How to append const char* to a const char* - c++

I am trying to append three different const char* variables into one. This is because a function from windows library takes the parameter LPCTSTR.
I have the following code:
const char* path = "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\";
const char* archivo = "vectors";
const char* extension = ".txt";
const char* fullPath =+ path;
fullPath =+ archivo;
fullPath =+ extension;
When I run it I get only the last (extension) added to to FullPath.

You need to allocate some space to hold the concatenated strings. Fortunately, C++ has the std::string class to do this for you.
std::string fullPath = path;
fullPath += archivo;
fullPath += extension;
const char *foo = fullPath.c_str();
Be aware that the space containing the concatenated strings is owned by fullPath and the pointer foo will only remain valid so long as fullPath is in scope and unmodified after the call to c_str.

If you want to construct at compile-time a bunch of string literals, some of which are concatenations of other string literals, the most basic idiomatic low-maintenance technique is based on the good-old preprocessor
#define PATH "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\"
#define NAME "vectors"
#define EXT ".txt"
const char *path = PATH;
const char *archivo = NAME;
const char *extension = EXT;
const char *fullPath = PATH NAME EXT;
However, the same thing can be achieved in more moden way by using some constexpr and template meta-programming magic (see C++ concat two `const char` string literals).
Otherwise, you will have to resort to run-time concatenation (like std::string and such). But again, if the input is known at compile time, then a run-time solution is a "loser's way out" :)

When you use a const char* you can't change the chars to which are pointing.
So append const char* to a const char* is not possible!


std::string to char*

I want to convert a std::string into a char* or char[] data type.
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = str;
Results in: “error: cannot convert ‘std::string’ to ‘char’ ...”.
What methods are there available to do this?
It won't automatically convert (thank god). You'll have to use the method c_str() to get the C string version.
std::string str = "string";
const char *cstr = str.c_str();
Note that it returns a const char *; you aren't allowed to change the C-style string returned by c_str(). If you want to process it you'll have to copy it first:
std::string str = "string";
char *cstr = new char[str.length() + 1];
strcpy(cstr, str.c_str());
// do stuff
delete [] cstr;
Or in modern C++:
std::vector<char> cstr(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1);
More details here, and here but you can use
string str = "some string" ;
char *cstr = &str[0];
As of C++11, you can also use the member function, which returns char *
string str = "some string" ;
char *cstr =;
If I'd need a mutable raw copy of a c++'s string contents, then I'd do this:
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = strdup(str.c_str());
and later:
So why don't I fiddle with std::vector or new[] like anyone else? Because when I need a mutable C-style raw char* string, then because I want to call C code which changes the string and C code deallocates stuff with free() and allocates with malloc() (strdup uses malloc). So if I pass my raw string to some function X written in C it might have a constraint on it's argument that it has to allocated on the heap (for example if the function might want to call realloc on the parameter). But it is highly unlikely that it would expect an argument allocated with (some user-redefined) new[]!
(This answer applies to C++98 only.)
Please, don't use a raw char*.
std::string str = "string";
std::vector<char> chars(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1u);
// use &chars[0] as a char*
If you just want a C-style string representing the same content:
char const* ca = str.c_str();
If you want a C-style string with new contents, one way (given that you don't know the string size at compile-time) is dynamic allocation:
char* ca = new char[str.size()+1];
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), ca);
ca[str.size()] = '\0';
Don't forget to delete[] it later.
