Save the changes of ptrace() PTRACE_POKEDATA call - c++

I'm using ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid, addr, (orig ^ flip_mask)); in order to change a live process's data, but as soon as the call is terminated the changes that have been made disappear, would it be possible to keep the PTRACE_POKETEXT changes permanently even after terminating the ptrace call ?
void run_pro1 (pid_t child_pid) {
int wait_status;
unsigned icounter = 0;
procmsg("debugger started\n");
while (WIFSTOPPED(wait_status)) {
struct user_regs_struct regs;
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, child_pid, 0, &regs);
unsigned instr = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, child_pid, regs.rax , 0);
unsigned *instr3 ;
instr3 = &instr;
unsigned instr2 = instr ^ (1UL << (1 << (rand()%32)));
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, child_pid, instr, instr2);
unsigned *instr4 ;
instr4 = &instr2;
cout<<"addrctn="<< *instr3 <<endl;
cout<<"addrctn="<< *instr4 <<endl;
if (ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, child_pid, 0, 0) < 0) {
} /* Wait for child to stop on its next instruction */
ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, child_pid, 0, 0);
wait(&wait_status); //break;
procmsg("the child executed %u instructions\n", icounter);

Your main problem, I think, is that you are calling ptrace twice. The first time you pass it PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, which tells it to continue just one instruction. Immediately after, however, you call PTRACE_CONT, which tells it to continue until the next signal. The end result is that your program doesn't single step at all. It just runs.
There are a couple of secondary problems with your code. The first is that you are always calling these two functions with zero as the signal argument. Effectively, you are masking signals from the program.
Also, you are calling PEEK and POKE TEXT, and storing this in a variable called "instr". All of those don't make any difference, but they suggest you think you are dealing with instructions. The memory you read this from is from rax, which will rarely point at instructions, and might often not point at anything mapped at all. This, too, means you are probably doing something different than what you think you are doing, which is a probable cause of your problem.

The arguments to POKETEXT are wrong. The 3rd argument should be an address, but you gave instr, which is the old value, not the address from which it was read. To replace the value that you read, it should be:
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, child_pid, regs.rax, instr2);
Schachar Shemesh also has good points in his answer, but I think this addresses the specific problem you asked about.


Verifying halting-problem on self-implemented pseudo-assembly

I wrote a very simple implementation of what could be a similarity to Assembly/machine code.
It is even capable of recursion as in this example:
9 6
SUB R1,1
Output: 720 (factorial of 6)
9 = Program Lines
6 = Program Input. Will be set to registry R0 value at class construction
CALL = calls the program again with the passed value (recursion)
RET = returns the program with the specified value. Sets registry R9 value to output value.
R0 to R9 -> general purpose registry.
R0 - program input value
R9 - program output value
-edit: Program commands:
However the program can enter into infinite loop/recursion. e.g:
2 0
RET 1 //will never be reached
How do I verify whether MY program will enter into an infinite loop/recursion?
Here's my implementation, don't know whether it's necessary, but just in case you need. (It's the whole code... hope you don't mind).
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string> //std::getline
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace util
template<typename I>I readcin(I& input) {
std::cin >> input;
std::cin.clear(); std::cin.ignore();
return input;
template<typename I, typename...O> I readcin(I& input, O&... others) {
return readcin(others...);
enum OP
std::map<std::string, OP> OPTABLE
{"MOV", MOV}, {"ADD", ADD}, {"SUB", SUB}, {"MUL", MUL}, {"DIV", DIV}, {"MOD", MOD},
{"RET", RET},
{"IFG", IFG}, {"IFL", IFL},
//registry index
enum RI
R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, RI_MAX
std::map<std::string, RI> RITABLE =
{"R0", R0}, {"R1", R1}, {"R2", R2}, {"R3", R3}, {"R4", R4}, {"R5", R5},
{"R6", R6}, {"R7", R7}, {"R8", R8}, {"R9", R9}
struct Instruction
OP op;
RI r1;
int r2value;
Instruction() = delete;
Instruction(OP operation, RI firstRegister, int _2ndRegValue = -1)
op = operation;
r1 = firstRegister;
r2value = _2ndRegValue;
class Assembly
int REG[RI::RI_MAX] {0};
int GetRegistryValue(RI ri) const { return REG[ri]; }
void SetRegistryValue(RI ri, int val) { REG[ri] = val; }
