Are synchronization and race condition concepts only for shared-memory model?
In distributed memory model, when the processes communicate by ways other than shared memory, do synchronization and race condition still apply?
Race conditions still happen in distributed systems.
According to Wikipedia, "The advantage of distributed memory is that it excludes race conditions, [...]". I do not agree with this statement as it stands. Here's my reasoning why:
If you're not communicating between processes, this is a trivial problem in both models; simply don't touch each others resources.
If you don't have an asynchronous network, your performance is going to suffer by a lot, so pretty much all cpu's are using asynchronous networks internally and externally.
If you're communicating asynchronously in some way between the processes, be it shared memory, message passing or what have you, there are going to be systems where race conditions can happen.
Consider A sending "let x = 4" to B.
Concurrently, C sends "let x = 5" to B.
Does x equal 4 or 5 after both messages are processed?
Even though you'll never have a race at the memory level, i.e. threads overwriting messages of each other or similar horrible things that can happen with shared memory, the application can still suffer from race conditions at a higher abstraction layer.
I want to use a simple thread-safe std::queue in my program that has multiple threads accessing the same queue. The first thing that came to my mind is protecting the queue operation using mutex as below:
val = queue.front
/*some operation*/
I've seen many robust implementations using condition variables for thread-safe queue implementation For e.g. . Will there be a significant difference in the performance if I only have two threads accessing the same queue?
Mutexes and condition variables do two different things, although they are often used together.
To ensure that only one thread can access a resource at a time, use a mutex. The code you posted shows an example of this.
To block a worker thread until there is something for it to do, have it wait on a condition variable (which is then signalled by another thread providing some kind of work item). There is an example of this over at cppreference.
Your first thought when writing multi-threaded code should be to write robust, safe code. It's very easy to make mistakes, especially if you're new to the area, and bugs are very hard to diagnose since they lead to sporadic, unpredictable errors. Worry about performance later.
Your application will be limited by one main thing. We call this the bottleneck. In my experience, 90% of the applications I've seen were limited by the bus bandwidth, transferring memory to/from main memory/CPU.
Different apps will have different bottleneck. It could be GPU performance, or disk access. It could be raw CPU power or maybe, contention accessing the queue above.
Very likely, the mutex will be just as good as the fancy lock-free queue. But you don't know until you profile.
It might very well happen that your application is strictly limited by the access to this queue. For example, if your app is a low-latency market data exchange for a financial institution and the queue is holding the buy/sell directives, then it will make a difference. The two threads could be constantly writing to different locations on a queue that has a couple hundred items (so, on different memory pages).
Or it might be that your application is always waiting on the GPU to render frames and the queue holds the player weapon changes that rendering and gameplay threads access just a couple times per frame.
Profile and check.
I have seen people/articles/SO posts who say they have designed their own "lock-free" container for multithreaded usage. Assuming they haven't used a performance-hitting modulus trick (i.e. each thread can only insert based upon some modulo) how can data structures be multi-threaded but also lock-free???
This question is intended towards C and C++.
The key in lock-free programming is to use hardware-intrinsic atomic operations.
As a matter of fact, even locks themselves must use those atomic operations!
But the difference between locked and lock-free programming is that a lock-free program can never be stalled entirely by any single thread. By contrast, if in a locking program one thread acquires a lock and then gets suspended indefinitely, the entire program is blocked and cannot make progress. By contrast, a lock-free program can make progress even if individual threads are suspended indefinitely.
Here's a simple example: A concurrent counter increment. We present two versions which are both "thread-safe", i.e. which can be called multiple times concurrently. First the locked version:
int counter = 0;
std::mutex counter_mutex;
void increment_with_lock()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _(counter_mutex);
Now the lock-free version:
std::atomic<int> counter(0);
void increment_lockfree()
Now imagine hundreds of thread all call the increment_* function concurrently. In the locked version, no thread can make progress until the lock-holding thread unlocks the mutex. By contrast, in the lock-free version, all threads can make progress. If a thread is held up, it just won't do its share of the work, but everyone else gets to get on with their work.
