Windows Event Hooks for File Saved - c++

Every time I save a certain script file I'm working on in NotePad++, I am required to upload the changes to our server so that we can deploy the changes to various machines.
I sometimes forget to upload the changes after refactoring my code in NotePad++ and I was wondering if there was a way for me to create a simple application that would listen for a 'Save' event and automatically upload the file for me.
I am currently running on a Windows OS and was hoping to do this using C++. I'd like to explore Windows Events and possibly tie into an event hook to accomplish this. Any other languages would be welcome as well.
Any ideas or tips?
Here is my code thus far following Josh's recommendations below:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
void RefreshDirectory(LPTSTR);
void WatchDirectory(LPTSTR);
void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
_tprintf(TEXT("Usage: %s <dir>\n"), argv[0]);
void WatchDirectory(LPTSTR lpDir)
DWORD dwWaitStatus;
HANDLE dwChangeHandles[2];
TCHAR lpDrive[4];
_tsplitpath_s(lpDir, lpDrive, 4, NULL, 0, lpFile, _MAX_FNAME, lpExt, _MAX_EXT);
lpDrive[2] = (TCHAR)'\\';
lpDrive[3] = (TCHAR)'\0';
// Watch the directory for file creation and deletion.
dwChangeHandles[0] = FindFirstChangeNotification(
lpDir, // directory to watch
FALSE, // do not watch subtree
FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE); // watch file name changes
if (dwChangeHandles[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printf("\n ERROR: FindFirstChangeNotification function failed.\n");
// Make a final validation check on our handles.
if ((dwChangeHandles[0] == NULL))
printf("\n ERROR: Unexpected NULL from FindFirstChangeNotification.\n");
// Change notification is set. Now wait on both notification
// handles and refresh accordingly.
while (TRUE)
// Wait for notification.
printf("\nWaiting for notification...\n");
// Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state or
// the time-out interval elapses.
// Because our second parameter is set to INFINITE, the function will
// return only when the object is signaled.
dwWaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(dwChangeHandles, INFINITE);
switch (dwWaitStatus)
// Our return value, WAIT_OBJECT_0 signifies that the first object
// signaled the event.
// A file was created, renamed, or deleted in the directory.
// Refresh this directory and restart the notification.
if (FindNextChangeNotification(dwChangeHandles[0]) == FALSE)
printf("\n ERROR: FindNextChangeNotification function failed.\n");
// A timeout occurred, this would happen if some value other
// than INFINITE is used in the Wait call and no changes occur.
// In a single-threaded environment you might not want an
// INFINITE wait.
printf("\nNo changes in the timeout period.\n");
printf("\n ERROR: Unhandled dwWaitStatus.\n");
void RefreshDirectory(LPTSTR lpDir)
// This is where you might place code to refresh your
// directory listing, but not the subtree because it
// would not be necessary.
_tprintf(TEXT("Directory (%s) changed.\n"), lpDir);

You can monitor the filesystem for changes using FindFirstChangeNotification. When you call this function, you get a HANDLE back. You can wait on that handle using WaitSingleObject (or similar). When the wait returns, you can use ReadDirectoryChanges to figure out exactly what happened. If whatever happens matches some event or change you care about for your file, you can take the appropriate action... otherwise ignore the event.
Because you'll be waiting (and thus blocking the thread), you may want to perform this work on a worker thread if you want your program in question to be doing anything else.
A simple way to start might be to listen for events with the FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE filter; this will release your wait when files in the monitored directory are written to.
Note that not all programs save files in the same way; some open the existing file and write to it, others delete it and replace, or some combination thereof (first writing to a temporary file, then swapping it with the original). Consequently it may not be as straightforward as waiting for just last-write notifications to accomplish precisely what you're after.

Think about writing a NP++ plugin instead.
You can register your plugin to be notified whenever a file is saved or about to be saved using NPPN_FILESAVED or NPPN_FILEBEFORESAVE.
Please look at this link:


Replacing vector with array or static vector for a better approach

My application runs particular number of processes(different executables) using createprocess(windows api) in parallel(using threads). User can refresh / close my application at any time. As of now, I am pushing the process handles into vector and whenever close request received, I am iterating the vector and terminating(using GetExitCodeProcess and TerminateProcess APIs) and closing(using CloseHandle API) the process handles. Also I am closing the handle of the process when it is completed. The problem with current model is, whenever process completed handle will be closed and when close request received again I will try to close it using vector(handle is not updated). To solve this, I have to update/remove the handle in/from the vector. To do this, need to maintain index.
Since I know the number of process, I want to create a static vector and update it rather than pushing a local object to a vector. Can someone suggest a best approach.
Below is the sample code.
//member object
std::vector<PROCESS_INFORMATION> mProcessHandles;
//this is a thread and will be called multiple times with different executable names in the application
void method(std::string executable)
STARTUPINFO startInfo{};
bool ret = CreateProcess(NULL, executable, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &startInfo, &procInfo);
WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
procInfo.hProcess = NULL;
procInfo.hThread = NULL;
//this will be called when application close requested
void forceKill()
for (auto &processHandlesIt : mProcessHandles)
DWORD errorcode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(processHandlesIt.hProcess, &errorcode);
if (errorcode == STILL_ACTIVE)
TerminateProcess(processHandlesIt.hProcess, errorcode);
processHandlesIt.hProcess = NULL;
processHandlesIt.hThread = NULL;
You should not use handles (in GetExitCodeProcess for example) after they are closed.
I would simply not close those process handles in the threads, and just leave them for the forceKill or other clean-up function to close.
Also, since you are not using procInfo.hThread, you could close it right after CreateProcess returns.
I guess you are not using any other members of the procInfo, so you could only store the process' handles in your vector.

How to combine RegisterDragDrop, RoInitialize to work together in one thread?

