Thread safety for taking screenshots on Windows with C++ Builder - c++

Isn't taking a screenshot on Windows thread-safe?
My following code sometimes takes some shots, but in most cases, the imgScreenshot (which is just a TImage) keeps being just plain white...
Am I missing something?
void __fastcall TCaptureThread::Execute()
int CurWidth = 1600;
int CurHeight = 900;
std::unique_ptr<TCanvas> Canvas(new TCanvas);
Canvas->Handle = GetDC(0);
FBMP = new TBitmap; // private class field
FBMP->Width = CurWidth;
FBMP->Height = CurHeight;
FR = Rect(0, 0, CurWidth, CurHeight); // private class field
FBMP->Canvas->CopyRect(FR, Canvas, FR);
delete FBMP;
void __fastcall TCaptureThread::UpdatePicture()
FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Canvas->CopyRect(FR, FBMP->Canvas, FR);
Environment is C++ Builder 10.1.2 Berlin

Isn't taking a screenshot on Windows thread-safe?
Not when using VCL wrapper classes that are not thread-safe by default. If you were using plain Win32 API functions directly, then yes, it would be possible to write thread-safe code.
The main reason your code fails is because the VCL is designed to share GDI resources between multiple objects, and the main UI thread frequently frees unused/dormant GDI resources. So your worker thread's TBitmap image data is likely to get destroyed before you can call Synchronize() to copy it to your TImage.
That being said, what you are attempting can be done if you call Lock()/Unlock() on the Canvas objects in your worker thread, eg:
struct CanvasLocker
TCanvas *mCanvas;
CanvasLocker(TCanvas *C) : mCanvas(C) { mCanvas->Lock(); }
~CanvasLocker() { mCanvas->Unlock(); }
void __fastcall TCaptureThread::Execute()
int CurWidth = 1600;
int CurHeight = 900;
std::unique_ptr<TCanvas> Canvas(new TCanvas);
std::unique_ptr<TBitmap> BMP(new TBitmap);
FBMP = BMP.get();
CanvasLocker lock(Canvas); // <-- add this!
Canvas->Handle = GetDC(0);
CanvasLocker lock(BMP->Canvas); // <-- add this!
BMP->Width = CurWidth;
BMP->Height = CurHeight;
FR = Rect(0, 0, CurWidth, CurHeight);
while (!Terminated)
CanvasLocker lock1(Canvas); // <-- add this!
CanvasLocker lock2(BMP->Canvas); // <-- add this!
BMP->Canvas->CopyRect(FR, Canvas.get(), FR);
void __fastcall TCaptureThread::UpdatePicture()
CanvasLocker lock1(FBMP->Canvas); // <-- add this!
CanvasLocker lock2(FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Canvas); // <-- add this!
FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Canvas->CopyRect(FR, FBMP->Canvas, FR);
// or: FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(FBMP);
That being said, because TCanvas is lockable, you might be able to get away with removing Synchronize() altogether:
void __fastcall TCaptureThread::Execute()
int CurWidth = 1600;
int CurHeight = 900;
std::unique_ptr<TCanvas> Canvas(new TCanvas);
std::unique_ptr<TBitmap> BMP(new TBitmap);
CanvasLocker lock(Canvas);
Canvas->Handle = GetDC(0);
CanvasLocker lock(BMP->Canvas);
BMP->Width = CurWidth;
BMP->Height = CurHeight;
TRect r = Rect(0, 0, CurWidth, CurHeight);
while (!Terminated)
CanvasLocker lock1(BMP->Canvas);
CanvasLocker lock2(Canvas);
BMP->Canvas->CopyRect(r, Canvas.get(), r);
CanvasLocker lock3(FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Canvas);
FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Canvas->CopyRect(r, BMP->Canvas, r);
// or: FMainForm->imgScreenshot->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(BMP);


How deep is mouse in Rectangle C++ & SDL2 (Position flickers between two positions)

I am creating a program, and I have a rectangle. Basically, I am creating a custom window inside the SDL2 window, which is a Rect, with another Rect being its toolbar. I am struggling for hours trying to figure how to detect how deep is the mouse within the Rect, but I am failing every time. The most obvious equation for me was int deep = mousePos.x - x, but it flickers between two positions every time I move my mouse. I then have tried a LOT of other calculations, but none of them worked. Either they flickered between two positions with descending values, or they were completely static and didn't move, or always moved a lot in a specific direction. I have visually represented the calculations, which were mostly correct, but the flickering between two positions is always ruining it. Thanks for any help. I am providing source code, too.
// main.cpp
// Open
// Created by Fildom on 28.12.2021.
// Library includes
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <stdio.h>
bool isdown = false;
// Screen rendering helper
void on_render(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Renderer* renderer);
// Concatenation (probably not spelt correctly but idrc) for easier use
const char * concat(const char * one, const char * two) {
char * buffer = new char[strlen(one) + strlen(two) + 1];
strcpy(buffer, one);
strcat(buffer, two);
return buffer;
// Main method, required for performing application run
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; // Initialize the renderer
SDL_Event event = { 0 }; // Create a null event
SDL_Window *win = NULL; // Initialize a window
int exit = 0; // If exit is 1, win closes
// Window pre-modifiers
const char * appName = "test";
// SDL VIDEO mode initialization and error check
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1) {
printf("SDL_Init() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
// Create the window and load it into a previously defined variable
win = SDL_CreateWindow(concat(appName, " - Initialization in progress"), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 800, 600, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
// Window creation was unsuccessfull
if(!win) {
printf("SDL_CreateWindow() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
// Creating renderer
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
// If renderer failed to load...
if(!renderer) {
printf("SDL_CreateRenderer() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
// Everything has gone OK, thus the window can be renamed
SDL_SetWindowTitle(win, appName);
// Game loop, as said previously, false = 0, true = 1.
// while !exit |
// while not exit <- |
// while exit is 0 (false) <-
while (!exit) {
// Event loop
if (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) {
// Event types
switch(event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT:
exit = 1; // Exit = 1, thus app is being exitted
if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) exit = 1; // If ESC is pressed
isdown = false;
isdown = true;
switch(event.window.event) {
case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: // macOS and/or other OSes rely on right click + Quit to fully exit out of an application. This makes it easier by just hitting the close button.
exit = 1;
default: break;
// Render the screen
on_render(win, renderer);
// Swap buffers to display
// Cleanup
return 0;
class Window {
int x, y, w, h;
SDL_Color winc, wintc;
bool draggable;
int titleh;
Window(int wx, int wy, int ww, int wh, SDL_Color window_color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, SDL_Color window_title_color = {200, 200, 200, 255}) {
x = wx;
y = wy;
w = ww;
h = wh;
winc = window_color;
wintc = window_title_color;
draggable = true;
titleh = 50;
int tx, ty = 0;
void Render(SDL_Renderer* renderer) {
SDL_Rect _t;
_t.x = x;
_t.y = y;
_t.w = w;
_t.h = h;
SDL_Rect title;
title.x = x;
title.y = y;
title.w = w;
title.h = titleh;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, winc.r, winc.g, winc.b, winc.a);
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &_t);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, wintc.r, wintc.g, wintc.b, wintc.a);
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &title);
int mx, my;
SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my);
SDL_Point ms;
ms.x = mx;
ms.y = my;
if (SDL_PointInRect(&ms, &title) and isdown) {
x = mx - tx;
y = my - ty;
tx = x;
ty = y;
Window test1 = Window(200, 100, 300, 200);
void on_render(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Renderer* renderer) {
SDL_Rect wind = { 0 };
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &wind.w, &wind.h);
I ended up doing it in a different way. Instead of using mousePosition.x and y, I used relative X and Y which worked out perfectly.
code for that is
mousePosition.relX and mousePosition.relY;

ucrtbased.dll: Access Violation

I am writing an extension (that is compiled as dynamic library), and I get extension error. Unfortunately, I have to draw entire GUI by myself, unfortunately, in pretty raw GDI/WinAPI.
This is my code that crashes:
Slider::Slider(const char* objectId, int height, POINT topLeft, int visibleElements, int totalElements, int elementHeight, EuroScopePlugIn::CRadarScreen* rs)
// Member variable initailization
m_ObjectId = objectId;
m_Height = height;
m_TopLeft = topLeft;
m_VisibleElements = visibleElements;
m_ElementHeight = elementHeight;
m_TotalElements = totalElements;
m_Width = 10;
m_pRS = rs;
m_CurrentFirstElement = 0;
m_CurrentLastElement = m_CurrentFirstElement + visibleElements;
SliderGrip::SliderGrip(Slider* sliderObject) : Slider(m_ObjectId.c_str(), m_Height, m_TopLeft, m_VisibleElements, m_TotalElements, m_ElementHeight, m_pRS)
// Base class member variable initialization
m_ObjectId = sliderObject->m_ObjectId;
m_Height = sliderObject->m_Height;
m_TopLeft = sliderObject->m_TopLeft;
m_VisibleElements = sliderObject->m_VisibleElements;
m_ElementHeight = sliderObject->m_ElementHeight;
m_TotalElements = sliderObject->m_TotalElements;
m_Width = sliderObject->m_Width;
m_pRS = sliderObject->m_pRS;
m_CurrentFirstElement = sliderObject->m_CurrentFirstElement;
m_CurrentLastElement = sliderObject->m_CurrentLastElement;
m_GripHeight = (m_VisibleElements / m_TotalElements) * m_ElementHeight;
m_GripTopLeft = (CPoint)(m_TopLeft.x, m_TopLeft.y + 10 + (m_CurrentFirstElement * m_ElementHeight));
void SliderGrip::RenderGrip(CDC* dc)
// localObjectId
std::string localObjectId = "Grip";
// Save DC for later
int sDC = dc->SaveDC();
// Create CRectangle
CRect CRectangle(m_GripTopLeft.x, m_GripTopLeft.y, m_GripTopLeft.x + m_Width, m_GripTopLeft.y + m_GripHeight);
// Grip Color
COLORREF m_GripColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
// Fill CRectangle with CBrush
CBrush RectangleFill(m_GripColor);
dc->FillRect(&CRectangle, &RectangleFill);
m_pRS->AddScreenObject(CELEMENTS::SCROLLBAR_GRIP, localObjectId.c_str(), CRectangle, 1, "");
// Restore DC
// Cleaning
SliderTrack::SliderTrack(Slider* sliderObject) : Slider(m_ObjectId.c_str(), m_Height, m_TopLeft, m_VisibleElements, m_TotalElements, m_ElementHeight, m_pRS)
// Base class member variable initialization
m_ObjectId = sliderObject->m_ObjectId;
m_Height = sliderObject->m_Height;
m_TopLeft = sliderObject->m_TopLeft;
m_VisibleElements = sliderObject->m_VisibleElements;
m_ElementHeight = sliderObject->m_ElementHeight;
m_TotalElements = sliderObject->m_TotalElements;
m_Width = sliderObject->m_Width;
m_pRS = sliderObject->m_pRS;
m_CurrentFirstElement = sliderObject->m_CurrentFirstElement;
m_CurrentLastElement = sliderObject->m_CurrentLastElement;
m_TrackHeight = m_VisibleElements * m_ElementHeight;
m_TrackTopLeft = (CPoint)(m_TopLeft.x, m_TopLeft.y + 10);
void SliderTrack::RenderTrack(CDC* dc)
// Save DC for later
int sDC = dc->SaveDC();
// CRectangle
CRect CRectangle(m_TrackTopLeft.x, m_TrackTopLeft.y, m_TrackTopLeft.x + m_Width, m_TrackTopLeft.y + m_TrackHeight);
// Color
COLORREF m_TrackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200);
// Fill CRectangle with CBrush
CBrush RectangleFill(m_TrackColor);
dc->FillRect(&CRectangle, &RectangleFill);
// Restore DC
// Cleaning
SliderButton::SliderButton() : Slider(m_ObjectId.c_str(), m_Height, m_TopLeft, m_VisibleElements, m_TotalElements, m_ElementHeight, m_pRS)
#pragma region Scrollbar
// Scrollbar -> Elements::Slider --- grip, track, buttonup, buttondown
Scrollbar::Scrollbar(const char* name, EuroScopePlugIn::CRadarScreen* rs, POINT topLeft, int height, int visibleElements, int totalElements, int elementHeight)
// member Var initialization
m_Name = name;
m_pRS = rs;
m_TopLeft = topLeft;
m_Height = height;
m_Width = 10;
m_VisibleElements = visibleElements;
m_TotalElements = totalElements;
m_ElementHeight = elementHeight;
// initialize objects
sliderObject = new CInterface::Slider(m_Name.c_str(), m_Height, m_TopLeft, m_VisibleElements, m_TotalElements, m_ElementHeight, m_pRS);
gripObject = new CInterface::SliderGrip(sliderObject);
trackObject = new CInterface::SliderTrack(sliderObject);
void Scrollbar::AddTotalElements()
void Scrollbar::AddTotalElements(int count)
m_TotalElements += count;
void Scrollbar::RemoveTotalElements()
void Scrollbar::RemoveTotalElements(int Count)
if (m_TotalElements > Count)
m_TotalElements -= Count;
void Scrollbar::Render(CDC* dc)
// for later
int sDC = dc->SaveDC();
// restore
delete sliderObject;
delete gripObject;
delete trackObject;
#pragma endregion Scrollbar
Later on, code is called from main app in this way:
testScroll = new CInterface::Scrollbar("testScroll", this, xyz, 50, 10, 50, 5);
delete testScroll;
Until now, code doesn't crash, but once I call rendering functions:
OnRender(HDC hDC)
CDC dc;
App crashes on startup with given code error:
Exception thrown at 0x78F6FF5C (ucrtbased.dll) in EuroScope.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCDCDCDCD.
I have no clue what's causing this, any ideas? I am roughly sure it may be issue with some pointer and/or passed const char*. While I tried to replace const char* to std::string whenever possible, I got an similar error, but related to vcruntime140.dll...

How to display GIF as splash in visual studio c++

I am trying to display a GIF picture as splash as starting of my small program in visual studio. I am really getting crazy. I looked it is possible in Qt IDE but I really need it in visual studio because my other code works only with visual studio. And yes I tried to convert my code for Qt giving me too many errors.
I have seen this post.
I am using GDI+ but still dunno how to simply display it instead of play and stop. It's okay even instead of splash to display a small form that plays the GIF file, can you guys give me a small code snippet in how to do it in c++?
Here is an MFC window class that implements a splash screen using GDI Plus for displaying an (animated) GIF.
I've encapsulated everything inside a header file to simplify using it with your project. Save it as an .h file (maybe "SplashWnd.h"), then include it wherever you want to set up the splash. You app's InitInstance might be a good place to add it - something like this line (before any DoModal calls):
SplashWnd splash(_T("Filname.gif"));
The constructor can also take parameters for controlling the delay before auto-closing, and also specifying a function to call when the splash is closed.
The splash window has no border or caption - it appears only as the loaded image, floating on top of any other windows. Its icon doesn't appear in the taskbar, and will close when its timeout expires, or the user clicks the window or presses a key.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <afxwin.h>
#include <gdiplus.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib")
inline void ManageGdiPlusInit(bool release=false) {
static int refcount = 0;
static ULONG_PTR token;
if(release) {
if(--refcount == 0) {
} else if(++refcount == 1) {
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput startup_input;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&token, &startup_input, 0);
} }
inline void GdiPlusInit() { ManageGdiPlusInit(false); }
inline void GdiPlusRelease() { ManageGdiPlusInit(true); }
namespace {
class SplashWnd : public CWnd {
static CString WindowClass() {
static CString name;
if(name.IsEmpty()) {
name = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DROPSHADOW, 0, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(GRAY_BRUSH), 0);
return name;
Gdiplus::Image *m_pImage;
UINT m_FrameCount;
unsigned char *m_FrameDelayData;
const UINT *m_FrameDelays;
UINT m_CurFrameIndex;
UINT m_AnimationTimerId;
UINT m_ExpireTimerId;
CRect m_WindowRect;
std::function<void()> m_DismissCallback;
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) {
afx_msg void OnDestroy() {
if(m_AnimationTimerId != UINT(-1)) {
if(m_ExpireTimerId != UINT(-1)) {
if(m_DismissCallback) {
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) {
if(nIDEvent == m_AnimationTimerId) {
if(++m_CurFrameIndex >= m_FrameCount) {
m_CurFrameIndex = 0;
m_AnimationTimerId = SetTimer(1, m_FrameDelays[m_CurFrameIndex], 0);
if(nIDEvent == m_ExpireTimerId) {
} }
void PostNcDestroy() {
if(m_DeleteSelf) {
delete this;
void DrawCurFrame() {
Gdiplus::Graphics g(m_hWnd);
GUID dim_select_id = Gdiplus::FrameDimensionTime;
m_pImage->SelectActiveFrame(&dim_select_id, m_CurFrameIndex);
g.DrawImage(m_pImage, 0, 0, m_WindowRect.Width(), m_WindowRect.Height());
// set m_DeleteSelf to true if a SplashWnd is created with new, and you want it to
// auto-delete itself when the window expires or is dismissed.
bool m_DeleteSelf;
// file_path the gif file path
// ExpireMs the time, in milliseconds until the window automatically closes itself
// WidthFactor the fraction of the width of the primary display to use as the splash screen's width
// HeightFactor the fraction of the height of the primary display to use as the height
// If WidthFactor or HeightFactor are 0, the original image aspect ratio is preserved
// If both are 0, the original image size, in pixels is used
SplashWnd(CString file_path, DWORD ExpireMs=2000, double WidthFactor=0.4, double HeightFactor=0) {
m_pImage = new Gdiplus::Image(file_path);
// Set up an array of frame times for animated images
UINT dimension_count = m_pImage->GetFrameDimensionsCount();
GUID dimension_id;
m_pImage->GetFrameDimensionsList(&dimension_id, 1);
m_FrameCount = m_pImage->GetFrameCount(&dimension_id);
UINT frame_delay_size = m_pImage->GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagFrameDelay);
m_FrameDelayData = new unsigned char[frame_delay_size];
Gdiplus::PropertyItem* frame_delay_item = reinterpret_cast<Gdiplus::PropertyItem*>(m_FrameDelayData);
m_pImage->GetPropertyItem(PropertyTagFrameDelay, frame_delay_size, frame_delay_item);
m_FrameDelays = reinterpret_cast<const UINT*>(frame_delay_item->value);
// Figure out the size and location of the splash window
int primary_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN);
int primary_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN);
int splash_width = int(primary_width * WidthFactor);
int splash_height = int(primary_height * HeightFactor);
if(splash_width == 0) {
if(splash_height == 0) {
splash_width = m_pImage->GetWidth();
splash_height = m_pImage->GetHeight();
} else {
splash_width = primary_width * splash_height / primary_height;
} else if(splash_height == 0) {
splash_height = primary_height * splash_width / primary_width;
int l = (primary_width - splash_width) / 2;
int t = (primary_height - splash_height) / 2;
int r = l + splash_width;
int b = t + splash_height;
(primary_width - splash_width) / 2,
(primary_height - splash_height) / 2,
(primary_width + splash_width) / 2,
(primary_height + splash_height) / 2);
// WS_EX_TOPMOST makes the window cover up other, regular windows
// WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW prevents an icon for this window in the taskbar
// WS_POPUP prevents caption and border from being drawn
CreateEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, WindowClass(), _T("Splash"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP, m_WindowRect, 0, 0);
// Show the first frame
m_CurFrameIndex = 0;
// Set up the frame-flipping animation timer
m_ExpireTimerId = m_AnimationTimerId = UINT(-1);
if(m_FrameCount > 1) {
m_AnimationTimerId = SetTimer(1, m_FrameDelays[m_CurFrameIndex], 0);
// Set up the expiration timer
if(ExpireMs != INFINITE) {
m_ExpireTimerId = SetTimer(2, ExpireMs, 0);
m_DeleteSelf = false;
// Constructor which takes a callback function which will be called when the splash window closes
template <typename F>
SplashWnd(CString file_path, DWORD ExpireMs, double WidthFactor, double HeightFactor, F DismissCallback)
: SplashWnd(file_path, ExpireMs, WidthFactor, HeightFactor)
m_DismissCallback = DismissCallback;
~SplashWnd() {
delete [] m_FrameDelayData;
delete m_pImage;
// Message map, usually in an implementation file, but here encapsulated inside the header
// using an anonymous namespace to prevent possible ODR problems.

C++ Polymorphism with Lists issue

First of all thank you for your time and apologize for the long of this post but i couldn't find any other way to make it shorter and also for me english! if you don't understand something, just ask ^^. Hope you can find the error because is driving me crazy.
I'm currently learning DirectX 11 and i'm making This Little Game from this website but applying OOP and DirectX 11 instead of 9 just taking certain things from that project.
Ok, now that you have a little context here is the problem.
I made an abstract class called GameObject which encapsulates all the functionalities concerning to rendering, like storing the image(s), animation, transition between frames, etc. This GameObject class is used to define every other object that will interact in my game.
GameObject Class
// Filename: GameObject.h
#ifndef _GAME_OBJECT_H_
#define _GAME_OBJECT_H_
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "InputHandler.h"
#include "Timer.h"
class GameObject
GameObject(const GameObject& other);
virtual bool Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen) = 0;
bool Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen, WCHAR* spriteFileName, Bitmap::DimensionType bitmap, Bitmap::DimensionType sprite, int numberOfFramesAcross, int initialFrame, bool useTimer);
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual bool Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, D3DXMATRIX wordMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix);
void Move();
void Move(const D3DXVECTOR2 vector);
virtual void Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls);
void SortFrameArray(const int* framesOrder, int size);
void SetPosition(const POINT& position);
const POINT GetPosition();
void SetVelocity(const D3DXVECTOR2& velocity);
const D3DXVECTOR2 GetVelocity();
void SetStatus(const bool status);
bool GetStatus();
float GetMovementDelayTime();
void ResetMovementDelayTime();
float GetAnimationDelayTime();
void ResetAnimationDelayTime();
//Both of this objects i think i'll remove them from this class. I don't think they belong here.
ID3D11Device* GetDevice();
Sprite* GetSprite();
ID3D11Device* m_device;
HWND m_hwnd;
Sprite* m_Sprite;
Timer* m_Timer;
POINT m_position;
D3DXVECTOR2 m_velocity;
bool m_active;
float m_movementDelay;
float m_animationDelay;
// Filename: GameObject.cpp
#include "GameObject.h"
this->m_Sprite = nullptr;
this->m_Timer = nullptr;
this->m_movementDelay = 0.0f;
this->m_animationDelay = 0.0f;
GameObject::GameObject(const GameObject& other)
bool GameObject::Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen, WCHAR* spriteFileName, Bitmap::DimensionType bitmap, Bitmap::DimensionType sprite, int numberOfFramesAcross, int initialFrame, bool useTimer)
bool result;
this->m_device = device;
this->m_hwnd = hwnd;
this->m_Sprite = new Sprite();
if (!this->m_Sprite)
return false;
result = this->m_Sprite->Initialize(device, hwnd, screen, spriteFileName, bitmap, sprite, numberOfFramesAcross, initialFrame);
if (!result)
return false;
if (useTimer)
this->m_Timer = new Timer();
if (!this->m_Timer)
return false;
result = this->m_Timer->Initialize();
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
void GameObject::Shutdown()
bool GameObject::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, D3DXMATRIX wordMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix)
return this->m_Sprite->Render(deviceContext, this->m_position, wordMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
void GameObject::Move()
this->m_position.x += this->m_velocity.x;
this->m_position.y += this->m_velocity.y;
void GameObject::Move(const D3DXVECTOR2 vector)
this->m_position.x += vector.x;
this->m_position.y += vector.y;
void GameObject::Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls)
if (this->m_Timer)
this->m_movementDelay += this->m_Timer->GetTime();
this->m_animationDelay += this->m_Timer->GetTime();
void GameObject::SortFrameArray(const int* framesOrder, int size)
this->m_Sprite->SortFrameArray(framesOrder, size);
void GameObject::SetPosition(const POINT& position)
this->m_position = position;
const POINT GameObject::GetPosition()
return this->m_position;
void GameObject::SetVelocity(const D3DXVECTOR2& velocity)
this->m_velocity = velocity;
const D3DXVECTOR2 GameObject::GetVelocity()
return this->m_velocity;
void GameObject::SetStatus(const bool status)
this->m_active = status;
bool GameObject::GetStatus()
return this->m_active;
Sprite* GameObject::GetSprite()
return this->m_Sprite;
float GameObject::GetAnimationDelayTime()
return this->m_animationDelay;
void GameObject::ResetMovementDelayTime()
this->m_movementDelay = 0.0f;
float GameObject::GetMovementDelayTime()
return this->m_animationDelay;
void GameObject::ResetAnimationDelayTime()
this->m_animationDelay = 0.0f;
ID3D11Device* GameObject::GetDevice()
return this->m_device;
HWND GameObject::GetHWND()
return this->m_hwnd;
And i made the derived class Fighter which represents my Spaceship and has a FighterFlame which i think is not relevant to the problem, and a list of pointers to pointers of Bullet (m_Bullets) which will be the bullets coming out from the Ship.
// Filename: Fighter.h
#ifndef _FIGHTER_H_
#define _FIGHTER_H_
#include <list>
#include "GameObject.h"
#include "Bullet.h"
#include "FighterFlame.h"
class Fighter : public GameObject
Fighter(const Fighter& other);
virtual bool Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen) override;
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual bool Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, D3DXMATRIX wordMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix) override;
virtual void Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls) override;
void GenerateTriBullet();
void ValidateBulletsBounds();
int m_life;
int m_lives;
FighterFlame* m_FighterFlame;
std::list<Bullet**> m_Bullets;
const int SHIP_SPEED = 3;
const float MOVEMENT_DELAY = 16.0f;
const float ANIMATION_DELAY = 20.0f;
const float SHOOT_DELAY = 30.0f;
// Filename: Fighter.cpp
#include "Fighter.h"
Fighter::Fighter() : GameObject()
this->m_life = 100;
this->m_lives = 3;
this->m_FighterFlame = nullptr;
Fighter::Fighter(const Fighter& other)
bool Fighter::Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen)
bool result;
this->m_life = 100;
this->m_lives = 3;
result = GameObject::Initialize(device, hwnd, screen, L"", Bitmap::DimensionType{ 1152, 216 }, Bitmap::DimensionType{ 144, 108 }, 8, 7, true);
if (!result)
MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize Fighter", L"Error", MB_OK);
return false;
this->m_position = POINT{ 0, 0 };
int order[16] = { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
GameObject::SortFrameArray(order, 16);
this->m_FighterFlame = new FighterFlame();
if (!this->m_FighterFlame)
return false;
result = this->m_FighterFlame->Initialize(device, hwnd, screen);
if (!result)
MessageBox(hwnd, L"Could not initialize FighterFlame", L"Error", MB_OK);
return false;
return true;
bool Fighter::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, D3DXMATRIX wordMatrix, D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix, D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix)
bool result;
