Now I'm developing a project about softlayer api. I wan't to get the os list by softlayer api. Just like the portal site. Is there certain method to get correct os list ? regards~
Is there a specific language example you are looking for? If you use the SoftLayer CLI you can do this with the following command
slcli vs create-options # For Virtual Guests
slcli server create-options # For Bare Metal Servers
Unfortunately, it's not possible to retrieve the same result than Control Portal making a single call, but it's possible using a programming language.
To see programming languages supported by SoftLayer:
SoftLayer Development Network
Take a look the following python script:
List OSs for VSI similar than Portal
See below references for more details.
Important manual pages:
#Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
import SoftLayer
import datetime
import time
# Your SoftLayer's username and api Key
USERNAME = 'set me'
API_KEY = 'set me'
# Package id
packageId = 46
# Datacenter
datacenter = 'wdc04'
# Computing INstance
core = '1 x 2.0 GHz Core'
# Creating service
client = SoftLayer.Client(username=USERNAME, api_key=API_KEY)
packageService = client['SoftLayer_Product_Package']
# Declaring filters and mask to get additional information for items
filterDatacenter = {"itemPrices": {"pricingLocationGroup": {"locations": {"name": {"operation": datacenter}}}}}
objectMaskDatacenter = 'mask[pricingLocationGroup[locations]]'
objectMask = 'mask[pricingLocationGroup[locations],categories,item[id, description, capacity,softwareDescription[manufacturer],availabilityAttributeCount, availabilityAttributes[attributeType]]]'
filterInstance = {
'itemPrices': {
'categories': {
'categoryCode': {
'operation': 'os'
# Define a variable to get capacity
coreCapacity = 0
# To get item id information
itemId = 0
flag = False
# Define the manufacturers from which you like to get information
manufacturers = ["CentOS", "CloudLinux", "CoreOS", "Debian", "Microsoft", "Redhat", "Ubuntu"]
# Declare time to avoid list OS expired
now = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
nowTime = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(now, "%m/%d/%Y").timetuple())
conflicts = packageService.getItemConflicts(id=packageId)
itemPrices = packageService.getItemPrices(id=packageId, filter=filterDatacenter, mask=objectMask)
if len(itemPrices) == 0:
filterDatacenter = {"itemPrices":{"locationGroupId":{"operation":"is null"}}}
itemPrices = packageService.getItemPrices(id=packageId, filter=filterDatacenter, mask=objectMask)
for itemPrice in itemPrices:
if itemPrice['item']['description'] == core:
itemId = itemPrice['item']['id']
coreCapacity = itemPrice['item']['capacity']
result = packageService.getItemPrices(id=packageId, mask=objectMask, filter=filterInstance)
filtered_os = []
for item in result:
for attribute in item['item']['availabilityAttributes']:
expireTime = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(attribute['value'], "%m/%d/%Y").timetuple())
if ((attribute['attributeType']['keyName'] == 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_NEW_ORDERS') and (expireTime >= nowTime)):
if item['item']['availabilityAttributeCount'] == 0:
for manufacturer in manufacturers:
for itemOs in filtered_os:
for conflict in conflicts:
if (((itemOs['item']['id'] == conflict['itemId']) and (itemId == conflict['resourceTableId'])) or ((itemId == conflict['itemId']) and (itemOs['item']['id'] == conflict['resourceTableId']))):
flag = False
flag = True
if flag:
if itemOs['item']['softwareDescription']['manufacturer'] == manufacturer:
if 'capacityRestrictionMinimum' in itemOs:
if((itemOs['capacityRestrictionMinimum'] <= coreCapacity) and (coreCapacity <= itemOs['capacityRestrictionMaximum'])):
print("%s Price Id: %s Item Id: %s" % (itemOs['item']['description'], itemOs['id'], itemOs['item']['id']))
print("%s Price Id: %s Item Id: %s" % (itemOs['item']['description'], itemOs['id'], itemOs['item']['id']))
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print('Unable to get Item Prices faultCode=%s, faultString=%s'
% (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
I added core variable, because the OSs have restriction for capacity of cores. Also I added datecenter to get the specific core item price for a specifc datacenter, perhaps it's something innecesary, but you can edit this script according your requirements.
The same idea could be applied for others programming languges.
I hope it helps, please let me know any doubt, comments or if you need further assistance.
I improved the script, I added the ability to check conflicts between items, in order to get the same result for each kind of Computing Instance
Based on other posts I understand Django doesn't have a memory leak issue but I have a web application where when I specific routine is called, a lot of memory is getting used but not all of it is freed up afterwards. I don't know if that is the correctly terminology but if I track the mem_used_perc on AWS while only calling this routine on the webpage I see the memory usage increase and not return to previous levels.
