c++ expected unqualified-id (class inheritance) - c++

I have an application that has subclasses of User.
At the moment, I'm trying to pass an int which will be used to identify the user login number, however, I'm having problems declaring my subclass constructor.
class User
int loginNumber;
User::User(int theLoginNUmber)
:LoginNumber(theLoginNumber) { }
class AdminUser : public User
int loginNumber;
AdminUser::User(int theLoginNumber) // requires unqualified-id
:loginNumber(theLoginNumber) {}

You got definition of Admin user constructor wrong, here is the correct one:
AdminUser::AdminUser(int theLoginNumber)
: User(theLoginNumber) { }
Since User doesn't have default constructor, you have to call the parametric one from initialization section.
However loginNumber can be protected in User class:
class User {
int loginNumber;
Now you inherit loginNumber as protected so you don't need it in AdminUser:
class AdminUser : public User
Note: it contains loginNumber with correct value(set by constructor).
As #Mossi92 noted, you can go a bit further and implement a getter into User class, which will be inherited too:
class User {
int loginNumber;
int login() const noexcept {
return loginNumber;
However in this case you should think which class access modifier is the best this function. I'd say login number should be something invisible to outer world so I chose protected. This function now can be called only from inherited or friend classes.
Lets add simple print which calls inherited function in constructor:
AdminUser::AdminUser(int theLoginNumber)
: User(theLoginNumber) {
std::cout << login() << "\n";
And if we run:
int main() {
AdminUser admin(1234);
return 0;


Is there a way in C++ to restrict a function of a given class to another class only(without using inheritance, friend)?

I want to design a class having a function which should be restricted to be called from another class only. Specifically, in the given code
class Club
int id;
string name;
vector<string> members;
int generateId()
static int i=1;
return i++;
Club(string name) { this->name = name; this->id = generateId(); }
void registerMember(string memberName) { members.push_back(memberName); }
int getId() { return id; }
class Application
vector<Club> clubs;
void registerClub(Club &club) { clubs.push_back(club); }
void addMemberToClub(int clubId, string memberName)
for(Club club: clubs)
if(clubId == club.getId())
An user(public user) can create an object of the class Club and register using the function registerMember() since it's public. I want the user to register via an object of the class Application, using the addMemberToClub() function only. If the user goes by the former way mentioned, I can't keep track of the user. Is there a way to enforce the latter?
I don't want to use the access modifier protected since inheritance has no meaning here.
I don't want to use the friend keyword, since it's considered bad practice.
Here is a "lock-and-key" way to permit another class (and only that class) or even a single function in another class to access just one member function, unlike friend which exposes all private members at the same time:
#include <iostream>
class Key;
class Locked
static const char* const Greeting;
static Key secretive();
static void attacker();
struct Admin
void doit();
class Key
~Key() = default;
//friend class Admin;
friend void Admin::doit();
friend Key Locked::secretive();
void Admin::doit()
std::cout << Locked::Greeting; // compile error
constexpr const char* Locked::Greeting = "Hello!\n";
Key Locked::secretive()
std::cout << Greeting;
return Key();
void Locked::attacker()
std::cout << Locked::Greeting; // ok, it's just private
Locked::secretive(); // compile error, it's locked down tight
int main()
Admin a;
std::cout << Locked::Greeting; // compile error
Locked::secretive(); // compile error
It also works around the "which class is declared first?" problem that prevents two classes from mutually friending individual member functions of each other, because the restricted operation needs to follow only a forward declaration of the key type; the full definition of the other type can (and in this example does) appear above the key definition, allowing individual members to be named in the key type's friend directive.
Note that in this solution the "obvious" fact that other members of the same class can access the locked function is NOT true. The compiler prevents Locked::attacker() from calling Locked::secretive().
Note also that I've used static in this example to minimize the number of objects I had to create, but the approach works just fine for non-static member functions too.
A potentially MUCH easier way to restrict what part of the program can call your protected function is with a simple flag:
class Application
static bool addingMember = 0;
static bool isRegistrationOk() { return addingMember; }
void registerClub(Club &club) { clubs.push_back(club); }
void addMemberToClub(int clubId, string memberName)
addingMember = true;
for(Club club: clubs)
if(clubId == club.getId())
addingMember = false;
void Club::registerMember(string memberName)
Much easier to grok, but it's a runtime check not compile-time, and requires additional work to be made thread-safe. But it accomplishes the goal with no usage of friend or inheritance.
friend is an appropriate mechanism to use in this case. Make registerMember private in Club, and Club can grant friendship to Application:
class Club
// ...
void registerMember(string memberName) { members.push_back(memberName); }
// ...
friend class Application;
Now only Application can call registerMember, and Club as well, of course.
Here's a demo.

c++ Derived class object has no member, why?

