How to run googletest in CLion? - c++

I want to use Googletest in my CLion Project.
So here is what I did:
I copied my googletest folder into the lib folder of my project.
I changed my CMakeLists.txt files like described in that Video:
and created that simple test:
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
TEST(basic_check, test_eq){
I tried to run the test by pressing Shift + Ctrl + F10 and I got the following error:
"F:\Programs\CLion 2016.3\bin\cmake\bin\cmake.exe" --build C:\Users\Christian\ClionProjects\Geldautomat\cmake-build-debug --target runBasicTests -- -j 4
[ 16%] Building CXX object Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/
In file included from C:/Users/Christian/ClionProjects/Geldautomat/Tests/lib/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h:40:0,
from C:/Users/Christian/ClionProjects/Geldautomat/Tests/lib/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h:58,
from C:\Users\Christian\ClionProjects\Geldautomat\Tests\lib\googletest\src\
C:/Users/Christian/ClionProjects/Geldautomat/Tests/lib/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h: In function 'int testing::internal::posix::StrCaseCmp(const char*, const char*)':
C:/Users/Christian/ClionProjects/Geldautomat/Tests/lib/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:2328:25: error: '_stricmp' was not declared in this scope
return _stricmp(s1, s2);
mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/rule] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [runBasicTests] Error 2
Tests\lib\googletest\CMakeFiles\gtest.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:162: recipe for target 'Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/all' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:267: recipe for target 'Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/rule' failed
Makefile:200: recipe for target 'runBasicTests' failed
My CMakeLists.txt in this directory is:
include_directories(${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(runBasicTests gtest gtest_main)
target_link_libraries(runBasicTests src)
Where my Source Code can be found in directory src.
My main.cpp is in the root directory and my Basic Test is in Tests/basic_tests
Tried the same on my Linux Notebook with CLion. Got the Error:
/home/christian/Downloads/clion-2016.3/bin/cmake/bin/cmake --build /home/christian/ClionProjects/Geldautomat/cmake-build-debug --target runBasicTests -- -j 4
Scanning dependencies of target gtest
[ 16%] Building CXX object Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/
[ 33%] Linking CXX static library libgtest.a
[ 33%] Built target gtest
Scanning dependencies of target gtest_main
[ 50%] Building CXX object Tests/lib/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest_main.dir/src/
[ 66%] Linking CXX static library libgtest_main.a
[ 66%] Built target gtest_main
Scanning dependencies of target runBasicTests
[ 83%] Building CXX object Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/basic_check.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable runBasicTests
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lsrc
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'Tests/basic_tests/runBasicTests' failed
gmake[3]: *** [Tests/basic_tests/runBasicTests] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:256: recipe for target 'Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/all' failed
gmake[2]: *** [Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:268: recipe for target 'Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/rule' failed
gmake[1]: *** [Tests/basic_tests/CMakeFiles/runBasicTests.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:201: recipe for target 'runBasicTests' failed
gmake: *** [runBasicTests] Error 2
It would be fine if my Project runs on Linux..
Any suggestions?

You can follow this link ->
There are 2 videos. Both are helpful. I set up googleTest in my CLion yesterday following the 8:19 long video.


cmake error when i have tried to build a compilining?

i have tried to compline a repository via "" but while the compiling, i have taken a error. I don't Know why it is? i am not a coder. Just i want to build this repository and run the simulation with changing some parameters. The error output is;
Scanning dependencies of target LaBr3_v4
[ 9%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/
[ 18%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/src/
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/src/
[ 36%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/src/
[ 45%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/src/
/home/cancan/Gatev9/example_Geant4/LaBr/LaBr3/src/ fatal error: TH1D.h: No such file or directory
29 | #include <TH1D.h>
| ^~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/build.make:134: CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/src/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:95: CMakeFiles/LaBr3_v4.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:149: all] Error 2
can anybody help me?
Apparently you need to install the ROOT library, see:
BTW, the of the application you want to compile, DRAGON-G4-LaBr3, is awful.
After your advice, i install root-6.22.06 again with use this command;
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/cancan/Gatev9/root-6.22.06-install /home/cancan/Gatev9/root-6.22.06 -Dall=ON
i learned from somewhere if i use "-Dall=ON", i can install all libraries of root but it has not still worked.

