Exporting Tensorboard computation graph as vector graphics - tensorboard

In Tensorboard there is a button save the computation graph as a png, is there a way to export it as vector graphics like eps?

You can save in svg format with SVG Crowbar
Bookmark the "SVG Crowbar 2"
Open tensorboard and the graph you want
Open your bookmarks tab, click the bookmark (it may take a long time)
Download the corresponding svg (it will output lots of svg, I'm not sure which one is which)


How to take a screenshot of a particular QWidget in a tab in QT and post it in another tab?

I have a tab that is to display data that is to be prepared for a report. Kind of like a preview. What I want is to take a screenshot of graph generated in another tab.
Kind of similar to scanning an image. So the initial tab generates 3 graphs under each other that fit in the screen. I basically want the screen shots of the graphs to post them along with the data in the second tab.
The second image is where I want the content of the first image to be posted. How do I go on about that?

Is there a way to display an imagery timeline in an rmarkdown leaflet html widgit?

I have an R markdown html document with a leaflet map. The base layer for the leaflet map is ESRI.WorldImagery. This base layer doesn't indicate anywhere the date upon which the imagery (e.g. aerial photograph or satellite) was acquired. It's possible that different imagery tiles represent different snap shots in time.
I would like to at least be able to tell my users the date or year in which the imagery they are viewing was acquired. Better yet would be to show an interactive timeline slider, analogous to the historical imagery timeline slider in google earth.
Does anyone know if this is possible in R leaflet?

Download Chart.js graph from view

I have recently started using Chart.js for data visualization. I am able to do the visualization. My client also want that graph to be downloaded with data information. I know I can do it by giving print button from screen and show relevant data.
But is there a Chart.js feature available which can download this graph as well as the information in actual numbers.
Here is a Stack Overflow answer that points out the way to go: Save the underlying canvas data as Base64 encoded string as image.
Chart.js chart save as image

Get window icon, put it on canvas, overlay image, save as ico (WinXP and Win7)

Right now I change the icon of a window with this code.
What I want to do though is get the current icon in use by a window. Then put it on a canvas. Then put another image on that (a badge) then save it as ico.
Never tried that, however the follow should work in general (with a lot of fiddling)
WM_GETICON to get the big and small icon.
Convert the icon to something the loader can understand (aka. either a BITMAP or ICO). E.g. How can I save HICON to an .ico file?
Load the image. E.g. Javascript: Render PNG stored as Uint8Array onto Canvas element without Data URI
canvas.mozGetAsFile (Blob) or canvas.mozFetchAsStream (nsIInputStream) using the image/vnd.microsoft.icon mime.
Take the resulting data and reconstruct an icon.
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx and CreateIconFromResourceEx

C++ save image as SVG

I have to save my chart as SVG file (my enviroment C++, eclipse C/C++, windows 7).
I'm able to save it as image file (as you can see bellow), but it's not enough.
I've tried:
gnuplot (gnuplot_i.hpp): don't know how to save the image as SVG file
simple-svg: don't know how not to show black points
cairo: i'm not able to use it at all
Could you recommend me some light and easy-to-understand-and-install tool which helps me to draw charts in C++ and save it directly as SVG file (so nothing like jpg2svg convertor:-)?
I know in command-line gnuplot, it is possible to save a plot as a SVG by doing:
> set term svg
> plot ...
Looking over gnuplot_i.hpp, I would suggest trying:
Gnuplot myGP;
While I haven't tested it (and there may be more complexity in the Gnuplot class than I can see from the header file), the general idea is there. Set the terminal to svg, set the output path, and plot.
How exactly do you obtain that image? Is there something specific to it that prevents you from just fprintf-ing the image, since SVG is an XML (text) file format?