C++ linker warning because of virtual destructor / clang - c++

I'm getting a linker warning caused by virtual destructors. My environment is the KEIL compiler v6.5 (clang).
Warning: L6439W: Multiply defined Global Symbol __clang_call_terminate defined in invalid_group(new.cpp.o) rejected in favor of Symbol defined in .text.__clang_call_terminate(cxa_handlers.cpp.o).
I get this warning as soon as I add the virtual destructor to an interface. For example:
class IInterface {
virtual ~IInterface(){}
virtual void doSomething() const = 0;
As soon as I implement one single derived class of this interface I get the above mentioned warning. As soon as I remove the virtual destructor, the warning vanishes.
I tried really many things to find out what's the reason, but didn't succeed...
Does someone know how to fix this warning?
Thank you!
Edit: A complete example throwing this warning:
class IInterface {
virtual ~IInterface();
virtual void doSomething() = 0;
IInterface::~IInterface() {
class SomeClass : public IInterface {
virtual void doSomething();
void SomeClass::doSomething() {
int main() {

I asked support of ARM and got the information that this warning is spurious. So it seems to be an issue of the current ARM clang compiler toolchain implementation.
Nevertheless thank you all for your responses on this topic.

If you define your function in header you will emit the function each time you include it in a file. To remove this warming you need to define your method outside the declaration
// IInterface.hpp
class IInterface {
virtual ~IInterface();
// IInterface.cpp
IInterface::~IInterface() {}

As mentioned, this was a linker bug which has been fixed in ARM Compiler v6.11 (10/25/2018).
Release notes:
[SDCOMP-30157] In certain circumstances, after discarding a section from a COMDAT ELF section group, the linker could incorrectly report Warning: L6439W: Multiply defined Global Symbol defined in invalid_group() rejected in favour of Symbol defined in (). This has been fixed.


How to correctly expose interfaces from a dll in the presence of VC++ 2015 whole program optimization

recently we encountered in our legacy code that is currently ported from VS2010 to VS2015 an interesting effect. Unfortunately I couldn't create a small example that shows this effect, but I'll try to describe it as accurately as I can.
We have 2 dlls (I'll call them dll A and dll B). The project for dll A defines the interface IFoo & a derived interface IFxFoo
class __declspec(novtable) IFoo {
virtual int GetType() = 0;
virtual ~IFoo() {}
class __declspec(novtable) IFxFoo : public IFoo {
virtual int GetSlot() = 0;
in dll B, both interfaces are used.
class CBImpl : public IFxFoo {
void processFoo(IFoo* f) {
if (f->GetType() == IFXFOO) {
IFxFoo* fx = static_cast<IFxFoo>(f); //downcast
void fill(IFxFoo* fx) {
m_slot = fx->GetSlot();
int m_slot;
processFoo() will be called with different implementations of IFoo. Some from dll A and some from dll B.
What now happened was the following:
- if we turned on whole program optimization when compiling dll B, the call to the virtual function GetSlot() in function fill() got de-virtualized by Visual C++. This caused our program to crash.
we can fix this behavior if we either
turn of whole program optimization
turn of optimization for fill
or mark our interfaces with __declspec(dllimport) / __declspec(dllexport)
The questions that I have now are:
is our assumption correct that the de-virtualization happened because the optimizer saw only one implementation of IFxFoo in dll B and assumed that this is the only one because IFxFoo was not marked to be from a different dll?
what's the best way to create "interfaces" in header files? We used to do them like above but this seems to lead to some problems.
do other compiler (gcc / clang) exhibit similar behavior?
Thank you for your help
Using LTO results in the compiler making drastic adjustments to any functions for which is it able to see the complete callgraph.
What you are seeing is expected and using __declspec(dllexport) or extern on the functions that need to be utilised from a separate module or explicitly declaring them as part of a DLL .def file is the expected way to resolve the problem as the compiler will no longer consider the functions to be internal-only.

overriding virtual function differs in DLL generated project

I am working on a Visual studio project
class A
virtual int __cdecl funct1() = 0;
Project B(which generates a DLL on compilation)
#define projectBclass_DLL __declspec( dllexport )
class projectBclass_DLL projectBclass: public A
virtual int __cdecl funct1();
A::int __cdecl projectBclass::funct1()
//definition goes here
but it is giving error
error C2695: 'projectBclass::funct1': overriding virtual function differs
from 'A::funct1' only by calling convention
Thanks in advance
Short version:
Maybe you have to use public access modifiers.
Long version:
Just a wild guess, but maybe you have got an accessibility problem, not a calling convention problem. I was surprised to see that one can export private class members, but maybe you cannot after all? (please correct me if I am wrong)
According to MSDN, "To export all of the public data members and member functions in a class, the keyword must appear to the left of the class name ..." as you did.
The default scope is private, though.