CMake linker cannot find library that does not begin with "lib"

I am using CMake to compile an application which uses the HSImage library on github. After installing with pip, the HSI library generates a shared library file, in my case it is created at /usr/src/HSI/
I am trying to link this library to my application with CMake, but the CMake find_library method is having some trouble finding the library. Here is the relevant part of my CMakeLists.txt file:
set(HSI_DIR /usr/src/HSI)
find_library(HSI_LIB HSI.cpython-36m-aarch64-linux-gnu PATHS ${HSI_DIR})
message(STATUS "HSI: ${HSI_LIB}") # outputs /usr/src/HSI/
add_executable(${TARGET_NAME} <sources...>)
target_link_directories(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC ${HSI_DIR})
<other libs...>
When building, this produces the following error message:
cd /home/nvidia/projects/HsiInference/build;/usr/local/bin/cmake --build "/home/nvidia/projects/HsiInference/build" --target hsi_inference_onnx -- ;
Scanning dependencies of target hsi_inference_onnx
[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/targets/HsiInferenceOnnx/main_onnx.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/targets/HsiInferenceOnnx/HsiInferenceOnnx.cpp.o
[ 42%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/src/ftpnano.cpp.o
[ 57%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/src/getOptions.cpp.o
[ 71%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/src/logger.cpp.o
[ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/src/utils.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hsi_inference_onnx_debug
CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/build.make:245: recipe for target 'hsi_inference_onnx_debug' failed
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:123: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/all' failed
**/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lHSI.cpython-36m-aarch64-linux-gnu**
**collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status**
make[3]: *** [hsi_inference_onnx_debug] Error 1
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:130: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/rule' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/hsi_inference_onnx.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:196: recipe for target 'hsi_inference_onnx' failed
make: *** [hsi_inference_onnx] Error 2
Build failed.
The important part:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lHSI.cpython-36m-aarch64-linux-gnu
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
From what I have gathered, target_link_libraries simply adds -l<library_name> to the link command, and -l<library_name> assumes that there is a file called lib<library_name>.so to link, which is not the case here. How can I get CMake to link the library properly despite the weird filename?
I am able to get the project to build by doing the following:
Delete the project's build directory to clear CMake caches
Rename the file or create a symbolic link to
Change CMakeLists.txt to find_library(HSI_LIB hsi PATHS ${HSI_DIR})
This changes the link command to -lhsi instead, which is able to find the renamed/soft-linked library file. HOWEVER, this is not ideal for me and the original question remains unanswered :)
For libraries with weird filename you should add : before the filename. Be careful, like mentioned in : If namespec is of the form :filename, ld will search the library path for a file called filename, otherwise it will search the library path for a file called libnamespec.a (namespec is what comes after -l).
For your example you should replace ${HSI_LIB} in target_link_libraries by :${HSI_LIB}.so.

Cannot find lpublic library

Trying to compile my project on Centos 8.2 using cmake 3.12, im facing with the following error:
cannot find -lpublic
here is full log:
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ .cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ .cpp.o
[ 60%] Linking CXX shared library .so
[ 60%] Built target myproj
Scanning dependencies of target nist01
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ .cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpublic
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/nist01.dir/build.make:85: ...] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:105: CMakeFiles/...] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:84: all] Error 2
Tried to find something on the internet, but nothing shown up.
Thanks for your help.
That seems like you try to link against the target "public", which is a suspicious target name. It might be target_link_libraries command with lowercase public instead of uppercase one, like target_link_libraryies(nist01 public something) instead of target_link_libraries(nist01 PUBLIC something).

I want to know this cause and solution

[ 6%] Built target ChainedLib
[ 12%] Built target ChainedApp
[ 15%] Linking CXX executable ColorConsole
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file ColorConsole: Is a directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [ColorConsole] 오류 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ColorConsole.dir/all] 오류 2
make: *** [all] 오류 2
I install plog library.
cmake CMakeList.txt complete. but, makefile is fail
I don't know cause
You have a directory called ColorConsole. The makefile tries to produce a file with that name. The solution is most likely to remove (or rename) the directory.

