Write command-line arguments to file in SML - sml

I am trying to write the command line arguments from my SML program into a file, each on a separate line. If I were to run sml main.sml a b c easy as 1 2 3 on the command line, the desired output would be to have a file with the contents:
However, I am getting the following output from SML:
$ sml main.sml a b c easy as 1 2 3
val filePath = "/Users/Josue/Desktop/espi9890.txt" : string
val args = ["a","b","c","easy","as","1","2","3"] : string list
main.sml:4.21 Error: syntax error: inserting EQUALOP
/usr/local/smlnj/bin/sml: Fatal error -- Uncaught exception Compile with "syntax error" raised at
With this code:
val filePath = "/Users/Josue/Desktop/espi9890.txt";
val args = CommandLine.arguments();
fun writeListToFile x =
val str = hd x ^ "\n";
val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath;
TextIO.output (fd, str);
TextIO.closeOut fd;
writeListToFile (tl x);
| fun writeListToFile [] =
writeListToFile args;
Am I missing something?

The correct syntax for nested value declarations is:
fun writeListToFile (s::ss) =
let val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath
val _ = TextIO.output (fd, s ^ "\n")
val _ = TextIO.closeOut fd
in writeListToFile ss end
| writeListToFile [] = ()
That is,
(Error) You're forgetting the let ... in ... end.
(Error) Your second pattern, [], will never match because the first one, x, is more general and matches all input lists (including the empty one). So even if your syntax error was fixed, this function would loop until it crashes because you are trying to take the hd/tl of an empty list.
(Error) When a function has multiple match cases, only the first one must be prepended with fun and the rest must have a | instead. (You can decide freely how to indent this.)
(Error) There are two kinds of semicolons in SML: One is for separating declarations, and one is an operator that discards the value (but not the effect) of its first operand. The first kind that separates declarations can always be avoided. The second kind is the one you are trying to employ in order to chain multiple expressions that each have a desired (file I/O) effect (and is equivalent to having a let-expressions with multiple effectful declarations in a row, like above).
But... at the top-level (e.g. in a function body), SML is unable to tell the difference between the two kinds of semicolons, since they could both occur there. After all, the first kind that we want to avoid marks the ending of the function body while the second kind just marks the end of a sub-expression in the function body.
The way to avoid this ambiguity is to wrap the ; operator where no declarations are allowed, e.g. between in and end, or inside a parenthesis.
(Error) There is no point in having this function return null. You were probably thinking nil (the empty list, aka []), but val null : 'a list -> bool is a function! Really, it is nonsensical to have a return value for this function. If anything, it could be a bool indicating if the lines were written successfully (in which case you probably need to handle IO exceptions). The closest you get to a function that does not return anything is a function that returns the type unit (with the value ()).
(Suggestion) You can use hd/tl to split the list, but you can also use pattern matching. Use pattern matching, like the examples I've given.
(Suggestion) You can use semi-colons instead of the val _ = ... declarations; also; it's just a matter of taste. E.g.:
fun writeListToFile (s::ss) =
let val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath
in TextIO.output (fd, s ^ "\n")
; TextIO.closeOut fd
; writeListToFile ss
| writeListToFile [] = ()
(Suggestion) It is rather silly that every time the function calls itself, it opens the file, appends, and closes the file. Ideally you only open and close the file once:
fun writeListToFile lines =
let val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath
fun go [] = TextIO.closeOut fd
| go (s::ss) = ( TextIO.output (fd, s ^ "\n") ; go ss )
in go lines end
(Suggestion) Since you are doing the same thing to each element in a list, you may also consider using a higher-order function that generalizes the iteration. Normally, that would be a val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list, but since TextIO.output returns a unit, the very similar val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit is even better:
fun writeListToFile lines =
let val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath
in List.app (fn s => TextIO.output (fd, s ^ "\n")) lines
; TextIO.closeOut fd
(Suggestion) Lastly, you may want to call this function appendListToFile, or simply appendLines, and take filePath as an argument to the function, since filePath implies that it is to a file, and the function does add linebreaks to each s. Names matter.
fun appendLines filePath lines =
let val fd = TextIO.openAppend filePath
in List.app (fn s => TextIO.output (fd, s ^ "\n")) lines
; TextIO.closeOut fd