If you want a statically-allocated, limited-length array instead:
size_t const MAX = 80; // maximum number of chars
char ca[MAX] = {};
std::copy(str.begin(), (str.size() >= MAX ? str.begin() + MAX : str.end()), ca);
std::string doesn't implicitly convert to these types for the simple reason that needing to do this is usually a design smell. Make sure that you really need it.
If you definitely need a char*, the best way is probably:
vector<char> v(str.begin(), str.end());
char* ca = &v[0]; // pointer to start of vector
This would be better as a comment on bobobobo's answer, but I don't have the rep for that. It accomplishes the same thing but with better practices.
Although the other answers are useful, if you ever need to convert std::string to char* explicitly without const, const_cast is your friend.
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
Note that this will not give you a copy of the data; it will give you a pointer to the string. Thus, if you modify an element of chr, you'll modify str.
Assuming you just need a C-style string to pass as input:
std::string str = "string";
const char* chr = str.c_str();
To obtain a const char * from an std::string use the c_str() member function :
std::string str = "string";
const char* chr = str.c_str();
To obtain a non-const char * from an std::string you can use the data() member function which returns a non-const pointer since C++17 :
std::string str = "string";
char* chr =;
For older versions of the language, you can use range construction to copy the string into a vector from which a non-const pointer can be obtained :
std::string str = "string";
std::vector<char> str_copy(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1);
char* chr =;
But beware that this won't let you modify the string contained in str, only the copy's data can be changed this way. Note that it's specially important in older versions of the language to use c_str() here because back then std::string wasn't guaranteed to be null terminated until c_str() was called.
To be strictly pedantic, you cannot "convert a std::string into a char* or char[] data type."
As the other answers have shown, you can copy the content of the std::string to a char array, or make a const char* to the content of the std::string so that you can access it in a "C style".
If you're trying to change the content of the std::string, the std::string type has all of the methods to do anything you could possibly need to do to it.
If you're trying to pass it to some function which takes a char*, there's std::string::c_str().
Here is one more robust version from Protocol Buffer
char* string_as_array(string* str)
return str->empty() ? NULL : &*str->begin();
// test codes
std::string mystr("you are here");
char* pstr = string_as_array(&mystr);
cout << pstr << endl; // you are here
Conversion in OOP style
class StringConverter {
public: static char * strToChar(std::string str);
char * StringConverter::strToChar(std::string str)
return (char*)str.c_str();
StringConverter::strToChar("converted string")
For completeness' sake, don't forget std::string::copy().
std::string str = "string";
const size_t MAX = 80;
char chrs[MAX];
str.copy(chrs, MAX);
std::string::copy() doesn't NUL terminate. If you need to ensure a NUL terminator for use in C string functions:
std::string str = "string";
const size_t MAX = 80;
char chrs[MAX];
memset(chrs, '\0', MAX);
str.copy(chrs, MAX-1);
You can make it using iterator.
std::string str = "string";
std::string::iterator p=str.begin();
char* chr = &(*p);
Good luck.
A safe version of orlp's char* answer using unique_ptr:
std::string str = "string";
auto cstr = std::make_unique<char[]>(str.length() + 1);
strcpy(cstr.get(), str.c_str());
char* result = strcpy((char*)malloc(str.length()+1), str.c_str());
Alternatively , you can use vectors to get a writable char* as demonstrated below;
//this handles memory manipulations and is more convenient
string str;
vector <char> writable (str.begin (), str.end) ;
writable .push_back ('\0');
char* cstring = &writable[0] //or &*writable.begin ()
This will also work
std::string s;
std::cout<<"Enter the String";
std::getline(std::cin, s);
char *a=new char[s.size()+1];
No body ever mentioned sprintf?
std::string s;
char * c;
sprintf(c, "%s", s.c_str());