CMP_FLAG flag { CMP_OK };
CMP_FLAG GetFlag() const { return flag; }
void SetFlag(bool setFlag) { flag = static_cast<CMP_FLAG>(setFlag); }
std::vector<std::string> programLines;
OP ExtractOP(const std::string& line);
RI ExtractRI(const std::string& line, OP op);
int Extract2ndRIval(const std::string& line, OP op);
void addCommand(const std::string& line) { programLines.push_back(line); }
void Execute();
Assembly() = delete;
Assembly(int inputValue) { REG[R0] = inputValue; }
int ReturnValue() const { return REG[R9]; }
//recursion only
Assembly(int inputValue, const std::vector<std::string>& progLines) {
REG[R0] = inputValue;
programLines = progLines;
OP Assembly::ExtractOP(const std::string& line)
std::istringstream issline{ line };
std::string operation;
issline >> operation;
return OPTABLE[operation];
RI Assembly::ExtractRI(const std::string& line, OP op)
auto space = line.find(' ');
if(op <= IFNEQ){
auto comma = line.find(',');
return RITABLE[std::string(line.begin() + space + 1, line.begin() + comma)];
return RI_MAX;
int Assembly::Extract2ndRIval(const std::string& line, OP op)
if(op == ENDIF) {
return -1;
std::size_t spaceOrComma;
if(op == CALL || op == RET) {
spaceOrComma = line.find(' ');
} else {
spaceOrComma = line.find(',');
std::string opval = std::string(line.begin() + spaceOrComma + 1, line.end());
auto it = RITABLE.find(opval);
if(it != RITABLE.end()){
return this->REG[it->second];
auto num = std::atoi(opval.c_str());
return num;
void Assembly::Execute()
for(const std::string& line : programLines)
OP op = ExtractOP(line);
RI r1 = ExtractRI(line, op);
int r2value = Extract2ndRIval(line, op);
Instruction command ( op, r1, r2value );
if(GetFlag() == CMP_FAIL)
if(command.op == ENDIF){
case MOV: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, command.r2value); } break;
case ADD: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, REG[command.r1] + command.r2value); } break;
case SUB: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, REG[command.r1] - command.r2value); } break;
case MUL: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, REG[command.r1] * command.r2value); } break;
case DIV: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, REG[command.r1] / command.r2value); } break;
case MOD: { SetRegistryValue(command.r1, REG[command.r1] % command.r2value); } break;
case IFEQ: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) == command.r2value); } break;
case IFNEQ: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) != command.r2value); } break;
case IFG: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) > command.r2value); } break;
case IFL: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) < command.r2value); } break;
case IFGE: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) >= command.r2value); } break;
case IFLE: { SetFlag(GetRegistryValue(command.r1) <= command.r2value); } break;
case RET:
SetRegistryValue(R9, command.r2value);
//oh boy!
case CALL:
// std::cout << "value to call:" << command.r2value << std::endl;
Assembly recursion(command.r2value, this->programLines);
SetRegistryValue(R9, recursion.ReturnValue());
int main()
int pl, input;
util::readcin(pl, input);
if(pl == 0){
Assembly Asm(input);
for(auto i=0; i<pl; ++i)
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin, line);
std::cout << Asm.ReturnValue() << std::endl;
return 0;
The only way to check to see if a program is stuck in an infinite loop in the general case is to check to see the program has entered the same state as previous state. If it has entered exactly the same state previously, then it must continue on executing in a loop returning to the same state over and over following the same sequence of steps. In real programs this essentially impossible because of the huge number of possible states the program can be in, but your assembly language only allows much more limited number of possible states.
Since your CALL instruction works just like invoking the program at the start and this is the only form of looping, this means that checking if the code enters the same state twice is simple. A CALL instruction with a certain argument has the exact same effect as invoking the program with that argument as an input. If the CALL instruction has the same argument as any previously executed CALL instruction or the program's input value, then it must continue executing in a loop endlessly returning to same state in the same sequence of steps.
In other words, the only state that needs to be checked is the R0 value at the start of the program. Since this value is stored in a int, it can only have 2^32 possible values on any common C++ implementation, so it's reasonable and easy to brute force check see if a given program with a given input gets stuck in infinite loop.
