Memory efficient std::map alternative - c++

I'm using a std::map to store about 20 million entries. If they were stored without any container overhead, it would take approximately 650MB of memory. However, since they are stored using std::map, it uses up about 15GB of memory (i.e. too much).
The reason I am using an std::map is because I need to find keys that are equal to/larger/smaller than x. This is why something like sparsehash wouldn't work (since, using that, I cannot find keys by comparison).
Is there an alternative to using std::map (or ordered maps in general) that would result in less memory usage?
EDIT: Writing performance is much more important than reading performance. It will probably only read ~10 entries, but I don't know which entries it will read.

One alternative would be to use flat_map from Boost.Containers: that supports the same interface as std::map, but is backed by a sorted contiguous array (think std::vector) instead of a tree. Or hand-roll your own solution based on the same idea.
Its performance characteristic is of course different, due to the different back-end. It's up to you to evaluate whether it's usable in your case.

Are you writing on-the-fly or one time before the lookup is done? If the later is the case, you shouldn't need a map, you could use std::vector and one-time sort.
You could just insert everything unsorted to the vector, sort one-time after everything is there (O(N * log N) as well as std::map, but much better performance characteristics) and then lookup in the sorted array (O(logN) as the std::map).
And especially if you know the number of elements before reading and could reserve the vector size upfront, that could work pretty well. Or at least if you know some "upper bound" to reserve perhaps slightly more than actually needed but avoid the reallocations.

Given your requirements:
Insertion needs to be quick
There are many elements to read
Read-back can be slow
You only read back data once
I'd consider typedef std::pair<uint64, thirty_six_byte_struct> element; and populate a std::list<element>. That will be hard to beat in terms of performance.
For reading back, I'd simply traverse the linked list, checking at every point if you need one of those elements. That's a O(N) traversal but as you say, you'll only do that once.

Turns out the issue wasn't std::map.
I realized was using 3 separate maps to represent various parts of the same data, and after slimming it down to 1, the difference in memory was entirely negligible.
Looking at the code a little more, I realized code I had written to free a really expensive struct (per element of the map) didn't actually work.
Fixing that part, it now uses <1GB of memory, as it should! :)
TL;DR: std::map's overhead is entirely negligible for this. The issue was my own.


Initializing a std::map when the size is known in advance

I would like to initialize a std::map. For now I am using ::insert but I feel I am wasting some computational time since I already know the size I want to allocate. Is there a way to allocate a fixed size map and then fill the map ?
No, the members of the map are internally stored in a tree structure. There is no way to build the tree until you know the keys and values that are to be stored.
The short answer is: yes, this is possible, but it's not trivial. You need to define a custom allocator for your map. The basic idea is that your custom allocator will set aside a single block of memory for the map. As the map requires new nodes, the allocator will simply assign them addresses within the pre-allocated block. Something like this:
std::map<KeyType, ValueType, std::less<KeyType>, MyAllocator> myMap;
myMap.get_allocator().reserve( nodeSize * numberOfNodes );
There are a number of issues you'll have to deal with, however.
First, you don't really know the size of each map node or how many allocations the map will perform. These are internal implementation details. You can experiment to find out, but you can't assume that the results will hold across different compilers (or even future versions of the same compiler). Therefore, you shouldn't worry about allocating a "fixed" size map. Rather, your goal should be to reduce the number of allocations required to a handful.
Second, this strategy becomes quite a bit more complex if you want to support deletion.
Third, don't forget memory alignment issues. The pointers your allocator returns must be properly aligned for the various types of objects the memory will store.
All that being said, before you try this, make sure it's necessary. Memory allocation can be very expensive, but you still shouldn't assume that it's a problem for your program. Measure to find out. You should also consider alternative strategies that more naturally allow pre-allocation. For example, a sorted list or a std::unordered_map.
Not sure if this answers your question, but Boost.Container has a flat_map in which you can reserve space. Basically you can see this as a sorted vector of (key, value) pairs. Tip: if you also know that your input is sorted, you can use insert with hint for maximal performance.
There are several good answers to this question already, but they miss some primary points.
Initialize the map directly
The map knows the size up front if initialized directly with iterators:
auto mymap = std::map(it_begin, it_end);
This is the best way to dodge the issue. If you are agnostic about the implementation, the map can then know the size up front from the iterators and you moved the issue to the std:: implementation to worry about.
Alternatively use insert with iterators instead, that is:
mymap.insert(it_begin, it_end);
Beware of Premature optimization
but I feel I am wasting some computational time.
This sounds a lot like you are optimization prematurely (meaning you do not know where the bottleneck is - you are guessing or seeing an issue that isn't really one). Instead, measure first and then do optimization - repeat if necessary.
Memory allocation could already be optimized, to a large degree
Rolling your own block allocator for the map could be close to fruitless. On modern system(here I include OS/hardware and the C++ language level) memory allocation is already very well optimized for the general case and you could be looking at little or no improvement if rolling your own block allocator. Even if you take a lot of care and get the map into one contiguous array - while an improvement in itself - you could still be facing the problem that in the end, the elements could be placed randomly in the array (eg. insertion order) and be less cache friendly anyway (this very much depending on your actual use case though - I'm assuming a super large data-set).
Use another container or third party map
If you are still facing this issue - the best approach is probably to use another container (eg. a sorted std::vector - use std::lower_bound for lookups) or use a third party map optimized for how you are using the map. A good example is flat_map from boost - see this answer.
Let the std::map worry about the issue.
When performance is the main issue: use a data structure (perhaps 3rd party) that best suits how your data is being used (random inserts or bulk inserts / mostly iteration or mostly lookups / etc.). You then need to profile and gather performance metrics to compare.
You are talking about block allocators. But it is hard to implement. Measure before think about such hard things. Anyway Boost has some articles about implementing block allocator. Or use already implemented preallocated map Stree

