Jupyter Notebook error during saving - python-2.7

Everything used to work fine but now every time I try saving any file in Jupyter Notebook, I get the following error.
URIError: URIMalformed
Also the following is shown in the title bar.
Last Checkpoint: 09/02/2016 Autosave Failed!
How do I fix this issue?

I encountered this same error as well. I ended up tracing it down to the LastPass extension in Chrome. I disabled the extension, and I was able to save again.
[lastpass] [jupyter]

There is a solution for the Lastpass users:
adding "localhost" to My Vault -> Account Settings -> Neverl URLS -> "Never Add Site"

I'm having the same issue and tracked it back to the character %.
I'm using it in the line %matplotlib auto.
I don't even have to run the line of code. Just having it in my text prompts the error. If I remove the character, then I can save again.
Remove any % and see if you can then save.

+1 to Scott's answer above. I also got the exact same error messages you got using Python 3.5.1. I fixed the issue by getting rid of any % characters in my code per Scott's answer from yesterday. I needed the % for the modulo operator. I just imported operator.mod() instead.
Aside: This is such a quirky bug!

As an alternative to globally disabling the LastPass extension in Chrome, I was able to get things working by running the notebook in a Chrome incognito window.
Additionally, this issue only seems to affect Chrome. Even with LastPass enabled in Firefox, I've been able to save the notebooks without the urierror.
Not using '%' in Jupyter Notebooks doesn't seem like a solution, since the magics all start with % and even having % in a print statement causes the error.


POST http://exaple.com/index.php?route=checkout/cart/add 500 (Internal Server Error)

I am new to opencart. Some how I managed to create a website after reading online tutorial.
The website was worked well, but since two day the add to cart button is not working. Its showing some error on console. I tried different browser but same result.
Here I attached the screenshot.
The website is posakaworld.com
Any tips or hint is appreciated :)
I also having the similar issue, please check your
For my case, I installed a new extension, and it shows and error
2017-06-25 9:49:03 - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: checkCart in /Users/Shiro/Sites/opencart/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_controller_checkout_cart.php on line 724
When I check ajax response, it does not show the error, it is due to production display error off, so finally, I manage to find out it is just a PHP Notice can break the system.
Once I fix the undefined variable notice, my ajax no more error. Everything back to normal. I hope this solution is helped.

Webpack watch not working on Webstorm on Windows?

So basically I have a project using Webpack, if I build using Webpack -w, editing the file with another editor will trigger the watch; however if I edit the file using Webstorm, nothing will happen.
I have came across this post, which seems I'm not the only one, however that solution is for Ubuntu, so I was wondering if there is anything similar for Windows?
Seems Webpack watch doesn't work if the file is not saved directly. Please try turning 'Safe write' option ( Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Use "safe write" (save changes to temporary file first)) off.
In 2020.* the option name is Back up files before saving
Also make sure you use Node's path construction instead of slashes. Example:
entry: {
'MyPackage': path.join(__dirname, 'modules', 'PkgEntry.js'),
instead of:
entry: {
'MyPackage': '\\modules\\PkgEntry.js'),
Had the same issue today. And accepted answer didn't help me.
Check this page https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Inotify+Watches+Limit and try to increase your Inotify Watches Limit. Helped me.

Editing Files With Flask-Admin

I am using Flask-Admin to provide an admin interface for my web app, and so far everything has gone well. However, I am trying to make it so that the .TXT files can be edited right in the browser.
Reading the docs, I have incorporated the line:
editable_extensions = ('txt')
into my FileAdmin class. However, every time I check the box beside the file and press With Selected -> Edit, I get a "Permission Denied" error. On the contrary, the Rename feature works fine, and I can also click the file name to view the contents.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem, or where I should start looking?
Note that I may very well be missing some required code, as the line above is all I have done with regards to the editing functionality.
EDIT: I have now managed to get:
Unexpected error while reading from filename.txt
This file cannot be edited for now.
Never mind, this was fixed in an update. For those curious as to what the issue was, the edit() function in fileadmin.py was opening the file as 'r', rather than 'rb'. This caused the error:
'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
which consequently produced in error in the very end.

