Application server for Crystal web app / Kemal - crystal-lang

As Rails developer I'm used to Nginx + Unicorn in our servers.
Are there similar solutions for Crystal web apps / Kemal ?
I'm not a Nginx expert but I suppose I could use proxy_pass directly to the Crystal HTTP server or Kemal or fast-http-server... what I would miss is process management, GC options, re-spawing, etc.

You can use Nginx in front of your Kemal application and that's fine.
For process management and monitoring i suggest you use something like Monit, init.d e.g since it's not the responsibility of the app server.


Flask app stops after a few hours in windows [duplicate]

Setting up Flask with uWSGI and Nginx can be difficult. I tried following this DigitalOcean tutorial and still had trouble. Even with buildout scripts it takes time, and I need to write instructions to follow next time.
If I don't expect a lot of traffic, or the app is private, does it make sense to run it without uWSGI? Flask can listen to a port. Can Nginx just forward requests?
Does it make sense to not use Nginx either, just running bare Flask app on a port?
When you "run Flask" you are actually running Werkzeug's development WSGI server, and passing your Flask app as the WSGI callable.
The development server is not intended for use in production. It is not designed to be particularly efficient, stable, or secure. It does not support all the possible features of a HTTP server.
Replace the Werkzeug dev server with a production-ready WSGI server such as Gunicorn or uWSGI when moving to production, no matter where the app will be available.
The answer is similar for "should I use a web server". WSGI servers happen to have HTTP servers but they will not be as good as a dedicated production HTTP server (Nginx, Apache, etc.).
Flask documents how to deploy in various ways. Many hosting providers also have documentation about deploying Python or Flask.
First create the app:
import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
Then set up the routes, and then when you want to start the app:
import gevent.pywsgi
app_server = gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer((host, port), app)
Call this script to run the application rather than having to tell gunicorn or uWSGI to run it.
I wanted the utility of Flask to build a web application, but had trouble composing it with other elements. I eventually found that gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer was what I needed. After the call to app_server.serve_forever(), call app_server.stop() when to exit the application.
In my deployment, my application is listening on localhost:port using Flask and gevent, and then I have Nginx reverse-proxying HTTPS requests to it.
You definitely need something like a production WSGI server such as Gunicorn, because the development server of Flask is meant for ease of development without much configuration for fine-tuning and optimization.
Eg. Gunicorn has a variety of configurations depending on the use case you are trying to solve. But the development flask server does not have these capabilities. In addition, these development servers show their limitations as soon as you try to scale and handle more requests.
With respect to needing a reverse proxy server such as Nginx is concerned it depends on your use case.
If you are deploying your application behind the latest load balancer in AWS such as an application load balancer(NOT classic load balancer), that itself will suffice for most use cases. No need to take effort into setting up NGINX if you have that option.
The purpose of a reverse proxy is to handle slow clients, meaning clients which take time to send the request. These reverse load balancers buffer the requests till the entire request is got from the clients and send them async to Gunicorn. This improves the performance of your application considerably.

React with Django in production

I am planning to deploy an application which is built in react frontend, and calls a python backend. What I am planning is to deploy react on a linux box on a node.js server and python on django behind Apache.
Can someone would suggest if this would be right architecture from production grade perspective?
If application is expected to get 1000 requests per hour, then will this architecture work? or I should replace or add components or layers?
Generally, you run both servers on different ports, and then point apache to django server for /api/ calls (or whatever URLs need to go to django api), and then the rest of the regular requests you point at node.js serving your javascript frontend application.
1000 requests per hour seems like nothing - depending of course on the work of the backend server - but in general any webserver should handle that no problem.
Apache has following settings for this:
ProxyPass "/api" ""
ProxyPassReverse "/api" ""
You can read more in documentation here:

Running Flask web application in Google Kubernetes Engine

There are a vast majority of tutorials and documentation on the web where Flask is running in development state. The log looks like this in development mode:
* Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
I want to know more about how to make it production ready. I've seen documentation on this as well using production ready WSGI servers and nginx as reverse proxy in front. But can somebody tell me why WSGI and reverse proxy is needed?
If my Flask application is dockerized and running in Google Kubernetes Engine is it even necessary then? Will GKE not take care of the purpose of WSGI and reverse proxy?
As Flask's documentation states:
Flask’s built-in server is not suitable for production
Why WSGI? It's a standard way to deploy Python web apps, it gives you options when choosing a server (i.e. you can choose the best fit for your application/workflow without changing your application), and it allows offloading scaling concerns to the server.
Why a reverse proxy? It depends on the server. Here is Gunicorn's rationale:
... we strongly advise that you use Nginx. If you choose another proxy server you need to make sure that it buffers slow clients when you use default Gunicorn workers. Without this buffering Gunicorn will be easily susceptible to denial-of-service attacks.
Here is Waitress's rationale for the same:
Often people will set up "pure Python" web servers behind reverse proxies, especially if they need TLS support (Waitress does not natively support TLS). Even if you don't need TLS support, it's not uncommon to see Waitress and other pure-Python web servers set up to only handle requests behind a reverse proxy; these proxies often have lots of useful deployment knobs.
Other practical reasons for a reverse proxy may include needing a reverse proxy for multiple backends (some of which may not be Python web apps), caching responses, and serving static content (something which Nginx, for example, happens to be good at). Not all WSGI servers need a reverse proxy: uWSGI and CherryPy treat it as optional.
P.S. Google App Engine seems to be WSGI-compliant and doesn't require any additional configuration.

Application server v/s HTTP server

So I have noticed that the docs for various Application Servers (think Unicorn, Puma for Ruby, Warp for Haskell etc) always mentioned something similar to "it is optimized as an app server.” Typically this is mentioned when describing the standard setup of using a HTTP server (like Ngnix) in reverse-proxy in front of app servers.
So my question is: What exactly does the programming of a web application server make it more performant for serving data generated by code v/s HTTP server? Is there any particular engineering trade-offs? Or is it more the case where HTTP servers are optimized for serving files from a disk, and so they're merely trying to say that HTTP servers are not optimized for application code?
First, this really belongs in ServerFault or SuperUser.
But basically, Apache & Nginx strictly deliver static web content. Yes, you can install PHP as a module & it will parse scripts when the page is requested. But it is all on demand. Meaning the program runs only when the page is requested.
In contrast application servers run programs that are active in memory all the time. Which can have some engineering benefits depending on what you want your system to do. So Tomcat or Passenger (for Ruby) run Java & Ruby apps, and are optimized to do it in a production server environment.
Why does Apache or Nginx get attached as a front end? Because at the end of the day Apache & Nginx still are the best tools for simply delivering web content. And have better optimizations & security in place to do so.
So the application server focuses on making Java or Ruby run as cleanly as possible & deliver basic web content. And Apache & Nginx concentrate on the front-end side of web delivery.
As a systems administrator, I prefer to proxy via Apache or Nginx since I already know how to configure & optimize those tools for my use. If I have to learn how to fine tune Passenger or Tomcat, it should only be enough to allow me to get it running so I can place Apache or Nginx in front of that.

Need a lightweight, standalone web server for Django

I have a Django web application which should be easy to install on Linux systems. The app does not need much performance. It is just a simple web GUI for some services. So a full-blown deployment with Apache is not needed. I am looking for a lightweight web server that has little or no configuration; just like the Django development server.
It should be possible to run it as daemon, though.
Any suggestions?
You can use Quick and dirty multi-threaded Django dev server.
But, configuring apache or fastcgi to server django applications is not a hard thing, so you should really do that.
I would use Green Unicorn with nginx, very light weight and fast. It does has some configuration unfortunately, so it might not be ideal for you, but worth checking out.
Here is a blog post that explains how to set it up with supervisord.