Countdown timer in C++? - c++

Is it possible to create a countdown timer in C++ (any ver.),
WHILE we are interacting on the output screen.
for example: A game is being played and we have to stop it after some given time.
I can create the timer either by using clock function or loop, but then, while the timer runs of course, I can't do anything.
So I want something like, a game being played and timer running in background, and the game ends, as the time is over.

There is a quite simple answer to your question...
... multithreading!!!
It allows you to run processes parallel.
Little example:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void threadfunction(){
//Timer stuff here
int main()
thread t1(threadfunction);
// your game here
return 0;
I haven't tried the code yet because I hadn't the time, but I think it should work.
You could change a global variable if the time is elapsed to stop the game.
Hope this was helpful.


Why is there latency in this C++ ALSA (Linux audio) program?

I am exploring sound generation using C++ in Ubuntu Linux. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
//to compile: make [file_name] && ./[file_name]|aplay
int main()
nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
scrollok(stdscr, TRUE);
for ( int t=0;; t++ )
int ch = getch();
if (ch == 'q')
uint8_t temp = t;
When this code is run, I want it to generate sound until I press "q" on my keyboard, after which I want the program to quit. This works fine; however, there is a noticeable delay between pressing the keyboard and the program quitting. This is not due to a delay with ncurses, as when I run the program without std::cout<<temp; (i.e. no sound generated), there is no latency
Is there a way to amend this? If not, how are real-time responsive audio programs written?
Edits and suggestions to the question are welcome. I am a novice to ALSA, so I am not sure if any additional details are required to replicate the bug.
The latency in the above loop is most likely due to delays introduced by the ncurses getch function.
Typically for realtime audio you will want to have a realtime audio thread running and a non-realtime user control thread running. The user control thread can alter the memory space of the real time audio thread which forces the real time audio loop to adjust synthesis as required.
In this gtkIOStream example, a full duplex audio class is created. The process method in the class can have your synthesis computation compiled in. This will handle the playback of your sound using ALSA.
To get user input, one possibility is to add a threaded method to the class by inheriting the FullDuplexTest class, like so :
class UIALSA : public FullDuplexTest, public ThreadedMethod {
void *threadMain(void){
while (1){
// use getchar here to block and wait for user input
// change the memory in FullDuplexTest to indicate a change in variables
return NULL;
UIALSA(const char*devName, int latency) : FullDuplexTest(devName, latency), ThreadedMethod() {};
Then change all references to FullDuplexTest to UIALSA in the original test file (you will probably have to fix some compile time errors) :
UIALSA fullDuplex(deviceName, latency);
Also you will need to call UIALSA::run() to make sure the UI thread is running and listening for user input. You can add the call before you call "go" :; // start the UI thread
res=fullDuplex.go(); // start the full duplex read/write/process going.

C++ How to make precise frame rate limit?

I'm trying to create a game using C++ and I want to create limit for fps but I always get more or less fps than I want. When I look at games that have fps limit it's always precise framerate. Tried using Sleep() std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_until). For example Sleep(0.01-deltaTime) to get 100 fps but ended up with +-90fps.
How do these games handle fps so precisely when any sleeping isn't precise?
I know I can use infinite loop that just checks if time passed but it's using full power of CPU but I want to decrease CPU usage by this limit without VSync.
Yes, sleep is usually inaccurate. That is why you sleep for less than the actual time it takes to finish the frame. For example, if you need 5 more milliseconds to finish the frame, then sleep for 4 milliseconds. After the sleep, simply do a spin-lock for the rest of the frame. Something like
float TimeRemaining = NextFrameTime - GetCurrentTime();
Sleep(ConvertToMilliseconds(TimeRemaining) - 1);
while (GetCurrentTime() < NextFrameTime) {};
Edit: as stated in another answer, timeBeginPeriod() should be called to increase the accuracy of Sleep(). Also, from what I've read, Windows will automatically call timeEndPeriod() when your process exits if you don't before then.
You could record the time point when you start, add a fixed duration to it and sleep until the calculated time point occurs at the end (or beginning) of every loop. Example:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <ratio>
#include <thread>
template<std::intmax_t FPS>
class frame_rater {
frame_rater() : // initialize the object keeping the pace
time_between_frames{1}, // std::ratio<1, FPS> seconds
void sleep() {
// add to time point
tp += time_between_frames;
// and sleep until that time point
// a duration with a length of 1/FPS seconds
std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1, FPS>> time_between_frames;
// the time point we'll add to in every loop
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, decltype(time_between_frames)> tp;
// this should print ~10 times per second pretty accurately
int main() {
frame_rater<10> fr; // 10 FPS
while(true) {
std::cout << "Hello world\n";
fr.sleep(); // let it sleep any time remaining
The accepted answer sounds really bad. It would not be accurate and it would burn the CPU!
Thread.Sleep is not accurate because you have to tell it to be accurate (by default is about 15ms accurate - means that if you tell it to sleep 1ms it could sleep 15ms).
You can do this with Win32 API call to timeBeginPeriod & timeEndPeriod functions.
Check MSDN for more details ->
(I would comment on the accepted answer but still not having 50 reputation)
Be very careful when implementing any wait that is based on scheduler sleep.
Most OS schedulers have higher latency turn-around for a wait with no well-defined interval or signal to bring the thread back into the ready-to-run state.
Sleeping isn't inaccurate per-se, you're just approaching the problem all wrong. If you have access to something like DXGI's Waitable Swapchain, you synchronize to the DWM's present queue and get really reliable low-latency timing.
You don't need to busy-wait to get accurate timing, a waitable timer will give you a sync object to reschedule your thread.
Whatever you do, do not use the currently accepted answer in production code. There's an edge case here you WANT TO AVOID, where Sleep (0) does not yield CPU time to higher priority threads. I've seen so many game devs try Sleep (0) and it's going to cause you major problems.
Use a timer.
Some OS's can provide special functions. For example, for Windows you can use SetTimer and handle its WM_TIMER messages.
Then calculate the frequency of the timer. 100 fps means that the timer must fire an event each 0.01 seconds.
At the event handler for this timer-event you can do your rendering.
In case the rendering is slower than the desired frequency then use a syncro flag OpenGL sync and discard the timer-event if the previous rendering is not complete.
You may set a const fps variable to your desired frame rate, then you can update your game if the elapsed time from last update is equal or more than 1 / desired_fps.
This will probably work.
const /*or constexpr*/ int fps{60};
// then at update loop.
// update the game timer.
// check for any events.
if(timer->ElapsedTime() >= 1 / fps)
// do your updates and THEN renderer.

