I would like to make a reverse DNS lookup query to some custom nameserver (by specifying ip/port) instead of the default one.
Is it possible to use boost::asio::resolver for this purpose?
I have this so far:
asio::ip::address_v4 ipa = asio::ip::address_v4::from_string("");
asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ep;
asio::io_service io_service;
asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator destination = resolver.resolve(ep);
Is there a way to specify dns ip/port to the resolver or to the service?
I am writing a service discovery application which will register web applications on a zookeeper node. One of the attribute is the port number on which service is available. In code I got the handle of jetty server instance but how can I find the port number from a Jetty Server instance ?
Walk the connectors, and ask them for their registered host names (so you know what network interfaces they are listening on) and local ports (that they are bound to).
Here's a template you can start with.
for (Connector connector : server.getConnectors())
if (connector instanceof NetworkConnector)
// we have a network capable connector
NetworkConnector networkConnector = (NetworkConnector) connector;
// What interface?
String interfaceName = networkConnector.getHost();
// What local port is it bound to?
int localPort = networkConnector.getLocalPort();
// What is the declared protocol default for this connector?
String defaultProtocol = networkConnector.getDefaultConnectionFactory().getProtocol();
// What other features does this connector handle?
for (ConnectionFactory connectionFactory : networkConnector.getConnectionFactories())
// List of protocols handled by this specific connection factory for this specific connector
if (connectionFactory instanceof SslConnectionFactory)
// this can handle TLS/SSL based connections
if (connectionFactory instanceof HttpConnectionFactory)
// this can handle http protocols
// get the http specific configuration
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = ((HttpConnectionFactory) connectionFactory).getHttpConfiguration();
// what port is recognized as secure
// what scheme is recognized as secure
if (connectionFactory instanceof HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory)
// can handle encrypted http/2 protocols (and alpn features)
if (connectionFactory instanceof HTTP2CServerConnectionFactory)
// this can handle http/2's special clear-text "h2c" protocol (no alpn features)
i am using embedded Jetty to implement HTTP/2. At the moment i am trying to add a ServerSessionListener (from: org.eclipse.jetty.http2.api.Session.Listener.Adapter) to my Server.
i tried to add it to the Context and Server via: addEventListener with no success.
Maybe someone can give me a hint about what i am doing wrong..
I want to add a session Listener to my HTTP2 Connection to track the connected Sessions (Clients) and their connection duration.
You can add an implementation of Connection.Listener as a bean to the connector itself, for example:
http2Connector.addBean(new Connection.Listener()
public void onOpened(Connection connection) { ... }
public void onClosed(Connection connection) { ... }
Alternatively you can add the Connection.Listener as a bean to the ConnectionFactory.
In both cases, every time a connection is created, the listener is added to the connection and will be invoked when the connection opens and when it closes.
You can use Jetty's ConnectorStatistics class that already gathers a number of statistics about connections and already implements Connection.Listener.
Any examples of gRPC server using TLS in CPP??
I am trying to build a gRPC application. The server should provide TLS support if client wants to connect over TLS instead of TCP.
This is my server
void RunServer() {
std::string server_address("");
GreeterServiceImpl service;
ServerBuilder builder;
std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds;
grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions::PemKeyCertPair pkcp ={"a","b"};
grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions ssl_opts;
creds = grpc::SslServerCredentials(ssl_opts);
// Listen on the given address without any authentication mechanism.
builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, creds);
// Register "service" as the instance through which we'll communicate with
// clients. In this case it corresponds to an *synchronous* service.
// Finally assemble the server.
std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
undefined reference to grpc::SslServerCredetials(grpc::ssl_opts)
I have included all the necessary files..
You code looks right. If you are adapting from examples/cpp/helloworld, you need to change -lgrpc++_unsecure to -lgrpc++ in the Makefile.
For the benefits of others, an example of using the tls/ssl code can be found at https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/test/cpp/interop/server_helper.cc#L50
I'm using pion network library to write a HTTP(s) server, pion is a wrapper for boost::asio. I need the server support both HTTP and HTTPS, the HTTP is done with:
#include "pion/http/server.hpp"
#include "pion/http/response_writer.hpp"
using namespace pion;
using namespace pion::http;
struct fake_server {
void start() {
m_server = pion::http::server_ptr(new pion::http::server(80));
m_server->add_resource("/", boost::bind(&fake_server::handle_request, this, _1, _2));
void handle_request(http::request_ptr& _httpRequest, tcp::connection_ptr& _tcpConn) {
http::response_writer_ptr writer(
boost::bind(&tcp::connection::finish, _tcpConn)));
http::response& r = writer->get_response();
writer->write("hello world");
pion::http::server_ptr m_server;
int main() {
fake_server svr;
while(1) {
But I don't know how to handle the HTTPS, I tried to set the port to 443, and set the ssl flag with:
void start() {
m_server = pion::http::server_ptr(new pion::http::server(443)); // 443
m_server->set_ssl_flag(true); // ssl flag
m_server->add_resource("/", boost::bind(&fake_server::handle_request, this, _1, _2));
It doesn't work, I got an error "no shared cipher", I googled for this error and found some solution that uses openssl to generate cert pairs and then load these cert pairs in the server/client, but my client application is web browser, the browser won't use these generated certifications.
Any idea?
You need to provide an SSL certificate and key the server will use to negotiate the secure connection. This would be done with:
where pem_filename is the name of a PEM formatted file containing both an SSL certificate and key. The key must not be encrypted. There are numerous internet tutorials that tell you how to create a self-signed certificate if you don't already have one from a trusted certificate authority. If you have a key and certificate in separate files then simply concatenate them into a single file.
No prior certificate/key configuration is necessary on the client side (in this case), but note that using a self-signed certificate (or any certificate not signed by a trusted certificate authority) will generate a security warning on most web browsers.
I have the following connection set up, this works correctly. This is part of a larger piece of code which listens (at a free port), for incoming messages. What I am trying to do is publish the uri so that other clients can connect to this. However I cannot figure out a way for the endpoint.address() to appear as the actual IP address on the interface being used rather than "localhost". Any ideas?
tcp::resolver::query query(address, "");
tcp:: endpoint endpoint = *resolver.resolve(query);
tcp::endpoint endpoint = acc.local_endpoint() ;
string uri = "tcp://" + endpoint.address().to_string() + ":" + lexical_cast<string>(endpoint.port()) ;
Boost ASIO has no way to enum all the interfaces of your computer. resolver query your DNS for your IP, witch is not the same as it can return whatever you have configured in it (even inacurrate information can be retrieved).
If you want to bind to the default interface. you don't need to make a resolve.
Just create the socket with the following endpoint :
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint =