Replace strings only within a regex match in perl - regex

I have an XML document with text in attribute values. I can't change how the the XML file is generated, but need to extract the attribute values without loosing \r\n. The XML parser of course strips them out.
So I'm trying to replace \r\n in attribute values with entity references
I'm using perl to do this because of it's non-greedy matching. But I need help getting the replace to happen only within the match. Or I need an easier way to do this :)
Here's is what I have so far:
perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/m_description="(.*?)"/m_description="$1"/smg' tmp.xml
This matches what I need to work with: (.*?). But I don't know to expand that pattern to match \r\n inside it, and do the replacement in the results. If I knew how many \r\n I have I could do it, but it seems I need a variable number of capture groups or something like that? There's a lot to regex I don't understand and it seems like there should be something do do this.
preceding lines
stuff m_description="Over
any number
of lines" other stuff
more lines
Should go to:
preceding lines
stuff m_description="Over
any number
of lines" other stuff
more lines
Thanks to Ikegam and ysth for the solution I used, which for 5.14+ is:
perl -i -0777 -pe's/m_description="\K(.*?)(?=")/ $1 =~ s!\n!
!gr =~ s!\r!
!gr /sge' tmp.xml

. should already match \n (because you specify the /s flag) and \r.
To do the replacement in the results, use /e:
perl -i -0777 -pe's/(?<=m_description=")(.*?)(?=")/ my $replacement=$1; $replacement=~s!\n!
!g; $replacement=~s!\r!
!g; $replacement /sge' tmp.xml
I've also changed it to use lookbehind/lookahead to make the code simpler and to use -0777 to set $/ to slurp mode and to remove the useless /m.

OK, so whilst this looks like an XML problem, it isn't. The XML problem is the person generating it. You should probably give them a prod with a rolled up copy of the spec as your first port of call for "fixing" this.
But failing that - I'd do a two pass approach, where I read the text, find all the 'blobs' that match a description, and then replace them all.
Something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $text = do { local $/ ; <DATA> };
#filter text for 'description' text:
my #matches = $text =~ m{m_description=\"([^\"]+)\"}gms;
print Dumper \#matches;
#Generate a search-and-replace hash
my %replace = map { $_ => s/[\r\n]+/
/gr } #matches;
print Dumper \%replace;
#turn the keys of that hash into a search regex
my $search = join ( "|", keys %replace );
$search = qr/\"($search)\"/ms;
print "Using search regex: $search\n";
#search and replace text block
$text =~ s/m_description=$search/m_description="$replace{$1}"/mgs;
print "New text:\n";
print $text;
preceding lines
stuff m_description="Over
any number
of lines" other stuff
more lines


