Group multiple regular expressions for reuse in lex - regex

I want to use multiple regular expressions as follows (pseudo code):
[0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]+ - number
+|-|*|/ - sign
[number][sign][number]=[number] - math expression
The closest thing i found was this, but the code is in JavaScript, while i want to use lex / flex for it.
Is it possible using the normal RegEx syntax?

(F)lex provides the possibility to define what are, in effect, macros. The definitions go in the definitions section (before the first %%) and the simple syntax is described in the flex manual, with eχamples.
So you could write
number [0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]+
sign [+*/-]
{number}{sign}{number}={number} { /* do something */ }
But that would rarely be a good idea, and it is certainly not the intended use of (f)lex. Normally, you would use flex to decompose the input into a sequence of five tokens: a number, an operator, another number, an =, and a final number. You would use a parser, which repeatedly calls the flex-generated scanner, to construct an object representing the equation (or to verify the equation, if that was the intent.)
If you use the regex proposed in your question, you will almosrt certainly end up rescanning the matched equation in order to extract its components; it is almst always better to avoid the rescan.


Regular expression in C++ for mathematical expressions

I have this trouble: I must verify the correctness of many mathematical expressions especially check for consecutive operators + - * /.
For example:
is ok while
I am not using the library <regex> since it is only compatible with C++11.
Is there a alternative method to solve this problem? Thanks.
You can use a regular expression to verify everything about a mathematical expression except the check that parentheses are balanced. That is, the regular expression will only ensure that open and close parentheses appear at the point in the expression they should appear, but not their correct relationship with other parentheses.
So you could check both that the expression matches a regex and that the parentheses are balanced. Checking for balanced parentheses is really simple if there is only one type of parenthesis:
bool check_balanced(const char* expr, char open, char close) {
int parens = 0;
for (const char* p = expr; *p; ++p) {
if (*p == open) ++parens;
else if (*p == close && parens-- == 0) return false;
return parens == 0;
To get the regular expression, note that mathematical expressions without function calls can be summarized as:
BEFORE is sub-regex which matches an open parenthesis or a prefix unary operator (if you have prefix unary operators; the question is not clear).
AFTER is a sub-regex which matches a close parenthesis or, in the case that you have them, a postfix unary operator.
BETWEEN is a sub-regex which matches a binary operator.
VALUE is a sub-regex which matches a value.
For example, for ordinary four-operator arithmetic on integers you would have:
BEFORE: [-+(]
AFTER: [)]
BETWEEN: [-+*/]
VALUE: [[:digit:]]+
and putting all that together you might end up with the regex:
If you have a Posix C library, you will have the <regex.h> header, which gives you regcomp and regexec. There's sample code at the bottom of the referenced page in the Posix standard, so I won't bother repeating it here. Make sure you supply REG_EXTENDED in the last argument to regcomp; REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB, as in the example code, is probably even better since you don't need captures and not asking for them will speed things up.
You can loop over each charin your expression.
If you encounter a + you can check whether it is follow by another +, /, *...
Additionally you can group operators together to prevent code duplication.
int i = 0
while(!EOF) {
switch(expression[i]) {
case '+':
case '*': //Do your syntax checks here
Well, in general case, you can't solve this with regex. Arithmethic expressions "language" can't be described with regular grammar. It's context-free grammar. So if what you want is to check correctness of an arbitrary mathemathical expression then you'll have to write a parser.
However, if you only need to make sure that your string doesn't have consecutive +-*/ operators then regex is enough. You can write something like this [-+*/]{2,}. It will match substrings with 2 or more consecutive symbols from +-*/ set.
Or something like this ([-+*/]\s*){2,} if you also want to handle situations with spaces like 5+ - * 123
Well, you will have to define some rules if possible. It's not possible to completely parse mathamatical language with Regex, but given some lenience it may work.
The problem is that often the way we write math can be interpreted as an error, but it's really not. For instance:
5--3 can be 5-(-3)
So in this case, you have two choices:
Ensure that the input is parenthesized well enough that no two operators meet
If you find something like --, treat it as a special case and investigate it further
If the formulas are in fact in your favor (have well defined parenthesis), then you can just check for repeats. For instance:
If you have a match, it means you have a poorly formatted equation and you can throw it out (or whatever you want to do).
You can check for this, using the following regex. You can add more constraints to the [..][..]. I'm giving you the basics here:
which will work for the following examples (and more):
An alternative, probably a better one, is just write a parser. it will step by step process the equation to check it's validity. A parser will, if well written, 100% accurate. A Regex approach leaves you to a lot of constraints.
There is no real way to do this with a regex because mathematical expressions inherently aren't regular. Heck, even balancing parens isn't regular. Typically this will be done with a parser.
A basic approach to writing a recursive-descent parser (IMO the most basic parser to write) is:
Write a grammar for a mathematical expression. (These can be found online)
Tokenize the input into lexemes. (This will be done with a regex, typically).
Match the expressions based on the next lexeme you see.
Recurse based on your grammar
A quick Google search can provide many example recursive-descent parsers written in C++.

PCRE repetition based on captured number -- (\d)(.{\1})

1xxx captures x
2xxx captures xx
3xxx captures xxx
I thought maybe this simple pattern would work:
But no.
I know this is easy in Perl, but I'm using PCRE in Julia which means it would be hard to embed code to change the expression on-the-fly.
Note that regular expressions are usually compiled to a state machine before being executed, and are not naively interpreted.
Technically, n Xn (where n is a number and X a rule containing all characters) isn't a regular language. It isn't a context-free language, and isn't even a context-sensitive language! (See the Chomsky Hierarchy). While PCRE regexes can match all all context-free languages (if expressed suitably), the engine can only match a very limited subset of context-sensitive languages. We have a big problem on our hand that can neither be solved by regular expressions nor regexes with all the PCRE extensions.
The solution here usually is to separate tokenization, parsing, and semantic validation when trying to parse some input. Here:
read the number (possibly using a regex)
read the following characters (possibly using a regex)
validate that the length of the character string is equal to the given number.
Obviously this isn't going to work in this specific case without implementing backtracking or similar strategies, so we will have to write a parser ourselves that can handle the input:
read the number (possibly using a regex)
then read that number of characters at that position (possibly using a substr-like function).
Regexes are awesome, but they are simply not the correct tool for every problem. Sometimes, writing the program yourself is easier.
It can't be done in general. For the particular example you gave, you can use the following:
If you have a long but fix list of numbers, you can generate the pattern programmatically.

Regular Expression Vs. String Parsing

At the risk of open a can of worms and getting negative votes I find myself needing to ask,
When should I use Regular Expressions and when is it more appropriate to use String Parsing?
And I'm going to need examples and reasoning as to your stance. I'd like you to address things like readability, maintainability, scaling, and probably most of all performance in your answer.
I found another question Here that only had 1 answer that even bothered giving an example. I need more to understand this.
I'm currently playing around in C++ but Regular Expressions are in almost every Higher Level language and I'd like to know how different languages use/ handle regular expressions also but that's more an after thought.
Thanks for the help in understanding it!
Edit: I'm still looking for more examples and talk on this but the response so far has been great. :)
It depends on how complex the language you're dealing with is.
This is great when it works, but only works when there are no escaping conventions.
It does not work for CSV for example because commas inside quoted strings are not proper split points.
can be split, but
Regular expressions are great for simple languages that have a "regular grammar". Perl 5 regular expressions are a little more powerful due to back-references but the general rule of thumb is this:
If you need to match brackets ((...), [...]) or other nesting like HTML tags, then regular expressions by themselves are not sufficient.
You can use regular expressions to break a string into a known number of chunks -- for example, pulling out the month/day/year from a date. They are the wrong job for parsing complicated arithmetic expressions though.
Obviously, if you write a regular expression, walk away for a cup of coffee, come back, and can't easily understand what you just wrote, then you should look for a clearer way to express what you're doing. Email addresses are probably at the limit of what one can correctly & readably handle using regular expressions.
Context free
Parser generators and hand-coded pushdown/PEG parsers are great for dealing with more complicated input where you need to handle nesting so you can build a tree or deal with operator precedence or associativity.
Context free parsers often use regular expressions to first break the input into chunks (spaces, identifiers, punctuation, quoted strings) and then use a grammar to turn that stream of chunks into a tree form.
The rule of thumb for CF grammars is
If regular expressions are insufficient but all words in the language have the same meaning regardless of prior declarations then CF works.
Non context free
If words in your language change meaning depending on context, then you need a more complicated solution. These are almost always hand-coded solutions.
For example, in C,
#ifdef X
typedef int foo
foo * bar
If foo is a type, then foo * bar is the declaration of a foo pointer named bar. Otherwise it is a multiplication of a variable named foo by a variable named bar.
It should be Regular Expression AND String Parsing..
You can use both of them to your advantage!Many a times programmers try to make a SINGLE regular expression for parsing a text and then find it very difficult to maintain..You should use both as and when required.
The REGEX engine is FAST.A simple match takes less than a microsecond.But its not recommended for parsing HTML.

