s3 vs dynamoDB for gps data - amazon-web-services

I have the following situation that I try to find the best solution for.
A device writes its GPS coordinates every second to a csv file and uploads the file every x minutes to s3 before starting a new csv.
Later I want to be able to get the GPS data for a specific time period e.g 2016-11-11 8am until 2016-11-11 2pm
Here are two solutions that I am currently considering:
Use a lambda function to automatically save the csv data to a dynamoDB record
Only save the metadata (csv gps timestamp-start, timestamp-end, s3Filename) in dynamoDB and then request the files directly from s3.
However both solutions seem to have a major drawback:
The gps data uses about 40 bytes per record (second). So if I use 10min chunks this will result in a 24 kB file. dynamoDB charges write capacities by item size (1 write capacity unit = 1 kB). So this would require 24 units for a single write. Reads (4kB/unit) are even worse since a user may request timeframes greater than 10 min. So for a request covering e.g. 6 hours (=864kB) it would require a read capacity of 216. This will just be too expensive considering multiple users.
When I read directly from S3 I face the browser limiting the number of concurrent requests. The 6 hour timespan for instance would cover 36 files. This might still be acceptable, considering a connection limit of 6. But a request for 24 hours (=144 files) would just take too long.
Any idea how to solve the problem?
best regards, Chris

You can avoid using DynamoDB altogether if the S3 keys contain the date in a reasonable format (e.g. ISO: deviceid_2016-11-27T160732). This allows you to find the correct files by listing the object keys: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ListingKeysUsingAPIs.html.
(If you can not control the naming, you could use a Lambda function to rename the files.)
Number of requests is an issue, but you could try to put a CloudFront distribution in front of it and utilize HTTP/2, which allows the browser to request multiple files over the same connection.

Have you considered using AWS Firehose? Your data will be periodically shovelled into Redshift which is like Postgres. You just pump a JSON formatted or a | delimited record into an AWS Firehose end-point and the rest is magic by the little AWS elves.


Fastest way to get exact count of rows for a 100GB CSV file stored on S3

What is the fastest way of getting an exact count of rows for a 100GB CSV file stored on Amazon S3 without using Athena nor any Fargate or EC2 VM? I can't use Athena, because the CSV file isn't clean-enough for it. I can't use Fargates or EC2 VMs, because I need a purely serverless solution. I can't use third-party services like Snowflake (native AWS services only).
Also, 100GB is too large to fit within a Lambda Function's /tmp (limited to 10GB). I could try to run something like DuckDB (or any other streaming database engine) on a Lambda and scan the entire file with a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "s3://myBucket/myFile.csv" query, but the Lambda is quite likely to timeout, because its read bandwidth from S3 is 100MB/s at best, and it cannot run for more than 15 minutes (900s).
I know the approximate size of the file.
Note: I have an inaccurate estimate of the number of rows provided by AWS Glue Data Catalog's crawler, with an error margin of -50%/+100%. This could be used for some kind of iterative or dichotomous process, but I could not figure any out. For example, I tried adding an OFFSET with a value lower than but close to the number of rows to the aforementioned query, but the Lambda running DuckDB timed out. That was disappointing and somewhat surprising, because a query like SELECT * FROM "s3://myBucket/myFile.csv" LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10000000 worked well.
The fastest solution is probably to use SelectObjectContent with ScanRange to parallelize the request on chunks of 50MB or so.
Have you tried "AWS S3 select":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/s3-glacier-select-sql-reference-select.html. It lets you run queries on S3 files. I use the service to get basic insight into any file on S3(Provided it can be queried).

Storing many small files (on S3)?

I have 2 million zipped HTML files (100-150KB) being added each day that I need to store for a long time.
Hot data (70-150 million) is accessed semi regularly, anything older than that is barely ever accessed.
This means each day I'm storing an additional 200-300GB worth of files.
Now, Standard storage costs $0.023 per GB and $0.004 for Glacier.
While Glacier is cheap, the problem with it is that it has additional costs, so it would be a bad idea to dump 2 million files into Glacier:
PUT requests to Glacier $0.05 per 1,000 requests
Lifecycle Transition Requests into Glacier $0.05 per 1,000 requests
Is there a way of gluing the files together, but keeping them accessible individually?
An important point, that if you need to provide quick access to these files, then Glacier can give you access to the file in up to 12 hours. So the best you can do is to use S3 Standard – Infrequent Access (0,0125 USD per GB with millisecond access) instead of S3 Standard. And maybe for some really not using data Glacier. But it still depends on how fast do you need that data.
Having that I'd suggest following:
as html (text) files have a good level of compression, you can compress historical data in big zip files (daily, weekly or monthly) as together they can have even better compression;
make some index file or database to know where each html-file is stored;
read only desired html-files from archives without unpacking whole zip-file. See example in python how to implement that.
Glacier would be extremely cost sensitive when it comes to the number of files. The best method would be to create a Lambda function that handles zip, unzip operations for you.
Consider this approach:
Lambda creates archive_date_hour.zip of the 2 Million files from that day by hour, this solves the "per object" cost problem by creating 24 giant archival files.
Set a policy on the s3 bucket to move expired objects to glacier over 1 day old.
Use an unzipping Lambda function to fetch and extract potential hot items from the glacier bucket from within the zip files.
Keep the main s3 bucket for hot files with high frequent access, as a working directory for the zip/unzip operations, and for collecting new files daily
Your files are just too small. You will need to combine them probably in an ETL pipeline such as glue. You can also use the Range header i.e. -range bytes=1000-2000 to download part of an object on S3.
If you do that you'll need to figure out the best way to track the bytes ranges, such as after combining the files recording the range for each one, and changing the clients to use the range as well.
The right approach though depends on how this data is accessed and figuring out the patterns. If somebody who looks at TinyFileA also looks at TinyFileB you could combine them together and just send them both along with other files they are likely to use. I would be figuring out logical groupings of files which make sense to consumers and will reduce the number of requests they need, without sending too much irrelevant data.