SDL - How to play audio asynchronously in C++ without stopping code execution?

I am developing a clone of Asteroid in pure C++ and for that purpose, I need to add sounds to different events such as when a bullet is fired and when an explosion occurs. The issue however is that I don't have any experience with audio libraries.
I am using Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) and wrote a function named playsound() to play a sound in case a certain event occurs. The problem however is the fact that if an event occurs, playsound() is called and the code execution stops until the sound is wholly played out or until I return from the function (I delay the return using delay func).
What I would want to do is that the sound plays in the background without creating any lag for the rest of the Game. I am developing on Ubuntu 16.04 and can't use Windows PlaySound() either to call in the ASYNC flag.
Here is the function:
void playsound(string path) {
// Initialize SDL.
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
// local variables
Uint32 wav_length; // length of our sample
Uint8 *wav_buffer; // buffer containing our audio file
SDL_AudioSpec wav_spec;
if(SDL_LoadWAV(path.c_str(), &wav_spec, &wav_buffer, &wav_length) == NULL){
SDL_AudioDeviceID deviceId = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &wav_spec, NULL, 0);
SDL_QueueAudio(deviceId, wav_buffer, wav_length);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(deviceId, 0);
Your delay is stopping your code from executing, 50ms of delay is almost 2 frames at 33ms per frame or 3 frames at 16ms per frame, having a frame drop here and there might not be a problem, but you could see how calling several sounds in succession will slow your program down.
This is how I play sounds in my engine, using SDL2_mixer, (short sounds, for music you have another method called Mix_PlayMusic), it might be helpful to you. I have no lag (and I don't use any sleep or delays in my code). Once you call play() the sound should be played in full, unless there is something else pausing your code.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <SDL2/SDL_mixer.h>
class sample {
sample(const std::string &path, int volume);
void play();
void play(int times);
void set_volume(int volume);
std::unique_ptr<Mix_Chunk, void (*)(Mix_Chunk *)> chunk;
And the cpp file
#include <sample.h>
sample::sample(const std::string &path, int volume)
: chunk(Mix_LoadWAV(path.c_str()), Mix_FreeChunk) {
if (!chunk.get()) {
// LOG("Couldn't load audio sample: ", path);
Mix_VolumeChunk(chunk.get(), volume);
// -1 here means we let SDL_mixer pick the first channel that is free
// If no channel is free it'll return an err code.
void sample::play() {
Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk.get(), 0);
void sample::play(int times) {
Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk.get(), times - 1);
void sample::set_volume(int volume) {
Mix_VolumeChunk(chunk.get(), volume);
Notice that I don't need to thread my model, every time something triggers a sound play the program keeps execution. (I guess SDL_Mixer plays in the main SDL thread).
For this to work, where you init SDL you'll also have to init the mixer as
if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024) < 0) {
// Error message if can't initialize
// Amount of channels (Max amount of sounds playing at the same time)
And an example of how to play a sound would be
// at some point loaded a sample s with sample(path to wave mp3 or whatever);
A few remarks, you don't need to use, but can, the code as it is, it is more of a simple example of using SDL2_mixer.
This mean functionality is lacking, you might want a tighter handling of sound, for example to stop a sound mid play (for some reason), you can do this if you play your sounds in different channels with the Mix_HaltChannel function, and the play() function could receive the channel where you want it to be played.
All these functions return error values, for example if no unreserved channel is available Mix_PlayChannel will return an error code.
Another thing you want to keep in mind is if you play the same sound several times it'll start to get blurry/you would not notice if the same sound is being played again. So you could add an integer to sample to count how many times a sample can be played.
If you REALLY want to thread your mixer/audio from the main SDL thread (and still only use SDL), you can just spawn a new SDL context in a thread and send in some way signals to play audio.
You want to load all necessary assets when initializing the game. Then, when you want to play them, they're loaded into the game memory and there will be no lags. And also play the sounds in a separate thread maybe, so it won't block your main thread.
There are several tools in C++ for asynchronous operations. You can try the most simple std::async:
auto handle = std::async(std::launch::async,
playsound, std::string{"/path/to/cute/sound"});
// Some other stuff. Your game logic doesn't blocked here.
handle.get(); // This can actually block.
You should specify flag std::launch::async, which means, that new thread will be used. Then name of callable needed to be executed and its parameters. Don't forget to include <future> header.

