How to improve the performance of this django ORM query? - django

I'm using django and I'm running a postgresql database with 2.1 million records. I have a complex query which takes 20sec to run, and it takes that long because inside the query there's an aggregate count() function, which ends up counting 1.5million records. Having to wait 20 seconds is not acceptable for my application.
The django ORM "query" is as follows:
WebRequest.objects.values('FormUrl', 'Request__Platform','Request__Ip').annotate(total=Count('Request__Ip')).order_by('-total')[:10]
I tried using table indexes, but this hardly reduced the delay.
Now I'm considering saving the data in a table, and have the table regenerated every hour by pgadmin/cronjob/task scheduler, by e.g.
drop table if exists <table> tbl; select into <tabel> tbl from query;
I do feel like this is a sloppy fix and assume there must be a better way to reduce the time.
Are there any better approaches or do you guys consider this to be an acceptable solution?

If you don't need an exact count you could try using the postgresql stats instead of making the count. Check in here for a more detailed exaplanation
This would require using raw queries instead of the ORM, but that's the way to go for a lot of performance related issues


Django: Improve page load time by executing complex queries automatically over night and saving result in small lookup table

I am building a dashboard-like webapp in Django and my view takes forever to load due to a relatively large database (a single table with 60.000 rows...and growing), the complexity of the queries and quiet a lot of number crunching and data manipulation in python, according to django debug toolbar the page needs 12 seconds to load.
To speed up the page loading time I thought about the following solution:
Build a view that is called automatically every night, completeles all the complex queries, number crunching and data manipulation and saves the results in a small lookup table in the database
Build a second view that is returning the dashbaord but retrieves the data from the small lookup table via a very simple query and hence loads much faster
Since the queries from the first view are executed every night, the data is always up-to-date in the lookup table
My questions: Does my idea make sense, and if yes does anyone have any exerience with such an approach? How can I write a view that gets called automatically every night?
I also read about caching but with caching the first loading of the page after a database update would still take a very long time, and the data in the database gets updated on a regular basis
Yes, it is common practice.
We are pre-calculating some stuff and we are using celery to run those tasks around midnight daily. For some stuff we have special new model, but usually we add database columns to the model, that contains pre-calculated information.
This approach basically has nothing to do with views - you use them normally, just access data differently.

Django: SQL way (i.e using annotation, aggregate, subquery, when, case, window etc) vs python way

Sql way means using using annotation, aggregate, subquery, when, case, window etc. i.e get all the extra calculation columns from sql
Till now if I want to get some addition information from the data of each row like calculate something etc, I used to get the table in queryset and loop over each object and then store the desired result in a list of dicts and pass it to the template. Ofcourse i was using prefetch so that i can avoid N+1 queries.
But since django 1.11 we can do the same thing in more expressive way using sql (i.e using annotation, aggregate, subquery, when, case, window etc) and no python.
One disadvantage i found using sql way rather than python way is debugging.
I have to do complex calculations on the data of each queryset object. So that i can check step by step.
If i do it in the sql way i can only see the final result but not be able to track the steps.
I didnt tried, but heard from The Dramatic Benefits of Django Subqueries and Annotations that its quite fast.
Presently most of my sql takes less than 100 ms and most of the time goes in dom loading. So by using sql way will it help me any way.
I appreciate that Django created more functions which help to write the sql expressively.

Convert Django ORM query with large IN clause to table value constructor

I have a bit of Django code that builds a relatively complicated query in a programmatic fashion, with various filters getting applied to an initial dataset through a series of filter and exclude calls:
for filter in filters:
if filter['name'] == 'revenue':
accounts = accounts.filter(account_revenue__in: filter['values'])
if filter['name'] == 'some_other_type':
if filter['type'] == 'inclusion':
accounts = accounts.filter(account__some_relation__in: filter['values'])
if filter['type'] == 'exclusion':
accounts = accounts.exclude(account__some_relation__in: filter['values'])
return accounts
For most of these conditions, the possible values of the filters are relatively small and contained, so the IN clauses that Django's ORM generates are performant enough. However there are a few cases where the IN clauses can be much larger (10K - 100K items).
In plain postgres I can make this query much more optimal by using a table value constructor, e.g.:
SELECT domain
FROM accounts
VALUES (''), (''), ...etc 10K more times
) VALS(v) ON accounts.domain=v
With a 30K+ IN clause in the original query it can take 60+ seconds to run, while the table value version of the query takes 1 second, a huge difference.
But I cannot figure out how to get Django ORM to build the query like I want, and because of the way all the other filters are constructed from ORM filters I can't really write the entire thing as raw SQL.
I was thinking I could get the raw SQL that Django's ORM is going to run, regexp parse it, but that seems very brittle (and surprisingly difficult to get the actual SQL that is about to be run, because of parameter handling etc). I don't see how I could annotate with RawSQL since I don't want to add a column to select, but instead want to add a join condition. Is there a simple solution I am missing?

