or while) I draw my graph, I want to slap some very important text onto it, and I want to be choosy about precisely where the text appears. Having the minimum and maximum values of the displayed axes would be useful: how can I get these min and max numbers? (Either before or while calling the graph command.)
NB: I am not asking how to set the y or x axis ranges.
Since this issue has been a bit of a headache for me for quite some time and I believe there is no good solution out there yet I wanted to write up two ways in which I was able to solve a similar problem to the one described in the post. Specifically, I was able to solve the issue of gray shading for part of the graph using these.
Define a global macro in the code generating the axis labels This is the less elegant way to do it but it works well. Locate the tickset_g.class file in your ado path. The graph twoway command uses this to draw the axes of any graph. There, I defined a global macro in the draw program that takes the value of the omin and omax locals after they have been set to the minimum between the axis range and data range (the command that does this is local omin = min(.scale.min,omin) and analogously for the max), since the latter sometimes exceeds the former. You could also define the global further up in that code block to only get the axis extent. You can then access the axis range using the globals after the graph command (and use something like addplot to add to the previously drawn graph). Two caveats for this approach: using global macros is, as far as I understand, bad practice and can be dangerous. I used names I was sure wouldn't be included in any program with the prefix userwritten. Also, you may not have administrator privileges that allow you to alter this file based on your organization's decisions. However, it is the simpler way. If you prefer a more elegant approach along the lines of what Nick Cox suggested, then you can:
Use the undocumented gdi natscale command to define your own axis labels The gdi commands are the internal commands that are used to generate what you see as graph output (cf. The tickset_g.class uses the gdi natscale command to generate the nice numbers of the axes. Basic documentation is available with help _natscale, basically you enter the minimum and maximum, e.g. from a summarize return, and a suggested number of steps and the command returns a min, max, and delta to be used in the x|ylabel option (several possible ways, all rather straightforward once you have those numbers so I won't spell them out for brevity). You'd have to adjust this approach in case you use some scale transformation.
Hope this helps!
I like Nick's suggestion, but if you're really determined, it seems that you can find these values by inspecting the output after you set trace on. Here's some inefficient code that seems to do exactly what you want. Three notes:
when I import the log file I get this message:
Note: Unmatched quote while processing row XXXX; this can be due to a formatting problem in the file or because a quoted data element spans multiple lines. You should carefully inspect your data after importing. Consider using option bindquote(strict) if quoted data spans multiple lines or option bindquote(nobind) if quotes are not used for binding data.
Sometimes the data fall outside of the min and max range values that are chosen for the graph's axis labels (but you can easily test for this).
The log linesize is actually important to my code below because the key values must fall on the same line as the strings that I use to identify the helpful rows.
* start a log (critical step for my solution)
cap log close _all
set linesize 255
log using "log", replace text
* make up some data:
set obs 3
gen xvar = rnormal(0,10)
gen yvar = rnormal(0,.01)
* turn trace on, run the -twoway- call, and then turn trace off
set trace on
twoway scatter yvar xvar
set trace off
cap log close _all
* now read the log file in and find the desired info
import delimited "log.log", clear
egen my_string = concat(v*)
keep if regexm(my_string,"forvalues yf") | regexm(my_string,"forvalues xf")
drop if regexm(my_string,"delta")
split my_string, parse("=") gen(new)
gen axis = "vertical" if regexm(my_string,"yf")
replace axis = "horizontal" if regexm(my_string,"xf")
keep axis new*
duplicates drop
loc my_regex = "(.*[0-9]+)\((.*[0-9]+)\)(.*[0-9]+)"
gen min = regexs(1) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen delta = regexs(2) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen max_temp= regexs(3) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
destring min max delta , replace
gen max = min + delta* int((max_temp-min)/delta)
*here is the info you want:
list axis min delta max

Rrdtool graphing a digital event without jagged edges

I'm reading my energy meter output to keep track of actual energy used, etc. The energy cost is calculated with a tarif, and that changes during the day from one state to another (1 or 2). When I graph the tarif together with the actual usage over time, the sharp edge of the tarif state gets jagged, possibly caused by the averaging.