result = GameObject::Render(deviceContext, wordMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
if (!result)
return false;
result = this->m_FighterFlame->Render(deviceContext, wordMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
if (!result)
return false;
for (Bullet** bullet : this->m_Bullets)
if (bullet)
result = (*bullet)->Render(deviceContext, wordMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
void Fighter::Shutdown()
for (Bullet** bullet : this->m_Bullets)
void Fighter::Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls)
this->m_FighterFlame->SetPosition(POINT{ this->m_position.x - 26, this->m_position.y + 47});
for (Bullet** bullet : this->m_Bullets)
if (GameObject::GetMovementDelayTime() > MOVEMENT_DELAY)
if (controls.up ^ controls.down)
if (controls.up)
if (GameObject::GetPosition().y > 0)
GameObject::Move(D3DXVECTOR2(0, -SHIP_SPEED));
if (GameObject::GetAnimationDelayTime() > ANIMATION_DELAY)
else if (controls.down)
if (GameObject::GetPosition().y < (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions().height - GameObject::GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetBitmapDimensions().height))
GameObject::Move(D3DXVECTOR2(0, SHIP_SPEED));
if (GameObject::GetAnimationDelayTime() > ANIMATION_DELAY)
if (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetCurrentFrame() > (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetAmountOfFrames() / 2))
if (GameObject::GetAnimationDelayTime() > ANIMATION_DELAY)
if (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetCurrentFrame() < (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetAmountOfFrames() / 2))
if (GameObject::GetAnimationDelayTime() > ANIMATION_DELAY)
if (controls.right ^ controls.left)
if (controls.right)
if (GameObject::GetPosition().x < (GameObject::GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions().width - GameObject::GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetBitmapDimensions().width))
GameObject::Move(D3DXVECTOR2(SHIP_SPEED, 0));
else if (controls.left)
if (GameObject::GetPosition().x > 0)
GameObject::Move(D3DXVECTOR2(-SHIP_SPEED, 0));
if (controls.spaceBar)
void Fighter::GenerateTriBullet()
Bullet* upBullet = new Bullet();
upBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
upBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, 2));
Bullet* middleBullet = new Bullet();
middleBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
middleBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, 0));
Bullet* downBullet = new Bullet();
downBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
downBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, -2));
void Fighter::ValidateBulletsBounds()
for (std::list<Bullet**>::iterator it = this->m_Bullets.begin(); it != this->m_Bullets.end(); it++)
if ((*(*(&(it)._Ptr->_Myval)))->GetPosition().x > GameObject::GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions().width)
And finally the problematic one, The Bullet class who is also derived from GameObject and will represent the bullets that the spaceship can shoot.
// Filename: Bullet.h
#ifndef _BULLET_H_
#define _BULLET_H_
#include "GameObject.h"
class Bullet : public GameObject
Bullet(const Bullet& other);
virtual bool Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen) override;
virtual void Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls) override;
const float MOVEMENT_DELAY = 16.0f;
// Filename: Bullet.cpp
#include "Bullet.h"
Bullet::Bullet() : GameObject()
Bullet::Bullet(const Bullet& other)
bool Bullet::Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, HWND hwnd, Bitmap::DimensionType screen)
bool result;
result = GameObject::Initialize(device, hwnd, screen, L"", Bitmap::DimensionType{ 18, 3 }, Bitmap::DimensionType{ 18, 3 }, 1, 0, true);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
void Bullet::Frame(const InputHandler::ControlsType& controls)
if (GameObject::GetMovementDelayTime() > MOVEMENT_DELAY)
And the problem:
When the Gameloop is running and i press space bar, this occurs
// this if is from Fighter::Frame
if (controls.spaceBar)
It enters to the GenerateTriBullet method, which stores 3 bullets on the m_Bullets list.
void Fighter::GenerateTriBullet()
Bullet* upBullet = new Bullet();
upBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
upBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, 2));
Bullet* middleBullet = new Bullet();
middleBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
middleBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, 0));
Bullet* downBullet = new Bullet();
downBullet->Initialize(this->m_FighterFlame->GetDevice(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetHWND(), this->m_FighterFlame->GetSprite()->GetBitmap()->GetScreenDimensions());
downBullet->SetVelocity(D3DXVECTOR2(20, -2));
When it leaves the method, i check the list and the bullets are still there as well as before entering the ValidateBulletsBound, but as soon as it enters the method and before doing ANYTHING, the bullets on the list are simply gone, and with this i mean, the m_Bullets list still has three objects, but happens that they are all NULL.