How to store a const char* in std :: string?

char *buffer1 = "abc";
const char *buffer2 = (const char*) buffer;
std :: string str (buffer2);
This works, but I want to declare the std::string object i.e. str, once and use it many times to store different const char*.
What's the way out?
You can just re-assign:
const char *buf1 = "abc";
const char *buf2 = "def";
std::string str(buf1);
str = buf2; // Calls str.operator=(const char *)
Ah well, as I commented above, found the answer soon after posting the question :doh:
const char* g;
g = (const char*)buffer;
std :: string str;
str.append (g);
So, I can call append() function as many times (after using the clear()) as I want on the same object with "const char *".
Though the "push_back" function won't work in place of "append".
str is actually copying the characters from buffer2, so it is not connected in any way.
If you want it to have another value, you just assign a new one
str = "Hello";
Make a Class say MyString which compose String buffer.
Have a constant of that class.
and then u can reassign the value of the composed string buffer, while using the same constant.

const string vs. #define

i need to share some strings in my c++ program. should i use #define or const string? thanks
#define str1 "str1"
#define str2 "str2"
extern const string str1;
extern const string str2;
const string str1 = "str1";
const string str2 = "str2";
Prefer the second option. If you use the first option (preprocessor), you are limiting your flexibility with the object.
Consider the following... You won't be able to compare strings this way:
if (str1 == "some string")
// ...
If it is C++ instead of C, you should really use some variable instead of a preprocessor macro. The former is clearer than the latter. Furthermore, if you use C++17, you can use inline variables:
inline const std::string str = "foobar";
// constexpr is implicitly inline
constexpr char str0[] = "foobar";
constexpr const char* str1 = "foobar";
constexpr std::string_view str2 = "foobar";
This is also clearer than using extern and can be used in header-only APIs as well.
If it's C++, you should use the C++ Standard Library's std::string. It's much more clear than a preprocessor macro, it will have a single location in memory when it's defined, and it has all the extra functionality of std::string instead of only pointer comparisons as is the case with the implicit const char* that are created with a preprocessor macro.
To take OO advantage of c++, I would say use struct/class.
struct Constants {
static const string s1;
static const string s2;
const string Constants::s1 = "blah1";
const string Constants::s2 = "blah2";
To reference:
cout << Constants::s1 << endl;
If you don't have to use the preprocessor don't!
If these strings are needed in a resource editor or a manifest or something you might have to.
You could also just use a const char* string for constant data and not a string object, since the object will need to be initialised at the start of the program with the constant data anyway. Do this if you're not going to be doing much with strings but just displaying them or printing them out as is.
extern const char * str1;
const char * str1 = "str1";
I would suggest use of functions.
extern const std::string& str1();
extern const std::string& str2();
This gives you more flexibility in how you get those strings in the .cpp file.
Also consider the issue of non-POD static construction and destruction order, as described in the Google C++ style guide.
An alternative is to use:
const char str1[] = "str1";
const char str1[] = "str2";

Problem: How to convert CString into const char * in C++ MFC

How do I convert CString into const char *? I have tried everything found on the internet but I still cant convert them.
Please help.
Thank you.
CString casts to const char * directly
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = (LPCSTR) temp;
printf("%s", foo);
will print 'foo'
Newer version of MFC also support the GetString() method:
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = temp.GetString();
printf("%s", foo);
Short answer: Use the CT2CA macro (see ATL and MFC String Conversion Macros). This will work regardless of your project's 'Character Set' setting.
Long answer:
If you have the UNICODE preprocessor symbol defined (i.e., if TCHAR is wchar_t), use the CT2CA or CW2CA macro.
If you don't (i.e., if TCHAR is char), CString already has an operator to convert to char const* implicitly (see CSimpleStringT::operator PCXSTR).
If your application is not Unicode, you can simple typecast to const char *. Use the GetBuffer() method if you need a char * that you can modify.
If your application is Unicode and you really want a char *, then you'll need to convert it. (You can use functions like MultiByteToWideChar().)
I know it's late, but I couldn't use the marked-as-answer solution. I search all over the internet and nothing worked for me. I muscled through it to get a solution:
char * convertToCharArr(CString str) {
int x = 0;
string s = "";
while (x < str.GetLength()) {
char c = str.GetAt(x++);
s += c;
char * output = (char *)calloc(str.GetLength() + 1, sizeof(char));
memcpy(output, s.c_str(), str.GetLength() + 1);
return output;
First : define char *inputString; in your_file.h
Second : define in yourFile.cpp :
CString MyString;
MyString = "Place here whatever you want";
inputString = new char[MyString.GetLength()];
inputString = MyString.GetBuffer(MyString.GetLength());
The last two sentences convert a CString variable to a char*; but be carefull, with CString you can hold millons of charcteres but with char* no. You have to define the size of your char* varible.

Conversion of char * to string

Does anyone have an idea how to convert char* to string. Actually, I have a function which returns value as char* and now i need to store/copy std::string.
I have tried something like
char *sResult = (char*)malloc(1024);
std:string line;
line= line+ sResult
Thanks and regards,
How about
std::string line(szResult);
There is an implicit conversion from const char* to std::string(via nonexplicit constructor). So the following will all work (suppose ch is const char* or char*)
std::string s (ch);
std::string s = ch;
s = ch;
f(ch); //where f is declared to take std::string
The std::string class has a constructor taking a const char *so you can do
char *foo;
/* .... initialize foo ... */
std::string some_string(foo);
std:string line;
std::string line(sResult);
If you have a line of data that isn't necessarily a C-string, you use string's constructor
std::string s(sResult, sSize);
Try this: char* ptrToString = "wharever"; std::string szMyStdString = ptrToString
First of all you need to type to colons for
the scope specifier like so:
std::string line;
And then depending on the C library you are using the + operator might not
be overloaded to handle char* string so you should be better of
line = line + std::string(sResult);
Though your implementation, should work if you fix the scope specifier,
in full-featured c++ standard library implementations like ms or gcc ones.