I have this problem in my homework.
I have this 2 classes:
-an user class:
class user
int id;
std::string password;
std::string name;
bool online;
static int usersCounter;
static int onlineCounter;
user(std::string = "user", std::string = "1234");
bool connect(std::string);
void disconnect();
void changePassword(std::string);
void changeName(std::string);
virtual void printInfo();
static int getOnlineNo()
return onlineCounter;
static int getTotalUsers()
return usersCounter;
friend class admin;
and an admin class:
class admin : public user
admin(std::string name = "admin", std::string password = "admin"):
user(name, password){}
void disconnectUser(user&);
void viewUsers( user** );
void printInfo() override;
When I try to make a polymorphic object and call a function from admin (a function specific for admin, as disconnectUser(...) or viewUsers(...)) I get errors as "class "user" has no member "viewUsers".
user* usr = new admin();
Is this something usual and I did a wrong design or It should work and I am doing something wrong?
As pointed out in the comment if you define a class of type A you can access only public methods and property of that class.
In your case, viewUsers is present only in the admin class while you're using the generic user class.
You must use inheritance very careful because is very easy to put the wrong methods inside classes or make a wrong inheritance. For example, are you sure the method viewUsers must be inside the admin class? Usually, if a function doesn't depend on the class is best put it outside the class.

C++ passing base type to pure virtual function

i want to understand the behavior of pure virtual functions in derived class when passing to it an argument of same type as (abstract) base class.
to clarify the question, i took the following code from GeeksForGeeks and modified it:
namespace example {
class Employee
const Type worker;
Employee(const Type& worker) : worker(worker) {}
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void raiseSalary(const Employee&) = 0;
{ /* common raise salary code */ }
virtual void promote(const Employee&) = 0;
{ /* common promote code */ }
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void raiseSalary(const Employee&)
{ /* Manager specific raise salary code, may contain
increment of manager specific incentives*/ }
virtual void promote(const Employee&)
{ /* Manager specific promote */ }
Now, how can we get access to the field degree in derived class Manager inorder to update his degree? since the passed argument to raiseSalary(Employee& employee) could be Manager or Engineer
I think there are two ways to handle that problem. Let's start with some really bad solution: using casting. In that case dynamic_cast. You can try to down cast a type. If dynamic_cast isn't able to do that it is going to return a null pointer or throw an exception (depends on wheather you cast a pointer or a value/reference type). But that approach is going to force you to adapt your casts as more Manager, Engineer types are going to come. You might also need to use friend to allow specific classes to access internals of others. friend is not going to be inherited in the hierarchy, so you are going to end up with many friends => broken, broken, broken :(
An alternative would be to use the Visitor Pattern: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
Using the visitor pattern you can also make a base no-op visitor and finer grained Visitors to handle specific stuff. Just a small example (with specific visitors without derivation):
namespace example {
class SalaryRaisingVisitor;
class EmployeePromotingVisitor;
class Employee
Employee() {}
//don't forget to implement the copy constructor: read more about rule of 3!!!
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const&) = 0;
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const&) = 0;
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const& v)
v.visit(*this, degree);
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const& v)
v.visit(*this, degree);
class Engineer: public Employee {
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const& v)
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const& v)
class SalaryRaisingVisitor
void visit(Manager& m, int& degree) //might be const if no internal state changes
void visit(Engineer& e) //might be const if no internal state changes
At the end as you deal with C++, try to avoid virtual functions :) and move everything to static polymorphism :)
You are getting the concept of virtual functions with classes wrong. The class "knows" what it is (via vtable), so you can just write it as class function, not as static global function. Each function inside the class knows all class variables, so you don't have to pass an object of the class.
namespace example {
class Employee
const Type worker;
Employee(const Type& worker) : worker(worker) {}
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void raiseSalary() = 0;
{ /* common raise salary code */ }
virtual void promote() = 0;
{ /* common promote code */ }
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void raiseSalary()
//the Employed standard code
Employee::raiseSalary(); //This won't compile since you set the virtual function = 0
//Manager specific raise salary code
degree = 0; //this lazy bastards should do real work like coding stuff
virtual void promote()
Employee::promote(); //employee common code. This won't compile since you set the virtual function = 0
/* Manager specific promote */
degree = degree * 2;
Employee array[10];
array[0] = Manager(); //create a manager object on the stack
array[1] = Manager(); //create a manager object on the stack
array[0].raiseSalary(); //Only Mananer0 gets raiseSalary
/*the manager object in array[0] uses its virtual function
to the manager raiseSalary function. The Manager RaiseSalary function
in this case calls the base class raiseSalary function explicitly
via Employee::raiseSalary(); */
You should rather structure your code like this:
class Employee
virtual void raiseSalary() = 0;
virtual void promote() = 0;
class Manager: public Employee
virtual void raiseSalary()
{ /* Manager specific raise salary code, may contain... */ }
virtual void promote()
{ /* Manager specific promote */ }
int main()
Manager bob;
bob.promote(); // <--- Proper method in the Manager class will be called.
// Current instance will always have the right class.
In other words you should seek opportunity to pass the specific derived class as the this parameter. Unfortunately this will not work in complex cases when multiple params are needed. But well, this was the idea of the language designers. The perfect language is not developed yet.
I think that you can't and it's the wanted behaviour.
The only way to do this is to cast you argument (which is quite complicated in C++ since you have four different kind of casting). Other solution is to give to any employee a grade attribute.