It is a recursive routine that I call which can iterate up to 7 times. This is the code:
def autosearch(self, phase=1, report="", num = 10):
This is an ES search following specific rules to identify and populate
the lead notifications
if phase == 1:
if self.no_of_providers:
num = self.no_of_providers
num = 10
sqs =
service_type = None
# filter by care type
if self.type_of_care_care_home:
service_type = "service_care_home"
elif self.type_of_care_home_care:
service_type = "service_home_care"
elif self.type_of_care_live_in_care:
service_type = "service_live_in_care"
elif self.type_of_care_retirement_village:
service_type = "service_retirement_village"
if service_type == "service_retirement_village":
sqs = sqs.query(Q("multi_match", query=True, fields=service_type))
elif service_type:
sqs = sqs.query(
Q("multi_match", query=True, fields=service_type)
& Q("match", care_over_65=True)
sqs = sqs.query(Q("match", care_over_65=True))
if self.budget_type:
ranges = self.filter_by_budget_range(phase)
sqs = sqs.query(Q("bool", should=list(ranges)))
# filter on location and distance
if self.radius:
radius = self.radius
radius = 5
"""Increase radius by 2 or 10% for phase 2, 5, and 6"""
if phase in [2, 6]:
if radius < 20:
radius += 2
radius *= 1.1
sqs = sqs.query(
"lat": self.searcharea_set.all()[0].lat,
"lon": self.searcharea_set.all()[0].lng,
# Filter by care_category_type
categories = []
if self.care_need_category_residential:
if self.care_need_category_nursing:
if self.care_need_category_dementia:
if self.care_need_category_nursing_dementia:
if self.care_need_category_personal_care:
if self.care_need_category_respite_care:
if self.care_need_palliative:
if self.care_need_end_of_life:
if self.care_need_retirement_housing:
if self.care_need_retirement_village:
if self.care_need_retirement_community:
if self.care_need_retirement_full_time:
query = []
for category in categories:
if self.type_of_care_live_in_care or self.type_of_care_home_care:
if category == "care_residential":
category = "regulated_personal_care"
if category == "care_nursing":
Q("match", regulated_nursing_care=True)
| Q("match", care_nursing=True)
query.append(Q("match", **{f"{category}": True}))
if self.type_of_care_retirement_village:
sqs = sqs.query("bool", should=list(query))
sqs = sqs.filter(Q("bool", must=query))
# CQC Regulator filter
sqs = sqs.query(
Q("match", cqc_rating_overall=1)
| Q("match", cqc_rating_overall=2)
| Q("match", cqc_rating_overall=3)
| Q("match", cqc_rating_overall=99)
# filter on profile
if phase >= 4:
sqs = sqs.query(Q("match", has_thumbnail_image=1))
# Exclude Standard profiles in Brand with Premium Profile
prems = [ for x in self.referred_to.all() if x.is_premium]
sqs = sqs.query(~Q('bool', brand_link=list(prems)))
sqs = sqs.query(Q("match", is_premium=1))
# filter on budget
if self.budget_type:
ranges = self.filter_by_budget_range(phase)
sqs = sqs.query(Q("bool", should=list(ranges)))
# funding method
if self.funding_method == choices.LOCAL_AUTHORITY:
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", fees_local_authority_funded=False))
# sqs = sqs.query('match', **{'fees_local_authority_funded': True})
elif self.funding_method == choices.SELF_FUNDING:
sqs = sqs.query("match", self_funding_clients=True)
elif self.funding_method == choices.CONTINUING_HEALTHCARE:
sqs = sqs.query(Q("match", fees_continuous_health_top_up=True))
elif self.funding_method == choices.TOP_UP:
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", fees_family_top_up=False))
# Red crossed
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", autumna_flag=2))
# amber flagged
if phase < 7:
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", autumna_flag=1))
# email only
if not self.may_contact_provider:
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", leads_accepted=1))
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", leads_accepted=2))
# no permission
if not self.may_contact_phone:
sqs = sqs.query(~Q("match", leads_accepted=1))
# timescales
if self.timescales in ["ASAP", "2-4 weeks"]:
sqs = sqs.query(
Q("match", availability_overall=1)
| Q("match", availability_overall=2)
sqs.sort("-is_premium", "-has_thumbnail_image", "-is_claimed", self.sort_geo_location_dict())
sqs = sqs[:num]
report += f"<p>Phase {phase}:"
added_count = 0
for organisation in sqs.to_queryset():
if not organisation in self.referred_to.all():
added_count += 1
report += f"{organisation}, "
report += "</p>"
if added_count >= num or phase >= 7:
self.autosearch_interim_report = report
phase += 1
num -= added_count
return self.autosearch(phase, report, num)
return True
Is there any reason this should cause the symptoms I am seeing and how do I fix it?