I have a dilemma. My GUI-based C++ app requires to implement drag-and-drop functionality. At the same time, I'm converting this Win32 app to UWP to submit to Windows Store. But there's one issue:
To implement drag-and-drop I need to call these two methods:
HRESULT hr = RegisterDragDrop(hMainWnd, pDropTarget);
and to init WinRT stuff to work with Windows Store, I need to call:
Unfortunately OleInitialize initialized COM as single-thread apartment and RoInitialize requires multi-threaded model, while RegisterDragDrop cannot function without calling OleInitialize.
Any idea how to resolve it? (apart from moving RoInitialize and all WinRT code into a worker thread, that will complicate things.)
Raymond Chen in his usual condescending way is pretty good at criticizing things but offers no fix to an existing problem. I'm posting this mostly for later self-reference and in case someone else stumbles upon the same issue as well. I just spent several days trying to resolve this bug, so maybe it will save time for someone else.
First off, this is a native Win32 code (no .NET or C++/CX.) It is C++ with a sprinkle of WRL for easier handling of WinRT/COM stuff.
In my case I have a Win32 GUI app that implements drag-and-drop of files into its main window. So to init it, one needs to do this from the main thread, right when the app starts:
HRESULT hr = RegisterDragDrop(hMainWnd, pDropTarget);
The OleInitialize call above will initialize COM for the main thread to use single-thread apartment, which is required for RegisterDragDrop to succeed. Without it, the drag-and-drop function will not work.
Then, say you decide to convert this Win32 app to UWP using Microsoft's Project Centennial converter for inclusion into Windows 10 store.
When the app is converted and listed in the store under their trial-license scheme, you will employ the following logic to check if the user has a trial or an activated (i.e. purchased) copy of the app. You'll begin it as such:
//Init COM for WinRT
ComPtr<IStoreContextStatics> pStoreContextStatics;
&pStoreContextStatics)) &&
//Get store context for the app
ComPtr<IStoreContext> pStoreContext;
if(SUCCEEDED(pStoreContextStatics->GetDefault(&pStoreContext)) &&
//Got store context
and then if you need to know trial vs. activated status of the app, using this logic, you'd call:
ComPtr<IAsyncOperation<StoreAppLicense*>> p_opAppLic;
if(SUCCEEDED(pStoreContext->GetAppLicenseAsync(p_opAppLic)) &&
ComPtr<IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<StoreAppLicense*>> p_onAppLicCallback =
Callback<Implements<RuntimeClassFlags<ClassicCom>, IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<StoreAppLicense*>, FtmBase>>(
[](IAsyncOperation<StoreAppLicense*>* pOp, AsyncStatus status)
if (status == AsyncStatus::Completed)
ComPtr<IStoreAppLicense> pAppLicResult;
if(SUCCEEDED(pOp->GetResults(&pAppLicResult)) &&
BYTE nActive = -1;
BYTE nTrial = -1;
//Get app's store ID with SKU
HString strStoreId;
if(nActive == 1 &&
nTrial == 0)
//Activated, or purchased copy
else if(nActive == 1 &&
nTrial == 1)
//Trial copy
//Error -- store returned some gibberish
return S_OK;
//Success initiating async call
So, if you do all this, your UWP-converted app will behave in a very strange way. Here's an example. Say a user purchases a license for the app thru Windows Store. In turn your app logic calls the code above to see if the app is activated, but what you get back is nActive=0 and nTrial=1. Then if you check strStoreId it will be your app store ID but without the SKU. WTF!?
I know, it's really confusing. As an aside, let me explain. When you first list your app in a Windows Store it will be assigned a Store ID. Something like: ABCDEFG12345. Then if you submit any follow-up update(s) to the first version of the same app, they will add a SKU number to it, that will make the whole app ID change to ABCDEFG12345/0010, then ABCDEFG12345/0011 for the next update, and so on.
Well, the WinRT code above would return my app store ID as ABCDEFG12345 without any SKU attached to it. Which was wrong, since it was a third or so update to the first version of the app. And thus any additional attributes for that app store ID were also wrong.
So that was the issue that I was faced with...
All the headache that I described above was caused by my omission to check the result code returned from the first RoInitialize call. I would be able to catch the problem much faster if I did this:
//Init COM for WinRT
//WinRT COM initialization failed
//Go scratch your head why....
In this case RoInitialize will fail with error code RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE. The documentation for it is as helpful as Windows Help (F1) option:
A previous call to RoInitialize specified the concurrency model for
this thread as multithread apartment (MTA). This could also indicate
that a change from neutral-threaded apartment to single-threaded
apartment has occurred.
What previous call? The only parameter anyone can call it with is RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED.
So I started digging deeper and by the process of elimination found that the OleInitialize call earlier was the reason why RoInitialize failed and caused the cascade of events that I described above.
Thus I was at the point of asking the question here.
Note on the side, that the bug ridden WinRT library (ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5) gave me no indications of a problem in all the calls following RoInitialize and somewhere internally silently failed to retrieve the app's SKU because of a single-thread apartment COM initialization.
As was suggested by RbMm in the comments above, doing the following will work, but is a totally undocumented behavior:
So if you don't want your app to start crashing for no apparent reason, I would not use it.
My solution that I went with was to move all the WinRT COM stuff (code I listed above: 2nd and 3rd code segments) into a separate worker thread. It will work fine from there. The issue is marshalling calls between your main thread and this worker thread. It is doable, but requires some work, i.e. using mutexes and events for synchronized access, etc.