C++ Child class inheriting parent class constructor

I have an assignment that requires two classes to be derived from a base class. I am having issues getting the derived classes to call the base class constructor and successfully set the inherited variables. I recreated the issue with a dummy program for simplicity since the assignment is much longer.
#include <iostream>
class ParentClass {
ParentClass(int theField1, int junk);
ParentClass() {}
virtual void printField();
virtual void setField(int nf);
int field1;
class ChildClass : public ParentClass {
ChildClass(int theField1);
void printField();
void setField(int nf);
ParentClass::ParentClass(int theField1, int junk) {
field1 = theField1;
ChildClass::ChildClass(int theField1) {
ParentClass::ParentClass(theField1, 3);
void ParentClass::printField() {
std::cout << "The field = " << field1 << std::endl;
void ChildClass::printField() {
std::cout << "Some other stuff." << std::endl;
void ParentClass::setField(int nf) {
field1 = nf;
void ChildClass::setField(int nf) {
int main() {
ChildClass* myChild = new ChildClass(777);
ChildClass child2(888);
return 0;
Running this gives me the following output:
The field = 0
Some other stuff.
The field = 4197296
Some other stuff.
The field = 10
Some other stuff.
The field = 20
Some other stuff.
Why do the first two attempts not work? Calling the constructor should be initializing the variables to the value passed as a parameter, but they are not actually set until I specifically call a mutator function. I tried a third class which used the parent mutator function in its constructor rather than the parent constructor:
class StepChild : public ParentClass {
StepChild(int nf);
StepChild::StepChild(int nf) {
The object as defined in main:
StepChild* step = new StepChild(30);
The output:
The field = 30
Where am I going wrong that attempting to use the parent constructor is not properly initializing these variables?
I also tried changing the parent class to be not virtual, and it worked as well, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the parent class.
Use initialiser lists:
ParentClass::ParentClass(int theField1, int junk)
: field1(theField1)
{ }
ChildClass::ChildClass(int theField1)
: ParentClass(theField1, 3)
{ }
The following - from your code - creates a temporary ParentClass object and throws it away - that has no affect on the ChildClass object under construction:
ParentClass::ParentClass(theField1, 3); // temporary
If you make the parameters match, you can also do it the c++11 way by putting
using ParentClass::ParentClass( int, int );
in your ChildClass class definition. It is the same as invoking the parent constructor from the ChildClass constructor initialiser list, but a little less esoteric.
Not sure but I find something wrong in the way you are calling base class constructor.
try this way to call base class constructor and see if the problem is solved.