How to undo move files from filezilla

I have one problem about filezilla. I accidentally move one folder to wrong directory, so it shows the errors when I view my website.
How can I solve it? Please help me.
Many thanks in advance for your answer.
You cannot undo, but you should understand why that happened and how to prevent that from happening again in the future.
This happened because Filezilla allows Drag-and-drop move functionality on both folders (directories) and files, very dangerous on production servers.
There is actually a feature-request for 11 years now, please add your vote to the list to get this done: https://trac.filezilla-project.org/ticket/2191
In the mean time, please consider using another software that allows the user to set this behavior as an option:
WinSCP: http://winscp.net/eng/docs/screenshots
WS-FTP Pro: https://trac.filezilla-project.org/attachment/ticket/2191/ws_ftp-professional-options.gif
EDIT: Filezilla team responded (sort of) to the feature request and you can block drag and drop in the xml config file. It's better than nothing.
You cannot undo ftp moves. The only way to rectify the problem is to manually move the folder to it's original location.
I suggest you be more careful from next time.
If you don't know where the folder belongs, download the x-cart script package and check where the directory belongs.
Sorry for late, but I am up to date. I get logs from filezilla of moved files.
Status: Renaming '/var/www/html/brb/abc.js' to '/var/www/html/brb/node_modules/abc.js'
Status: /var/www/html/brb/abc.js -> /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/abc.js
Status: Renaming '/var/www/html/brb/xyz.html' to '/var/www/html/brb/node_modules/xyz.html'
Status: /var/www/html/brb/xyz.html -> /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/xyz.html
I write script in js to build command
let x = ['/var/www/html/brb/abc.js -> /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/abc.js',
'/var/www/html/brb/xyz.html -> /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/xyz.html'];
let cmd = [];
x.forEach(p => {
let path = p.split('->');
cmd.push(`mv ${path[1]} ${path[0]}`);
['mv /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/abc.js /var/www/html/brb/abc.js'
'mv /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/xyz.html /var/www/html/brb/xyz.html']
Use any editor like vscode etc and remove string quotes and execute command in server terminal etc
mv /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/abc.js /var/www/html/brb/abc.js
mv /var/www/html/brb/node_modules/xyz.html /var/www/html/brb/xyz.html
A simple answer is,
Copy the folder into the desired location and then delete from the current location where you moved it mistakenly.
Now, what if you overwrite a file.
I just edited a file in local, then downloaded the file from my server into the local, and my all the local updated data is gone. There seems no solution of this, but there may be one possibility, I may be the lucky enough that this is my case.
If you were working on that local file, so most probably it is opened in your browser. Do not refresh it. Copy the content one by one, and update the file again. You can also open developers tools of both old and new page. Compare them line by line and do the job.
I had the same issue and resolved it manually.
The log panel was helpful in this. It is the large panel below the connection form in the top menu.
From that log panel, I was able to figure out all the files which were moved with their current and previous location.
I copied those all log lines and paste them somewhere in notepad and then manually selected all files and move those all at once to their original directory.
Screenshot: The log panel showing last actions

changes at SmugMug appear to have blown up pysmug

Anyone else wrestling with changes instituted at SmugMug the week before Thanksgiving that have resulted in "invalid user" errors when using pysmug and Django?
There's a suggestion that they are now requiring the presence of an _su cookie, but it seems to me pycurl used in pysmug ought to handle this properly.
The error does not occur on login, so I'm assuming the error message "invalid user" is bogus.
For anyone else having pysmug trouble the following patch fixed the issue:
pysmug's implementation of pycurl does not set a cookie jar. To fix the problem, add the following two lines to smugmug.py at line number #143 and reinstall:
c.setopt(c.COOKIEFILE, 'cookies.txt')
c.setopt(c.COOKIEJAR, 'cookies.txt')
You may want to set an absolute path to cookies.txt to make sure it's getting written to a folder with the necessary permissions, i.e. /tmp/