Regular expressions Lexical Analysis

Why repeated strings such as
[wcw|w is a string of a's and b's]
cannot be denoted by regular expressions?
pls. give me detailed answer as i m new to lexical analysis.
Thanks ...
Regular expressions in their original form describe regular languages/grammars. Those cannot contain nested structures as those languages can be described by a simple finite state machine. Simplified you can picture that as if each word of the language grows strictly from left to right (or right to left), where repeating structures have to be explicitly defined and are static.
What this means is, that no information whatsoever from previous states can be carried over to later states (a few characters further in the input). So if you have your symbol w you can't specify that the input must have exactly the same string w later in the sequence. Similarly you can't ensure that each opening paranthesis needs a closin paren as well (so regular expressions themselves are not even a regular language and thus cannot be described by regular expressions :-)).
In theoretical computer science we worked with a very restricted set of regex operators, basically only consisting of sequence, alternative (|) and repetition (*), everything else can be described with those operations.
However, usually regex engines allow grouping of certain sub-patterns into matches which can then be referenced or extracted later. Some engines even allow to use such a backreference in the search expression string itself, thereby allowing the expression to describe more than just a regular language. If I remember correctly such use of backreferences can even yield languages that are not context-free.
Additional pointers:
This StackOverflow question
It can be, you just can't assure that it's the same string of "a"s and "b"s because there's no way to retain the information acquired in traversing the first half for use in traversing the second.