It is worth noting that in general lock-free programming trades throughput and mean latency throughput for predictable latency. That is, a lock-free program will usually get less done than a corresponding locking program if there is not too much contention (since atomic operations are slow and affect a lot of the rest of the system), but it guarantees to never produce unpredictably large latencies.
For locks, the idea is that you acquire a lock and then do your work knowing that nobody else can interfere, then release the lock.
For "lock-free", the idea is that you do your work somewhere else and then attempt to atomically commit this work to "visible state", and retry if you fail.
The problems with "lock-free" are that:
it's hard to design a lock-free algorithm for something that isn't trivial. This is because there's only so many ways to do the "atomically commit" part (often relying on an atomic "compare and swap" that replaces a pointer with a different pointer).
if there's contention, it performs worse than locks because you're repeatedly doing work that gets discarded/retried
it's virtually impossible to design a lock-free algorithm that is both correct and "fair". This means that (under contention) some tasks can be lucky (and repeatedly commit their work and make progress) and some can be very unlucky (and repeatedly fail and retry).
The combination of these things mean that it's only good for relatively simple things under low contention.
Researchers have designed things like lock-free linked lists (and FIFO/FILO queues) and some lock-free trees. I don't think there's anything more complex than those. For how these things work, because it's hard it's complicated. The most sane approach would be to determine what type of data structure you're interested in, then search the web for relevant research into lock-free algorithms for that data structure.
Also note that there is something called "block free", which is like lock-free except that you know you can always commit the work and never need to retry. It's even harder to design a block-free algorithm, but contention doesn't matter so the other 2 problems with lock-free disappear. Note: the "concurrent counter" example in Kerrek SB's answer is not lock free at all, but is actually block free.
The idea of "lock free" is not really not having any lock, the idea is to minimize the number of locks and/or critical sections, by using some techniques that allow us not to use locks for most operations.
It can be achieved using optimistic design or transactional memory, where you do not lock the data for all operations, but only on some certain points (when doing the transaction in transactional memory, or when you need to roll-back in optimistic design).
Other alternatives are based on atomic implementations of some commands, such as CAS (Compare And Swap), that even allows us to solve the consensus problem given an implementation of it. By doing swap on references (and no thread is working on the common data), the CAS mechanism allows us to easily implement a lock-free optimistic design (swapping to the new data if and only if no one have changed it already, and this is done atomically).
However, to implement the underlying mechanism to one of these - some locking will most likely be used, but the amount of time the data will be locked is (supposed) to be kept to minimum, if these techniques are used correctly.
The new C and C++ standards (C11 and C++11) introduced threads, and thread shared atomic data types and operations. An atomic operation gives guarantees for operations that run into a race between two threads. Once a thread returns from such an operation, it can be sure that the operation has gone through in its entirety.
Typical processor support for such atomic operations exists on modern processors for compare and swap (CAS) or atomic increments.
Additionally to being atomic, data type can have the "lock-free" property. This should perhaps have been coined "stateless", since this property implies that an operation on such a type will never leave the object in an intermediate state, even when it is interrupted by an interrupt handler or a read of another thread falls in the middle of an update.
Several atomic types may (or may not) be lock-free, there are macros to test for that property. There is always one type that is guaranteed to be lock free, namely atomic_flag.
I've an application where producers and consumers ("clients") want to send broadcast messages to each other, i.e. a n:m relationship. All could be different programs so they are different processes and not threads.
To reduce the n:m to something more maintainable I was thinking of a setup like introducing a little, central server. That server would offer an socket where each client connects to.
And each client would send a new message through that socket to the server - resulting in 1:n.
The server would also offer a shared memory that is read only for the clients. It would be organized as a ring buffer where the new messages would be added by the server and overwrite older ones.
This would give the clients some time to process the message - but if it's too slow it's bad luck, it wouldn't be relevant anymore anyway...
The advantage I see by this approach is that I avoid synchronisation as well as unnecessary data copying and buffer hierarchies, the central one should be enough, shouldn't it?
That's the architecture so far - I hope it makes sense...
Now to the more interesting aspect of implementing that:
The index of the newest element in the ring buffer is a variable in shared memory and the clients would just have to wait till it changes. Instead of a stupid while( central_index == my_last_processed_index ) { /* do nothing */ } I want to free CPU resources, e.g. by using a pthread_cond_wait().