Django model count() with caching

I have an Django application with Apache Prometheus monitoring and model called Sample.
I want to monitor Sample.objects.count() metric
and cache this value for concrete time interval
to avoid costly COUNT(*) queries in database.
From this tutorial
i read that i need to write custom collector.
What is best approach to achieve this?
Is there any way in django to
get Sample.objects.count() cached value and update it after K seconds?
I also use Redis in my application. Should i store this value there?
Should i make separate thread to update Sample.objects.count() cache value?
First thing to note is that you don't really need to cache the result of a count(*) query.
Though different RDBMS handle count operations differently, they are slow across the board for large tables. But one thing they have in common is that there is an alternative to SELECT COUNT(*) provided by the RDBMS which is in fact a cached result. Well sort of.
You haven't mentioned what your RDBMS is so let's see how it is in the popular ones used wtih Django
Provided you have a primary key on your table and you are using MyISAM. SELECT COUNT() is really fast on mysql and scales well. But chances are that you are using Innodb. And that's the right storage engine for various reasons. Innodb is transaction aware and can't handle COUNT() as well as MyISAM and the query slows down as the table grows.
the count query on a table with 2M records took 0.2317 seconds. The following query took 0.0015 seconds
SELECT table_rows FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name='for_count';
but it reported a value of 1997289 instead of 2 million but close enough!
So you don't need your own caching system.
Sqlite COUNT(*) queries aren't really slow but it doesn't scale either. As the table size grows the speed of the count query slows down. Using a table similar to the one used in mysql, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM for_count required 0.042 seconds to complete.
There isn't a short cut. The sqlite_master table does not provide row counts. Neither does pragma table_info
You need your own system to cache the result of SELECT COUNT(*)
Despite being the most feature rich open source RDBMS, postgresql isn't good at handling count(*), it's slow and doesn't scale very well. In other words, no different from the poor relations!
The count query took 0.194 seconds on postgreql. On the other hand the following query took 0.003 seconds.
SELECT reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'for_count'
You don't need your own caching system.
SQL Server
The COUNT query on SQL server took 0.160 seconds on average but it fluctuated rather wildly. For all the databases discussed here the first count(*) query was rather slow but the subsequent queries were faster because the file was cached by the operating system.
I am not an expert on SQL server so before answering this question, I didn't know how to look up the row count using schema info. I found this Q&A helpfull. One of them I tried produced the result in 0.004 seconds
SELECT, s.row_count from sys.tables t
JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats s
ON t.object_id = s.object_id
AND t.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
AND ='for_count'
AND s.index_id = 1
You dont' need your own caching system.
Integrate into Django
As can be seen, all databases considered except sqlite provide a built in 'Cached query count' There isn't a need for us to create one of our own. It's a simple matter of creating a customer manager to make use of this functionality.
class CustomManager(models.Manager):
def quick_count(self):
from django.db import connection
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("""SELECT table_rows FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name='for_count'""")
row = cursor.fetchone()
return row[0]
class Sample(models.Model):
objects = CustomManager()
The above example is for postgresql, but the same thing can be used for mysql or sql server by simply changing the query into one of those listed above.
How to plug this into django prometheus? I leave that as an exercise.
A custom collector that returns the previous value if it's not too old and fetches otherwise would be the way to go. I'd keep it all in-process.
If you're using MySQL you might want to look at the collectors the mysqld_exporter offers as there's some for table size that should be cheaper.

What is the best way to do intense read only queries in Django

We have a really big application in Django which uses Postgres database. We want to build an analytics module.
This module uses a base query e.g.
someFoo = SomeFoo.objects.all() # Around 100000 objects returned.
Then slice and dice this data. i.e.
someFoo.objects.filter(Q(creator=owner) | Q(moderated=False))
These queries will be very intense and as this will be an analytics and reporting dashboard the quires will hit the database very badly.
What is the best way to handle complex queries in such conditions ? i.e. when you have a base query and it will be sliced and diced very often in a span of short time and never be used again.
A few possible solutions that we have though of are
A read only database and a write only database.
Writing Raw sql queries and using them. As django ORM can be quite inefficient for certain types of queries.
Caching heavily (Have not though or done any research in this.)
Edit : E.g. query
select sport."sportName",,, analytics_query.loc_id, "new count"
from "SomeFoo_sportpop" as sportpop join "SomeFoo_pop" as pop on ( join "SomeFoo_sport" as sport on ( join
(select ref.catcher_pop_id as loc_id,
(select count(*) from "SomeFoo_pref" where catcher_pop_id=ref.catcher_pop_id and status='pending' and exists=True) as "new count"
from "SomeFoo_pref" as ref
where ref.exists=TRUE and ref.catcher_pop_id is not NULL
group by ref.catcher_pop_id) as analytics_query on (sportpop.pop_id=analytics_query.loc_id)
order by sport."sportName", asc
This is an example of a raw sql query we are planning to make and its going to have a lot of where statements and groupby. Basically we are going to slice and dice the base query a lot.
Is there any other possible solution or method that you can point us to. Any help is highly appreciated.
I can think to PREPARED STATMENT and a faster server, may be on linux...