Implement video editor [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to implement a "simple" video editor and since I'm new to the topic, I'm not sure how to start.
The editor should have the following features / components
A timeline for multiple recordings
A video player that plays the edited video in real-time (it should render all added effects and assets)
Assets that can be placed on the timeline such as text elements, arrows and so on
I'd like to start with the video player and then build the other components around it.
Which frameworks would you recommend?
For the player, I'm not sure if DirectShow is the right choice or MediaFoundation would be better. Are there other libraries to consider? FFmpeg?

My recommendation given your interests is to start with Blender
It's written in a combination of C, C++, and Python, has a substantial user community, and has the advantage of open source code so you can see how a real large project looks.
You might end up just contributing to it, or you might lift bits of it to bootstrap your own project, etc. But if you don't know about, it's worthwhile to look at if only to help you refine what you want to work on.


How would I grab image data from display output of amd gpus? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am attempting to create a personal PC streaming application on Windows. I was wondering how I could grab data from an AMD GPUs display output in C++ 11 (somewhat like OBS)? I attempted this in java with Robot.createScreenCapture method but was not able to achieve sufficient speeds required for streaming. I hope this is clear enough. Anything helps, thanks.
AMD AMF SDK can get you this: Is there a functionality to capture screen directly and encode at GPU buffer memory?
amf\public\src\components\DisplayCapture already has code which is basically wrapping DD API into AMF component. If my memory serves me right DVR sample shows how to use it (source code definitely has traces that it was/is working).

Creating and Saving objects in C++ [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a game using C++ / SDL / OpenGL and Box2D and I was wondering if I can create objects and save them to use later.
To be more precise, I want to create a map this way :
When I click somewhere in the window, it creates an object of my choice (a wall, a ground, etc..) and it will save it into a file that I can use to display the map.
It would save me much time as I will not have to set the x and y positions, length, rendering and all this shit manually and open debugger each time, then re-adjusting, etc..
So, can I do this and if so, how can I do it ?
This question is insanely vague.
Long answer: YES, you can turn your game into a map editor, there is no "built-in" way to do that. You will have to write all editor/serialization logic yourself. You should use a game engine like Unity or Unreal if you want to achieve this kind of features/Behaviour out of the box.
Short anwser: WHY BOTHER doing so, knowing awesome map editors like "Tiled" exists exactly for this purpose, and lots of binding to read maps exists in numerous languages on github.

Django and Bootstrap relationship [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working on a development road map for a django project. My choosen IDE is pycharm pro and mock up tool is bootstrap studio. One of my criteria is a calendar and I have discovered that none of the existing public projects will meet my needs so I will have to create one from scratch (no problem). My typical approach would have been that the UI and the django project would be done in near parallel periodically merging and diverging the two. However, given the ability of the two software tools, I'm starting to think that that a better approach may be to do the UI first in BSS, next import the templates into the django project and finally perform the django dev to meet the needs of the UI.
The specific calendar functionality is not the issue here, this is a methodology question. While I know that there is a subjective answer to this question (which is not the "answer" I'm looking for here), there also has to be an objective answer as to why this would not work, or be the incorrect approach.
Doing the UI first is fine if you already know exactly what you want it to do and can specify that. Doing the Django first lets you play around with a working rough version and get a better feel for what works best before fine tuning the look and feel. Like you suggest, working on them both together will let each inform the other.

How to overlay Chromium/Electron browser hosts on DirectX and OpenGL applications? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to display info from the Spotify API as a overlay for DirectX and OpenGL games as there is a lot of people asking for it and I needed a project for school. I've got all the design elements working in a Electron application and I now just need to make it an overlay.
The application has a couple states: Playing, Paused, Control (frees cursor to allow in game song control with a couple buttons), Connect(for when audio is played via Spotify connect rather then on the host pc) and Stopped.
If possible I would also like to have the control state toggle with a key bind.
I've had a look online and can't find anything helpful, but I do know that Discord uses something like this. From what I can see, they use C++.
Edit: pergy commented with this: electron offscreen rendering which seems good enough.

Design Pattern for In-Game UI [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently developing a game with friends. We are searching for informations about design patterns for User Interface in order to implement a simple UI including: buttons, progress bar (for health, exp, mana, ...), text, views/subviews, and scroll views.
The first goal is to have something simple but working. We are not looking for patterns about making an UI loading from XML/JSON files, we just need information about the inheritance of our classes and their relationship.
While it doesn't matter while we talk about design patterns and algorithms, we develop in C++, using SFML/OpenGL 2.x for rendering.
Any additional information about implementation in C++/OpenGL are welcome :)
EDIT: I already know about the common design patterns and the MVC architecture, but I look for a far more simple alternative since our goal is not to recreate Qt or Cocoa.
My question is more about an alternative and how to organize these patterns.
I suggest you go over this site, it has a great example from "Gang of 4" (look it up)
great web for design patterns
and there is also a great tutorial in youtube