Remove certain characters from a regex group

I have a string that looks like this (key":["value","value","value"])
and I use the following regex to select from the string. (the regex is setup in a way where it wont select a string that looks like this "key":[{"key":"value","key":"value"}] )
Resulting Selection:","","","","
I want to remove the " in that select string, and i was wondering if there was an easy way to do this using the replace command. Desired result...
How do I solve this problem?
If your string indeed has the form "key":["v1", "v2", ... "vN"], you can split off the part that needs to be changed, replace "," by a space in it, and re-assemble:
my #parts = split / (\["\s* | \s*\"]) /x, $string; #"
$parts[2] =~ s/",\s*"/ /g;
my $processed = join '', #parts;
The regex pattern for the separator in split is captured since in that case the separators are also in the returned list, what is helpful here for putting the string back together. Then, we need to change the third element of the array.
In this approach, we have to change a specific element in the array so if your format varies, even a little, this may not (or still may) be suitable.
This should of course be processed as JSON, using a module. If the format isn't sure, as indicated in a comment, it would be best to try to ensure that you have JSON. Picking bits and pieces like above (or below) is a road to madness once requirements slowly start evolving.
The same approach can be used in a regex, and this may in fact have an advantage to be able to scoop up and ignore everything preceding the : (with split that part may end up with multiple elements if the format isn't exactly as shown, what then affects everything)
$string =~ s{ :\["\s*\K (.*?) ( "\] ) }{
my $e = $2;
my $n = $1 =~ s/",\s*"/ /gr;
Here /e modifier makes it so that the replacement side is evaluated as code, where we do the same as with the split above. Notes on regex
Have to save away $2 first, since it gets reset in the next regex
The /r modifier†, which doesn't change its target but rather returns the changed string, is what allows us to use substitution operator on the read-only $1
If nothing gets captured for $2, and perhaps for $1, that means that there was no match and the outcome is simply that $string doesn't change, quietly. So if this substitution should always work then you may want to add handling of such unexpected data
Don't need a $n above, but can return ($1 =~ s/",\s*"/ /gr) . $e
Or, using lookarounds as attempted
$string =~ s{ (?<=:\[") (.+?) (?="\]) }{ $1 =~ s/",\s*"/ /gr }egx;
what does reduce the amount of code, but may be trickier to work with later.
While this is a direct answer to the question I think it's least maintainable.
†  This useful modifier, for "non-destructive substitution," appeared in v5.14. In earlier Perl versions we would copy the string and run regex on that, with an idiom
(my $n = $1) =~ s/",\s*"/ /g;
In the lookarounds-example we then need a little more
$string =~ s{...}{ (my $n = $1) =~ s/",\s*"/ /g; $n }gr
since s/ operator returns the number of substitutions made while we need $n to be returned from that whole piece of code in {} (the replacement side), to be used as the replacement.
You can use this \G based regex to start the match with :[" and further captures the values appropriately and replaces matched text so that only comma is retained and doublequotes are removed.
Regex Demo
Your text is almost proper JSON, so it's really easy to go the final inch and make it so, and then process that:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw/say postderef/;
no warnings qw/experimental::postderef/;
use JSON::XS; # Install through your OS package manager or a CPAN client
my $str = q/"emailDomains":["","","","",""]/;
my $json = JSON::XS->new();
my $obj = $json->decode("{$str}");
my $fixed = $json->ascii->encode({emailDomains =>
join(', ', $obj->{'emailDomains'}->#*)});
$fixed =~ s/^\{|\}$//g;
say $fixed;
Try Regex: " *, *"
Replace with: ,

Repeating regex pattern

I have a string such as this
word <gl>aaa</gl> word <gl>aaa-bbb=ccc</gl>
where, if there is one ore more words enclosed in tags. In those instances where there are more than one words (which are usually separated by - or = and potentially other non-word characters), I'd like to make sure that the tags enclose each word individually so that the resulting string would be:
word <gl>aaa</gl> word <gl>aaa</gl>-<gl>bbb</gl>=<gl>ccc</gl>
So I'm trying to come up with a regex that would find any number of iterations of \W*?(\w+) and then enclose each word individually with the tags. And ideally I'd have this as a one-liner that I can execute from the command line with perl, like so:
perl -pe 's///g;' in out
This is how far I've gotten after a lot of trial and error and googling - I'm not a programmer :( ... :
It finds the first and last word (aaa and ccc). Now, how can I make it repeat the operation and find other words if present? And then how to get the replacement? Any hints on how to do this or where I can find further information would be much appreciated?
This is part of a workflow that does some other transformations within a shell script:
perl -pe '#
' $1 > tmp
... some other commands ...
This needs a mini nested-parser and I'd recommend a script, as easier to maintain
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
my $str = q(word <gl>aaa</gl> word <gl>aaa-bbb=ccc</gl>);
my $tag_re = qr{(<[^>]+>) (.+?) (</[^>]+>)}x; # / (stop markup highlighter)
$str =~ s{$tag_re}{
my ($o, $t, $c) = ($1, $2, $3); # open (tag), text, close (tag)
$t =~ s/(\w+)/$o$1$c/g;
say $str;
The regex gives us its built-in "parsing," where words that don't match the $tag_re are unchanged. Once the $tag_re is matched, it is processed as required inside the replacement side. The /e modifier makes the replacement side be evaluated as code.
One way to provide input for a script is via command-line arguments, available in #ARGV global array in the script. For the use indicated in the question's "Edit" replace the hardcoded
my $str = q(...);
my $str = shift #ARGV; # first argument on the command line
and then use that script in your shell script as
... $1 > output_file
where $1 is the shell variable as shown in the "Edit" to the question.
In a one-liner
echo "word <gl>aaa</gl> word <gl>aaa-bbb=ccc</gl>" |
perl -wpe'
s{(<[^>]+>) (.+?) (</[^>]+>)}
{($o,$t,$c)=($1,$2,$3);$t=~s/(\w+)/$o$1$c/g; $t}gex;
what in your shell script becomes echo $1 | perl -wpe'...' > output_file. Or you can change the code to read from #ARGV and drop the -n switch, and add a print
perl -wE'$_=shift; ...; say' $1 > output_file
where ... in one-liner indicate the same code as above, and say is now needed since we don't have the -p with which the $_ is printed out once it's processed.
The shift takes an element off of an array's front and returns it. Without an argument it does that to #ARGV when outside a subroutine, as here (inside a subroutine its default target is #_).
This will do it:
The /g at the end is the repeat and stands for "global". It will pick up matching at the end of the previous match and keep matching until it doesn't match anymore, so we have to be careful about where the match ends. That's what the (?=...) is for. It's a "followed by pattern" that tells the repeat to not include it as part of "where you left off" in the previous match. That way, it picks up where it left off by re-matching the second "word".
The s/ at the beginning is a substitution, so the command would be something like:
cat in | perl -pne 's/(\w+)([\-=])(?=\w+)/$1<\/gl>$2<gl>/g;$_' > out
You need the $_ at the end because the result of the global substitution is the number of substitutions made.
This will only match one line. If your pattern spans multiple lines, you'll need some fancier code. It also assumes the XML is correct and that there are no words surrounding dashes or equals signs outside of tags. To account for this would necessitate an extra pattern match in a loop to pull out the values surrounded by gl tags so that you can do your substitution on just those portions, like:
my $e = $in;
while($in =~ /(.*?<gl>)(.*?)(?=<\/gl>)/g){
my $p = $1;
my $s = $2;
$s =~ s/(\w+)([\-=])(?=\w+)/$1<\/gl>$2<gl>/g;
$e = $'; # ' (stop markup highlighter)
You'd have to write your own surrounding loop to read STDIN and put the lines read in into $in. (You would also need to not use -p or -n flags to the perl interpreter since you're reading the input and printing the output manually.) The while loop above however grabs everything inside the gl tags and then performs your substitution on just that content. It prints everything occurring between the last match (or the beginning of the string) and before the current match ($p) and saves everything after in $e which gets printed after the last match outside the loop.

Adding quotes to a CSV using perl

I've got a CSV that looks as follows:
This is the desired file after transformation:
As you can see, the fields that are entirely numeric are left unquoted, whilst the alpha (or alphanumeric ones) are quoted.
What would be a sensible way to go about this in Perl ?
Already commented below, but I've tried stuff like
perl -pe 's/(\w+)/"$1"/g'
And that doesn't work because \w obviously picks up the numerics.
I recommend not reinventing the wheel, but rather to use an already existing module, as zdim recommends. Here is your example using Text::CSV_XS
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new();
while (my $row = $csv->getline(*STDIN)) {
my #quoted_row = map { looks_like_number($_) ? $_ : '"'. $_ .'"' } #$row;
print join(',',#quoted_row) . "\n";
cat input | perl
Another one-liner, input file modified to add a line with alphanumeric fields
$ cat ip.csv
$ perl -F, -lane 's/.*[^0-9].*/"$&"/ foreach(#F); print join ",", #F' ip.csv
To modify OP's attempt:
$ perl -pe 's/(^|,)\K\d+(?=,|$)(*SKIP)(*F)|\w+/"$&"/g' ip.csv
(^|,)\K\d+(?=,|$)(*SKIP)(*F) this will skip the fields with digits alone and the alternate pattern \w+ will get replaced
It seems that you are after a one-liner. Here is a basic one
perl -lpe '$_ = join ",", map /^\d+$/ ? $_ : "\"$_\"", split ",";' input.csv
Splits each line by , and passes obtained list to map. There each element is tested for digits-only /^\d+$/ and passed untouched, or padded with " otherwise. Then map's return is joined by ,.
The -l removes newline, what is needed since " pad the whole line. The result is assigned back to $_ in order to be able to use -p so that there is no need for explicit print.
The code is very easily used in a script, if you don't insist on an one-liner.
Processing of csv files is far better done by modules, for example Text::CSV

