Google Analytics Content Grouping by Extraction - extract 3rd level subdirectories - regex

I've been going round in circles with this one.
I'd like to perform a content grouping in google analytics that groups by a 3rd level subdirectory.
I can grab the second level successfully with the following regex
where the url is
I get content groups of europe and alaska.
However, I also then want a grouping of the next level, for example
to give me groupings of southampton, portugal and somealaskanplace
This means i need to effectively ignore whatever's in the second level and this is what i'm struggling with.
So far i have
but that's given me the domain name as a grouping
Can anyone help? It would be very much appreciated.

You need to have the Multiline flag On
Check this:
Demo on Regex101:

I don't think you need the / delimiters. GA may be interpreting your last /$ as being a slash and then end-of-string. Try making it just /destinations/.*/(.*?)$ (note that GA regex does not require you to escape slashes).


What regex in Google Analytics to use for this case?

I'm trying to figure out what landing page regex to use to only show URLs that have only two sub-folders, e.g. see image below: just show green URLs but not the read ones as they have 3+ subfolders. Any advice on how to do this in GA with regex?
If you want to match a path having only two components, e.g.
Then you may use the following regex:
If your regex tool requires anchors, then add them:
Is this what you are looking for?
The two sections contain all the valid html characters. We're also forcing the regex to start with slash, end with slash and have only one slash in between.

Trying to regex YouTube ads with pihole

As far as I know, Pihole does not block YouTube ads.
Original Post:
Trying to regex urls like:
I've tried:
but nothing works
I am probably using regex wrong because I don't have much experience with it but looking online some people have said it could be a thing with Pihole.
I'm guessing that you'd like to have restricted boundaries, if not though, this expression might be somewhat close to what you have in mind:
Demo 1
You can add more boundaries, if necessary, such as:
Demo 2
Demo 3
which I'm just guessing.
If you wish to explore/simplify/modify the expression, it's been
explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you
can also watch in this
link, how it would match
against some sample inputs.
The following Regex match all the url start with "r" then followed by anything else without limiting number of character then followed by "sn" then followed by any number of characters then end with "" the expression was anchor with ^ and $.
I try it on my pihole with great success but have to remove it later. all was blocked in the query list but it also rendered my smart tv youtube app broken. It will not play any video at all unless I remove it from pihole. use it at your own risk.
The post is a bit older but because I tried myself with regexes I just want to say that your regexes can't work because of one "little" point.
Pi-Hole uses the POSIX ERE (POSIX Extended Regular Expressions) standard.
So there are no lazy quantifiers or shorthand character classes.
It also does not support non-capturing groups like in your third and fourth line.
You can check such regexes in tools like RegexBuddy. Maybe other free tools can check it too and help to convert it.
My current regex is:
It correctly blocks all ads BUT also videos.
If you use it you have to do the following.
Open a youtube video and check if the video loads.
If not, go to your pi hole dashboard to the query log.
For your device you will have two dns queries
The last one (upper) in the query log is the video. So whitelist
the dns. You have to do it sometimes.

How do I escape a certain word in a URL with Google Analytics regex?

I'm trying to set up a regex to escape a certain word in a URL with Google Analytics goals.
Currently the URL path is:
Step 1 is static, and will always stay that way but step 2 has over 80 different possibilities. I wanted to set up a Regex that will specifically escape "mls". Using the (.*) would also grab the mls page which I'm trying to escape. Currently my regex looks like this:
^\/pricing\/(.*) this is where I'm trying to escape the mls portion
I tried (?!mls) but Google Analytics doesn't support negative look aheads. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks everyone!
Without a negative lookaround is going to get messy.
The only clean way I see is to use an optimized whitelist of alternations like this:
Tip: I used to get the inner part optimized (just enter your pattern, tick the OPTIMIZE checkbox, and submit).
[*]: Side note: Google Analytics doesn't support single and multiline modes since URLs can't contain newlines. So, there should be never any need for ^ and $ to match anywhere but the beginning and end of the whole string.

Regex on domain and negation against language subfolders

Let's say my domains are:
These are language sites, the first is the main US English site. In Google Analytics I want to set up a filter to only show me traffic of the first (US) domain. I could do this, I think:
If I EXCLUDE my Request URI with that filter pattern, then I should get a view for the en-US domain. However, I'm interested in understanding regex better so here is some test data and code which I am trying out on
Regular expression:
Test String
My questions:
If you try this out, you'll notice that /en-gb-test/ is actually matched with the Regex. How do I avoid this?
Also, let's say I wanted to have a rule to NEGATE this whole option. So rather than telling Google Analytics to "exclude", I am curious how I could write the opposite of this same rule. So basically, catch all URLs that are not in /en-gb and /cn-cn sub-folders.
Thanks in advance!
You may stop the regex from matching en-gb-test by making sure you may / or ? after it or the end of the string
See the regex demo. If you really need to get the rest of the string, add .* after [\/?]: ^\/(en-gb|cn-cn)([\/?]|$).
^ - start of string
\/ - a / (note that you do not need to escape / in GA regex)
(en-gb|cn-cn) - a capturing group with 2 alternatives, either en-gb or cn-cn
([\/?]|$) - a capturing group with two alternatives: a ? or / OR the end of the string.
In RE2 regex, you cannot use lookaheads that are crucial when you need to match something other than something else. It would look like ^(?!\/(en-gb|cn-cn)([\/?]|$)).*, but it is not possible with RE2.

Google Analytics Regex excluding a certain url in a sub folder

Currently on my GA Account I have the following URL's from our website tracked:
The first two are from our new website which we want to track, the last one is from our old website (traffic is still being tracked but we do not want to use this)
I tried using a regex filter on this as the following:
Reading up, I believe this looks for matches of exactly:
/contact-us/global-contact-list or /contact us/ but would disallow /contact-us/contactlist/
for some reason, the above one is still coming through. Can someone please see as to why this may be happening or know why this is happening?
You need to add a negative look-behind or a end of string anchor:
This way, you will exclude /contact-us/contactlist/ from matching.
Have a look at the Demo 1 and Demo 2.
BTW, /contact us/ will not pass since (^/contact-us/) only allows a hyphen. You should add a space, e.g. (^/contact-us/global-contact-list\.aspx)|(^/contact[-\s]us/$).
Also, (^/contact-us/global-contact-list\.aspx) won't match /contact-us/global-contact-list because it needs to match .aspx.