Create a list reading a file with SML

I'm trying to create a List reading a text file, for example I have a text file like this "1 5 12 9 2 6" and I want to create a list like this [1,5,12,9,2,6] using SML
You can divide this task into several sub-problems:
Reading a file into a string can be done with
type filepath = string
(* filepath -> string *)
fun readFile filePath =
let val fd = TextIO.openIn filePath
val s = TextIO.inputAll fd
val _ = TextIO.closeIn fd
in s end
See the TextIO library.
Converting a string into a list of strings separated by whitespace can be done with
(* string -> string list *)
fun split s =
String.tokens Char.isSpace s
See the String.tokens function.
Converting a list of strings into a list of integers can be done with
(* 'a option list -> 'a list option *)
fun sequence (SOME x :: rest) = Option.map (fn xs => x :: xs) (sequence rest)
| sequence (NONE :: _) = NONE
| sequence [] = SOME []
fun convert ss = sequence (List.map Int.fromString ss)
Since any one string-to-integer conversion with Int.fromString may fail and produce a NONE, List.map Int.fromString will produce an "int option list" rather than an "int list". This list of "int option" may be converted to an optional "int list", i.e., remove the SOME of all the "int option", but if there's a single NONE, the entire result is discarded and becomes NONE. This gives the final type "int list option" (either NONE or SOME [1,2,...]).
See the Option.map function which was useful for this kind of recursion.
Combining these,
(* filepath -> int list *)
fun readIntegers filePath =
convert (split (readFile filePath))
This approach does yield some potentially unwanted behavior:
Filesystem errors will make readIntegers throw an Io exception
The string ~5 inside the file will be interpreted as negative five
The string -5 will produce a failure (NONE)
The string 123a will produce the number 123 (Int.toString is a bit too forgiving)
You may want to address those.

Adding items to list SML

I'm very new to SML and I'm trying to add some items to a list
fun foo(inFile : string, outFile : string) = let
val file = TextIO.openIn inFile
val outStream = TextIO.openOut outFile
val contents = TextIO.inputAll file
val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") contents
val lines' = List.map splitFirstSpace lines
fun helper1(lis : string list) =
case lis of
[] => ( TextIO.closeIn file; TextIO.closeOut outStream)
| c::lis => ( TextIO.output(outStream, c);
fun helper(lis : (string * string) list, stack : string list) =
case lis of
[] => stack
| c::lis => ( act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack;
helper(lis, stack))
val x = helper(lines', [])
I'm getting a blank output file whenever I run the code and I'm having trouble figuring out why but I do know that the helper function is getting the proper values from the "act" function because I tested it by using print(action(...))
The problem is with this part:
( act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack; helper(lis, stack) )
This is creating a new list and then immediately throwing it away before performing the recursive call. What you want to do instead is
helper(lis, act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack)
Additional hint: both your helper functions can be replaced by simple uses of List.app and List.foldl.
Edit: Further hint: In fact, you can write that as just
helper(lis, act(c)::stack)
because a function with "two arguments" is simply a function taking a pair.

Read a file line per line and store every line read in a single list

I'm a student and I've been given a exercice i've been struggling with for about a month or so.
I'm trying to write a function in Ocaml. This function must read a text file which has a word per line, and it must store all the words in a list.
But the problem is that this program must be a recursive one (which means no loops, no "while").
All I've been able to do so far is to create a function which reads the text file (pretty much like the BASH command "cat")
let dico filename =
let f = open_in filename in
let rec dico_rec () =
print_string (input_line f);
print_newline ();
with End_of_file -> close_in f
in dico_rec() ;;
I just don't know how to do it. Ocaml is hardly my favourite language.
Here's an alternate definition of build_list that is tail recursive. You can use it instead of #MitchellGouzenko's definition if your inputs can have many lines.
let rec build_list l =
match input_line ic with
| line -> build_list (line :: l)
| exception End_of_file -> close_in ic; List.rev l
open Printf
let file = "example.dat"
let () =
let ic = open_in file in
let rec build_list infile =
let line = input_line infile in
line :: build_list(infile)
with End_of_file ->
close_in infile;
[] in
let rec print_list = function
[] -> ()
| e::l -> print_string e ; print_string " " ; print_list l in
Edit: The algorithm I previously proposed was unnecessarily complicated. Try to understand this one instead.
To understand this recursion, we assume that build_list works correctly. That is, assume build_list correctly takes an open file as an argument and returns a list of lines in the file.
Now, let's look at the function's body. It reads a line from the file and calls build_list again. If there are N lines in the file, calling build_list again should return a list of the remaining N-1 lines in the file (since we just read the first line ourselves). We append the line we just read to the list returned from build_list, and return the resulting list, which has all N lines.
The recursion continues until it hits the base case. The base case is when there's an End_of_file. In this case we return an empty list.