But that needs a mutex that I think I don't need - on the other hand Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex? gave me the impression that I'd better ask if my architecture makes sense and could be implemented like that...
Can you give me a hint if all of that makes sense and could work?
(Side note: the client programs could also be written in the common scripting languages like Perl and Python. So the communication with the server has to be recreated there and thus shouldn't be too complicated or even proprietary)
If memory serves, the reason for the mutex accompanying a condition variable is that under POSIX, signalling the condition variable causes the kernel to wake up all waiters on the condition variable. In these circumstances, the first thing that consumer threads need to do is check is that there is something to consume - by means of accessing a variable shared between producer and consumer threads. The mutex protects against concurrent access to the variable used for this purpose. This of course means that if there are many consumers, n-1 of them are needless awoken.
Having implemented precisely the arrangement described above, the choice of IPC object to use is not obvious. We were buffering audio between high priority real-time threads in separate processes, and didn't want to block the consumer. As the audio was produced and consumed in real-time, we were already getting scheduled regularly on both ends, and if there wasn't to consume (or space to produce into) we trashed the data because we'd already missed the deadline.
In the arrangement you describe, you will need a mutex to prevent the consumers concurrently consuming items that are queued (and believe me, on a lightly loaded SMP system, they will). However, you don't need to have the producer contend on this as well.
I don't understand you comment about the consumer having read-only access to the shared memory. In the classic lockless ring buffer implementation, the producer writes the queue tail pointer and the consumer(s) the head - whilst all parties need to be able to read both.
You might of course arrange for the queue head and tails to be in a different shared memory region to the queue data itself.
Also be aware that there is a theoretical data coherency hazard on SMP systems when implementing a ring buffer such as this - namely that write-back to memory of the queue content with respect to the head or tail pointer may occur out of order (they in cache - usually per-CPU core). There are other variants on this theme to do with synchonization of caches between CPUs. To guard against these, you need to an memory, load and store barriers to enforce ordering. See Memory Barrier on Wikipedia. You explicitly avoid this hazard by using kernel synchronisation primitives such as mutex and condition variables.
The C11 atomic operations can help with this.
You do need a mutex on a pthread_cond_wait() as far as I know. The reason is that pthread_cond_wait() is not atomic. The condition variable could change during the call, unless it's protected by a mutex.
It's possible that you can ignore this situation - the client might sleep past message 1, but when the subsequent message is sent then the client will wake up and find two messages to process. If that's unacceptable then use a mutex.
You probably can have a bit of different design by using sem_t if your system has them; some POSIX systems are still stuck on the 2001 version of POSIX.
You probably don't forcably need a mutex/condition pair. This is just how it was designed long time ago for POSIX.
Modern C, C11, and C++, C++11, now brings you (or will bring you) atomic operations, which were a feature that is implemented in all modern processors, but lacked support from most higher languages. Atomic operations are part of the answer for resolving a race condition for a ring buffer as you want to implement it. But they are not sufficient because with them you can only do active wait through polling, which is probably not what you want.
Linux, as an extension to POSIX, has futex that resolves both problems: to avoid races for updates by using atomic operations and the ability to putting waiters to sleep via a system call. Futexes are often considered as being too low level for everyday programming, but I think that it actually isn't too difficult to use them. I have written up things here.
When dealing with threads (specifically in C++) using mutex locks and semaphores is there a simple rule of thumb to avoid Dead Locks and have nice clean Synchronization?
A good simple rule of thumb is to always obtain your locks in a consistent predictable order from everywhere in your application. For example, if your resources have names, always lock them in alphabetical order. If they have numeric ids, always lock from lowest to highest. The exact order or criteria is arbitrary. The key is to be consistent. That way you'll never have a deadlock situation. eg.
Thread 1 locks resource A
Thread 2 locks resource B
Thread 1 waits to obtain a lock on B
Thread 2 waits to obtain a lock on A
The above can never happen if you follow the rule of thumb outlined above. For a more detailed discussion, see the Wikipedia entry on the Dining Philosophers problem.
If at all possible, design your code so that you never have to lock more then a single mutex/semaphore at a time.
