how python print me each element when i use random? - python-2.7

I need a list of 8 elements and i want that python randomly import that elements in a list. But i need each of them elements in a list. Like this:
I need numbers of 0 to 4 in a list, but if I write:
s = []
for i in range(8):
print("s:", s)
python doesn't print me each of number at least once. Python print me like that:
s = [1,0,2,2,1,0,1,3]- in this list is 4 missing but i want all 5 numbers at least once in a list.
Please help me.

If you want to have a list of eight items, consisting of at least one each of the elements 0,1,2,3,4, then what you really want is a list of [0,1,2,3,4] and three additional random elements, all in random order:
import random
# start a list with one each of the desired elements
s = [0,1,2,3,4]
# add three more elements
for i in range(3):
# randomize the order of the elements in the list
print("s:", s)


how do I add 3 points randomly to a list?

I have a list below community_card_suit, and I want to randomly add 3 points to any of the indexes, so for example the outcome looks like [0,3,0,0] or [0,1,1,1] or [1,2,1,0], etc.
community_cards_suit = [0,0,0,0]
Any idea how I would do this randomly?

Select duplicated lists from a list of lists (Python 2.7.13)

I have two lists, one is a list of lists, and they have the same number of indexes(the half number of values), like this:
list1=[['47', '43'], ['299', '295'], ['47', '43'], etc.]
list2=[[9.649, 9.612, 9.42, etc.]
I want to detect the repeated pair of values in the same list(and delete it), and sum the values with the same indexes in the second list, creating an output like this:
list1=[['47', '43'], ['299', '295'], etc.]
list2=[[19.069, 9.612, etc.]
The main problem is that the order of the values is important and I'm really stuck.
You could create a collections.defaultdict to sum values together, with keys as the sublists (converted as tuple to be hashable)
list1=[['47', '43'], ['299', '295'], ['47', '43']]
list2=[9.649, 9.612, 9.42]
import collections
c = collections.defaultdict(float)
for l,v in zip(list1,list2):
c[tuple(l)] += v
Alternative using collections.Counter and which does the same:
c = collections.Counter((tuple(k),v) for k,v in zip(list1,list2))
At this point, we have the related data:
defaultdict(<class 'float'>, {('299', '295'): 9.612, ('47', '43'): 19.069})
now if needed (not sure, since the dictionary holds the data very well) we can rebuild the lists, keeping the (relative) order between them (but not their original order, that shouldn't be a problem since they're still linked):
for k,v in c.items():
[['299', '295'], ['47', '43']]
[9.612, 19.069]

How to repeat a function in Python (complete beginner - first lines of code ever)

I have the following code which I have to build upon (i.e. it can't be written a different way). I know there are other better ways of achieving the end result, but I want to use this code and then repeat it to make a list.
from random import choice
number_list = range(1,1001) # Creates a list from 1 to 1000
random_from_list = choice(number_list) # Chooses a random number from the list
I want to now repeat the choice function above 100 times, then print that list of 100 random numbers that I have chosen from my list of 1000 numbers. I have read up on "for" loops but I can't see how to apply it here.
If you don't need to build up your list you could just print them one at a time:
for _ in range(100):
If you want to build your list first you can use a "list comprehension":
choices = [choice(number_list) for _ in range(100)]
for i in range(100):

How to read each element within a tuple from a list

I want to write a program which will read in a list of tuples, and in the tuple it will contain two elements. The first element can be an Object, and the second element will be the quantity of that Object. Just like: Mylist([{Object1,Numbers},{Object2, Numbers}]).
Then I want to read in the Numbers and print the related Object Numbers times and then store them in a list.
So if Mylist([{lol, 3},{lmao, 2}]), then I should get [lol, lol, lol, lmao, lmao] as the final result.
My thought is to first unzip those tuples (imagine if there are more than 2) into two tuples which the first one contains the Objects while the second one contains the quantity numbers.
After that read the numbers in second tuples and then print the related Object in first tuple with the exact times. But I don't know how to do this. THanks for any help!
A list comprehension can do that:
lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(N,A) || {A, N} <- L]).
If you really want printing too, use recursion:
p([]) -> [];
p([{A,N}|T]) ->
FmtString = string:join(lists:duplicate(N,"~p"), " ")++"\n",
D = lists:duplicate(N,A),
io:format(FmtString, D),
This code creates a format string for io:format/2 using lists:duplicate/2 to replicate the "~p" format specifier N times, joins them with a space with string:join/2, and adds a newline. It then uses lists:duplicate/2 again to get a list of N copies of A, prints those N items using the format string, and then combines the list with the result of a recursive call to create the function result.

How to get set of elements from list having sum is N using python

I am new to Python but want to learn. I have a list having some elements. I want to check that any set of elements has sum equal to 9?. If so then return set elements, not then return False. Sequence is not a matter.Example...
so, here we see that [2,3,4] having sum is 9 or [9,0],[5,4] etc