C++ CreateWindow: button position gets offset at window maximize - c++

I have a weird problem over here. I created a DLL proxy for Spotify so I can "overlay" a button onto it. Basicially, thats how it works:
-> Creates CMain class
-> Creates CToggleButton class
-> Hooks the button onto the Spotify window
It has two methods, one static one which I use for the thread since threads can't call member functions, and one non-static function which gets called by the member function.
With this, I create the thread and pass an instance of the CToggleButton class via lpParam:
CreateThread(0, NULL, WindowThreadStatic, (void*)this, NULL, NULL);
Then, the WindowThreadStatic function:
DWORD WINAPI CToggleButton::WindowThreadStatic(void* lpParam)
return ((CToggleButton*)lpParam)->WindowThread();
And the main window thread function inside the class:
DWORD CToggleButton::WindowThread()
MSG msg;
hButton = CreateWindowA("BUTTON", "Test", (WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD), 0, 0, 100, 20, parenthWnd, NULL, hInst, NULL);
bool bQueueRunning = true;
while (bQueueRunning)
if (PeekMessage(&msg, parenthWnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
switch (msg.message)
case WM_QUIT:
bQueueRunning = false;
if (msg.hwnd == hButton)
MessageBoxA(parenthWnd, "Button!", "Button", MB_OK);
return 0;
As you can see, this also contains the message loop for the button (I didn't use GetMessage() here because it was very unresponsive so I decided to use PeekMessage() together with a 10ms delay, which works fine.)
Little picture to show how it looks like:
All great, but if I maximize the window, the button disappears. When I minimize and maximize the window a few times, the button can be seen again, but with very weird coordinates (not the original 0,0 I gave him).
So what is my problem here? Why do the coordinates get offset?
Thanks for reading my long post :)