If that's not possible, make sure to always lock multiple mutex/semaphores in the same order. So if one part of the code locks mutex A and then takes semaphore B, make sure that no other part of the code takes semaphore B and then locks mutex A.
Try to avoid acquiring one lock and trying to acquire another. This can result into circular dependency and cause for deadlock.
If it is un-avoidable then at least the order of acquire locks should be predictable.
Use RAII ( to make sure lock is release properly in case of exception as well)
There is no simple deadlock cure.
Acquire locks in agreed order: If all calls acquire A->B->C then no deadlock can occur. Deadlocks can occur only if the locking order differs between the two threads (one acquires A->B the second B->A).
In practice is hard to choose an order between arbitrary objects in memory. On a simple trivial project is possible, but on large projects with many individual contributors is very hard. A partial solution is to create hierarchies, by ranking the locks. All locks in module A have rank 1, all locks in module B have rank 2. One can acquire a lock of rank 2 when helding locks of rank 1, but not vice-versa. Of course you need a framework around the locking primitives that tracks and validates the ranking.
One way to ensure the ordering that other folks have talked about is to acquire locks in an order defined by their memory address. If at any point, you try to acquire a lock that should have been earlier in the sequence, you release all the locks and start over.
With a little work, it's possible to do this nearly automatically with some wrapper classes around the system primitives.
There's no practical cure. Specifically, there's no way to simply test code for being synchronizationally correct, or to have your programmers obey the rules of the gentleman with the green V.
There's no way to properly test the multithreaded code, because the program logic may depend on timing of locks acquisition, and therefore, be different from execution to execution, somehow invalidating the concept of QA.
I would say
prefer using threads only as a performance optimization for multi-core machines
only optimize performance when you are sure you need this performance
you may use threads to simplify program logic, but only when you are absolutely sure what you are doing. Be extra careful and all locks are confined to a very small piece of code. Do not let any newbies near such code.
never use threads in a mission-critical system, such as flying an aircraft or operating dangerous machinery
in all cases, threads are seldom cost-effective, due to higher debug and QA costs
If you determined to do threads or maintaining existing codebase:
confine all locks to small and simple pieces of code, which operate on primitives
avoid function calls or getting the program flow away to where the fact of being executed under lock is not immediately visible. This function will change by future authors, widening your lock span without your control.
get locks inside objects to reduce locking scope, wrap non-thread-safe 3rd-party objects with your own thread-safe interfaces.
never send synchronous notifications (callbacks) when executing under lock
use only RAII locks, to reduce the cognitive load when thinking "how else can we exit from here", as in exceptions, etc.
A few words on how to avoid multi-threading.
A single-threaded design usually involves some heart-beat function provided by program components, and called in a loop (called heartbeat cycle) which, when called, gives a chance to all components to do the next piece of work and to surrender control back again. What algorithmists like to think of as "loops" inside the components, will turn into state machines, to identify what is the next thing that should be done when called. State is best maintained as member data of respective objects.
There are plenty of simple "deadlock cures". But none that are easy to apply and work universally.
The simplest of all, of course, is "never have more than one thread".
Assuming you have a multithreaded application though, there are still a number of solutions:
You can try to minimize shared state and synchronization. Two threads that just run in parallel and never interact can never deadlock. Deadlocks only occur when multiple threads try to access the same resource. Why do they do that? Can that be avoided? Can the resource be restructured or divided so that for example, one thread can write to it, and other threads are asynchronously passed the data they need?
Perhaps the resource can be copied, giving each thread its own private copy to work with?
And as already mentioned by every other answer, if and when you try to acquire locks, do so in a global consistent order. To simplify this, you should try to ensure that all the locks a thread is going to need are acquired as a single operation. If a thread needs to acquire locks A, B and C, it should not make three lock() calls at different times and from different places. You'll get confused, and you won't be able to keep track of which locks are held by the thread, and which ones it has yet to acquire, and then you'll mess up the order. If you can acquire all the lock you need once, then you can factor it out into a separate function call which acquires N locks, and does so in the correct order to avoid deadlocks.
Then there are the more ambitious approaches: Techniques like CSP make threading extremely simple and easy to prove correct, even with thousands of concurrent threads. But it requires you to structure your program very differently from what you're used to.