So if anyone finds an easier fix for this, please post your solution. I'll mark it as the answer.
solution to the IDsObjPicker crashes I mentioned in the comment ealier, quick code I wrote just now.
Use code below as:
TDsObjPicker lv_PickInfo;
memset(&lv_PickInfo, 0, sizeof(TDsObjPicker));
Sec_InitDsObjPicker(&lv_PickInfo, &lv_InitInfo);
Sec_InvokeDsObjPicker(&lv_PickInfo, 0, &lv_oData);
Solution is to run the dialog in another thread and init the thread without the Ole+Com combination:
// command codes
// parameters of object picker via thread
typedef struct tagDsObjPicker
// thread handle
HANDLE hThread;
// events
// commands
UINT CmdCode;
HRESULT hResult;
// command parameters - DSOPCMD_INITIALIZE
// command parameters - DSOPCMD_INVOKE
HWND hWnd;
IDataObject **oData;
} TDsObjPicker;
DWORD CALLBACK _Sec_DsObjPickerThread(VOID *in_Param)
/* locals */
HRESULT lv_hCreateResult;
HRESULT lv_hResult;
TDsObjPicker *lv_PickInfo;
IDsObjectPicker *lv_oPicker;
// get info structure
lv_PickInfo = (TDsObjPicker*)in_Param;
// init COM
// preclear object pointer
lv_oPicker = NULL;
// create instance of picker
lv_hCreateResult = CoCreateInstance(
IID_IDsObjectPicker, (VOID**)&lv_oPicker);
// while thread is not aborted
while (lv_PickInfo->CmdCode != DSOPCMD_EXITTHREAD)
// wait for command event
if (WaitForSingleObject(lv_PickInfo->hCmdEvt, INFINITE) == 0)
// what command?
switch (lv_PickInfo->CmdCode)
// call init
// call object
if (lv_hCreateResult)
lv_hResult = lv_hCreateResult;
lv_hResult = lv_oPicker->Initialize(lv_PickInfo->InitInfo);
// done
// call invoke
// call object
if (lv_hCreateResult)
lv_hResult = lv_hCreateResult;
lv_hResult = lv_oPicker->InvokeDialog(lv_PickInfo->hWnd, lv_PickInfo->oData);
// done
// other command codes
lv_hResult = E_FAIL;
// store result
lv_PickInfo->hResult = lv_hResult;
// notify caller
// destroy the picker object
if (lv_oPicker)
// cleanup COM
// leave the thread
return 0;
VOID Sec_DoneDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo)
// is thread created?
if (in_PickInfo->hThread)
// set command code
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_EXITTHREAD;
// trigger the thread to process the code
// wait for thread to finish
WaitForSingleObject(in_PickInfo->hThread, INFINITE);
// close thread handle
// close event handles
if (in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt) CloseHandle(in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt);
if (in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt) CloseHandle(in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt);
// clear
memset(in_PickInfo, 0, sizeof(TDsObjPicker));
HRESULT Sec_InitDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo, DSOP_INIT_INFO *in_InitInfo)
/* locals */
// thread not yet created?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
// create events
in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt = CreateEvent(0,0,0,0);
in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt = CreateEvent(0,0,0,0);
// if ok
if (in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt && in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt)
// create the thread
in_PickInfo->hThread = CreateThread(
0, 0, _Sec_DsObjPickerThread, in_PickInfo, 0, &lv_TID);
// failed?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
// cleanup
// return with error
// store parameter
in_PickInfo->InitInfo = in_InitInfo;
// set command code
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_INITIALIZE;
// trigger the thread to process the code
// wait for result
WaitForSingleObject(in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt, INFINITE);
// return the result
return in_PickInfo->hResult;
HRESULT Sec_InvokeDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo, HWND in_hWnd, IDataObject **out_oData)
/* locals */
MSG lv_Msg;
// thread not yet created?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
return E_FAIL;
// store parameters
in_PickInfo->hWnd = in_hWnd;
in_PickInfo->oData = out_oData;
// set command
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_INVOKE;
// trigger the thread
// process messages of this thread while picker runs in other thread until event
while (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt, 0, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) != 0)
// get next message
while (PeekMessage(&lv_Msg, 0,0,0, PM_REMOVE))
// translate/dispatch the message
// return the result
return in_PickInfo->hResult;
You asked why calling OleInitialize() first, followed by CoUnintialize and then reinit COM via CoInitializeEx works and is safe, look at the code of the rewritten OLE server in WINE, it comes pretty close to the "real thing". The OleInitialize calls CoInitializeEx itself with COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED and fails before doing the OLE-specific initializations upon a fail of CoInitializeEx. There is no reason to fail as the OLE code can run as well in MULTITHREADED mode. Remember MULTITHREADED means the caller must take care of synchronisation/locking while with APARTMENTTHREADED the COM libray will handle it for the code. So if you make sure you do not call the OLE code like dragdrop and clipboard at the same time from multiple threads then there is no problem. Keeping all UI in the main thread will do that. As you should already write multithreaded-aware code yourself using the requested MULTITHREADED mode.
I have the problem with directshow filters/drivers which lock the process when COM is initialized with APARTMENTTHREADED even when directshow is called from a thread with THREADED while the main UI thread runs in APARTMENTTHREADED.
Uninitializing COM after initializing OLE, then re-inititializing COM with MULTITHREAED during startup in the main UI thread makes you bypass the failure in OleInitialize. It is the best solution to make sure all runs well.

How should I read the filename in FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION struct

I'm trying to monitor file changes but I am not really sure on how to read the filename in the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION struct:
HANDLE dwChangeHandles[2];
DWORD dwWaitStatus;
wChangeHandles[0] = FindFirstChangeNotification(dirname.c_str(), FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE);
if (dwChangeHandles[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) printerr(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FindFirstChangeNotification function failed.\n");
if ((dwChangeHandles[0] == NULL) || (dwChangeHandles[1] == NULL)) //final validation
printerr(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Unexpected NULL from FindFirstChangeNotification.\n");
while (TRUE) {
std::cout << "Waiting for notification...\n";
dwWaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, dwChangeHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
std::cout << "Something changed\n";
DWORD BytesReturned;
size_t bufLen = 1024;
if (ReadDirectoryChangesW(dwChangeHandles[0], buffer, bufLen, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, &BytesReturned, NULL, NULL)){
std::wcout << std::wstring(buffer->FileName)<< std::endl; //THERE IS NOTHING IN THE EXPECTED OUTPUT HERE
if (FindNextChangeNotification(dwChangeHandles[0]) == FALSE ) printerr(__FILE__,__LINE__,"FindNextChangeNotification function failed.\n");
else if(dwWaitStatus==WAIT_TIMEOUT) printerr(__FILE__,__LINE__,"No changes in the timeout period.\n");
else printerr(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Unhandled dwWaitStatus.\n");
Is there something I am doing wrong
You have a number of problems that I can see immediately:
According to the docs for the ReadDirectoryChangesW function, the buffer needs to be DWORD-aligned. As you are using a buffer on the stack this isn't guaranteed - you should allocate one from the heap instead.
You don't seem to be using the function correctly. Normally you would call ReadDirectoryChangesW first, and then wait on the event. Not the other way around. When ReadDirectoryChangesW returns for an asynchronous call there is usually no data in the buffer at that point. You need to wait for notification that the request has been completed before using the buffer contents.
FindNextChangeNotification is only used with FindFirstChangeNotification, so this is completely wrong. When the ReadDirectoryChangesW completes you need to use the NextEntryOffset field in the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure to loop through the returned events.
Edit: Since you've added more code to your question it's now obvious that you are mixing the two APIs. FindFirstChangeNotification and FindNextChangeNotification are one API, and ReadDirectoryChangesW is another. I believe you've been confused by this passage in the docs:
This function does not indicate the change that satisfied the wait
condition. To retrieve information about the specific change as part
of the notification, use the ReadDirectoryChangesW function.
I guess your confusion is understandable, but the two APIs can't be used together. If you're using FindFirstChangeNotification then all you get is a notification that something changed, and you have to re-read the directory to find out what it was. If you want specific notifications at the file level then you have to use ReadDirectoryChangesW to do the monitoring.

Close handle to a mutex in another process

I want to close a handle to a mutex located in another process, so I can run more than one instance of the application.
I already know this can be done, see Process Explorer. Example: Windows Minesweeper (Windows 7) uses a mutex to only allow one game, so I thought I would use it as an example since it's pre-installed with Windows and therefore easier for you guys to guide me.
The mutex that I need to close is \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton, which I found using Process Explorer.
After closing this mutex I was able to launch two games of Minesweeper, but I want to do this in my program using C++.
After some searching I have found that I might need the API DuplicateHandle. So far I haven't been able to close the handle on this mutex.
Here is my code so far:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printerror(LPSTR location){
printf("Error: %s_%d", location, GetLastError());
int main(){
DWORD pid = 0;
HWND hMineWnd = FindWindow("Minesweeper", "Minesveiper");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hMineWnd, &pid);
HANDLE hProc =OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, 0, pid);
if(hProc == NULL){
return 1;
HANDLE hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, "Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton");
if(hMutex == NULL){
return 2;
if(DuplicateHandle(hProc, hMutex, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE) == 0){
return 3;
if(CloseHandle(hMutex) == 0){
return 4;
return 0;
This code returns 0, but the mutex is still there, and I am not able to launch more games of Minesweeper. I think some of my parameters to DuplicateHandle are wrong.
The second argument to DuplicateHandle expects "an open object handle that is valid in the context of the source process", however I believe the handle you're passing in would only be valid within the current process (OpenMutex creates a new handle to an existing mutex object). You'll likely need to determine what the mutex's handle is in the remote process, and use that value when calling DuplicateHandle.

How to handle execvp(...) errors after fork()?