OCaml error: wrong type of expression in constructor

I have a function save that take standard input, which is used individually like this:
./try < input.txt (* save function is in try file *)
10 29 23
22 14 9
and now i put the function into another file called path.ml which is a part of my interpreter. Now I have a problem in defining the type of Save function and this is because save function has type in_channel, but when i write
type term = Save of in_channel
ocamlc complain about the parameter in the command function.
How can i fix this error? This is the reason why in my last question posted on stackoverflow, I asked for the way to express a variable that accept any type. I understand the answers but actually it doesn't help much in make the code running.
This is my code:
(* Data types *)
open Printf
type term = Print_line_in_file of int*string
| Print of string
| Save of in_channel (* error here *)
let input_line_opt ic =
try Some (input_line ic)
with End_of_file -> None
let nth_line n filename =
let ic = open_in filename in
let rec aux i =
match input_line_opt ic with
| Some line ->
if i = n then begin
close_in ic;
end else aux (succ i)
| None ->
close_in ic;
failwith "end of file reached"
aux 1
(* get all lines *)
let k = ref 1
let first = ref ""
let second = ref ""
let sequence = ref []
let append_item lst a = lst # [a]
let save () =
while true do
let line = input_line stdin in
if k = ref 1
first := line;
incr k;
end else
if k = ref 2
second := line;
incr k;
end else
sequence := append_item !sequence line;
incr k;
End_of_file -> None;;
let rec command term = match term with
| Print (n) -> print_endline n
| Print_line_in_file (n, f) -> print_endline (nth_line n f)
| Save () -> save ()
Error in code:
Save of in_channel:
Error: This pattern matches values of type unit
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type in_channel
Save of unit:
Error: This expression has type 'a option
but an expression was expected of type unit
There are many errors in this code, so it's hard to know where to start.
One problem is this: your save function has type unit -> 'a option. So it's not the same type as the other branches of your final match. The fix is straightforward: save should return (), not None. In OCaml these are completely different things.
The immediate problem seems to be that you have Save () in your match, but have declared Save as taking an input channel. Your current code doesn't have any way to pass the input channel to the save function, but if it did, you would want something more like this in your match:
| Save ch -> save ch
Errors like this suggest (to me) that you're not so familiar with OCaml's type system. It would probably save you a lot of trouble if you went through a tutorial of some kind before writing much more code. You can find tutorials at http://ocaml.org.

copying files in sml

I am trying to learn input output in sml.In an effort to copy strings of lsthat are the same as s1 into the file l2 I did the following.I am getting some errors I can not really understand.Can someone help me out.
fun test(l2:string,ls:string list,s1:string) = if (String.isSubstring(s1 hd(ls))) then
(TextIO.openOut l2; TextIO.inputLine hd(ls))::test(l2,tl(ls),s1) else
Here are some general hints:
Name your variables something meaningful, like filename, lines and line.
The function TextIO.inputLine takes as argument a value of type instream.
When you write TextIO.inputLine hd(ls), what this is actually interpreted as is
(TextIO.inputLine hd) ls, which means "treat hd as if it were an instream and
try and read a line from it, take that line and treat it as if it were a function,
and apply it on ls", which is of course complete nonsense.
The proper parenthesising in this case would be TextIO.inputLine (hd ls), which
still does not make sense, since we decided that ls is a string list, and so hd ls
will be a string and not an instream.
Here is something that resembles what you want to do, but opposite:
(* Open a file, read each line from file and return those that contain mySubstr *)
fun test (filename, mySubstr) =
let val instr = TextIO.openIn filename
fun loop () = case TextIO.inputLine instr of
SOME line => if String.isSubstring mySubstr line
then line :: loop () else loop ()
| NONE => []
val lines = loop ()
val _ = TextIO.closeIn instr
in lines end
You need to use TextIO.openOut and TextIO.output instead. TextIO.inputLine is one that reads from files.