Solving constraint satisfaction problems in Sympy - sympy

I'm attempting to solve some simple Boolean satisfiability problems in Sympy. Here, I tried to solve a constraint that contains the Or logic operator:
from sympy import *
a,b = symbols("a b")
print(solve(Or(Eq(3, b*2), Eq(3, b*3))))
# In other words: (3 equals b*2) or (3 equals b*3)
# [1,3/2] was the answer that I expected
Surprisingly, this leads to an error instead:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'Or' and 'int'
I can work around this problem using Piecewise, but this is much more verbose:
from sympy import *
a,b = symbols("a b")
print(solve(Piecewise((Eq(3, b*2),Eq(3, b*2)), (Eq(3, b*3),Eq(3, b*3)))))
#prints [1,3/2], as expected
Unfortunately, this work-around fails when I try to solve for two variables instead of one:
from sympy import *
a,b = symbols("a b")
print(solve([Eq(a,3+b),Piecewise((Eq(b,3),Eq(b,3)), (Eq(b,4),Eq(b,4)))]))
#AttributeError: 'BooleanTrue' object has no attribute 'n'
Is there a more reliable way to solve constraints like this one in Sympy?

To expand on zaq's answer, SymPy doesn't recognize logical operators in solve, but you can use the fact that
a*b = 0
is equivalent to
a = 0 OR b = 0
That is, multiply the two equations
solve((3 - 2*b)*(3 - 3*b), b)
As an additional note, if you wanted to use AND instead of OR, you can solve for a system. That is,
solve([eq1, eq2])
is equivalent to solving
eq1 = 0 AND eq2 = 0

Every equation can be expressed as something being equated to 0. For example, 3-2*b = 0 instead of 3 = 2*b. (In Sympy, you don't even have to write the =0 part, it's assumed.) Then you can simply multiply equations to express the OR logic:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> a,b = symbols("a b")
>>> solve((3-b*2)*(3-b*3))
[1, 3/2]
>>> solve([a-3-b, (3-b*2)*(3-b*3)])
[{b: 1, a: 4}, {b: 3/2, a: 9/2}]


how to use SymPy or other library to have a numerical solution

I was trying to solve two equations for two unknown symbols 'Diff' and 'OHs'. the equations are shown below
x = (8.67839580228369e-26*Diff + 7.245e-10*OHs**3 +
1.24402291559836e-10*OHs**2 + OHs*(-2.38073807380738e-19*Diff -
2.8607855978291e-18) - 1.01141409254177e-29)
J= (-0.00435840284294195*Diff**0.666666666666667*(1 +
3.64525434266056e-7/OHs) - 1)
solution = sym.nsolve ((x, J), (OHs, Diff), (0.000001, 0.000001))
print (solution)
is this the correct way to solve for the two unknowns?
Thanks for your help :)
Note: I edited your equation per Vialfont's comments.
I would say it is a possible way but you could do better by noticing that the J equation can be solved easily for OHs and substituted into the x equation. This will then be much easier for nsolve to solve:
>>> osol = solve(J, OHs)[0] # there is only one solution
>>> eq = x.subs(OHs,osol)
>>> dsol = nsolve(eq, 1e-5)
>>> eq.subs(Diff,dsol) # verify
>>> osol.subs(Diff,dsol), dsol
(-2.08893263437131e-12, 4.76768525775849e-5)
But this is still pretty ill behaved in terms of scaling...proceed with caution. And I would suggest writing Diff**Rational(2,3) instead of Diff**0.666666666666667. Or better, then let Diff be y**3 so you are working with a polynomial in y.
>>> y = var('y', postive=True)
>>> yx=x.subs(Diff,y**3)
>>> yJ=J.subs(Diff,y**3)
>>> yosol=solve(yJ,OHs)[0]
>>> yeq = yx.subs(OHs, yosol)
Now, the solutions of eq will be where its numerator is zero so find the real roots of that:
>>> ysol = real_roots(yeq.as_numer_denom()[0])
>>> len(ysol)
>>> ysol[0].n()
>>> yosol.subs(y,_)
That is consistent with our previous solution, and this time the solutions in ysol were exact (given the limitations of the coefficients). So if your OHs solution should be positive, check your numbers and equations.
Your expressions do not meet Sympy requirements, including the exponential expressions. May be it is easier to start with a simpler system to solve with two unknowns and only a square such as:
from import a,b,x, y
from sympy import solve,exp
eq1= a*x**2 + b*y+ exp(0)
eq2= x + y + 2
sol=solve((eq1, eq2),(x,y),dict=True)
sol includes your answers and you have access to solutions with sol[0][x] and sol[0][y]. Giving values to the parameters is done with the .sub() method:
sol[0][x].subs({a:1, b:2}) #gives -1
sol[0][y].subs({a:1, b:2}) #gives -1

Solving a matrix equation containing MatrixSymbols of symbolic size in Sympy?

As an introduction i want to point out that if one has a matrix A consisting of 4 submatrices in a 2x2 pattern, where the diagonal matrices are square, then if we denote its inverse as X, the submatrix X22 = (A22-A21(A11^-1)A12)^-1, which is quite easy to show by hand.
I was trying to do the same for a matrix of 4x4 submatrices, but its quite tedious by hand. So I thought Sympy would be of some help. But I cannot figure out how (I have started by just trying to reproduce the 2x2 result).
I've tried:
import sympy as s
def blockmatrix(name, sizes, names=None):
if names is None:
names = sizes
ll = []
for i, (s1, n1) in enumerate(zip(sizes, names)):
l = []
for j, (s2, n2) in enumerate(zip(sizes, names)):
l.append(s.MatrixSymbol(name+str(n1)+str(n2), s1, s2))
return ll
def eyes(*sizes):
ll = []
for i, s1 in enumerate(sizes):
l = []
for j, s2 in enumerate(sizes):
if i==j:
l.append(s.ZeroMatrix(s1, s2))
return ll
n1, n2 = s.symbols("n1, n2", integer=True, positive=True, nonzero=True)
M = s.Matrix(blockmatrix("m", (n1, n2)))
X = s.Matrix(blockmatrix("x", (n1, n2)))
I = s.Matrix(eyes(n1, n2))
s.solve(M*X[:, 1:]-I[:, 1:], X[:, 1:])
but it just returns an empty list instead of the result.
I have also tried:
Using M*X==I but that just returns False (boolean, not an Expression)
Entering a list of equations
Using 'ordinary' symbols with commutative=False instead of MatrixSymbols -- this gives an exception with GeneratorsError: non-commutative generators: (x12, x22)
but all without luck.
Can you show how to derive a result with Sympy similar to the one I gave as an example for X22?
The most similar other questions on solving with MatrixSymbols seem to have been solved by working around doing exactly that, by using an array of the inner symbols or some such instead. But since I am dealing with symbolically sized MatrixSymbols, that is not an option for me.
Is this what you mean by a matrix of 2x2 matrices?
>>> a = [MatrixSymbol(i,2,2) for i in symbols('a1:5')]
>>> A = Matrix(2,2,a)
>>> X = A.inv()
>>> print(X[1,1]) # [1,1] instead of [2,2] because indexing starts at 0
a1*(a1*a3 - a3*a1)**(-1)
[You indicated not and pointed out that the above is not correct -- that appears to be an issue that should be resolved.]
I am not sure why this isn't implemented, but we can do the solving manually as follows:
>>> n = 2
>>> v = symbols('b:%s'%n**2,commutative=False)
>>> A = Matrix(n,n,symbols('a:%s'%n**2,commutative=False))
>>> B = Matrix(n,n,v)
>>> eqs = list(A*B - eye(n))
>>> for i in range(n**2):
... s = solve(eqs[i],v[i])[0]
... eqs[i+1:] = [e.subs(v[i],s) for e in eqs[i+1:]]
>>> s # solution for v[3] which is B22
(-a2*a0**(-1)*a1 + a3)**(-1)
You can change n to 3 and see a modestly complicated expression. Change it to 4 and check the result by hand to give a new definition to the word "tedious" ;-)
The special structure of the equations to be solved can allow for a faster solution, too: the variable of interest is the last factor in each term containing it:
>>> for i in range(n**2):
... c,d = eqs[i].expand().as_independent(v[i])
... assert all(j.args[-1]==v[i] for j in Add.make_args(d))
... s = 1/d.subs(v[i], 1)*-c
... eqs[i+1:] = [e.subs(v[i], s) for e in eqs[i+1:]]

Sympy Solve returning type error?

I have written a program to solve a transcendental equation using Sympy Solvers, but I keep getting a TypeError. The code I have written is the following:
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy import Symbol
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
x = Symbol('x',positive=True)
def converts(d):
M = 1.0
res = solve(-2*M*sp.sqrt(1+2*M/x)-d,x)[0]
return res
print converts(0.2)
which returns the following error:
raise TypeError('invalid input: %s' % p)
TypeError: invalid input: -2.0*sqrt(1 + 2/x)
I've solved transcendental equations this way before, but this is the first time I'm facing this error.
From what I gather, it looks like Sympy is seeing my input as a string instead of a rational number, but I'm not sure if or why it is so. Can someone please tell me why I'm getting this error and/or how to fix it?
Edit: I've rewritten my code to make it clearer but the result is still the same
This is the equation I'm trying to solve
Let's first recreate the actual equation.
from sympy import *
M, x, d = symbols("M, x, d")
eq = Eq(-2*M * sqrt(1 + 2*M/x) - d, 0)
As in your code, we can substitute values: M=1, d=0.2
to_solve = eq.subs({M:1, d:0.2})
Now, we may attempt to solve it directly
solve(to_solve, x)
Unfortunately, solve fails to find the solution in this case. If we take a closer look at the equation, the square root part should return a negative number for this equation to be valid.
-2 * (-1/10) - 0.2 = 0
As square root of a number can not be negative, correct me if I'm wrong, sympy is unable to find a value for x such that sqrt(1+2/x) == -1/10
This problem is due to our choice of values for d and M. Solution exists if M and d are of opposite signs.
to_solve = eq.subs({M:-1, d:0.2})
solve(to_solve, x)
Run this code on sympy live and experiment with other values.

how to solve 3 nonlinear equations in python

I have the following system of 3 nonlinear equations that I need to solve:
-xyt + HF = 0
-2xzt + 4yzt - xyt + 4z^2t - M1F = 0
-2xt + 2yt + 4zt - 1 = 0
where x, HF, and M1F are known parameters. Therefore, y,z, and t are the parameters to be calculated.
Attemp to solve the problem:
def equations(p):
y,z,t = p
f1 = -x*y*t + HF
f2 = -2*x*z*t + 4*y*z*t - x*y*t + 4*t*z**2 - M1F
f3 = -2*x*t + 2*y*t + 4*z*t - 1
return (f1,f2,f3)
y,z,t = fsolve(equations)
print equations((y,z,t))
But the thing is that if I want to use scipy.optimize.fsolve then I should input an initial guess. In my case, I do not have any initial conditions.
Is there another way to solve 3 nonlinear equations with 3 unknowns in python?
It turned out that I have a condition! The condition is that HF > M1F, HF > 0, and M1F > 0.
#Christian, I don't think the equation system can be linearize easily, unlike the post you suggested.
Powell's Hybrid method (optimize.fsolve()) is quite sensitive to initial conditions, so it is very useful if you can come up with a good initial parameter guess. In the following example, we firstly minimize the sum-of-squares of all three equations using Nelder-Mead method (optimize.fmin(), for small problem like OP, this is probably already enough). The resulting parameter vector is then used as the initial guess for optimize.fsolve() to get the final result.
>>> from numpy import *
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> from scipy import optimize
>>> HF, M1F, x=1000.,900.,10.
>>> def f(p):
return abs(sum(array(equations(p))**2)-0)
>>> optimize.fmin(f, (1.,1.,1.))
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.000000
Iterations: 131
Function evaluations: 239
array([ -8.95023217, 9.45274653, -11.1728963 ])
>>> optimize.fsolve(equations, (-8.95023217, 9.45274653, -11.1728963))
array([ -8.95022376, 9.45273632, -11.17290503])
>>> pr=optimize.fsolve(equations, (-8.95023217, 9.45274653, -11.1728963))
>>> equations(pr)
(-7.9580786405131221e-13, -1.2732925824820995e-10, -5.6843418860808015e-14)
The result is pretty good.

sympy's solve() command for equations != 0

As i've read in the sympy docs, the solve() command expects an equation to solve as being equal to zero.
As the equations i would like to solve are not in that form and in fact solving them for 0 is my purpose in using a library like sympy, is there a way to get around this?
What the docs are saying is that if you do something like
>>> solve(x**2 - 1, x)
Then solve is implicitly assuming that x**2 - 1 is equal to 0. If you wanted to solve x**2 - 1 = 2, then you could either subtract 2 from both sides, to get
>>> solve(x**2 - 1 - 2, x)
or you could use the Eq() class
>>> solve(Eq(x**2 - 1, 2), x)