AWS Lambda - single vs multile productId - amazon-web-services

I have a use case where the client app will make a REST call with MULTIPLE product identifiers and get their details. I have a lambda function(exposed by API gateway) which can take a SINGLE product id and get it's detail. I need to get them to work together.. What is a good solution for this?
Modify the client app so it makes single product Id requests. No change in Lambda function required then. But this increases client app network calls as it will invoke the lambda for each productId separately..
Modify the lambda function so that it can handle multiple product id's in the same call.. But this increases lambda response time..
I was also thinking about creating a new lambda function which takes in the multiple productId's and then calls the single product lambda function.. But not sure how to aggregate the responses before sending back to client app.
Looking for suggestions..

Option 1 is less optimal as it will move the chatty protocol between the client to server.
If there are no users of a single Id then I would not keep that one alive. (not option #3)
Depending on your language of choice - it might be best to implement 2 (or 3 for this matter). node.js (and C# too btw) makes it very easy to perform multiple calls in parallel (async calls) and then wait for all results and return to the client.
This means that you will not wait X time more - just a bit more, aligned with your slowest call.
ES6 (modern JS, supported by Lambda) now supports Promise.all() for this purpose.
C# also natively supports these patterns with Task.WaitAll()


How to reject the same POST request sent twice in a short gap of time

I am wondering if there is a standard way to reject requests with the same body sent within a few seconds at the API gateway itself.
Forex: Reddit rejects if I try to post the same content within few seconds in a different group. Similarly, if I make a credit card payment for the second time, it automatically rejects it.
I am wondering if there is a way to have the same behavior in the AWS API gateway itself so that we are not handling it in lambda functions with dynamoDB and stuff.
Looking forward to efficient ways of doing it.
The API Gateway currently doesn't offer a feature like that, you'd have to implement this yourself.
If I was to implement this, I'd probably use an in-memory cache like ElastiCache for Redis or Memcached as the storage backend for deduplications.
For each incoming request I'd determine what makes it unique and create a hash from that.
Then I check if that hash value is in the cache already. If that's the case it 's a duplicate and I reject the request. If it isn't already in the cache, I'd add it with a time to live of n seconds (The time interval in which I wish to deduplicate).

Django(2.11) simultaneous (within 10ms) identical HTTP requests

Consider a POST/PUT REST API (using DRF).
If the server receives request1 and within a couple of ms request2 with identical everything to request1 (duplicate request), is there a way to avoid the request2 to be executed using some Django way? Or Should I deal with it manually by some state?
Any inputs would be much appreciated.
There isn't anything out of the box so you would need to write something your self potentially a piece of custom middleware ( would be best as then it would run over all of the requests. You would need to capture and exam the requests so you'd need a fast storage of some sort such as a memory store.
You could also look into the python asynco library -
Another possible solution would be using a FIFO message queue which is configured to support de-duplication based on content. This would turn the request into an deferred process though so it may not be suitable for your needs.

Communicate internally between Google Cloud Functions?

We've created a Google Cloud Function that is essentially an internal API. Is there any way that other internal Google Cloud Functions can talk to the API function without exposing a HTTP endpoint for that function?
We've looked at PubSub but as far as we can see, you can send a request (per say!) but you can't receive a response.
Ideally, we don't want to expose a HTTP endpoint due to the extra security ramifications and we are trying to follow a microservice approach so every function is its own entity.
I sympathize with your microservices approach and trying to keep your services independent. You can accomplish this without opening all your functions to HTTP. Chris Richardson describes a similar case on his excellent website
You have applied the Database per Service pattern. Each service has
its own database. Some business transactions, however, span multiple
services so you need a mechanism to ensure data consistency across
services. For example, lets imagine that you are building an e-commerce store
where customers have a credit limit. The application must ensure that
a new order will not exceed the customer’s credit limit. Since Orders
and Customers are in different databases the application cannot simply
use a local ACID transaction.
He then goes on:
An e-commerce application that uses this approach would create an
order using a choreography-based saga that consists of the following
The Order Service creates an Order in a pending state and publishes an OrderCreated event.
The Customer Service receives the event attempts to reserve credit for that Order. It publishes either a Credit Reserved event or a
CreditLimitExceeded event.
The Order Service receives the event and changes the state of the order to either approved or cancelled.
Basically, instead of a direct function call that returns a value synchronously, the first microservice sends an asynchronous "request event" to the second microservice which issues a "response event" that the first service picks up. You would use Cloud PubSub to send and receive the messages.
You can read more about this under the Saga pattern on his website.
The most straightforward thing to do is wrap your API up into a regular function or object, and deploy that extra code along with each function that needs to use it. You may even wish to fully modularize the code, as you would expect from an npm module.