I do the regular thing:
execvp(cmd, ) in child
If execvp fails because no cmd is found, how can I notice this error in parent process?
The well-known self-pipe trick can be adapted for this purpose.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int pipefds[2];
int count, err;
pid_t child;
if (pipe(pipefds)) {
return EX_OSERR;
if (fcntl(pipefds[1], F_SETFD, fcntl(pipefds[1], F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC)) {
return EX_OSERR;
switch (child = fork()) {
case -1:
return EX_OSERR;
case 0:
execvp(argv[1], argv + 1);
write(pipefds[1], &errno, sizeof(int));
while ((count = read(pipefds[0], &err, sizeof(errno))) == -1)
if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) break;
if (count) {
fprintf(stderr, "child's execvp: %s\n", strerror(err));
puts("waiting for child...");
while (waitpid(child, &err, 0) == -1)
if (errno != EINTR) {
if (WIFEXITED(err))
printf("child exited with %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(err));
else if (WIFSIGNALED(err))
printf("child killed by %d\n", WTERMSIG(err));
return err;
Here's a complete program.
$ ./a.out foo
child's execvp: No such file or directory
$ (sleep 1 && killall -QUIT sleep &); ./a.out sleep 60
waiting for child...
child killed by 3
$ ./a.out true
waiting for child...
child exited with 0
How this works:
Create a pipe, and make the write endpoint CLOEXEC: it auto-closes when an exec is successfully performed.
In the child, try to exec. If it succeeds, we no longer have control, but the pipe is closed. If it fails, write the failure code to the pipe and exit.
In the parent, try to read from the other pipe endpoint. If read returns zero, then the pipe was closed and the child must have exec successfully. If read returns data, it's the failure code that our child wrote.
You terminate the child (by calling _exit()) and then the parent can notice this (through e.g. waitpid()). For instance, your child could exit with an exit status of -1 to indicate failure to exec. One caveat with this is that it is impossible to tell from your parent whether the child in its original state (i.e. before exec) returned -1 or if it was the newly executed process.
As suggested in the comments below, using an "unusual" return code would be appropriate to make it easier to distinguish between your specific error and one from the exec()'ed program. Common ones are 1, 2, 3 etc. while higher numbers 99, 100, etc. are more unusual. You should keep your numbers below 255 (unsigned) or 127 (signed) to increase portability.
Since waitpid blocks your application (or rather, the thread calling it) you will either need to put it on a background thread or use the signalling mechanism in POSIX to get information about child process termination. See the SIGCHLD signal and the sigaction function to hook up a listener.
You could also do some error checking before forking, such as making sure the executable exists.
If you use something like Glib, there are utility functions to do this, and they come with pretty good error reporting. Take a look at the "spawning processes" section of the manual.
1) Use _exit() not exit() - see - NB: applies to fork() as well as vfork().
2) The problem with doing more complicated IPC than the exit status, is that you have a shared memory map, and it's possible to get some nasty state if you do anything too complicated - e.g. in multithreaded code, one of the killed threads (in the child) could have been holding a lock.
Not should you wonder how you can notice it in parent process, but also you should keep in mind that you must notice the error in parent process. That's especially true for multithreaded applications.
After execvp you must place a call to function that terminates the process in any case. You should not call any complex functions that interact with C library (such as stdio), since effects of them may mingle with pthreads of libc functionality of parent process. So you can't print a message with printf() in child process and have to inform parent about the error instead.
The easiest way, among the other, is passing return code. Supply nonzero argument to _exit() function (see note below) you used to terminate the child and then examine the return code in the parent. Here's the example:
int pid, stat;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0){
// Child process
if (errno == ENOENT)
if (!WIFEXITED(stat)) { // Error happened
Instead of _exit(), you might think of exit() function, but it's incorrect, since this function will do a part of the C-library cleanup that should be done only when parent process terminates. Instead, use _exit() function, that doesn't do such a cleanup.
Well, you could use the wait/waitpid functions in the parent process. You can specify a status variable that holds info about the status of the process that terminated. The downside is that the parent process is blocked until the child process finishes execution.
Anytime exec fails in a subprocess, you should use kill(getpid(),SIGKILL) and the parent should always have a signal handler for SIGCLD and tell the user of the program, in the appropriate way, that the process was not successfully started.