Deadlock in multi-threaded Windows GUI application

I develop a DAW application for Windows 10. It's a x64 application written in C++ and built by Visual Studio 2019.
The application uses a custom GUI that does not use any Windows APIs but it also has to load VST 2.4 plugins that do use standard Win32 GUI and I open them in modeless popup (non-child) windows.
The problem I've been trying to solve is a deadlock -- see below.
Disclaimer: I know the code isn't perfect and optimized -- it's a work in progress please.
======== main.cpp =============================
// ...
void winProcMsgRelay ()
MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
// ...
int CALLBACK WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpCmdL, int nCmdShw)
// ...
1) The WinMain function creates a new thread that will handle our custom GUI (which does not use any Windows API).
2) The WinMain thread uses the standard Windows GUI API and it handles all window messages delivered to our main application window.
The WinMain thread creates our main window by calling CreateWindowEx (with a WNDPROC window procedure callback):
window_menu = CreateMenu ();
if (!window_menu)
// Handle error
// ...
wc.cbSize = sizeof (wc);
wc.lpfnWndProc = mainWndProc;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = hInst;
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APP);
wc.hCursor = NULL;
wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
wc.lpszMenuName = mainWinName;
wc.lpszClassName = mainWinName;
wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APP);
RegisterClassEx (&wc);
mainWinName, mainWinTitle,
0, 0,
// ...
// Then the WinMain thread keeps executing a standard window message processing loop
// ...
while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) != 0
&& ! requestQuit)
if (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0) == 0)
requestQuit = true;
if (! requestQuit)
WaitMessage ();
// ...
3) Our custom-GUI thread (spawned above), in addition to its other functions, does the following:
a) Loads a VST audio plugin from a DLL file by calling LoadLibrary.
b) Creates a new thread for the DLL plugin (let's call it "plugin thread") to create a new instance of it (there may be multiple instances of a loaded DLL plugin):
vst_instance_thread_handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL, _stack_size, redirect, (void *) this, 0, NULL);
c) After some time that the plugin instance has been running on its own thread, our custom-GUI thread (in response to a user action in our custom GUI) creates a new thread for the plugin GUI window:
vst_gui_thread_handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL, _stack_size, redirect, (void *) this, 0, NULL);
(Note that the DLL plugin uses standard Win32 GUI.)
When the new plugin GUI thread is being spawned, the function VSTGUI_open_vst_gui is called on the plugin instance thread -- see below:
============ vst_gui.cpp: ====================
// ...
WORD e[3];
memset (this, 0, sizeof (*this));
static INT_PTR CALLBACK VSTGUI_editor_proc_callback (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
thread_local AEffect * volatile Vst_instance_ptr = 0;
thread_local volatile int Vst_instance_index = -1;
thread_local volatile UINT_PTR Vst_timer_id_ptr = 0;
thread_local volatile HWND Vst_gui_handle = NULL;
void VSTGUI_open_vst_gui (int vst_instance_index)
AEffect *vst_instance = VST_instances [vst_instance_index].vst->pEffect;
Vst_instance_index = vst_instance_index;
Vst_instance_ptr = vst_instance;
t.cx = 100; // We will set an appropriate size later
t.cy = 100;
VST_instances [vst_instance_index].vst_gui_open_flag = false;
Vst_gui_handle = CreateDialogIndirectParam (GetModuleHandle (0), &t, 0, (DLGPROC) VSTGUI_editor_proc_callback, (LPARAM) vst_instance);
if (Vst_gui_handle == NULL)
// Handle error
// ...
// Wait for the window to actually open and initialize -- that will set the vst_gui_open_flag to true
while (!VST_instances [vst_instance_index].vst_gui_open_flag)
winProcMsgRelay ();
Sleep (1);
// Loop here processing window messages (if any), because otherwise (1) VST GUI window would freeze and (2) the GUI thread would immediately terminate.
while (VST_instances [vst_instance_index].vst_gui_open_flag)
winProcMsgRelay ();
Sleep (1);
// The VST GUI thread is about to terminate here -- let's clean up after ourselves
// ...
// The plugin GUI window messages are handled by this function:
INT_PTR CALLBACK VSTGUI_editor_proc_callback (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
AEffect* vst_instance = Vst_instance_ptr;
int instance_index = Vst_instance_index;
if (VST_instances [instance_index].vst_gui_window_handle == (HWND) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
VST_instances [instance_index].vst_gui_window_handle = hwnd;
SetWindowText (hwnd, String (tmp_str) + VST_get_best_vst_name (instance_index, false));
if (vst_instance)
ERect* eRect = 0;
vst_instance->dispatcher (vst_instance, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &eRect, 0);
if (eRect)
// ...
SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_TOP, x, y, width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
vst_instance->dispatcher (vst_instance, effEditOpen, 0, 0, hwnd, 0);
VST_instances [instance_index].vst_gui_open_flag = true;
if (SetTimer (hwnd, (UINT_PTR) Vst_instance_ptr, 1, 0) == 0)
logf ("Error: Could not obtain a timer object for external VST GUI editor window.\n");
return 1;
case WM_PAINT:
BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps);
EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
return 0;
case WM_MOVE:
if (Vst_instance_index >= 0)
VST_instances [Vst_instance_index].vst_gui_win_pos_x = VST_get_vst_gui_win_pos_x (Vst_instance_index);
VST_instances [Vst_instance_index].vst_gui_win_pos_y = VST_get_vst_gui_win_pos_y (Vst_instance_index);
return 0;
case WM_SIZE:
if (Vst_instance_index >= 0)
VST_instances [Vst_instance_index].vst_gui_win_width = VST_get_vst_gui_win_width (Vst_instance_index);
VST_instances [Vst_instance_index].vst_gui_win_height = VST_get_vst_gui_win_height (Vst_instance_index);
return 0;
case WM_TIMER:
if (vst_instance != NULL)
vst_instance->dispatcher (vst_instance, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
case WM_CLOSE:
// ...
return 0;
return 0;
return (DefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam));
return 0;
Our custom-GUI thread, too, periodically calls winProcMsgRelay (); Sleep (1); in a loop.
Why multi-threaded? Because: 1) this is a real-time audio-processing application where near-zero latencies are required, and 2) we need to set CPU priorities and stack sizes independently for each thread, based on their real needs. Also, 3) having multi-threaded GUI allows our DAW app to remain responsive when the plugin or its GUI becomes unresponsive and 4) we make us of multi-core CPUs.
Everything is working well. I can open multiple instances of multiple plugins. Their GUI windows can even spawn other windows showing progress bars, all that without any deadlock.
However, the problem is that I get a deadlock when I click the app logo in a plugin GUI window (Absynth 5 and Kontakt 6 by Native Instruments), which apparently creates a child modal window, which, by the way, displays correctly and fully.
But both this modal window and the parent GUI window stop responding to user actions and window messages -- they "hang" (our custom GUI keeps working well, though). The same thing happens when the plugin GUI displays a standard Windows modal MessageBox on error, where the MessageBox is completely "frozen".
When I set a debugger breakpoint in VSTGUI_open_vst_gui in the second loop that calls winProcMsgRelay, I can determine that this is the place where it hangs, because when I get the deadlock state, that breakpoint is never triggered.
I know that modal dialogs have their own message loop that might block ours, but how should I redesign my code to accommodate for that?
I also know that SendMessage and the like are blocking until they get response. That's why I use the asynchronous PostMessage, instead.
I confirmed that the deadlock occurs in 32-bit builds of the application, too.
I've been trying to trace the cause for several weeks. I believe I've done all my homework and I honestly don't know what else to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a lot of code not appearing here (e.g. winProcMsgRelay) and I will admit I'm finding it difficult to get a mental picture of how this works, but let me offer you some general advice and some things to keep in mind.
First of all, modal dialogs have their own message loop. As long as they are up, your message loop will not run.
Second of all, windows functions like SetWindowPos SetWindowText actually send a message to the window. Are you calling those from the thread that that created the window? Because if not, that means that the calling thread will block while the OS sends the message to the window and waits for a response. If the thread that created those windows is busy, the sending thread will remain blocked until it is not.
If I were attempting to debug this, I would simply wait until it deadlocks, then break into the debugger and bring up the threads and call stacks windows next to each other. Switch context among the threads in the threads windows (double click on them) and look at the resulting thread call stacks. You should be able to spot the problem.
Ok, I was able to resolve the deadlock myself. The solution was to rewrite the code so as to unify the window proc handlers (VST GUI messages are handled by the same callback function as the main window messages). Moreover, unlike the official VST SDK, which uses DialogBoxIndirectParam to create the plugin window, I now use CreateWindowEx, instead (not sure if this contributed to solving the deadlock issue, though). Thanks for the comments.