Doubts using Amazon S3 monthly calculator

I'm using Amazon S3 to store videos and some audios (average size of 25 mb each) and users of my web and android app (so far) can access them with no problem but I want to know how much I'll pay later exceeding the free stage of S3 so I checked the S3 monthly calculator.
I saw that there is 5 fields:
Storage: I put 3 gb cause right now there are 130 files (videos and audios)
PUT/COPY/POST/LIST Requests: I put 15 cause I'll upload manually around 10-15 files each month
GET/SELECT and Other Requests: I put 10000 cause a projection tells me that the users will watch/listen those files around 10000 times monthly
Data Returned by S3 Select: I put 250 Gb (10000 x 25 mb)
Data Scanned by S3 Select: I don't know what to put cause I don't need that amazon scans or analyze those files.
Am I using that calculator in a proper way?
What do I need to put in "Data Scanned by S3 Select"?
Can I put only zero?
For audio and video, you can definitely specify 0 for S3 Select -- both data scanned and data returned.
S3 Select is an optional feature that only works with certain types of text files -- like CSV and JSON -- where you make specific requests for S3 to scan through the files and return matching values, rather than you downloading the entire file and filtering it yourself.
This would not be used with audio or video files.
Also, don't overlook "Data transfer out." In addition to the "get" requests, you're billed for bandwidth when files are downloaded, so this needs to show the total size of all the downloads. This line item is data downloaded from S3 via the Internet.

"Realtime" syncing of large numbers of log files to S3

I have a large number of logfiles from a service that I need to regularly run analysis on via EMR/Hive. There are thousands of new files per day, and they can technically come out of order relative to the file name (e.g. a batch of files comes a week after the date in the file name).
I did an initial load of the files via Snowball, then set up a script that syncs the entire directory tree once per day using the 'aws s3 sync' cli command. This is good enough for now, but I will need a more realtime solution in the near future. The issue with this approach is that it takes a very long time, on the order of 30 minutes per day. And using a ton of bandwidth all at once! I assume this is because it needs to scan the entire directory tree to determine what files are new, then sends them all at once.
A realtime solution would be beneficial in 2 ways. One, I can get the analysis I need without waiting up to a day. Two, the network use would be lower and more spread out, instead of spiking once a day.
It's clear that 'aws s3 sync' isn't the right tool here. Has anyone dealt with a similar situation?
One potential solution could be:
Set up a service on the log-file side that continuously syncs (or aws s3 cp) new files based on the modified date. But wouldn't that need to scan the whole directory tree on the log server as well?
For reference, the log-file directory structure is like:
There is also a /var/log/files/processing/ directory for files being written to.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
You could have a Lambda function triggered automatically as a new object is saved on your S3 bucket. Check Using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3 for details. The event passed to the Lambda function will contain the file name, allowing you to target only the new files in the syncing process.
If you'd like wait until you have, say 1,000 files, in order to sync in batch, you could use AWS SQS and the following workflow (using 2 Lambda functions, 1 CloudWatch rule and 1 SQS queue):
S3 invokes Lambda whenever there's a new file to sync
Lambda stores the filename in SQS
CloudWatch triggers another Lambda function every X minutes/hours to check how many files are there in SQS for syncing. Once there's 1,000 or more, it retrieves those filenames and run the syncing process.
Keep in mind that Lambda has a hard timeout of 5 minutes. If you sync job takes too long, you'll need to break it in smaller chunks.
You could set the bucket up to log HTTP requests to a separate bucket, then parse the log to look for newly created files and their paths. One troublespot, as well as PUT requests, you have to look for the multipart upload ops which are a sequence of POSTs. Best to log for a few days to see what gets created before putting any effort in to this approach

Maximum no.of connections that can be held by s3

I am learning about Amazon Web services. I just want to know what is the maximum number of connections(roughly) that can be held by Amazon S3 simultaneously without crashing...
Theoretically this is infinite. To achieve this, they use a partitioning scheme they explain here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/request-rate-perf-considerations.html
Basically they partition your buckets on different servers based on the first few characters of the filename. If those are random, you scale indefinitely (they just take more characters to partition on). If you prepend all files with file_ or something (so S3 cannot partition the files correctly because all files have the same starting characters), the limit is about 300 GET / sec or 100 PUT/DELETE/POST per second.
See that page for an in-depth explanation.
Given the AWS documentation you will receive HTTP 503 Slow Down over 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second.
The limit has been increased in July 2018.
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