To explain myself a little better, what i want to do is that every time i press space-bar 3 bullets appears on the screen, and I'm trying to do that by asking if the space-bar value is true, add 3 Bullets to the m_Bullet list, then validate that the bullets in the list are still between the screen space, otherwise remove it.
But as you can see, i successfully store the bullets on the list and as soon as i enter to validate, they are gone... poof!
I don't know why any of this is happening, they are different instance of a class who doesn't share anything between them (memory-wise speaking), there's no static method or pointers shared by then, and even though they would it shouldn't be a problem given that they are just entering in another method and no operation has been done in the middle of that "entering the another method" part, or whatsoever. They even are in the same class, same context, no complex operation or leak (that i know of). I really don't know what's going on!
I want to finish by acknowledging that there are some serious design problems like the one's on GenerateTriBullet, and the fact that i'm not using matrices to move the objects. I'm just trying to finish it first (this is the first game i make on DirectX, really exited btw!!! ), then when i can see the big picture, start to put everything where it belongs. Also, how do i get the value from the list iterator, i read that it was (*it) for simple values, but i have a pointer to a pointer, so i thought it would be **it, but it always resolves to nullptr.
I really hope you can help me.
Here's the project, if you feel like you didn't understand and want to go a little further. You just have to run the project, a ship will appear in a little black window, put a breakpoint on line 182 of the Fighter class then press spacebar on the game window, then from there see what happens with m_Bullets when it leaves GenerateTriBullet and Enters ValidateBulletsBounds.
One clear problem:
m_Bullets is a list<Bullet**>. When you add to it you are adding the address of a local variable, e.g.,
Bullet* upBullet = new Bullet();
Went this method returns, the address stored from the &upBullet expression is no longer valid, as that variable no longer exits.
I think you mean to have m_Bullets as list<Bullet*>, and to add to it:
Bullet* upBullet = new Bullet();
I think the best solution is to let list deal with the memory management and just have m_Bullets as list<Bullet>, then:
However this will probably require rethinking some of the polymorphism.

XNextEvent Blocking At Start of Application

I have the following application.
#include <FWWindow.h>
#include <FWApplication.h>
int main(int /*argc*/, char */*argv*/[])
FWWindow *win = new FWWindow(800, 600);
delete win;
When I run it it gets stuck on the XNextEvent() because it blocks until it gets the next event from the XServer. What I would like to know, is based on the code below, why is the XNextEvent not getting the ConfigureNotify or Expose events after I am calling XMapWindow(); I have checked to make sure my application provides the right Display based on the address in the watch window of my IDE. What am I missing to get the window to appear?
Initialize() does the following
FWApplication *FWApplication::Initialize()
if (!_instance)
_xDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (_xDisplay == NULL)
throw "Failed to get XDisplay";
_initialized = true;
_instance = new FWApplication(); // Calls an empty ctor
return _instance;
FWWindow *win = new FWWindow(800, 600); does the following
FWWindow::FWWindow(int width, int height) :
// These are all member variables
xDisplay = FWApplication::GetMainDisplay();
xScreen = DefaultScreen(xDisplay);
xDepth = DefaultDepth(xDisplay, xScreen);
xVisual = DefaultVisual(xDisplay,xScreen);
xAttributes.background_pixel = XWhitePixel(xDisplay, xScreen);
xAttributes.border_pixel = XBlackPixel(xDisplay, xScreen);
xAttributes.override_redirect = 0;
xWindow = XCreateWindow(
RootWindow(xDisplay, xScreen),
0, 0,
width, height,
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask,
win->Show(); does the following
void FWWindow::Show()
XMapWindow(xDisplay, xWindow); // xWindow and xDisplay defined in ctor above
And finaly FWApplication::Run(); does the following
int FWApplication::Run()
if (!_initialized)
return -1;
static bool run = true;
static Display *lDisplay = _xDisplay;
XEvent xEvent;
while (run)
XNextEvent(lDisplay, &xEvent);
switch (xEvent.type)
case ConfigureNotify:
unsigned int w = xEvent.xconfigure.width;
unsigned int h = xEvent.xconfigure.height;
// Do something to main widget
case Expose:
} while (XPending(GetMainDisplay()));
You're not specifying an event mask in your window's attributes, so XNextEvent() won't report any event. You should write something like:
xAttributes.background_pixel = XWhitePixel(xDisplay, xScreen);
xAttributes.border_pixel = XBlackPixel(xDisplay, xScreen);
xAttributes.override_redirect = 0;
xAttributes.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask // for ConfigureNotify
| ExposureMask; // for Expose