Vtable ran away

class MedicineRepository
virtual Medicine* findById(int medId) ;
virtual Vector<Medicine*> getAll() ;
virtual int getNrMeds() ;
virtual void addMed(Medicine s) ;
virtual void removeMed(int medId) ;
virtual ~MedicineRepository() ;
undefined reference to vtable for MedicineRepository' is the error I get in this class.I'm inheriting this class in another module and looks like this in the header:
class MedRepo : public MedicineRepository{
public: ~MedRepo();
and in the cpp it's defined as :
I don't understand it and I've already looked for something usefull in Undefined reference to vtable
I don't think you've posted enough of the error output for anyone to meaningfully determine what the problem is - are you getting it in every file that includes the header, or are you getting it on a specific line of code? In which file? Did you implement the body for ~MedicineRepository?
I would suggest you take a copy of the code, remove as much functionality from the implementations as possible, strip it down to the minimum set of definitions that still generates the error, and then if that doesn't help you solve it, post that.

undefined reference to vtable - virtual member, classes generated by gsoap

gsoap with its tools wsdl2h and soapcpp2 provided me with a soapStub.h file containing the following:
class SOAP_CMAC ns2__SOAPKunden
std::string *adresszusatz;
// ...
virtual int soap_type() const { return 7; }
// ...
ns2__SOAPKunden() : adresszusatz(NULL), x(NULL) { } // left out all member init.
virtual ~ns2__SOAPKunden() { }
I start with a small app using the class to populate objects with data from informix DB.
But to compile successfully i have to leave away all the virtual stuff - i found many postings about this error and use of virtual members in subclasses - otherwise i get
main.o: In function `ns2__SOAPKunden::ns2__SOAPKunden()':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN15ns2__SOAPKundenC1Ev[ns2__SOAPKunden::ns2__SOAPKunden()]+0xf): undefined reference to `vtable for ns2__SOAPKunden'
main.o: In function `ns2__SOAPKunden::~ns2__SOAPKunden()':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN15ns2__SOAPKundenD1Ev[ns2__SOAPKunden::~ns2__SOAPKunden()]+0x13): undefined reference to `vtable for ns2__SOAPKunden'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I admit after years of scripting only it's very hard for me to make sense of C++ code... I want to ask for any advice what to try next. My class is no derived class, is for example what makes me wonder.
The error means that the virtual table has not been correctly compiled/linked in the final binary (executable or library). There are two common circumstances that lead to this error:
you are not linking the object file that includes the virtual table definitions --i.e. you compiled soapStub.cpp into soapStub.o, but did not add that binary to the linker command line.
the compiler is not generating the virtual table anywhere, so even if you are including all object files, that does not include the virtual table.
The second case is the hardest to identify for non-experienced developers, and can be caused by a class that is defined in the header and contains virtual functions. If all the virtual functions are defined inlined, the compiler will generate the virtual table in all translation units that include the header, and mark it as a weak symbol so that the linker can discard them, but if you later add a new virtual method and you leave it undefined in the header --or if you remove the definition from one of the virtual functions--, then the compiler will not generate the virtual table in each translation unit, but only in the one that defines those functions.
Things to check:
you are linking all object files
either all virtual functions are defined inline in the class definition or you have a .cpp that defines the virtual functions and you are linking that in.
This is what David Rodriguez said, just stated simpler I guess...
I had this situation in my interface class:
class IBase
virtual void begin(unsigned long);
virtual void end();
virtual int available(void) = 0;
virtual int peek(void) = 0;
virtual int read(void) = 0;
virtual void flush(void) = 0;
and changed it to this:
class IBase
virtual void begin(unsigned long) = 0;
virtual void end() = 0;
virtual int available(void) = 0;
virtual int peek(void) = 0;
virtual int read(void) = 0;
virtual void flush(void) = 0;
which did the trick.
begin() and end() were defined in derived class in a different file, IBase class (interface) was only declared in header and included in few places.
Error from OP only appeared when I set optimizations to none (-O0), any other setting resulted in no error (gcc 4.8).

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

I'm setting up a C++ project, on Ubuntu x64, using Eclipse-CDT. I'm basically doing a hello world and linking to a commerical 3rd party library.
I've included the header files, linked to their libraries, but I still get linker errors. Are there some possible problems here other than the obvious (e.g. I am 99% sure I'm linking to the correct library).
Is there a way to confirm the static libraries I am linking to are 64bit?
Is there a way to confirm that the library has the class (and methods) I am expecting it to have?
Eclipse says:
Building target: LinkProblem
Invoking: GCC C++ Linker
g++ -L/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/target/bin -o"LinkProblem" ./src/LinkProblem.o -lsomelib1 -lpthread -lsomelib2 -lsomelib3
./src/LinkProblem.o: In function `main':
/home/notroot/workspace/LinkProblem/Debug/../src/LinkProblem.cpp:17: undefined reference to `SomeClass::close()'
./src/LinkProblem.o: In function `SomeOtherClass':
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:148: undefined reference to `SomeClass::SomeClass()'
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:148: undefined reference to `vtable for SomeOtherClass'
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:151: undefined reference to `SomeClass::~SomeClass()'
./src/LinkProblem.o: In function `~SomeOtherClass':
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:140: undefined reference to `vtable for SomeOtherClass'
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:140: undefined reference to `SomeClass::~SomeClass()'
/home/notroot/workspace/somelib-3/somelib/include/sql/somefile.h:140: undefined reference to `SomeClass::~SomeClass()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [LinkProblem] Error 1
This linker error usually (in my experience) means that you've overridden a virtual function in a child class with a declaration, but haven't given a definition for the method. For example:
class Base
virtual void f() = 0;
class Derived : public Base
void f();
But you haven't given the definition of f. When you use the class, you get the linker error. Much like a normal linker error, it's because the compiler knew what you were talking about, but the linker couldn't find the definition. It's just got a very difficult to understand message.
Assuming those methods are in one of the libs it looks like an ordering problem.
When linking libraries into an executable they are done in the order they are declared.
Also the linker will only take the methods/functions required to resolve currently outstanding dependencies. If a subsequent library then uses methods/functions that were not originally required by the objects you will have missing dependencies.
How it works:
Take all the object files and combine them into an executable
Resolve any dependencies among object files.
For-each library in order:
Check unresolved dependencies and see if the lib resolves them.
If so load required part into the executable.
Objects requires:
Lib 1 provides:
Lib 2 provides
BatchRead (but uses lib1:read)
BatchWrite (but uses lib1:write)
If linked like this:
gcc -o plop plop.o -l1 -l2
Then the linker will fail to resolve the read and write symbols.
But if I link the application like this:
gcc -o plop plop.o -l2 -l1
Then it will link correctly. As l2 resolves the BatchRead and BatchWrite dependencies but also adds two new ones (read and write). When we link with l1 next all four dependencies are resolved.
Qt C++ will show this error when you change a class such that it now inherits from QObject (ie so that it can now use signals/slots). Running qmake -r will call moc and fix this problem.
If you are working with others via some sort of version control, you will want to make some change to your .pro file (ie add/remove a blank line). When everyone else gets your changes and runs make, make will see that the .pro file has changed and automatically run qmake. This will save your teammates from repeating your frustration.
The problem for me turned out to be pretty obscure. My class looked like this:
// libbase.h
class base {
base() { }
virtual ~base() { }
virtual int foo() { return 0; }
// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"
// main.h
class derived : public base {
virtual int foo() ;
// main.cpp
int main () {
derived d;
The problem is in the linker. My header file went in a library somewhere, but all the virtual functions were declared 'inline' in the class declaration. Since there was no code using the virtual functions (yet), the compiler or linker neglected to put actual function bodies in place. It also failed to create the vtable.
In my main code where I derived from this class, the linker tried to connect my class to the base class and his vtable. But the vtable had been discarded.
The solution was to declare at least one of the virtual functions' bodies outside the class declaration, like this:
// libbase.h
class base {
base() { }
virtual ~base() ; //-- No longer declared 'inline'
virtual int foo() { return 0; }
// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"
In regards to problems with Qt4, I couldn't use the qmake moc option mentioned above. But that wasn't the problem anyway. I had the following code in the class definition:
class ScreenWidget : public QGLWidget
Q_OBJECT // must include this if you use Qt signals/slots
I had to remove the line "Q_OBJECT" because I had no signals or slots defined.
I had this error message. The problem was that I declared a virtual destructor in the header fileļ¼Œ but the virtual functions' body was actually not implemented.
This error will also occur when we simply declare a virtual function without any definition in the base class.
For example:
class Base
virtual void method1(); // throws undefined reference error.
Change the above declaration to the below one, it will work fine.
class Base
virtual void method1()
In my case the problem occured when i forgot to add the =0 on one function in my pure virtual class. It was fixed when the =0 was added. The same as for Frank above.
class ISettings
virtual ~ISettings() {};
virtual void OKFunction() =0;
virtual void ProblemFunction(); // missing =0
class Settings : ISettings
virtual ~Settings() {};
void OKFunction();
void ProblemFunction();
void Settings::OKFunction()
void Settings::ProblemFunction()
I stumbled across the issue now, too. The application defined a pure virtual interface class and a user-defined class provided through a shared lib was supposed to implement the interface. When linking the application, the linker complained that the shared lib would not provide vtable and type_info for the base class, nor could they be found anywhere else.
Turned out that I simply forgot to make one of the interface's methods pure virtual (i.e. omitted the " = 0" at the end of the declaration. Very rudimentary, still easy to overlook and puzzling if you can't connect the linker diagnostic to the root cause.
I had this error message when trying "hello world" like things with Qt. The problems went away by correctly running the qt moc (meta object compiler) and compiling+including these moc-generated files correctly.
If you have a base class with pure virtual function, make sure your base class constructor and destructor has body otherwise linker fails.
I put this for future visitors:
if you are receiving the error on creating an Exception object, then the cause of it probably is a lack of definition for what() virtual function.