Handle tab stop using DispatchMessage() without blocking the thread through message loop?

I have a function export OpenUI() in a DLL for UI view which creates the modeless main dialog and also has a modeless child dialog.
I am calling the function export OpenUI() from a separate DLL which is my controller.
How can I possibly execute more code after the function call if the message loop in OpenUI() prevents the function to return unless the dialog is closed?
I cannot remove the message loop because tab stop will not work without it.
I need the function export to return immediately after execution therefore I cannot use a modal dialog. Creating a subthread is also not an option because it caused issues in my application.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Pseudocode for my controller dll
typedef int(*DLL_OPENUI)();
int func()
HINSTANCE hinst_dll = LoadLibrary(dll_path);
DLL_OPENUI DllOpenUI = (DLL_OPENUI)GetProcAddress(hinst_dll, "OpenUI");
int ret = DllOpenUI();
//...execute more code here
return ret;
Pseudocode for my UI view dll
__declspec(dllexport) OpenUI()
hwnd_main = CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_MAIN, MainDlgProc);
ShowWindow(hwnd_main, SW_SHOW);
MSG msg;
while ((GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0))
if (!IsDialogMessage(hwnd, &msg))
return 0;
LRESULT CALLBACK MainDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
void OnInitDialog()
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_NAV_PANE, hwnd_main, NavPaneProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_NAV_TABS, hwnd_main, NavTabsProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_TAB_1, hwnd_main, TabOneProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_TAB_2, hwnd_main, TabTwoProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_TAB_3, hwnd_main, TabThreeProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_DETAILS_PANE_BG, hwnd_main, BackgroundProc);
CreateDialog(hinst, IDD_DETAILS_PANE, hwnd_main, DetailsPaneProc);
//...execute more code below
You have to have an active message loop, there's no way around that. One way to do it is to have one new function that would PeekMessage and execute the loop code only once. PeekMessage returns non-zero value if subsequent call to GetMessage would actually get a message and not block instead. ProcessOneMessage may look something like this:
BOOL ProcessOneMessage(HWND hwnd)
MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
So, in your main code you have to call this function often (once every 10 ms should be fine). Whatever the code does it must call the function once in 10 ms. You will have a live window and run your code at the same time. But once the function returns TRUE the window was closed and you must not call the function again. For more info search for PeekMessage. The code is taken from this link: https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/kb/074/Q74042/