Efficiently querying one string against multiple regexes

Lets say that I have 10,000 regexes and one string and I want to find out if the string matches any of them and get all the matches.
The trivial way to do it would be to just query the string one by one against all regexes. Is there a faster,more efficient way to do it?
I have tried substituting it with DFA's (lex)
The problem here is that it would only give you one single pattern. If I have a string "hello" and patterns "[H|h]ello" and ".{0,20}ello", DFA will only match one of them, but I want both of them to hit.
This is the way lexers work.
The regular expressions are converted into a single non deterministic automata (NFA) and possibily transformed in a deterministic automata (DFA).
The resulting automaton will try to match all the regular expressions at once and will succeed on one of them.
There are many tools that can help you here, they are called "lexer generator" and there are solutions that work with most of the languages.
You don't say which language are you using. For C programmers I would suggest to have a look at the re2c tool. Of course the traditional (f)lex is always an option.
I've come across a similar problem in the past. I used a solution similar to the one suggested by akdom.
I was lucky in that my regular expressions usually had some substring that must appear in every string it matches. I was able to extract these substrings using a simple parser and index them in an FSA using the Aho-Corasick algorithms. The index was then used to quickly eliminate all the regular expressions that trivially don't match a given string, leaving only a few regular expressions to check.
I released the code under the LGPL as a Python/C module. See esmre on Google code hosting.
We had to do this on a product I worked on once. The answer was to compile all your regexes together into a Deterministic Finite State Machine (also known as a deterministic finite automaton or DFA). The DFA could then be walked character by character over your string and would fire a "match" event whenever one of the expressions matched.
Advantages are it runs fast (each character is compared only once) and does not get any slower if you add more expressions.
Disadvantages are that it requires a huge data table for the automaton, and there are many types of regular expressions that are not supported (for instance, back-references).
The one we used was hand-coded by a C++ template nut in our company at the time, so unfortunately I don't have any FOSS solutions to point you toward. But if you google regex or regular expression with "DFA" you'll find stuff that will point you in the right direction.
Martin Sulzmann Has done quite a bit of work in this field.
He has a HackageDB project explained breifly here which use partial derivatives seems to be tailor made for this.
The language used is Haskell and thus will be very hard to translate to a non functional language if that is the desire (I would think translation to many other FP languages would still be quite hard).
The code is not based on converting to a series of automata and then combining them, instead it is based on symbolic manipulation of the regexes themselves.
Also the code is very much experimental and Martin is no longer a professor but is in 'gainful employment'(1) so may be uninterested/unable to supply any help or input.
this is a joke - I like professors, the less the smart ones try to work the more chance I have of getting paid!
10,000 regexen eh? Eric Wendelin's suggestion of a hierarchy seems to be a good idea. Have you thought of reducing the enormity of these regexen to something like a tree structure?
As a simple example: All regexen requiring a number could branch off of one regex checking for such, all regexen not requiring one down another branch. In this fashion you could reduce the number of actual comparisons down to a path along the tree instead of doing every single comparison in 10,000.
This would require decomposing the regexen provided into genres, each genre having a shared test which would rule them out if it fails. In this way you could theoretically reduce the number of actual comparisons dramatically.
If you had to do this at run time you could parse through your given regular expressions and "file" them into either predefined genres (easiest to do) or comparative genres generated at that moment (not as easy to do).
Your example of comparing "hello" to "[H|h]ello" and ".{0,20}ello" won't really be helped by this solution. A simple case where this could be useful would be: if you had 1000 tests that would only return true if "ello" exists somewhere in the string and your test string is "goodbye;" you would only have to do the one test on "ello" and know that the 1000 tests requiring it won't work, and because of this, you won't have to do them.
If you're thinking in terms of "10,000 regexes" you need to shift your though processes. If nothing else, think in terms of "10,000 target strings to match". Then look for non-regex methods built to deal with "boatloads of target strings" situations, like Aho-Corasick machines. Frankly, though, it seems like somethings gone off the rails much earlier in the process than which machine to use, since 10,000 target strings sounds a lot more like a database lookup than a string match.
Aho-Corasick was the answer for me.
I had 2000 categories of things that each had lists of patterns to match against. String length averaged about 100,000 characters.
Main Caveat: The patters to match were all language patters not regex patterns e.g. 'cat' vs r'\w+'.
I was using python and so used
import ahocorasick
A = ahocorasick.Automaton()
patterns = [
for row in patterns:
vals = row[0]
for val in vals:
A.add_word(val, (row[1], val))
_string = 'tom loves lions tigers cats and bass'
def test():
vals = []
for item in A.iter(_string):
return vals
Running %timeit test() on my 2000 categories with about 2-3 traces per category and a _string length of about 100,000 got me 2.09 ms vs 631 ms doing sequential 315x faster!.
You'd need to have some way of determining if a given regex was "additive" compared to another one. Creating a regex "hierarchy" of sorts allowing you to determine that all regexs of a certain branch did not match
You could combine them in groups of maybe 20.
As long as each regex has zero (or at least the same number of) capture groups, you can look at what what captured to see which pattern(s) matched.
If regex1 matched, capture group 1 would have it's matched text. If not, it would be undefined/None/null/...
If you're using real regular expressions (the ones that correspond to regular languages from formal language theory, and not some Perl-like non-regular thing), then you're in luck, because regular languages are closed under union. In most regex languages, pipe (|) is union. So you should be able to construct a string (representing the regular expression you want) as follows:
where parentheses are for grouping, not matching. Anything that matches this regular expression matches at least one of your original regular expressions.
I would recommend using Intel's Hyperscan if all you need is to know which regular expressions match. It is built for this purpose. If the actions you need to take are more sophisticated, you can also use ragel. Although it produces a single DFA and can result in many states, and consequently a very large executable program. Hyperscan takes a hybrid NFA/DFA/custom approach to matching that handles large numbers of expressions well.
I'd say that it's a job for a real parser. A midpoint might be a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG). It's a higher-level abstraction of pattern matching, one feature is that you can define a whole grammar instead of a single pattern. There are some high-performance implementations that work by compiling your grammar into a bytecode and running it in a specialized VM.
disclaimer: the only one i know is LPEG, a library for Lua, and it wasn't easy (for me) to grasp the base concepts.
I'd almost suggest writing an "inside-out" regex engine - one where the 'target' was the regex, and the 'term' was the string.
However, it seems that your solution of trying each one iteratively is going to be far easier.
You could compile the regex into a hybrid DFA/Bucchi automata where each time the BA enters an accept state you flag which regex rule "hit".
Bucchi is a bit of overkill for this, but modifying the way your DFA works could do the trick.
I use Ragel with a leaving action:
action hello {...}
action ello {...}
action ello2 {...}
main := /[Hh]ello/ % hello |
/.+ello/ % ello |
any{0,20} "ello" % ello2 ;
The string "hello" would call the code in the action hello block, then in the action ello block and lastly in the action ello2 block.
Their regular expressions are quite limited and the machine language is preferred instead, the braces from your example only work with the more general language.
Try combining them into one big regex?
I think that the short answer is that yes, there is a way to do this, and that it is well known to computer science, and that I can't remember what it is.
The short answer is that you might find that your regex interpreter already deals with all of these efficiently when |'d together, or you might find one that does. If not, it's time for you to google string-matching and searching algorithms.
The fastest way to do it seems to be something like this (code is C#):
public static List<Regex> FindAllMatches(string s, List<Regex> regexes)
List<Regex> matches = new List<Regex>();
foreach (Regex r in regexes)
if (r.IsMatch(string))
return matches;
Oh, you meant the fastest code? i don't know then....