Perl regexp substitution - multiple matches

need some help with substitution regex.
I have a string
and I need to replace it by
I tried
but it gives me
tried to fiddle with lookahead and lookbehind, but can't get it solved.
I wouldn't use a regex for this, and instead make use of split:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str = ';;;;;;;;;;;;;';
print join ( '\N', split ( //, $str ) );
Splitting on nulls, to get each character, and making use of the fact that join puts delimiters between characters. (So not before first, and not after last).
This gives:
Which I think matches your desired output?
As a oneliner, this would be:
perl -ne 'print join ( q{\N}, split // )'
Note - we need single quotes ' rather than double around the \N so it doesn't get interpolated.
If you need to handle variable content (e.g. not just ; ) you can add grep or map into the mix - I'd need some sample data to give you a useful answer there though.
I use this for infile edit, the regexp suits me better
Following on from that - perl is quite clever. It allows you to do in place editing (if that's what you're referring to) without needing to stick with regular expressions.
Traditionally you might do
perl -i.bak -p -e 's/something/somethingelse/g' somefile
What this is doing is expanding out that out into a loop:
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
E.g. what it's actually doing is:
opening the file
iterating it by lines
transforming the line
printing the new line
And with -i that print is redirected to the new file name.
You don't have to restrict yourself to -p though - anything that generates output will work in this way - although bear in mind if it doesn't 'pass through' any lines that it doesn't modify (as a regular expression transform does) it'll lose data.
But you can definitely do:
perl -i.bak -ne 'print join ( q{\N}, split // )'
And inplace edit - but it'll trip over on lines that aren't just ;;;;; as your example.
So to avoid those:
perl -i.bak -ne 'if (m/;;;;/) { print join ( q{\N}, split // ) } else { print }'
Or perhaps more succinctly:
perl -i.bak -pe '$_ = join ( q{\N}, split // ) if m/;;;/'
Since you can't match twice the same character you approach doesn't work. To solve the problem you can only check the presence of a following ; with a lookahead (the second ; isn't a part of the match) :

perl search and replace a substring

I am trying to search for a substring and replace the whole string if the substring is found. in the below example someVal could be any value that is unknown to me.
how i can search for and replace the whole string $oldUrl and with $newUrl?
I can do it on the whole string just fine:
$directory = "/var/tftpboot";
my $oldUrl = "";
my $newUrl = "";
opendir( DIR, $directory ) or die $!;
while ( my $files = readdir(DIR) ) {
next unless ( $files =~ m/\.cfg$/ );
open my $in, "<", "$directory/$files";
open my $out, ">", "$directory/temp.txt";
while (<$in>) {
print $out $_;
rename "$directory/temp.txt", "$directory/$files";
Your script will delete much of your content because you are surrounding the match with .*. This will match any character except newline, as many times as it can, from start to end of each line, and replace it.
The functionality that you are after already exists in Perl, the use of the -pi command line switches, so it would be a good idea to make use of it rather than trying to make your own, which works exactly the same way. You do not need a one-liner to use the in-place edit. You can do this:
perl -pi *.cfg
The script should contain the name definitions and substitutions, and any error checking you need.
my $old = "";
my $new = "";
This is the simplest possible solution, when running with the -pi switches, as I showed above. The \Q ... \E is the quotemeta escape, which escapes meta characters in your string (highly recommended).
You might want to prevent partial matches. If you are matching, you may not want to match, or To prevent partial matching, you can put in anchors of different kinds.
(?<!\S) -- do not allow any non-whitespace before match
\b -- match word boundary
Word boundary would be suitable if you want to replace in the above example, but not Otherwise use whitespace boundary. The reason we do a double negation with a negative lookaround assertion and negated character class is to allow beginning and end of line matches.
So, to sum up, I would do:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $old = "";
my $new = "";
And run it with
perl -pi *.cfg
If you want to try it out beforehand (highly recommended!), just remove the -i switch, which will make the script print to standard output (your terminal) instead. You can then run a diff on the files to inspect the difference. E.g.:
$ perl -p test.cfg > test_replaced.cfg
$ diff test.cfg test_replaced.cfg
You will have to decide whether word boundary is more desirable, in which case you replace the lookaround assertions with \b.
Always use
use strict;
use warnings;
Even in small scripts like this. It will save you time and headaches.
If you want to match and replace any subdomain, then you should devise a specific regular expression to match them.
The following is a rewrite of your script using more Modern Perl techniques, including Path::Class to handle file and directory operations in a cross platform way and $INPLACE_EDIT to automatically handle the editing of a file.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Path::Class;
my $dir = dir("/var/tftpboot");
while (my $file = $dir->next) {
next unless $file =~ m/\.cfg$/;
local #ARGV = "$file";
local $^I = '.bak';
while (<>) {
#unlink "$file$^I"; # Optionally delete backup
Watch for the Dot-Star: it matches everything that surrounds the old URL, so the only thing remaining on the line will be the new URL:
Also, you might need to close the output file before you try to rename it.
If the old URL contains special characters (dots, asterisks, dollar signs...) you might need to use \Q$oldUrl to suppress their special meaning in the regex pattern.