I'm following the tensorboard tutorial in order to learn how to use summaries and I keep getting the error below.
It throws the error while calling:
summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries()
but the problem, seems to be here:
def variable_summaries(var):
with tf.name_scope('summaries'):
mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
tf.scalar_summary('mean', mean)
Any clues why is this happening?
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Duplicate tag mean
found in summary inputs [[Node: MergeSummary/MergeSummary =
out/biases/summaries/ScalarSummary, ScalarSummary)]]
The problem is on the source where I got the code. The tensorboard link takes us to the master version where the code is wrong:
def variable_summaries(var):
"""Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization)."""
with tf.name_scope('summaries'):
mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean)
with tf.name_scope('stddev'):
stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean)))
tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev)
tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var))
tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var))
tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var)
The other versions have the following, correct, code:
def variable_summaries(var, name):
"""Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor."""
with tf.name_scope('summaries'):
mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
tf.scalar_summary('mean/' + name, mean)
with tf.name_scope('stddev'):
stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean)))
tf.scalar_summary('stddev/' + name, stddev)
tf.scalar_summary('max/' + name, tf.reduce_max(var))
tf.scalar_summary('min/' + name, tf.reduce_min(var))
tf.histogram_summary(name, var)
I use the wonderful function tableby to have some summary statistics of my population and I also use the amazing package papaja to write my article.
Here is my code for the use of tableby.
DemoGroup <- tableby (Group ~ Age + education + logMAR + QIT + IRP + ICV + AQ + otherDiag, data=demoShort)
summary(DemoGroup,digits = 1, digits.p =3, booktabs = T, title = "(\\#tab:demo) Demo")
I need my document in a two-column fashion (and use the two-column classoption). However, when I try to knit my document, I have this error related to my table (everything works fine in a single column document):
I was unable to find any missing LaTeX packages from the error log 2022_MMN_FS_TSA_WO.log.
! Package longtable Error: longtable not in 1-column mode.
Error: LaTeX failed to compile 2022_MMN_FS_TSA_WO.tex. See https://yihui.org/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips.
Is there a way to fix this error?
Thank you for your help,
I am trying to re-use the following code segment. The specific line of code gt_bg = gt_bg.reshape(*gt_bg.shape, 1) gives me the error messages such as
gt_bg = gt_bg.reshape(*gt_bg.shape, 1)
SyntaxError: only named arguments may follow *expression
I am using Python 2.7, is this the problem? If that's the case, how to modify it to make it fit to Python2.7? Thanks.
for image_file in image_paths[batch_i:batch_i+batch_size]:
gt_image_file = label_paths[os.path.basename(image_file)]
image = scipy.misc.imresize(scipy.misc.imread(image_file), image_shape)
gt_image = scipy.misc.imresize(scipy.misc.imread(gt_image_file), image_shape)
gt_bg = np.all(gt_image == background_color, axis=2)
gt_bg = gt_bg.reshape(*gt_bg.shape, 1)
gt_image = np.concatenate((gt_bg, np.invert(gt_bg)), axis=2)
This is not really related to the Python 2 / Python 3 difference, that's a red herring.
numpy array's reshape method expects to receive the new shape directly, as a tuple, not unpacked into dimensions. So, instead of this:
gt_bg = gt_bg.reshape(*gt_bg.shape, 1)
It's expecting this:
gt_bg = gt_bg.reshape(gt_bg.shape + (1,))
Or, if you want to be cool, you can just set the shape directly:
gt_bg.shape += (1,)
Or, if you want to be weird, you can use an Ellipsis in a slice:
gt_bg = gt_bg[...,None]
I am trying to build a model for the likelihood function of a particular outcome of a Langevin equation (Brownian particle in a harmonic potential):
Here is my model in pymc2 that seems to work:
#define the model/function to be fitted.
def model(x):
t = pm.Uniform('t', 0.1, 20, value=2.0)
A = pm.Uniform('A', 0.1, 10, value=1.0)
def S(t=t):
return 1-np.exp(-4*delta_t/t)
def s(t=t):
return np.exp(-2*delta_t/t)
path = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
path[0]=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0, tau=1/A, value=x[0], observed=True)
for i in range(1,N):
path[i] = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
return locals()
mcmc = pm.MCMC( model(x) )
mcmc.sample( 20000, 2000, 10 )
The basic idea is that each point depends on the previous point in the chain (Markov chain). Btw, x is an array of data, N is its length, delta_t is the time step =0.01. Any idea how to implement this in pymc3? I tried:
# define the model/function for diffusion in a harmonic potential
DHP_model = pm.Model()
with DHP_model:
t = pm.Uniform('t', 0.1, 20)
A = pm.Uniform('A', 0.1, 10)
path = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
path[0]=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0, tau=1/A, observed=x[0])
for i in range(1,N):
path[i] = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
Unfortunately the model crashes as soon as I try to run it. I tried some pymc3 examples (tutorial) on my machine and this is working.
Thanks in advance. I am really hoping that the new samplers in pymc3 will help me with this model. I am trying to apply Bayesian methods to single-molecule experiments.
Rather than creating many individual normally-distributed 1-D variables in a loop, you can make a custom distribution (by extending Continuous) that knows the formula for computing the log likelihood of your entire path. You can bootstrap this likelihood formula off of the Normal likelihood formula that pymc3 already knows. See the built-in AR1 class for an example.