In fact, it's possible to use memoization of the return values to brute force check all possible inputs in O(N) time and O(N) space, where N is number of possible inputs. There are various ways you could do this, but the way I would do it is to create three vectors, all with a number of elements equal to the number of possible inputs. The first vector is a bool (bit) vector that records whether or not a given input has been memoized yet, the second vector is also bool vector and it records whether a given input has been used already on the call stack, the second vector is an int vector that records the result and is used a linked list of input values to create a call stack to save space. (In the code below these vectors are called, is_memoized, input_pending and memoized_value respectively.)
I'd take your interpreter loop and rewrite it to be non-recursive, something like this pseudo-code:
input = reg[R0]
if is_memoized[input]:
reg[R9] = memoized_value[input]
input_pending[input] = true
memoized_value[input] = input // mark the top of the stack
while true:
for command in program:
if command.op == CALL:
argument = command.r2value
if input_pending[argument]:
// Since this input value is ready been used as input value
// somewhere on the call stack this the program is about to enter
// an identical state as a previous state and so is stuck in
// a infinite loop.
return false // program doesn't halt
if is_memoized[argument]:
REG[R9] = memoized_value[argument]
memoized_value[argument] = input // stack the input value
input = argument
REG = [input, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
input_pending[input] = true
break // reevaluate the program from the beginning.
if command.op == RET:
argument = command.r2value
stacked_input = memoized_value[input]
input_pending[input] = false
if stacked_input == input: // at the top of the stack
REG[R9] = argument
return true // program halts for this input
is_memoized[input] = true
memoized_value[input] = argument
input = stacked_input
REG = [input, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
break // reevaluate the program from the beginning
You'd then call this interpreter loop for each possible input, something like this:
for i in all_possible_inputs:
if not program.execute(input = i): // the function written above
print "program doesn't halt for all inputs"
print "program halts for all inputs"
A recursive version should be faster since it doesn't have to reevaluate the program on each unmemoized CALL instruction in the program, but it would require hundreds of gigabytes of stack space in the worst case. This non-recursive version only requires 17 GB of memory. Either way it's still O(N) space and time, you're just making one constant factor smaller and another bigger.
To get this execute in reasonable amount of time you'd also probably want to parse the code once, and execute some byte code representation instead.
I take it you're looking for outside-the-box thinking.
Think of the halting problem this way. Turing proved programs are free from control. But why? Because the language has instructions to control execution. This means feasibly regulating and predicting execution in programs requires removing all control semantics from the language.
Even my collaborative process architecture doesn't accomplish that. It just forbids them because of the mess they make. It is still composed from a language which contains them. For example, you can use IF to break, return or continue but not for other operations. Function calls are illegal. I created such restrictions to achieve controllability. However not even a collaborative organization removes control structures from the language to prevent their misuse.
My architecture is online via my profile with a factorial example in my W article.
If the program steps into the same configuration twice then it will loop forever.
This is also true for Turing Machines, it is just that the (infinite) input is part of the machine's configuration.
This is also the intuition behind the pumping lemmas.
What constitutes a configuration in your model?
Since you have no memory and no IO, a configuration is given by the content of the registers and the line number of the current instruction (i.e. the instruction pointer).
When do a configuration change?
After every instruction, sure. But in the case of a non-branching instruction, the configurations before and after it are surely different because even if the instruction is a NOP then line number changed.
In the case of a branch, the line number might be one that we've seen before (for a backwards branch), so that's where the machine could step into the same configuration.
The only jumping instruction of interest, to me, seems to be call. The IF like ones will always produce different configurations because they are not expressive enough to produce iteration (jump back and repeat).
How does call change a configuration? It sets the line number to 1 and all the registers (except r0) to zero.
So the condition for a call to produce the same configuration reduces to having the same input.
If you check, in the call implementation, if the operand value has already been used before (in the simulation) then you can tell that the program will loop forever.
If a register has size n, then the possible states are O(2n), which is generally a lot.
You must be prepared to give up after a (possible customizable) threshold. Or in your case where your registers are int, most C++ implementations have 32-bit int, and modern machines can handle a 512MiB bitmap of 2^32 bits. (std::vector<bool> implements a packed bitmap for example; index it with unsigned to avoid negative ints). A hash table is another alternative (std::unordered_set<int>). But if you used a wider type for your registers, the state would be too big to practically record every possible one and you would need some limit. A limit is kind of built-in to your implementation as you will overflow the C++ callstack (C++ recursion depth) before seeing anywhere near 2^32 repeats of the machine being simulated.