I have used DS:tarif:GAUGE:... to setup the db, and I'm using DEF:tarif:xx.rrd:tarif:AVERAGE to graph.
How do I record and graph a "digital" signal with sharp edges?
There are two things that you might be referring to here.
First, make sure you are not using --slope-mode. This option uses slopes rather than steps in the graph; this sound like the wrong option for you.
Next, you have the problem that your tariff DS is varying between two values (lets say a and b), but when you look at the higher-level graphs, this starts to average out and looks wrong.
When looking at your high-granularity (IE, close up) graphs, you have one (or more) pixels per RRA data point, and one sample per RRA data point. So, you'll see either a or b. However, when you move up to a lower granularity (IE, further away) graph, RRDtool will start to have multiple data points per pixel. Depending on your RRD file definition, rrdtool will then either consolodate on the fly, or move to using a different RRA with more samples per datapoint.
So, this means that you have multiple samples per pixel, and they need to somehow be combined. By default, RRDTool will average them, which can result in the jagged behaviour.
However, what do you want to happen? If the time interval corresponding to a single pixel has 2 instances of a and three of b, what should the graph show?
Here are a couple of suggestions on how you might do it.
Use background.
Since your tariff has only two values, you could use this to colour the background - eg, make a red or green background depending on tariff, and then draw your usage graph line over the top of this. Background colour can be done by having an area from 0 to inf using a semi-transparent colour like #ff808080
Use a special MAX (or MIN) RRA
Maybe you just want to display the maximum tariff for that period. So, you can create an additional MAX type RRA for each consolodation interval, and graph the MAX. Of course, this means that when you have 1 pixel = 1 day, you'll be seeing just the higher value as a straight line. I suppose a 'median' consolodation would be useful here, but for obvious reasons RRDTool doesn't have this.
A bigger graph
A large graph means more pixels, which means less averaging required.
Display your data differently
What are you trying to visualise? Possibly you don't need to see the average cost per unit over this time window, and a calculated sum of units x tariff would work better - particularly since this would be able to be averaged up without problem.
Don't use RRDTool
RRDTool is designed to progressively normalise, summarise and expire regular time-series data over time, and does so very efficiently. However, if you're interested in having the exact data forever then maybe you need a different database.
Pre-normalise your sampling times
If your data change frequently, then Data Normalisation might be changing them. Make sure you always store the data on a time step boundary - if your RRD step is 300 (5min) then ensure you store the data at timestamps which are a multiple of 300, and don't use N (meaning 'whatever the time is Now').
Thank you for this very elaborate answer. Because I have not been able to find suitable answers to my problem, your summary, and my situation, may hopefully also help others.
Looking back, I should have included more information, and before addressing your points, let me do that right now:
Here is a snippet of my database definition script:
# 5 min sample rate = 300 step rate
# 1D report: 1 step every 5 minutes (5 min sample rate=1), 20 per hr, 24hrs = 480 slots
# 1Wk report: 1 step every hour (20 x 5 min samples=20), 24 hrs, 7 days = 168 slots
# 1M report: 1 step every hour (20 x 5 min samples=20), 24 hrs, 30 days = 720 slots
# 1Y report: 1 step every day (24 Hr * 20 samples=480), 365 days = 365 slots
rrdtool create energy_mon.rrd --step 300 --start 1480943366 \
DS:meter_total:COUNTER:600:U:U \
DS:meter_low:COUNTER:600:U:U \
DS:meter_hi:COUNTER:600:U:U \
DS:energy:GAUGE:600:U:U \
DS:tarif:GAUGE:600:U:U \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:480 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:20:168 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:20:720 \
Here is a snippet of my graphing script:
rrdtool graph $GDIR/energy_daily.png --start -1d \
-w 675 -h 250 \
--vertical-label "KWatt" \
--lower-limit=0 \
--watermark "`date`" \
DEF:energy=$DIR/energy_mon.rrd:energy:AVERAGE \
LINE1:energy$GREEN_COLOR:"Energie" \
DEF:tarif=$DIR/energy_mon.rrd:tarif:AVERAGE \
#two days
rrdtool graph $GDIR/energy_2days.png --start -2d \
-w 675 -h 250 \
--vertical-label "KWatt" \
--lower-limit=0 \
--watermark "`date`" \
DEF:energy=$DIR/energy_mon.rrd:energy:AVERAGE \
LINE1:energy$GREEN_COLOR:"Energie" \
DEF:tarif=$DIR/energy_mon.rrd:tarif:AVERAGE \
Here is a graph of the "1 day" result:
1 day
Here is a graph of the "last 48 hrs" :
2 day
In order to see my "tarif" on the graphs together with the actual energy usage in KWatts, I multiply the 1 (low) or 2 (normal) setting by 100 and store that number in the database. On weekdays, the tariff changes at 23:00 hrs to "low" and back to normal at 07:00 hrs. On the "daily" graph this is reported correctly, albeit with a 5 min. sample resolution "error".
