JFlex String Regex Strange Behaviour - regex

I am trying to write a JSON string parser in JFlex, so far I have
string = \"((\\(\"|\\|\/|b|f|n|r|t|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})) | [^\"\\])*\"
which I thought captured the specs (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
I have tested it on the control characters and standard characters and symbols, but for some reason it does not accept £ or ( or ) or ¬. Please can someone let me know what is causing this behaviour?

Perhaps you are running in JLex compatability mode? If so, please see the following from the official JFlex User's Manual. It seems that it will use 7bit character codes for input by default, whereas what you want is 16bit (unicode).
You can fix this by adding the line %unicode after the first %%.
Input Character sets
Causes the generated scanner to use an 7 bit input character set (character codes 0-127). If an input character with a code greater than 127 is encountered in an input at runtime, the scanner will throw an ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException. Not only because of this, you should consider using the %unicode directive. See also Encodings for information about character encodings. This is the default in JLex compatibility mode.
Both options cause the generated scanner to use an 8 bit input character set (character codes 0-255). If an input character with a code greater than 255 is encountered in an input at runtime, the scanner will throw an ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException. Note that even if your platform uses only one byte per character, the Unicode value of a character may still be greater than 255. If you are scanning text files, you should consider using the %unicode directive. See also section Econdings for more information about character encodings.
Both options cause the generated scanner to use the full Unicode input character set, including supplementary code points: 0-0x10FFFF. %unicode does not mean that the scanner will read two bytes at a time. What is read and what constitutes a character depends on the runtime platform. See also section Encodings for more information about character encodings. This is the default unless the JLex compatibility mode is used (command line option --jlex).


Fortran formatted IO and the Null character

I wonder how Fortran's I/O is expected to behave in case of a NULL character ACHAR(0).
The actual task is to fill an ASCII file by blocks of precisely eight characters. The strings are read from a binary and may contain non-printing characters.
I tried with gfortran 4.8, 8.1 and f2c. If there is a NULL character in the string the format specifier FORMAT(A8) does not write eight characters.
Give the following F77 code a try:
c Print a string of eight character surrounded by dashes
100 FORMAT('-',A8,'-')
c Works fine if empty or any other combination of printing chars
write(*,100) ''
c In case of a short sting blanks are padded
write(*,100) '345678'
c A NULL character does something I did not expect
write(*,100) '123'//ACHAR(0)//'4567'
c Not even position editing helps
101 FORMAT('-',A8,T10,'x')
write(*,101) '123'//ACHAR(0)//'4567'
My output is:
- -
- 345678-
Is this expected behavior? Any idea how to get the output eight characters wide in any case?
When using an edit descriptor A8 the field width is eight. For output, eight characters will be written.
In the case of the example, it isn't the writing of the characters that is contrary to your expectations, but how they are displayed by your terminal.
You can examine the output further with tools like hexdump or you can write to an internal file and look at arbitrary substrings.
Yes, that is expected, if there is a null character, the printing of the string on the screen can stop there. The characters will still be sent, but the string does not have to be printed on the screen.
Note that C uses NULL to delimit strings and the OS may interpret the strings it receives with the same conventions. The allows the non-printable characters to be interpreted in processor specific ways by the processor and the processor includes the whole complex of the compiler, the executing environment (OS and programs in the OS) and the hardware.

Encode gives wrong value of Japanese kanji

As a part of a scraper, I need to encode kanji to URLs, but I just can't seem to even get the correct output from a simple sign, and I'm currently blinded by everything I've tried thus far from various Stack Overflow posts.
The document is set to UTF-8.
print sampleText
print sampleText.encode('utf-8')
print urllib2.quote(sampleText.encode('utf-8'))
It gives me the values:
But as far as I understand, it should give me:
What am I doing wrong? Are there some settings I don't have correct? Because as far as I understand it, my output from the encode() should not be ル.
The code you show works correctly. The character ル is KATAKANA LETTER RU, and is Unicode codepoint U+30EB. When encoded to UTF-8, you'll get the Python bytestring '\xe3\x83\xab', which prints out as ル if your console encoding is Latin-1. When you URL-escape those three bytes, you get %E3%83%AB.
The value you seem to be expecting, %83%8B is the Shift-JIS encoding of ル, rather than UTF-8 encoding. For a long time there was no standard for how to encode non-ASCII text in a URL, and as this Wikipedia section notes, many programs simply assumed a particular encoding (often without specifying it). The newer standard of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) however says that you should always convert Unicode text to UTF-8 bytes before performing percent encoding.
So, if you're generating your encoded string for a new program that wants to meet the current standards, stick with the UTF-8 value you're getting now. I would only use the Shift-JIS version if you need it for backwards compatibility with specific old websites or other software that expects that the data you send will have that encoding. If you have any influence over the server (or other program), see if you can update it to use IRIs too!