OpenCV and TBB error x64

I have the following configuration:
OpenCV 3.2.0-dev
Windows 10.0.14393 AMD64
CMake: 3.7.1
CMake generator: MinGW Makefiles
GCC MinGW 6.3.0
Intel TBB 2017 Update 4
I'm trying to install OpenCV with TBB. I downloaded the Intel TBB 2017 Update 4 and set every path in the correct way.
I build (of course) the TBB library before to add it in the CMake, in this way:
mingw32-make compiler=gcc arch=ia64
And I add the following path in the system variables:
But I have this error when I compile with CMake:
C:\opencv3\release>mingw32-make -j8
[ 1%] Built target zlib[ 1%] [ 1%] [ 1%] Building CXX object modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj[ 1%]
Building CXX object modules/ts/CMakeFiles/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.cxx.objBuilding CXX object modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj
[ 4%] Built target libjpeg
[ 6%] Built target libjasper
Building CXX object modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj
[ 6%] Building CXX object modules/imgcodecs/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgcodecs_px.obj
[ 6%] Built target opencv_perf_core_pch_dephelp
[ 6%] Building CXX object modules/highgui/CMakeFiles/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj
[ 7%] Building CXX object modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj
Scanning dependencies of target opencv_flann_pch_dephelp
In file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/src/precomp.hpp:55:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\core\opencv_core_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
cIn file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/imgproc/src/precomp.hpp:50:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\imgproc\opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
oIn file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/precomp.hpp:2:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\ts\opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
cmIn file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/videoio/src/precomp.hpp:48:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\videoio\opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
ocpcmoi[ 7%] lmoBuilding CXX object modules/flann/CMakeFiles/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj
ppmaiiptlIn file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/imgcodecs/src/precomp.hpp:48:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\imgcodecs\opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
liiacalototanimit opoitninoe l nrtat metetirirenmomrainimtn nieatandteta.eret
tedmodules\core\CMakeFiles\opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
.mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
modules\imgproc\CMakeFiles\opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
modules\ts\CMakeFiles\opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/ts/CMakeFiles/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:2216: recipe for target 'modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
modules\videoio\CMakeFiles\opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/ts/CMakeFiles/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:8292: recipe for target 'modules/ts/CMakeFiles/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
modules\imgcodecs\CMakeFiles\opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/imgcodecs/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/ts/CMakeFiles/opencv_ts_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/imgcodecs/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:2867: recipe for target 'modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:7513: recipe for target 'modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:6906: recipe for target 'modules/imgcodecs/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/imgcodecs/CMakeFiles/opencv_imgcodecs_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
In file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/highgui/src/precomp.hpp:48:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\highgui\opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
compilation terminated.
modules\highgui\CMakeFiles\opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/highgui/CMakeFiles/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/highgui/CMakeFiles/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:8085: recipe for target 'modules/highgui/CMakeFiles/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/highgui/CMakeFiles/opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
In file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/test/test_precomp.hpp:17:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\core\opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
compilation terminated.
modules\core\CMakeFiles\opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:2360: recipe for target 'modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_test_core_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
In file included from C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/flann/src/precomp.hpp:23:0,
from C:\opencv3\release\modules\flann\opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.cxx:1:
C:/opencv3/opencv-master/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:63:23: fatal error: tbb/tbb.h: No such file or directory
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
compilation terminated.
modules\flann\CMakeFiles\opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'modules/flann/CMakeFiles/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/flann/CMakeFiles/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.cxx.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:2617: recipe for target 'modules/flann/CMakeFiles/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/flann/CMakeFiles/opencv_flann_pch_dephelp.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:159: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
Can you help me?
I changed from CMake the ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS flag from ON to OFF and everythings worked...
I changed from CMake the ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS flag from ON to OFF and everythings worked...