Browse For Folder dialog window handle C++

How to get the handle HWND of the dialog which user open when clicking on a button.
I'm using Spy++ to find the window class and tittle, but it says that no such window is found. And how then to get the handle of that dialog in C++ using Win API ?
I hope that I will be able to do that using simple functions as FindWindow, GetParent, any WIN APi function. I do not like to inject something or load DLL. Thanks
the folder browser dialog is opened by other program. I want to get it's handle from different program , my program. Thanks.
The closest to want i need is for now the function WindowFromPoint
Accessibility will let you capture window creation events from other processes without DLL injection. You can modify the example to accommodate for the browsing window specifically. Here's an example I made previously to test that is based on the one from the article. Modify it however you wish:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
void CALLBACK proc(HWINEVENTHOOK hook, DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG obj, LONG child, DWORD thr, DWORD time) {
if (hwnd && obj == OBJID_WINDOW && child == CHILDID_SELF) {
switch (event) {
std::cout << "Window created!\n";
std::cout << "Window destroyed!\n";
int main() {
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) {
if (hook) {

Win32 ReleaseDC and DestroyWindow returning 0

I have a single window created with the CS_OWNDC style for an engine I'm coding and it's showing properly, but when I'm closing the program and I call the ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC) the function returns 0 always (and according to MSDN it means it couldn't be released).
The DestroyWindow(hWnd) is also returning 0.
I am calling GetDC(hWnd) during the window creation.
What is weird is that I only get this error if I pass through the messaging function, even if it has nothing coded inside.
My main code is looking like this:
WindowManager windowManager;
HWND mainWindow = windowManager.Initialize("Title", "ClassName", 1024, 768, 32, WindowProc);
MSG msg;
if(PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if(msg.message == WM_QUIT) { break; }
windowManager.Clear(); //this calls ReleaseDC(hWnd, DC) and DestroyWindow(hWnd) among other release codes
What I don't understand is that if I comment the whole while loop, I don't get the release or destroy window errors.
Calling GetLastError() gives me a 0 too.
On MSDN it says the DestroyWindow must be called from the same thread, but I'm not coding any multi thread functions so I don't think that's the case.
What could be causing this?

How to stop a process using a "Stop Button"

I created a simple window with two buttons,
the first one calls a function that lasts a long time,
the second one sets the value of a variable "stop" to TRUE,
that was initially set to FALSE.
My intention is that, by pressing the first button it runs a long process,
that controls if the stop variable is set to TRUE or FALSE for every loop,
if the value is TRUE the function should return, so the process is stopped.
static BOOL stop = FALSE; // My variable defined somewhere
int longProcess () // My function
while(stop == FALSE) {
// do something
return 0;
switch (msg)
Button1 = CreateWindowEx(0,
100, 100, 100, 20,
Button2 = CreateWindowEx(0,
200, 200, 100, 20,
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
longProcess(); // Starts the process
stop = TRUE; // Should stop the process
The problem is that when I press the first button the process starts normally,
but when I press the second button in order to stop the process nothing happens,
I noticed that the stop variable is set to TRUE only after the end of the process.
I thought that probably in a problem related to the message queue...
What could be the best solution???
It is correct to call longProcess() there and in that way? (I'am a newbie :) )
You need to run the long process on a separate thread and your approach should work.
This is, instead of just calling longProcess function on Start Button Click, create a thread, and run the long process on it.
What's happening is that your long process is blocking your UI thread, which is responsible for handling UI events. So, Stop Button Click won't be handled until longProcess() finishes.
In Delphi we have Application.ProcessMessages() which basically processes all pending messages and returns. And you can put this line to cycle to make UI more responsive.
With function like that you could do this
while(stop == FALSE) {
// do something
This applies if you don't want to split code to separate thread - quick'n'dirty workaround
How about using PeekMessage?
int longProcess () // My function
while(stop == FALSE)
// do something
while (PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
// check for the stop button
if ((msg.message == WM_COMMAND) && (LOWORD(wParam) == BUTTON_STOP))
stop = TRUE;
At the very minimum, you'll have to declare your variable with the volatile keyword. But the best way to do it is to use an event. CreateEvent() to initialize it, SetEvent() to signal the stop condition, WaitForSingleObject() with a 0 timeout to test it.
As a variation of AOI Karasu's answer, MFC has CWinThread::PumpMessage().
I use it in worker thread loops to keep them responsive. It works great.