Encoding issue using XZIP

I wrote a c++ program that needs to zip files in it's work. For creating these zip files I used the XZip library. While developing this program ran on a Win7 machine and it works fine.
Now the program should be used on a WindowsXP machine. The issue I run into is:
If I let XZip create the zip archive "ü.zip" and add the file "ü.txt" to it on Win7 it is working as intended. On WindowsXP however I end up having the "ü.zip" file with "³.txt" as file in it.
The "³" => "ü" thing is of course an encoding issue between UTF8 and Ascii (ü = 252 in UTF8 and 252 = ³ in Ascii) BUT I can't really imagine how this could affect the creating of the internal zip structure in different ways depending on the OS.
//EDIT to clear it up:
the problem is that I run a test with XZip on Win7 and get the archive "ü.zip" containing the file with name "ü.txt".
When I run that test on an XP machine I get the archive "ü.zip" containing the file "³.txt".
The thing that makes me wonder about that is, what exactly causes the zip to change between XP and Win7. The fact that it does change means that either a windows function behaves differently or XZip has specific behavior for different OS built in.
When having a quick look at XZip I can't see that it changes the encoding flag on the zip archives. The question of course only can be answered by people who did have a closer look into this exact problem before.
As a general rule, if you want any sort of portability between locales, OS's (including different versions) and what have you, you should limit your filenames to the usual 26 letters, the 10 digits, and perhaps '_' and '-' (and I'm not even sure about the latter), and one '.', no more than three characters from the end. Once you start using letters beyond the original ASCII character set, you're at the merci of the various programs which interpret the character set.
Also, 252 isn't anything in ASCII, since ASCII only uses character codes in the range 0...127. And in UTF-8, 252 would be the first byte of a six byte character. Something that doesn't exist in Unicode: in UTF-8, LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS would be the two byte sequence 0xC3, 0xBC. 256 is the encoding of LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS in ISO 8859-1, otherwise known as Latin-1; it's also the encoding in UTF-16 and UTF-32.
None of this, of course, should affect what is in the file.
May be you are building your Win32 program (or the library) as ASCII (not as UNICODE). It may help if you build your Win32 applications with UNICODE configuration setting (you may change it in your Visual Studio project settings).
It is impossible to say what happened in your program without seeing your code. May be your library or the archive format is not UNICODE-aware, may be your program's code is not UNICODE-aware, may be you don't handle strings careful enough, or may be you just have to change your project setting to UNICODE. Also your "8-bit encoding for non-Unicode programs" Windows OS setting matters if you don't use UNICODE strings.
As for 252, UTF8 and ASCII read post by James Kanze. It is more or less safe to use ASCII file names with no ':', '?', '*', '/', '\' characters. Using non-ASCII characters may lead to encoding problems if you are not using UNICODE-based programs and file-systems.

C++ encode string to Unicode - ICU library

I need to convert a bunch of bytes in ISO-2022-JP and ISO-2022-JP-2 (and other variations of ISO-2022) into Unicode. I am trying to use ICU (link text), but the following code doesn't work.
std::string input = "\x1B\x28\x4A" "ABC\xA6\xA7"; //the first 3 chars are escape sequence to use JIS_X201 character set in GL/GR
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UConverter *conv;
// set up the converter
conv = ucnv_open("ISO-2022-JP", &status);
if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) return false; //couldn't find character set
UChar * convDest = new UChar[2*input.length()]; //ucnv_toUChars will use up to 2*length
// convert to Unicode
int resultLen = (int)ucnv_toUChars(conv, convDest, 2*input.length(), input.c_str(), input.length(), &status);
This doesn't work. The result contains '?' charcters for anything I put in that was above ASCII. The status has no error. What am I doing wrong?
On top of that I was having trouble compiling the library ver 4.4 as the MSVC 9 project would not convert to MSVC 10 project.
I am also aware of libiconv open source library. I couldn't compile that one on windows. If anyone has any advice on a different library, that's also welcome.
The escape sequence I originally used was wrong. So now ICU takes the string, strips out the escape sequence - which is a step in the right direction. But the result still contains '?' chars.
EDIT2 The reason I couldn't convert to MSVC 10 project was because x64 platform wasn't installed (it isn't by default). Alternatively I could open all the projects in text editor and remove all mention of x64 target.
This doesn't resemble an ISO 2022 encoding. The high bits are supposed to be zero. The escape sequence looks somewhat recognizable, but it starts with ESC. 0x1b, not 0xb0. No idea what those byte values really mean.
(This question looks familiar, Hi again.)
A minor, minor nit: You want to check the error status with if(U_FAILURE(status)) (or conversely, U_SUCCESS(status)).
I couldn't get the conversion to work for JIS_X201 character set in ISO-2022-JP encoding. And I couldn't generate a "valid" one using any tools at my disposal - tried Java (ICU and non ICU implementation of ISO2022) and C++.
So I basically just wrote a function to do a code lookup and convert to Unicode using this table: wikipedia.
As I started filling out the bug report I wanted to include the RFC for ISO-2022-JP. Then I found this line in the RFC "The Kana set of JIS X 0201 is not used in ISO-2022-JP messages." link text. So it appears that the standard doesn't actually define the upper bits. The ISO-2022-JP-3 WILL map the upper bits, but to lower plane. So I have to take each byte and subtract 0x80 from it, and pass it through ISO-2022-JP-3, and take the other bytes < 128 and pass them through ISO-2022-JP converter for full JIS_X201 character set. Well it's a lot easier to just do it myself.
So strictly speaking I would say it's not a bug. It's a huge headache though.
P.S. the whole messed up stream that I'm trying to decode comes from DICOM. See pdf page 107 to see what they consider acceptable.

Reading a UTF-8 Unicode file through non-unicode code

I have to read a text file which is Unicode with UTF-8 encoding and have to write this data to another text file. The file has tab-separated data in lines.
My reading code is C++ code without unicode support. What I am doing is reading the file line-by-line in a string/char* and putting that string as-is to the destination file. I can't change the code so code-change suggestions are not welcome.
What I want to know is that while reading line-by-line can I encounter a NULL terminating character ('\0') within a line since it is unicode and one character can span multiple bytes.
My thinking was that it is quite possible that a NULL terminating character could be encountered within a line. Your thoughts?
UTF-8 uses 1 byte for all ASCII characters, which have the same code values as in the standard ASCII encoding, and up to 4 bytes for other characters. The upper bits of each byte are reserved as control bits. For code points using more then 1 byte, the control bits are set.
Thus there shall not be 0 character in your UTF-8 file.
Check Wikipedia for UTF-8
Very unlikely: all the bytes in an UTF-8 escape sequence have the higher bit set to 1.