Measuring the running time of a program using clock() function

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
clock_t t;
t = clock();
for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)
return 0;
I wrote a sample c++ program to measure the running time. Every time I run this code I get a different output. How is this happening? Shouldn't the time required by this program be same every time I run it.
I think that your running time you had is true. In the multitasking operating system, we have multi thread, so when your program running, maybe other program request CPU and your program to be comming delay for it.
You should read:
Easily measure elapsed time
If you are curious about the game timer program. You can use the game loop.
follows this:
How to make timer for a game loop?

C++ multithreaded application using std::thread works fine on Windows but not Ubuntu

I have a somewhat simple multithreaded application written using the C++ std::thread library for both Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1. The code is nearly completely identical except that I'm using the operating system respective libraries windows.h and unistd.h to use Sleep/sleep to pause execution for a time. They both actually begin to run and the Ubuntu version does keep running for a short time but then hangs. I am using the proper arguments to the sleep/Sleep functions since I know Windows Sleep takes milliseconds, while Unix sleep takes seconds.
I've run the code multiple times and on Ubuntu it never makes it past two minutes whereas I've run it on windows twice for 20 minutes and then multiple times for roughly five minutes each to see if I was just lucky. Is this just an incompatibility with the thread library or does sleep not do what I think it does, or something else? The infinite loops are there because this is a school project and is expected to run without deadlocks or crashing.
The gist is that this is a modified 4-way stop where cars who arrive first don't have to slow down and stop. We only had to let one car through the intersection at a time which takes 3 seconds to cross, hence Sleep(3000), and don't have to worry about turns. Three threads run the spawnCars function and there are four other threads that each monitor one of the four directions N, E, S, and W. I hope that it's understandable why I can't post the entire code in the chance some other student stumbles upon this. These two functions are the only place where code is different aside from the operating system dependent library inclusion at the top. Thanks.
edit: Since I've just gone and posted all the code for the project, if the problem does end up being a deadlock, may I request that you only say so, and not post an in depth solution? I'm new here so if that's against the spirit of SO then fire away and I'll try to figure it out without reading the details.
/* function clearIntersection
Makes a car go through the intersection. The sleep comes before the removal from the queue
because my understanding is that the wait condition simulates the go signal for drivers.
It wouldn't make sense for the sensors to tell a car to go if the intersection isn't yet
clear even if the lock here would prevent that.
void clearIntersection(int direction)
/* function atFront(int direction)
Checks whether the car waiting at the intersection from a particular direction
has permission to pass, meaning it is at the front of the list of ALL waiting cars.
This is the waiting condition.
bool isAtFront(int direction)
bool isAtFront = cardinalDirections[direction].front() == list->front();
return isAtFront;
void waitInLine()
unique_lock<mutex> conditionLock(*lock);
//function broadcast(): Let all waiting threads know they can check whether or not their car can go.
void broadcast()
/* function monitorDirection(intersectionQueue,int,int)
Threads will run this function. There are four threads that run this function
in total, one for each of the cardinal directions. The threads check to see
if the car at the front of the intersectionQueue, which contains the arrival order
of cars regardless of direction, is the car at the front of the queue for the
direction the thread is assigned to monitor. If not, it waits on a condition
variable until it is the case. It then calls the function to clear the intersection.
Broadcast is then used on the condition variable so all drivers will check if they
are allowed to pass, which one will unless there are 0 waiting cars, waiting again if not the case.
void monitorDirection(intersectionQueue *intersection, int direction, int id)
while (true) //Do forever to see if crashes can occur.
//Do nothing if there are no cars coming from this direction.
//Possibly add more condition_variables for each direction?
if (!intersection->empty(direction))
while (!intersection->isAtFront(direction))
cout << "A car has gone " << numberToDirection(direction) << endl;
//All cars at the intersection will check the signal to see if it's time to go so broadcast is used.
Your culprit is likely your while (!isAtFront(...)) loop. If another thread gets scheduled between the check and the subsequent call to waitInLine(), the state of your queues could change, causing all of your consumer threads to end up waiting. At that point there's no thread to signal your condition_variable, so they will wait forever.