Public and private access for the same member functions

I have a class (class A) that is designed to be inherited by other classes written by other people.
I also have another class (class B), that also inherits from A.
B has to access some A's member functions that shouldn't be accessed by other inheriting classes.
So, these A's member functions should be public for B, but private for others.
How can I solve it without using 'friend' directive?
Thank you.
EDIT: Example why I need it.
class A
void PublicFunc()
// and other code
virtual void PrivateFunc();
class B : public class A
virtual void PrivateFunc()
//do something and call A's PrivateFunc
A::PrivateFunc(); // Can't, it's private!
You can't. That's what friend is for.
An alternative would be to change the design/architecture of your program. But for hints on this I'd need some more context.
What you say is: there are two sets of subclasses of A. One set should have access, the other set shouldn't. It feels wrong to have only one brand of subclasses (i.e. B) 'see' A's members.
If what you mean is: only we can use this part of functionality, while our clients can't, there are other resorts.
(Functionality reuse by inheritance often corners you with this kind of problems. If you go towards reuse by aggregation, you may get around it.)
A suggestion:
// separate the 'invisible' from the 'visible'.
class A_private_part {
int inherited_content();
int public_interface();
class B_internal : public A_private_part {
class A_export : private A_private_part {
int public_interface() { A_private_part::public_interface(); }
// client code
class ClientClass : public A_export {
But better would be to go the aggregation way, and split the current "A" into a visible and an invisible part:
class InvisibleFunctionality {
class VisibleFunctionality {
class B {
InvisibleFunctionality m_Invisible;
VisibleFunctionality m_Visible;
// client code uses VisibleFunctionality only
class ClientClass {
VisibleFunctionality m_Visible;
Well - if you want exactly what you've described, then friend is the best solution. Every coding standard recommends not using friend but where the alternative design is more complex - then maybe it's worth making an exception.
To solve the problem without friend will require a different architecture
One solution might be to use a form of the pImpl idiom where 'B' derives from the inner implementation object, while the other clients derive from the outer class.
Another might be to place an extra layer of inheritance between 'A' and the "other clients". Something like:
class A {
void foo ();
void bar ();
class B : public A { // OK access to both 'foo' and 'bar'
class ARestricted : private A {
inline void foo () { A::foo (); }; // Forwards 'foo' only
However, this solution still has it's problems. 'ARestricted' cannot convert to an 'A' so this would need to be solved by some other "getter" for 'A'. However, you could name this function in such a way as it cannot be called accidentally:
inline A & get_base_type_A_for_interface_usage_only () { return *this; }
After trying to think of other solutions, and assuming that your hierarchy needs to be as you describe, I recommend you just use friend!
EDIT: So xtofl suggested renaming the types 'A' to 'AInternal' and 'ARestricted' to 'A'.
That works, except I noticed that 'B' would no longer be an 'A'. However, AInternal could be inherited virtually - and then 'B' could derive from both 'AInternal' and 'A'!
class AInternal {
void foo ();
void bar ();
class A : private virtual AInternal {
inline void foo () { A::foo (); }; // Forwards 'foo' only
// OK access to both 'foo' and 'bar' via AInternal
class B : public virtual AInternal, public A {
void useMembers ()
AInternal::foo ();
AInternal::bar ();
void func (A const &);
int main ()
A a;
func (a);
B b;
func (b);
Of course now you have virtual bases and multiple inheritance! Hmmm....now, is that better or worse than a single friend declaration?
I think you have a bigger problem here. Your design doesn't seem sound.
1) I think the 'friend' construct is problematic to begin with
2) if 'friend' isn't what you want, you need to re-examine your design.
I think you either need to do something that just gets the job done, using 'friend' or develop a more robust architecture. Take a look at some design patterns, I'm sure you'll find something useful.
After seeing your sample code, you definitely need to re-arch. Class A may not be under your control, so that's a little tricky, but maybe want you want to re-do Class B to be a "has-a" class instead of an "is-a" class.
public Class B
void someFunc()
A a; //the private functions is now called and a will be deleted when it goes out of scope
I find this a interesting challenge. Here is how I would solve the problem:
class AProtectedInterface
int m_pi1;
class B;
class A : private AProtectedInterface
void GetAProtectedInterface(B& b_class);
int m_p1;
class B : public A
void SetAProtectedInterface(::AProtectedInterface& interface);
::AProtectedInterface* m_AProtectedInterface;
class C : public A
m_p1 = 0;
// m_pi1 = 0; // not accessible error
// use m_AProtectedInterface to get to restricted areas of A
m_p1 = 0;
m_AProtectedInterface->m_pi1 = 0;
void A::GetAProtectedInterface(B& b_class)
void B::SetAProtectedInterface(::AProtectedInterface& interface)
m_AProtectedInterface = &interface;
If you where going to use this sort of pattern all the time, you could reduce the code by using templates.
template<class T, class I>
class ProtectedInterfaceAccess : public I
void SetProtectedInterface(T& protected_interface)
m_ProtectedInterface = &protected_interface;
T& GetProtectedInterface()
return *m_ProtectedInterface;
T* m_ProtectedInterface;
template<class T, class I>
class ProtectedInterface : private T
void SetupProtectedInterface(I& access_class)
class Bt;
class At : public ProtectedInterface <::AProtectedInterface, Bt>
int m_p1;
class Bt : public ProtectedInterfaceAccess<::AProtectedInterface, At>
class Ct : public At
m_p1 = 0;
// m_pi1 = 0; // not accessible error
m_p1 = 0;
GetProtectedInterface().m_pi1 = 0;
If I understand:
A will be subclassed by other developers.
B will be subclassed by other developers and inherits from A.
A has some methods you don't want accessible to outside developers through B.
I don't think this can be done without using friend. There is no way I know of to make members of a superclass available only to direct inheritors.