ASP.NET Core Swagger uses incorrect json url when web application is hosted in a subdirectory - swashbuckle

I followed these instructions to add swagger to my ASP.NET Core application.
It works fine when I host it as a root website but when I host the app as an alias on an existing website, say, swagger will look for swagger.json at an incorrect URL and report: *Can't read swagger JSON from It should instead use
The message I get is:
Can't read swagger JSON from
How can I configure swashbuckle/swagger to use the application base path and look for the swagger.json file at the right place?
I'm hosting on IIS.
The version of swashbuckle is:
"Swashbuckle": "6.0.0-beta902"
I suspect that I'll have to add something to the app.UseSwaggerUi() in the Configure method in Startup.cs but I'm not sure what.
Startup Configure:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
// Enable middleware to serve generated Swagger as a JSON endpoint
// Enable middleware to serve swagger-ui assets (HTML, JS, CSS etc.)

You can use the ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH environment variable to get the application basepath.
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
string basePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH");
if (basePath == null) basePath = "/";
c.SwaggerEndpoint($"{basePath}swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API");

I ended up specifying the endpoint explicitly:
app.UseSwaggerUi(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint($"/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MyAPI documentation");
//c.SwaggerEndpoint($"/myapi/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MyAPI documentation");
I've been fooling around with hosting the Web API in IIS and in IIS Express, and I end up having to swap out the endpoint depending on where I am hosting the app.


How to troubleshoot zoom Oauth2 integration with ngrok and cookie usage in a MERN stack application?

I'm testing a local zoom app build. To be specific, zoom docs differentiate their app types, and what i want is a web view opened in the zoom client app view, therefore what ive developed is technically referred to as a "Zoom App" (more info here)
In the zoom docs, it mentions you cant setup the redirect urls to be localhost:8080 for example, it has to be set up with ngrok or a public url (more info here)
So ngrok is properly working (setup with cli command ngrok http 8080 ). I also tried this command with other values set for the --host-header flag. some attempts include --host=header=rewrite, --host-header=localhost, and --host-header=localhost:8080
Express server on :8080, react client on :3000
Express is linked into multiple oauth providers, google and zoom are 2 examples. google integration is working properly with the same oauth middleware, and route controllers on the api side (but google integration doesnt require the ngrok setup)
with zoom, and the ngrok setup, the request to the /callback route once the user confirms the zoom authorization, everything works fine, except the cookie that is returned by the server setting the header set-cookie is not set into the browsers application storage. nothing is registered in the cookies tab for oauth that goes through ngrok
the very next request confirms no cookie is stored, as there is no cookie: ... header in the request. interestingly, there are no errors on this cookie that is sent in the initial response headers of the servers /callback endpoint
Oauth Requests through Ngrok:
Oauth Requests without Ngrok:
Heres the controller that run after successful oauth verification/tokenization, triggered in both cases:
const oauth = catchAsync(async (req, res) => {
const user = req.user;
const tokens = await tokenService.generateAuthTokens(user);
.cookie('refreshToken', tokens.refresh.token, {
maxAge: tokens.refresh.maxAge,
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: "none",
secure: true,
// domain: "" // test
I tried manually setting the domain value of the cookie config. Some values i tried include
, but to no avail
Heres the devserver webpack config, which usually has nothing extra, although i did also try with all for allowedHosts
But Im hopeful for a solution that works in both production and development
module.exports = {
// Extend/override the dev server configuration used by CRA
// See:
devServer: function (configFunction) {
return function (proxy, allowedHost) {
const config = configFunction(proxy, allowedHost);
// config.headers = {
// // "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "credentialless",
// // "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin",
// // 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'cross-origin',
// // 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
// };
config.allowedHosts = ['all']
return config;
So maybe this is just a development environment issue? After all, google oauth works fine in prod/dev, maybe its just ngrok. So i've tested this by adding my live api url to the oauth redirect/allowedhost in zoom app web portal and ran this in production, and got the same issue.
Any one else go through this with a zoom app?

How to configure Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.CLI like I can configure Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger in startup.cs

I need to configure Swashbuckle CLI to generate an Swagger spec in the OpenAPI 2.0 version. I do this in startup.cs with the following code:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder application, IWebHostEnvironment environment)
application.UseSwagger(c =>
c.SerializeAsV2 = true;
application.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/edgezones.json", "EdgeZoneRP Swagger");
but startup.cs seems to have no effect on Swashbuckle CLI's Swagger generation, as swagger tofile generates a Swagger spec in the OpenAPI 3.0 version (the default)
Turns out that reading the manual page can help!
Usage: dotnet swagger tofile [options] [startupassembly] [swaggerdoc]
relative path to the application's startup assembly
name of the swagger doc you want to retrieve, as configured in your startup class
--output: relative path where the Swagger will be output, defaults to stdout
--host: a specific host to include in the Swagger output
--basepath: a specific basePath to include in the Swagger output
--serializeasv2: output Swagger in the V2 format rather than V3
--yaml: exports swagger in a yaml format