As you can see, the "last 48 hrs" set by "-2d" in the graphing instructions, should be using the same RRA data from the database, but the tarif line does not switch from 100 to 200, but "sits" at about half way for approx. 1-1/2 hours in time, or more than 30 samples. This is not a rounding based on a pixel level resolution (;-).
The only explanation I have at this moment is that the "-2d" graph uses the second RRA, that is actually intended for a week's worth of data. If this is the answer, then how does one influence the relationship between the "-d/w/m/y" settings in the graphing instructions and the intended RRA's? I don't see a connection between the two, so it's probably selected automatically, and most likely (if it's that smart) based on the amount of data points. The first RRA does not have enough so it switches to use the second RRA. Seems plausible, but is this true?
BTW, using "-1w", "-1m" and "-1y" for the other graphs I use, show the same weird results on the tarif "signal.
In the meantime, I have been able to "fix" the graphs without redefining my database by adding a CDEF. Here is what I use for all graphs other than the "1d".
DEF:tarif=$DIR/energy_mon.rrd:tarif:AVERAGE \
CDEF:normaal=tarif,100,GT,200,100,IF \
To explain the CDEF, IF the tariff is > 100 (or actually 1=low), set the result to "normaal" which is the high tariff. IF not, set the tariff to "dal" or low.
Your advice to use the background color for tariff is a very good one, and because I can use that on the current database, I have tried that too.
So is your MIN/MAX solution, I thought about that earlier but put that off because that will require setting up a new database and filling that with previous data. (which I have in .csv form, and I have gone through that tedious exercise before - Which is why I have the --start in the rddtool create)
But, I would like to get to the bottom of this issue.
Do you or anybody else have any more words of wisdom to share or can verify/explain the working of the RRA <==> DEF relationship or selection?

Plotting a volatile data file with gnuplot dynamically

I've seen some similar questions out of which I have made a system which works for me but I need to optimize it because this program alone is taking up a lot of CPU load.
Here is the problem exactly.
I have an incoming signal/stream of data which I need to plot in real time. I only want a limited number of points to be displayed at a time (Say 1024 points) so I plot the data points along the y axis against an index from 0-1024 on the x-axis. The values of the incoming data range from 0-1023.
What I do currently (This is all in C++) is I put the data into a circular loop as it comes and each time the data gets updated (Or every second/third data point), I write out to a file and using a pipe, I plot the data from that file with gnuplot.
While this works almost perfectly, it causes a fair bit of load (Depending on the input data rate, I saw even 70% usage on both my cores of my Core 2 Duo). I'll need to be running some processor intensive code along with this short program so I feel that it is almost necessary to optimize it.
What I was hoping could be done is this: Can I only plot the differences between the current plot and the new data (Or plot each point as it comes in without replotting the whole graph such that the old item at that x index is removed).
I have a fixed number of points on the graph so replot wouldn't work. I want the old point at that x location to be removed.
Unfortunately, what you're trying to accomplish can't be done. You can mark a datafile as volatile or use the refresh keyword, but those only update the plot without re-reading the data. You want to re-read the data and then only update the differences.
There are a few things that might be helpful though. 1) your eye can only register ~26 frames per second. So, if you have a way to make sure that you only send data 26x per second to gnuplot, that might help. 2) How are you writing the datafiles? Are you dumping as ascii or binary? Doing a binary dump might be faster (both for writing and for gnuplot to read). You'll have to experiment.
There is one hack which will probably not make your script go faster, but you can try it (if you know a reasonable yrange to set, and are using points to plot the data)...
#set up code:
set style line 1 lc rgb "blue"
set xrange [0:1023]
set yrange [0:1]
plot NaN notitle #Only need to do this once.
for [i=0:1023] set label i+1 at i,0 point ls 1 #Labels must have tags > 0 :-(
#this part gets repeated by your C code.
#you could move a few points at a time to make it more responsive.
set label 401 at 400,0.8 #move point number 400 to a different y value
refresh #show it at it's new location.
You can use gnuplot to do dynamic plotting of data as explained in their FAQ, using the reread function. It seems to run at quite a low load and automatically scrolls the graph when it reaches the end. To run at low load I found I had to add a ; sleep 1 after the awk command (in their example file otherwise it spends too much CPU on looping on the awk processing.

rrdtool Holt-Winters feature

I mainly write because I'm using the rrdtool holt-winters feature, but sadly it does not work as I would, starting I'll write for you the rrd file command line creation:
`/usr/bin/rrdtool create /home/spread/httphw/rrd/httpr.rrd --start $_[7]-60 --step 60 DS:200:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440 RRA:HWPREDICT:1440:0.1:0.0035:288 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797`;
After that I basically insert data and then I draw the graph like that:
`/usr/bin/rrdtool graph file.png --start $start --end $time --width 600 --height 200 --imgformat PNG DEF:doscents=$rrd:200:AVERAGE DEF:pred=$rrd:200:HWPREDICT DEF:dev=$rrd:200:DEVPREDICT DEF:fail=$rrd:200:FAILURES TICK:fail#ffffa0:1.0:"Failures Average" CDEF:scale200=doscents,8,* CDEF:upper=pred,dev,2,*,+ CDEF:lower=pred,dev,2,*,- CDEF:scaledupper=upper,8,* CDEF:scaledlower=lower,8,* LINE1:scale200#0000ff:"Average" LINE1:scaledupper#ff0000:"Upper Bound Average" LINE1:scaledlower#ff0000:"Lower Bound Average"`;
Here's the image RRDTOOL IMAGE
The I get a graph like that, but as you can see there's yellow lines that indicates that there has been an error when that's not true, I mean, the activity line at that point is slightly out from the red area but it does not an error, I basically need to understand the values I gotta set up and based on what, I tried it out but I don't really understand the system really well.
Any sugestion from an rrdtool expert?
Many thanks in advance
Being outside the expected range is an error, as far as Holt-Winters is concerned.
The Holt-Winters FAILURES RRA is a slightly more complex than just 'outside the range HWPREDICT+-2*DEVPREDICT'. In fact, there are the additional threshold and window parameters, which (if not specified, as in your case) default to 7 and 9 respectively.
These cause a smoothing of the samples over window samples before comparison, and only trigger a FAILURE flag when there is a sequence of threshold consecutive errors.
As a result, you see a FAILURE trigger where you do, and not in the larger area to the left (which averages down within the range). This results in a better indicator of consistently our of range behaviour, rather than a slope slightly too early or a temporary spike.
If you want to avoid this, and have a FAILURE flag every time the data goes outside of the predicted bounds, then set the FAILURE parameters to 1 and 1. To do this, you would need to explicitly define the additional HW RRAs rather than having them defined implicitly as you do now.
On a separate note, is is bad practice to have a DS with a purely numerical name. It can cause confusion in the RPN calculations. Always have a DS name start with a lowercase letter.