Transactional Memory is another promising option, and one that may be easier to integrate into conventional programs. But production-quality implementations are still very rare.
Read Deadlock: the Problem and a Solution.
"The common advice for avoiding deadlock is to always lock the two mutexes in the same order: if you always lock mutex A before mutex B, then you'll never deadlock. Sometimes this is straightforward, as the mutexes are serving different purposes, but other times it is not so simple, such as when the mutexes are each protecting a separate instance of the same class".
If you want to attack the possibility of a deadlock you must attack one of the 4 crucial conditions for the existence of a deadlock.
The 4 conditions for a deadlock are:
1. Mutual Exclusion - only one thread can enter the critical section at a time.
2. Hold and Wait - a thread doesn't release the resources he acquired as long as he didn't finish his job even if other resources are un available.
3. No preemption - A thread doesn't have a priority over other threads.
4. Resource Cycle - There has to be a cycle chain of threads that waits for resources from other threads.
The easiest condition to attack is the resource cycle by making sure that no cycles are possible.
What is the common theory behind thread communication? I have some primitive idea about how it should work but something doesn't settle well with me. Is there a way of doing it with interrupts?
Really, it's just the same as any concurrency problem: you've got multiple threads of control, and it's indeterminate which statements on which threads get executed when. That means there are a large number of POTENTIAL execution paths through the program, and your program must be correct under all of them.
In general the place where trouble can occur is when state is shared among the threads (aka "lightweight processes" in the old days.) That happens when there are shared memory areas,
To ensure correctness, what you need to do is ensure that these data areas get updated in a way that can't cause errors. To do this, you need to identify "critical sections" of the program, where sequential operation must be guaranteed. Those can be as little as a single instruction or line of code; if the language and architecture ensure that these are atomic, that is, can't be interrupted, then you're golden.
Otherwise, you idnetify that section, and put some kind of guards onto it. The classic way is to use a semaphore, which is an atomic statement that only allows one thread of control past at a time. These were invented by Edsgar Dijkstra, and so have names that come from the Dutch, P and V. When you come to a P, only one thread can proceed; all other threads are queued and waiting until the executing thread comes to the associated V operation.
Because these primitives are a little primitive, and because the Dutch names aren't very intuitive, there have been some ther larger-scale approaches developed.
Per Brinch-Hansen invented the monitor, which is basically just a data structure that has operations which are guaranteed atomic; they can be implemented with semaphores. Monitors are pretty much what Java synchronized statements are based on; they make an object or code block have that particular behavir -- that is, only one thread can be "in" them at a time -- with simpler syntax.
There are other modeals possible. Haskell and Erlang solve the problem by being functional languages that never allow a variable to be modified once it's created; this means they naturally don't need to wory about synchronization. Some new languages, like Clojure, instead have a structure called "transactional memory", which basically means that when there is an assignment, you're guaranteed the assignment is atomic and reversible.
So that's it in a nutshell. To really learn about it, the best places to look at Operating Systems texts, like, eg, Andy Tannenbaum's text.
The two most common mechanisms for thread communication are shared state and message passing.
THe most common way for threads to communicate is via some shared data structure, typically a queue. Some threads put information into the queue while others take it out. The queue must be protected by operating system facilities such as mutexes and semaphores. Interrupts have nothing to do with it.
If you're really interested in a theory of thread communications, you may want to look into formalisms like the pi Calculus.
To communicate between threads, you'll need to use whatever mechanism is supplied by your operating system and/or runtime. Interrupts would be unusually low level, although they might be used implicitly if your threads communicate using sockets or named pipes.
A common pattern would be to implement shared state using a shared memory block, relying on an os-supplied synchronization primitive such as a mutex to spare you from busy-waiting when your read from the block. Remember that if you have threads at all, then you must have some kind of scheduler already (whether it's native from the OS or emulated in your language runtime). So this scheduler can provide synchronization objects and a "sleep" function without necessarily having to rely on hardware support.
Sockets, pipes, and shared memory work between processes too. Sometimes a runtime will give you a lighter-weight way of doing synchronization for threads within the same process. Shared memory is cheaper within a single process. And sometimes your runtime will also give you an atomic message-passing mechanism.