The function is invoked from admin with the following:
def autosearch(self, request, pk):
Populates the lead notifications
lead = get_object_or_404(models.Lead, pk=pk)
# first, add organisations to favourites
result = lead.autosearch()
logger.debug(f'Auto search result: {result}')
return redirect(reverse("admin:lead_management_lead_change", args=(pk,)))
I am using Memcache which is defined as follows:
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache",
"LOCATION": os.environ.get("CACHE_LOCATION", ""),
So locally I run it on the machine but in production I am using an environment variable in Elastic Beanstalk to define CACHE_LOCATION which is a string something like:
def filter_by_budget_range(self, phase):
How the function works:
- case 1: When a given value of min and max budget
- It simply filter organisations between this range.
- case 2: When a given value is only max budget
- From given max budget we derived the min budget
- min_budget = max_budget - max_budget * 0.2
- e.g max_budget = 100, then the min_budget = 100 - 100 * 0.2 => 80
- case 3: When a given value is only min budget
- From given min budget we derived the max budget
- max_budget = min_budget + min_budget * 0.2
- e.g min_budget = 100, then the max_budget = 100 + 100 * 0.2 => 120
_budget_min, _budget_max = self.min_max_handler(phase)
if _budget_max is not None:
if self.type_of_care_live_in_care or self.type_of_care_care_home:
yield {
"range": {
"fees_weekly_residential_costs_from": {
"gte": _budget_min * 100,
"lte": _budget_max * 100,
yield {
"range": {
"fees_hourly_start_from": {
"gte": _budget_min * 100,
"lte": _budget_max * 100,
There is nothing in the provided code that could explain a memory leak.
The issue must come from somewhere else (possibly self.filter_by_budget_range(phase)).
More often than not, memory leaks in Django would come from side-effects when using objects that are created at server startup, and that you keep feeding with new data without even realizing it, or without being aware that the object is bound to the server and not to single requests.
For instance, if you have something like that:
class Foobar(models.Model):
baz = ""
def barfoo(self, baz):
self.baz += baz
For every request where you call obj.barfoo(some_string), Foobar.baz will keep growing until the server is restarted.
Similarily, in the following example:
def foobar(baz=[]):
Where the function foobar is created once at server startup. Every time you call foobar() with the default argument, baz keeps growing until the server is restarted.
These two examples are of course silly, it's just to show simple cases of side-effects affecting the memory.
Another possible issue would be if you cache some stuff using a memory-based backend such as Memcached.
If you have no idea what it could be, your best bet would probably be to try to reproduce the issue in development and use pdb (or even django-pdb) to inspect the memory, either while running the development server or directly in the shell (which could be more handy if you can reproduce in the shell).
Does it help if you manually run gc.collect in your code?
collect(): This method free the non referenced object in the list that is maintained by the Collector. Some non-referenced objects are not immediately free automatically due to their implementation.
Are you sure your issue is with the memory not being freed up again?
Are you having any memory issues?
In linux it is typical for memory to remain used even after the program has freed it again, since, wat good is your RAM if you keep it empty all the time.
The OS will keep things cached in RAM even if your application doesn't really need it at the moment, because it might benefit from increased performance when later on the application wants that data again and it is still in your ram.
This is called: caching
I tried looking up the documentation of the mem_used[_percent] call and it was not really clear to me if that meant in use memory (by applications + caches) or memory used by applications
Do you have any issues with free memory? is your server going out of memory?
e.g. is mem_available and mem_free going back up after the call is done or not?
What you can typically see is memory being used by an application, then freed, but cashed by the os.
So mem_free goes back up, but it is cashed in memory, so mem_cached is going up, and mem_used stays the same.
This could explain what you are seeing without having a memory leak.
e.g. on my current system what I am seeing when I do cat /proc/meminfo I see almost no memory Free, but most of it (68%) is taken up by caches wich will be cleared as soon as an application needs memory.