Since your particle follows the Markov property, your likelihood looks like
import theano.tensor as T
def logp(path):
now = path[1:]
prev = path[:-1]
loglik_first = pm.Normal.dist(mu=0., tau=1./A).logp(path[0])
loglik_rest = T.sum(pm.Normal.dist(mu=prev*ss, tau=1./A/S).logp(now))
loglik_final = loglik_first + loglik_rest
return loglik_final
I'm guessing that you want to draw a value for ss at every time step, in which case you should make sure to specify ss = pm.exp(..., shape=len(x)-1), so that prev*ss in the block above gets interpreted as element-wise multiplication.
Then you can just specify your observations with
path = MyLangevin('path', ..., observed=x)
This should run much faster.
Since I did not see an answer to my question, let me answer it myself. I came up with the following solution:
# now lets model this data using pymc
# define the model/function for diffusion in a harmonic potential
DHP_model = pm.Model()
with DHP_model:
D = pm.Gamma('D',mu=mu_D,sd=sd_D)
A = pm.Gamma('A',mu=mu_A,sd=sd_A)
path=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0.0, tau=1/A, observed=x[0])
for i in range(1,N):
path = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
start = pm.find_MAP()
trace = pm.sample(100000, start=start)
unfortunately, this code takes at N=50 anywhere between 6hours to 2 days to compile. I am running on a pretty fast PC (24Gb RAM) running Ubuntu. I tried to using the GPU but that runs slightly slower. I suspect memory problems since it uses 99.8% of the memory when running. I tried the same calculation with Stan and it only takes 2min to run.
I have a small data set, it has less than 2000 rows. I am trying to fit a LinearRegressionModel using ML, well the data set has only one feature (which I already normalized), after the model was fitted, I evaluated it using a RegressionEvaluator and measuring metrics R2 and RMSE. Then I noticed the error was high, and hence decided to create more artificial features, in order to describe better the phenomena. To achieve this I created the following UDF (notice I check it works).
numberFeatures = 12
def addFeatures(value):
v = value.toArray()[0]
return Vectors.dense([v ** (1.0 / x) for x in xrange(2, 10)] +
[v ** x for x in xrange(1, numberFeatures)])
addFeaturesUDF = udf(addFeatures, VectorUDT())
# Here I test it
# [1.0,0.666666666667,0.5,0.4,0.333333333333,0.285714285714,0.25,0.222222222222,2.0,4.0,8.0,16.0,32.0,64.0,128.0,256.0,512.0,1024.0,2048.0]
After this I modify my DataFrame to add more features, using addFeaturesUDF, I can show it bellow.
dtBoosted = dt.withColumn("features", addFeaturesUDF(col("features")))
#| date|price| feature| features|
#|733946.0| 9.92|[733946.0]|[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,...|
#|733948.0| 8.05|[733948.0]|[4.88997555012224...|
#|733949.0| 8.05|[733949.0]|[7.33496332518337...|
#|733950.0| 7.91|[733950.0]|[9.77995110024449...|
#|733951.0| 7.91|[733951.0]|[0.00122249388753...|
# only showing top 5 rows
And works, but when I attempt to fit the model it shows an AssertError.
dtTrain, dtValidation = dtBoosted.randomSplit([0.75, 0.25], seed=107)
lr = LinearRegression(maxIter=100, labelCol="price", featuresCol="features")
lrm = lr.fit(dtTrain)
What is the problem? What am I doing wrong? It worked with one feature and some other features!
I am trying to do onevsrest classification like below:
classifier = Pipeline([('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()),('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),('clf', OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel='rbf')))])
classifier.fit(X_train, Y)
predicted = classifier.predict(X_test)
And I get the error 'predict_proba is not available when probability = false'. I saw that there was a bug reported, the one below:
And it was closed as fixed, so I killed scikit-learn from my Windows PC and completely re-downloaded scikit-learn to have version 0.15.2. But I still get this error. Any suggestions? Or I understood this wrong, and I still can't use SVC with OneVSRestClassifier unless I specify probability=true?
UPDATE: just to clarify, I am trying to actually achieve multi-label classification, here is data source:
df = pd.read_csv(fileIn, header = 0, encoding='utf-8-sig')
rows = random.sample(df.index, int(len(df) * 0.9))
work = df.ix[rows]
work_test = df.drop(rows)
X_train = []
y_train = []
X_test = []
y_test = []
for i in work[[i for i in list(work.columns.values) if i.startswith('Change')]].values:
X_train = np.array(X_train)
for i in work[[i for i in list(work.columns.values) if i.startswith('Corax')]].values:
for i in work_test[[i for i in list(work_test.columns.values) if i.startswith('Change')]].values:
X_test = np.array(X_test)
for i in work_test[[i for i in list(work_test.columns.values) if i.startswith('Corax')]].values:
lb = preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer()
Y = lb.fit_transform(y_train)
And after that I send it to pipeline mentioned earlier
Ok, I did some investigation in code. OneVsRestClassifier tries to call decision_function first and if it fails - it goes for predict_proba function of base classifier (svm.svc in our case).
As far as I see, my X_test is numpy.array of lists of strings. After it undergoes a sequence of transformations specified in pipeline CountVectorizer -> TfidfTransformer it becomes a sparse matrix (by design of these things). As I see currently decision_function is not available for sparse matrices, and there is even an open suggestion on github: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/73
So, to summarize, looks like you can't make a multilabel classification using svm.svc unless you specify probability=True. If you do this you introduce some overhead to the classifier.fit process but it will work.