AWS Lambda async code execution

I've scoured for any answer but everything I've read are about concurrent lambda executions and async keyword syntax in Node however I can't find information about lambda instance execution.
The genesis of this was that I was at a meetup and someone mentioned that lambda instances (i.e. a ephemeral container hosted by AWS containing my code) can only execute one request at a time. This means that if I had 5 requests come in (for the sake of simplicity lets say to an already warm instance) they would all run in a separate instance, i.e. in 5 separate containers.
The bananas thing to me is that this undermines years of development in async programming. Starting back in 2009 node.js popularized programming with i/o in mind given that for a boring run of the mill CRUD app most of your request time is spent waiting on external DB calls or something. Writing async code allowed a single thread of execution to seemingly execute many simultaneous requests. While node didn't invent it I think it's fair to say it popularized it and has been a massive driver of backend technology development over the last decade. Many languages have added features to make async programming easier (callbacks/tasks/promises/futures or whatever you want to call them) and web servers have shifted to event loop based (node, vertx, kestrel etc) away from the single thread per request models of yester year.
Anyways enough with the history lesson, my point is that if what I heard is true then developing with lambdas throws most of that out the window. If the lambda run time will never send multiple requests through my running instance then programming in an async style will just waste resources. Say for example I'm talking C# and my lambda is for retrieving widgets. Then this code var response = await db.GetWidgets() is actually inefficient because it pushes the current threadcontext onto the stack so it can allow for other code to execute while it waits for that call to comeback. Since no other request will be invoked until the original one completes it makes more sense to program in a synchronous style save for places where parallel calls can be made.
Is this correct?
If so I'm honestly shocked it's not discussed more. Async programming has paradigm shift I've seen in the last few years and this totally changes that.
TL;DR: does lambda really only allow one request execution at a time per instance? If so this up ends major shift in server development towards asynchronous code.
Yes, you are correct - Lambda will spin up multiple containers to handle concurrent requests even if your Lambda does some work asynchronously (I have confirmed this through my own experience, and many other people have observed the same behavior - see this answer to a similar question). This is true for every supported runtime (C#, Node.js, etc).
This means that async code in your Lambda functions won't allow one Lambda container to handle multiple requests at once, as you stated. That being said, you still get all the other benefits of async code and you could still potentially improve your Lambda's performance by, for example, making many web service or database calls at once asynchronously - so this property of Lambda does not make async programming useless on the platform.
Your question is :
Since no other request will be invoked until the original one completes it makes more sense to program in a synchronous style save for places where parallel calls can be made.
No because you no longer have to wait the answer as you should do if you were using a sync process. Your trigger itself must die after the call so it will free memory. Either the lamba sends a notification or triggers a new service once it is completed, either a watcher looks at the result value (it is possible to wait the answer with a sync lambda, but it is not accurate due to the underlying async process beneath lambda system itself). As an Android developper, you can compare that to intent and broadcast, and it is completely async.
It is a complete different way to design solution because the async mechanism must be managed on the workflow layer itself and no longer in the core of the app, the solution becomes an aggregation of notifiers/watchers that triggers micro-services, it is no longer a single binary of thousand lines of code.
Each lambda function must be an individual micro-services.
Coming back to handle heavy traffic, you can run millions of Lambda in parallel as long as your micro-service is ending quickly, it won't cost much.
To ensure that your workflow is not dropping anything, you can add SQS (queue messaging) in the solution.
Further to the above answer, please see here. From what I understand, it's a synchronous loop. So, the only way to make things async from a request-handling perspective is to delegate the work to a message queue, e.g. SQS, as written here. I think this is similar to how Celery is used to make Django asynchronous. Lastly, if you truly want async handling of requests in line with async/await in node.js/python/c#/c++, if you may need to use AWS Fargate / EC2 instead of Lambda. Otherwise in Lambda, as you have mentioned yourself, it's bananas indeed. On the other hand, for heavy traffic, for which async/await shows its benefits, Lambda is not a good fit. There is a break-even analysis here about the three services: ec2, Lambda and Fargate.

How AWS Lambda container reuse works?

I have already gone through this link , (It was published in Dec-2014),Also referred this and this
How the AWS Lambda container reuse works as on May-2016, May you please share any specific link which tells in details ? Below I have few questions all around this AWS Lambda container reuse.
Consider a use case :
A Lambda function name "processMessageLambda" receives request when it has to process a message, and that message it receives from the POST REST API( from AWS API Gateway, as this lambda function connected with).
Now this 'processMessageLambda' process the message and store it to database.
So logically it does the following :
connect to database, store the message and shutdown the connection. (It works fine in normal case.).
If requests arrive say - 10 per second , and each lambda function takes 30 seconds to execute then it actually opens many database connections.
Q1: May we use 'connection pooling' on this case(e.g. boneCP) ? as numbers of calls to "processMessageLambda" would be like hundred per second or Ten per second ?
(refer :simple example of container reuse - It works as it says, but what will happen many request would arrive say - 10 request per seconds )
Q-2: If its possible to use the connection pooling, then how this aws lambda container would be reUsed ?
If consider a case :
Lets consider that requests received by this Lambda function are Ten per second, on this case - 10 different container of this lambda function would be created or single container of lambda function would be created and that would be used with all these 10 requests ?
Q-3: If 10 different container of lambda function would be created then that means 10 database connections would be used , so those 10 container would be reUsed on further requests ?
Q-4: May you please explain from a developer point of view, that how it actually aws lambda container reuse works or how a developer think about it while reusing the aws lambda container ?
Q-5: If container reuse already in place,How a developer need to maintain the state of variables so a developer know which variable would be reused ?
I build and maintain multiple serverless applications. One thing to remember which helps me is: two Lambda functions live in different universes. This immediately answer a few questions:
1: No, you can only do connection pooling per Lambda. If you fire 100 Lambda functions, you have 100 connections.
2: -
3: The exact algorithm behind container re-use is not specified. The next requests may use an existing container or a new container. There is no way to tell. Read this blog post for more info.
4: The best way imo is to think about it that containers are not re-used at all, with the added rule to always use unique (random) filenames in scratch space if you need it (the /tmp folder). When I tried to keep the connection open for re-use, the connection timed out and THEN got re-used. This resulted in database connection issues. Now I just open and close during each invocation.
5: Keep your code stateless (except modules, NEVER use global variables) and always use a unique (random) name if you need to store files in scratch space. These two general rules of thumb save me from lots of issues.