Would I see a performance gain using std::map instead of vector<pair<string, string> >?

I currently have some code where I am using a vector of pair<string,string>. This is used to store some data from XML parsing and as such, the process is quite slow in places. In terms of trying to speed up the entire process I was wondering if there would be any performance advantage in switching from vector<pair<string,string> > to std::map<string,string> ? I could code it up and run a profiler, but I thought I would see if I could get an answer that suggests some obvious performance gain first. I am not required to do any sorting, I simply add items to the vector, then at a later stage iterate over the contents and do some processing - I have no need for sorting or anything of that nature. I am guessing that perhaps I would not get any performance gain, but I have never actually used a std::map before so I don't know without asking or coding it all up.
No. If (as you say) you are simply iterating over the collection, you will see a small (probably not measurable) performance decrease by using a std::map.
Maps are for accessing a value by its key. If you never do this, map is a bad choice for a container.
If you are not modifying your vector<pair<string,string> > - just iterating it over and over - you will get perfomance degradation by using map. This is because typical map is organized with binary tree of objects, each of which can be allocated in different memory blocks (unless you write own allocator). Plus, each node of map manages pointers to neighbor objects, so it's time and memory overhead, too. But, search by key is O(log) operation. On other side, vector holds data in one block, so processor cache usually feels better with it. Searching in vector is actually O(N) operation which is not so good but acceptable. Search in sorted vector can be upgraded to O(log) using lower_bound etc functions.
It depends on operations you doing on this data. If you make many searches - probably its better to use hashing container like unordered_map since search by key in this containers is O(1) operation. For iterating, as mentioned, vector is faster.
Probably it is worth to replace string in your pair, but this highly depends on what you hold there and how access container.
The answer depends on what you are doing with these data structures and what the size of them is. If you have thousands of elements in your std::vector<std::pair<std::stringm std::string> > and you keep searching for the first element over and over, using a std::map<std::string, std::string> may improve the performance (you might want to consider using std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> for this use case, instead). If your vectors are relatively small and you don't trying to insert elements into the middle too often, using vectors may very well be faster. If you just iterate over the elements, vectors are a lot faster than maps: iterations isn't really one of their strength. Maps are good at looking things up, assuming the number of elements isn't really small because otherwise a linear search over a vector is still faster.
The best way to determine where the time is spent is to profile the code: it is often not entirely clear up front where the time is spent. Frequently, the suspected hot-spots are actually non-problematic and other areas show unexpected performance problems. For example, you might be passing your objects my value rather than by reference at some obscure place.
If your usage pattern is such that you perform many insertions before performing any lookups, then you might benefit from implementing a "lazy" map where the elements are sorted on demand (i.e. when you acquire an iterator, perform a lookup, etc).
As C++ say std::vector sort items in a linear memory, so first it allocate a memory block with an initial capacity and then when you want to insert new item into vector it will check if it has more room or not and if not it will allocate a new buffer with more space, copy construct all items into new buffer and then delete source buffer and set it to new one.
When you just start inserting items into vector and you have lot of items you suffer from too many reallocation, copy construction and destructor call.
In order to solve this problem, if you now count of input items (not exact but its usual length) you can reserve some memory for the vector and avoid reallocation and every thing.
if you have no idea about the size you can use a collection like std::list witch never reallocate its internal items.