1 │ MemTotal: 16068712 kB
2 │ MemFree: 178332 kB
3 │ MemAvailable: 10290764 kB
4 │ Buffers: 812504 kB
5 │ Cached: 10203120 kB
6 │ SwapCached: 1596 kB
7 │ Active: 4852664 kB
8 │ Inactive: 10034536 kB
I have this function that uses PrettyTables to gather information about the Virtual Machines owned by a user. Right now, it only shows information and it works well. I have a new idea where I want to add a button to a new column which allows the user to reboot the virutal machine. I already know how to restart the virtual machines but what I'm struggling to figure out is the best way to create a dataset which i can iterate through and then create a HTML table. I've done similar stuff with PHP/SQL in the past and it was straight forward. I don't think I can iterate through PrettyTables so I'm wondering what is my best option? Pretty tables does a very good job of making it simple to create the table (as you can see below). I'm hoping to use another method, but also keep it very simple. Basically, making it relational and easy to iterate through. Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
Here is my current code:
x = PrettyTable()
x.field_names = ["VM Name", "OS", "IP", "Power State"]
for uuid in virtual_machines:
vm = search_index.FindByUuid(None, uuid, True, False)
if vm.summary.guest.ipAddress == None:
ip = "Unavailable"
ip = vm.summary.guest.ipAddress
if vm.summary.runtime.powerState == "poweredOff":
power_state = "OFF"
power_state = "ON"
if vm.summary.guest.guestFullName == None:
os = "Unavailable"
os = vm.summary.guest.guestFullName
x.add_row([, os, ip, power_state])
table = x.get_html_string(attributes = {"class":"table table-striped"})
return table
Here is a sample of what it looks like and also what I plan to do with the button.
Figured out how to query the prettytable. It was a minor addition without having to redo it all.
html = '<table class="table"><tr><th>VM Name</th><th>OS</th><th>IP</th><th>Power
htmlend = '</tr></table>'
body = ''
for vmm in x:
vmm.border = False
vmm.header = False
vm_name = (vmm.get_string(fields=["VM Name"]))
operating_system = (vmm.get_string(fields=["OS"]))
ip_addr = ((vmm.get_string(fields=["IP"])))
body += '<tr><td>'+ vm_name + '</td><td>' + operating_system + '</td> <td>'+ ip_addr +'</td> <td>ON</td></tr>'
html += body
html += htmlend
With this code I expected that an sql query would run only on 'all_user_videos' and that the subsequent filter would use the results stored in 'all_user_videos' to do the filter.
# Get all user videos
all_user_videos = Video.objects.filter( author = user )
# User pending videos
pending_videos = all_user_videos.filter( status = 'pending_review' )
# Get user Video that need information
info_required_videos = all_user_videos.filter( status = 'info_required' )
# Get user video on sale
on_sale_videos = all_user_videos.filter( status = 'on_sale' )
context = {
"user_member_profile": instance,
'pending_videos' : pending_videos,
'info_required' : info_required_videos,
'on_sale' : on_sale_videos
It seems not to be the case, and that each filter runs a query.
How can I make so that pending_videos, info_required_videos and on_sale_videos don't relaunch queries and use result from the query in 'all_user_videos' ?
You can use regex in a query.
all_user_videos = list(Video.objects.filter(author=user, status__regex=r'^(pending_review|info_required|on_sale)$'))
pending_videos = [i for i in all_user_videos if i.status == 'pending_review']
pending_videos = []
for i in all_user_videos:
if i.status == 'pending_review':
elif i.status == 'info_required':
i have two reports cout_materiel_facture_detail_report.xml (detailed report) and cout_materiel_facture_report.xml (simple report) and have a wizard where the user inputs some data and chooses whether he/she wants to print the simple report or the detailed one. Here is the wizard's class:
class CoutMaterielFactureWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'gc.cout_materiel_facture_wizard'
directeur_parc_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Directeur Parc')
procedure = fields.Char(string='Procedure')
version = fields.Char(string='Verion')
date_realisation = fields.Date(string='Date realisation')
# is_landscape = fields.Boolean(string='Mode paysage?')
is_detail = fields.Boolean(string='Version simplifiee?')