How to connect to ElasticSearch on AWS via reactivesearch-proxy-server

I'm setting up my first ElasticSearch app using ReactiveSearch to connect to an ElasticSearch index I created on AWS.
I'm new to Node.js and most of the technology involved here. I think I have a basic ReactiveSearch app that works but it won't connect to my AWS ElasticSearch index. When I enter a search I get no output and no errors.
I followed the ReactiveSearch Quickstart guide:
I created the Boilerplate App with CRA:
The app runs ok but there is no output when I try to search.
Then I saw the note that you have to use a proxy with AWS. I cloned and got that working and I now have a proxy that runs on http://localhost:7777/
My Search App connects to the proxy like this:
This is the code that sets the target in the proxy. I commented out the authorisation because I'm not using
const options = {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
onProxyReq: (proxyReq, req) => {
/* proxyReq.setHeader(
`Basic ${btoa('cf7QByt5e:d2d60548-82a9-43cc-8b40-93cbbe75c34c')}`
/* transform the req body back from text */
const { body } = req;
if (body) {
if (typeof body === 'object') {
} else {
I can see the ReactiveSearch app on my browser at http://localhost:3000
When I type keywords into the search box I see output like this in the proxy app:
Verifying requests ✔ {"preference":"results"}
Verifying requests ✔ {"preference":"SearchBox"}
What am I missing to get the connection working? Do I need to add some kind of authentication in AWS and add passwords to the proxy code?
Is there a way to see some debugging info?

Best way to handle path segment in ASPNET CORE MVC

I am creating an AWS ECS stack to deploy an ASPNet Core application, and the sample application you get works as expected if the application load balancer (ALB) is the root path:
But, I would like to deploy several applications using path parameters:
In my ALB, I set the path parameter as follows:
But, when I set the path, the application fails with 503. To compensate, I have re-coded the Startup as follows:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
app.Map("/aspnetapp", HandleMapTest);
private static void HandleMapTest(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
This captures the path segment, but now scripts, images, and CSS styles fail to load.
What is the best way to configure the ASP Net Core app to run with a path parameter defined so everything is routed to /aspnetapp?

Am I reinventing the wheel with this ASP.NET Web API based webserver?

In a standalone (selfhosted) application, I would like to have an httpserver that on a single base adress can either serve simple web pages (without any serverside dynamics/scripting, it just returns the content request files) or serve RESTful webservices:
when http://localhost:8070/{filePath} is requested, it should return the content of the file (html, javascript, css, images), just like a normal simple webserver
everything behind http://localhost:8070/api/ should just act as a normal RRESTful Web API
My current approach uses ASP.NET Web API to server both the html pages and the REST APIs:
var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:8070/");
config.Formatters.Add(new WebFormatter());
name: "Default Web",
routeTemplate: "{fileName}",
defaults: new { controller = "web", fileName = RouteParameter.Optional });
name: "Default API",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
The WebController is the controller that serves the web pages with this naive code:
public class WebController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string fileName = null)
/// ...
var filePath = Path.Combine(wwwRoot, fileName);
if (File.Exists(filePath))
if (HasCssExtension(filePath))
return this.Request.CreateResponse(
if (HasJavaScriptExtension(filePath))
return this.Request.CreateResponse(
return this.Request.CreateResponse(
return this.Request.CreateResponse(
this.GetFileContnet(Path.Combine(wwwRoot, "404.html")),
And again, for everything behind /api, controllers for normal REST APIs are used.
My question now is: Am I on the right track? I kind of feel that I am rebuilding a webserver here, reinventing the wheel. And I guess that there are probably a lot of http request web browsers could make that I do not handle correctly here.
But what other option do I have if I want to self host and at the same time server REST web APIs and web pages over the same base address?
Looks like you are trying to recreate FileHandler for self host. There is a better solution though. Using Katana(an OWIN host) as the hosting layer for web API. OWIN supports hosting multiple OWIN frameworks in the same app. In your case, you can host both web API and a file handler in the same OWIN app.
Filip has a good blog post on this to get you started here. You can use configuration code like this,
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
// configure your web api.
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("default-api", "api/{controller}");
// configure your static file handler.
IMO there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. I use self-host for delivering files, html docs as well as being a regular API. At the core, self-host is using HTTP.SYS just as IIS is.
As RaghuRam mentioned there are Owin hosts that have some optimizations for serving static files, but WCF selfhost is quite capable of getting decent perf for serving files.
See this link which uses a more straigftforward approach
Setting app a separate Web API project and ASP.NET app