C++: container replacement for vector/deque for huge sizes

so my applications has containers with 100 million and more elements.
I'm on the hunt for a container which behaves - time-wise - better than std::deque (let alone std::vector) with respect to frequent insertions and deletions all over the container ... including near the middle. Access time to the n-th element does not need to be as fast as vector, but should definetely be better than full traversal like in std::list (which has a huge memory overhead per element anyway).
Elements should be treated ordered by index (like vector, deque, list), so std::set or std::unordered_set also do not work well.
Before I sit down and code such a container myself: has anyone seen such a beast already? I'm pretty sure the STL hasn't anything like this, looking to BOOST I did not find something I could use but I may be wrong.
Any hints?
There's a whole STL replacement for big data, in case your app is centric to such data:
edit: I was actually a bit fast to answer. 100 million is not really a large number. E.g., if each element is one byte, you could save it in a 96MiB array. So whether STXXL is any useful, the size of an element should be significantly bigger.
I think you can get the performance characteristics that you want with a skip list:
It's the "indexable" part that you're interested in, of course -- you don't actually want the items to be sorted. So some modification is needed that I leave as an exercise.
You might find that 100 million list nodes begins to strain a 32 bit address space, but probably not an issue in 64 bits.
1) If the data is highly sparse, i.e. has lots of zeroes or can be expressed as such, I would highly recommend a data structure that takes advantage of that:
sparselib++ for matrices
sparsehash for hash maps
2) Hash maps should do O(1) for all the operations you describe and the sparsehash implementation I mentioned earlier is particularly space-efficient; it also includes a sparsetable type which is a bit more low-level and can be used in place of an array.
3) If the strict ordering is not that important (it probably is, because you mentioned elements should be treated ordered by index), you can swap the elements you want to erase to the end of the vector and then resize to do removal in O(1). Insertion would just be push_back.
Try a hash map. The STL has several, all with the unordered naming prefix , such as unorderd_map, etc. It has constant time insertion and look up given a good hashing algorithm. With your 'huge' data set the hash map would most likely cover your needs. Making a slight change to the application to cover the differences in the interfaces is trivial.

How large does a collection have to be for std::map<k,v> to outpace a sorted std::vector<std::pair<k,v> >?

How large does a collection have to be for std::map to outpace a sorted std::vector >?
I've got a system where I need several thousand associative containers, and std::map seems to carry a lot of overhead in terms of CPU cache. I've heard somewhere that for small collections std::vector can be faster -- but I'm wondering where that line is....
EDIT: I'm talking about 5 items or fewer at a time in a given structure. I'm concerned most with execution time, not storage space. I know that questions like this are inherently platform-specific, but I'm looking for a "rule of thumb" to use.
It's not really a question of size, but of usage.
A sorted vector works well when the usage pattern is that you read the data, then you do lookups in the data.
A map works well when the usage pattern involves a more or less arbitrary mixture of modifying the data (adding or deleting items) and doing queries on the data.
The reason for this is fairly simple: a map has higher overhead on an individual lookup (thanks to using linked nodes instead of a monolithic block of storage). An insertion or deletion that maintains order, however, has a complexity of only O(lg N). An insertion or deletion that maintains order in a vector has a complexity of O(N) instead.
There are, of course, various hybrid structures that can be helpful to consider as well. For example, even when data is being updated dynamically, you often start with a big bunch of data, and make a relatively small number of changes at a time to it. In this case, you can load your data into memory into a sorted vector, and keep the (small number of) added objects in a separate vector. Since that second vector is normally quite small, you simply don't bother with sorting it. When/if it gets too big, you sort it and merge it with the main data set.
Edit2: (in response to edit in question). If you're talking about 5 items or fewer, you're probably best off ignoring all of the above. Just leave the data unsorted, and do a linear search. For a collection this small, there's effectively almost no difference between a linear search and a binary search. For a linear search you expect to scan half the items on average, giving ~2.5 comparisons. For a binary search you're talking about log2 N, which (if my math is working this time of the morning) works out to ~2.3 -- too small a difference to care about or notice (in fact, a binary search has enough overhead that it could very easily end up slower).
If you say "outspace" you mean consuming more space (aka memory), then it's very likely that vector will always be more efficient (the underlying implementation is an continous memory array with no othe data, where map is a tree, so every data implies using more space). This however depends on how much the vector reserves extra space for future inserts.
When it is about time (and not space), vector will also always be more effective (doing a dichotomic search). But it will be extreamly bad for adding new elements (or removing them).
So : no simple answer ! Look-up the complexities, think about the uses you are going to do.
The main issue with std::map is an issue of cache, as you pointed.
The sorted vector is a well-known approach: Loki::AssocVector.
For very small datasets, the AssocVector should crush the map despite the copy involved during insertion simply because of cache locality. The AssocVector will also outperform the map for read-only usage. Binary search is more efficient there (less pointers to follow).
For all other uses, you'll need to profile...
There is however an hybrid alternative that you might wish to consider: using the Allocator parameter of the map to restrict the memory area where the items are allocated, thus minimizing the locality reference issue (the root of cache misses).
There is also a paradigm shift that you might consider: do you need sorted items, or fast look-up ?
In C++, the only STL-compliant containers for fast-lookup have been implemented in terms of Sorted Associative Containers for years. However the up-coming C++0x features the long awaited unordered_map which could out perform all the above solutions!
EDIT: Seeing as you're talking about 5 items or fewer:
Sorting involves swapping items. When inserting into std::map, that will only involve pointer swaps. Whether a vector or map will be faster depends on how fast it is to swap two elements.
I suggest you profile your application to figure it out.
If you want a simple and general rule, then you're out of luck - you'll need to consider at least the following factors:
How often do you insert new items compared to how often you lookup?
Can you batch inserts of new items?
How expensive is sorting you vector? Vectors of elements that are expensive to swap become very expensive to sort - vectors of pointers take far less.
How much overhead per allocation does the allocator you're using have? std::map will perform one allocation per item.
How big are your key/value pairs?
How big are your pointers? (32/64 bit)
How fast does you implementation of std::vector grow? (Popular growth factors are 1.5 and 2)
Past a certain size of container and element, the overhead of allocation and tree pointers will become outweighed by the cost of the unused memory at the end of the vector - but by far the easiest way to find out if and when this occurs is by measuring.
It has to be in the millionth items. And even there ...
I am more thinking here to memory usage and memory accesses. Under hundreds of thousands, take whatever you want, there will be no noticeable difference. CPUs are really fast these days, and the bottleneck is memory latency.
But even with millions of items, if your map<> has been build by inserting elements in random order. When you want to traverse your map (in sorted order) you'll end up jumping around randomly in the memory, stalling the CPU for memory to be available, resulting in poor performance.
On the other side, if your millions of items are in a vector, traversing it is really fast, taking advantage of the CPU memory accesses predictions.
As other have written, it depends on your usage.
Edit: I would more question the way to organize your thousands of associative containers than the containers themselves if they contain only 5 items.

When to choose std::vector over std::map for key-value data?

Considering the positive effect of caching and data locality when searching in primary memory, I tend to use std::vector<> with std::pair<>-like key-value items and perform linear searches for both, if I know that the total amount of key-value items will never be "too large" to severely impact performance.
Lately I've been in lots of situations where I know beforehand that I will have huge amounts of key-value items and have therefore opted for std::map<> from the beginning.
I'd like to know how you make your decisions for the proper container in situations like the ones described above.
Do you
always use std::vector<> (or similar)?
always use std::map<> (or similar)?
have a gut feeling for where in the item-count range one is preferable over the other?
something entirely different?
I only rarely use std::vector with a linear search (except in conjunction with binary searching as described below). I suppose for a small enough amount of data it would be better, but with that little data it's unlikely that anything is going to provide a huge advantage.
Depending on usage pattern, a binary search on an std::vector can make sense though. A std::map works well when you need to update the data regularly during use. In quite a few cases, however, you load up some data and then you use the data -- but after you've loaded the data, it mostly remains static (i.e., it changes very little, if at all).
In this case, it can make a lot of sense to load the data into a vector, sort it if necessary, and then do binary searches on the data (e.g. std::lower_bound, std::equal_range). This gives pretty much the best of both worlds -- low-complexity binary searches and good cache usage from high locality of reference (i.e., the vector is contiguous, as opposed to the linked structure of a std::map). The shortcoming, of course, is that insertions and deletions are slow -- but this is one time I have used your original idea -- store newly inserted data separately until it reaches some limit, and only then sort it in with the rest of the data, so a single search consists of a binary search of the main body of the data, followed by a linear search of the (small amount) of newly inserted data.
I would never make the choice solely on (possibly bogus) "efficiency" grounds, but always on what I am actually going to do with the container. Do I want to store duplicates? Is insertion order important? Will I sometimes want to search for the value not the key? Those kind of things.
Have you considered using sorted data structures? They tend to offer logarithmic searches and inserts - a reasonable trade-off. Personally I don't have any hard and fast rules other than liking maps for the ability to key on a human-readable/understandable value.
Of course there's plenty of discussion as well on the efficiency of maps vs. lists/vectors (sorted and unsorted) - if your key is a string that's 10,000 characters, it can take longer to do a string compare than to search through a list of just a few items, so you want to make sure that you can efficiently compare keys as well.
I almost always prefer to use map (or unordered_map, when a hash container makes more sense) vs. a vector.
That being said, I think your reasoning is backwards. I would tend to use a vector only when there are huge amounts of data, since a vector will be a smaller memory footprint.
With the right kinds of datasets, you can load a vector and then sort it and binary_search it with a smaller footprint and similar performance characteristics to a map, especially if the dataset is stable after load.
Why are you not taking unordered_map into account?