def do_toggle_print(self):
cout_materiel = self.env['gc.cout_materiel'].browse(self._context.get('active_id', False))
# Print the simple report
if not self.is_detail:
return {
'type': '',
'name': 'gestion_cout.cout_materiel_facture_report_template',
'report_name': 'gestion_cout.cout_materiel_facture_report_template',
# Print the detailed report
sql = "SELECT SUM(h_sup)+SUM(h_exp),SUM(h_im),count(*),SUM(total), famille FROM gc_cout_materiel_line where " \
"cout_materiel_id =%s group by famille ", (,))
results =
if len(results) > 0:
line_ids = []
for nbht, nbhim, qte, prix_total, famille in results:
line_ids.append((0, 0, {
'famille': famille,
'type': 'VA',
'qte': qte,
'nbr_heures': nbht,
'nbr_heures_im': nbhim,
'nbr_jours': 28,
'prix_unitaire': 'VA',
'prix_total': prix_total,
'num_annexe': cout_materiel.num_annexe,
'expediteur': cout_materiel.expediteur,
'destinateur': cout_materiel.destinateur,
'application_date': cout_materiel.application_date,
'date_realisation': self.date_realisation,
'procedure': self.procedure,
'version': self.version,
'prix_total_global': cout_materiel.total_global,
'line_ids': line_ids,
return {
'type': '',
'name': 'gestion_cout.gc_cout_materiel_facture_detail_report_template',
'report_name': 'gestion_cout.gc_cout_materiel_facture_detail_report_template',
But i get this error after i hit the print button
I checked out the database and found both reports are present there.
Any help? please!!
Finally i managed to solve my problem!!
Here is what i did:
I created a method in the wizard model which returns a list of objects that i whant to print and linked the wizard to the qweb report.
Then i called the method from the qweb report using object.my_mehtod() in a t-foreach loop, where object represents the wizard.
With this way i am able to create complex reports and print them easily. One can use this method to get data from several tables and organize the data and retur them as a list.
I hope that it will help someone.
Best regards!!
I am trying to create a custom domain's user from code in sitecore 8.1. I am sucessfully able to create user using below code:
public string RegisterUser(SurveyMonkeyUser userInfo)
string userId = "0";
string Domain = "website"; //to be taken from config
string ProfileItemId = "{7D473841-D585-43F6-9DF4-400313D945EC}"; //to be taken from config
if (!AccountExists(Domain + userInfo.Username))
string domainUser = string.Concat(Domain ,#"\", userInfo.Username.Replace(" ",""));
var user = Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.Create(domainUser , "pass123");
user.Profile.ProfileItemId = ProfileItemId;
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("FirstName", userInfo.FirstName);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("LastName", userInfo.LastName);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("Email", userInfo.Email);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("DateOfBirth", userInfo.DateOfBirth);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("Gender", userInfo.Gender);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("Location", userInfo.Location);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("Occupation", userInfo.Occupation);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("SectorEmployment", userInfo.SectorEmployment);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("Salary", userInfo.Salary);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("MaritalStatus", userInfo.MaritalStatus);
user.Profile.SetCustomProperty("MobileNumber", userInfo.MobileNumber);
var username = user.Name;
userId = "Account Created Successfully " + user.Name;
userId = "user already exist";
return userId;
but it's custom properties are not visible in sitecore's backend but during debug i can see prevuiously created all user's profile using Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName(#"website\SyedAhsanJaffri",true).Profile.SerializedData i got all properties
Count = 13
[0]: {[digestcredentialhash, a287effab21c2ec84696e4eef4ca2171]}
[1]: {[digestcredentialhashwithoutdomain, 767c0012faf8e872581d3ac5919db895]}
[2]: {[FirstName, Syed Ahsan]}
[3]: {[LastName, Jaffri]}
[4]: {[Email,]}
[5]: {[DateOfBirth, 14/08/1985]}
[6]: {[Gender, Male]}
[7]: {[Location, Karachi]}
[8]: {[Occupation, Software Engineer]}
[9]: {[SectorEmployment, IT]}
[10]: {[Salary, 351212]}
[11]: {[MaritalStatus, Single]}
[12]: {[MobileNumber, 923312190031]}
In back-end I have to change custom profile manually :) to view my properties.
You could open App_Config\Securiry\Domains.config and configure default profile item id there, e.g.:
<domain name="CommerceUsers" defaultProfileItemId="{0FFEC1BD-4D35-49CF-8B7D-7F01930834ED}" ensureAnonymousUser="false" />
P.S. However your code looks like correct. I wonder thy it does not work. Make sure that you transfer correct ID. Double check that you transfer ID of profile item from Core database(not the ID of profile template).
I normally use user.Profile.SetPropertyValue("ProfileItemId", ProfileItemId); instead of user.Profile.ProfileItemId = ProfileItemId;. Next to that the only difference I can see between your code and my (working) version is that I perform a save action (user.Profile.Save();) after setting the profile and before setting the custom properties.
Also, like Anton mentioned already: make sure the ProfileItemId is the ID of the profile item (located in /sitecore/system/Settings/Security/Profiles/...)