If the registers are unbounded in their value, this reduces to the Halting Problem and thus undecideable in the general case. (But as #Brendan says, you can still look for early repeats of the state; many programs will terminate or infinitely repeat in a simple way.)
If you change the call implementation to not zero out the other registers, you must fallback to check the whole configuration at the call site (and not just the operand).
To check the termination of the program on every input you must proceed non-deterministically and symbolically.
There are two problems: the branches and the input value.
It is a famous theorem that an NDTM can be simulated by a TM in an exponential number of steps w.r.t. the steps of the NDTM.
The only problematic instructions are the IF ones because they create non-determinism.
You can take several approaches:
Split the simulation in two branches. One that executes the IF one that does not.
Rewrite the code to be simulated to produce an exponential (in the number of branches) number of branch-free variants of the code. You can generate them lazily.
Keep a tree of configurations, each branch in the program generating two children in the current node in the tree.
They are all equivalent.
The input value is not known, so it's hard to tell if a call ends up in the same configuration.
A possible approach is to record all the changes to the input register, for example you could end up with a description like "sub(add(add(R0, 1), 4), 5);".
This description should be easy to manipulate, as it's easy to see that in the example above R0 didn't change because you get "sub(add(R0, 5), 5);" and then "R0;".
This works by relying on the laws of arithmetics, you must take care of inverse operations, identity elements (1 * a = a) and overflow.
Basically, you need to simplify the expression.
You can then check if the input has changed at a given point in the simulated time.
How do I verify whether a program will enter into an infinite loop/recursion?
In practice; the halting problem is trivial to solve. It's only impossible in theory.
The reason people think that halting problem is impossible to solve is that the question is constructed as a false dilemma ( ). Specifically; the question asks to determine if a program will always halt or will never halt; but there's a third possibility - sometimes halting (and sometimes not halting). For an example if this, imagine a program that asks the user if they want to halt forever or exit immediately (and correctly does what the user requested). Note that all sane applications are like this - they're not supposed to exit until/unless the user tells them to.
More correctly; in practice, there are 4 possibilities:
runs until something external causes it to halt (power turned off, hardware failure, kill -9, ...)
sometimes halts itself
always halts itself
indeterminate (unable to determine which of the 3 other cases it is)
Of course with these 4 possibilities, you can say you've created a "halting problem solver" just by classifying every program as "indeterminate", but it won't be a good solution. This gives us a kind of rating system - extremely good "halting problem solvers" rarely classify programs as "indeterminate", and extremely bad "halting problem solvers" frequently classify programs as "indeterminate".
So; how do you create a good "halting problem solver"? This involves 2 parts - generating control flow graphs ( ) for each function and a call graph ( ) for the whole program; and value tracking.
Control Flow Graphs and Call Graph
It's not that hard to generate a control flow graph for each function/procedure/routine, just by examining the control flow instructions (call, return, jump, condition branch); and not that hard to generate a call graph while you're doing this (just by checking if a node is already in the call graph when you see a call instruction and adding it if it's not there yet).
While doing this, you want to mark control flow changes (in the control flow graph for each function) as "conditional" or "not conditional", and you want to mark functions (in the call graph for the whole program) as "conditional" or "not conditional".
By analyzing the resulting graphs you can classify trivial programs as "runs until something external causes it to halt" or "always halts itself" (e.g. this is enough to classify OP's original code as "runs until something external causes it to halt"); but the majority of programs will still be "indeterminate".
Value Tracking
Value tracking is (trying) to keep track of the possible values that could be in any register/variable/memory location at any point in time. For example, if a program reads 2 unsigned bytes from disk into 2 separate variable you know both variables will have a value from 0 to 255. If those variables are multiplied you know the result will be a value from 0*0 to 255*255; if those variables are added you know the result will be a value from 0+0 to 255+255; etc. Of course the variable's type gives absolute maximum possible ranges, even for assembly (where there's no types) - e.g. (without knowing if it's signed or unsigned) you know that a 32-bit read from memory will return a value from -2147483648 to 4294967296.
The point of value tracking is to annotate conditional branches in the control flow graph for each function; so that you can use those annotations to help classify a program as something other than "indeterminate".
This is where things get tricky - improving the quality of a "practical halting problem solver" requires increasing the sophistication/complexity of the value tracking. I don't know if it's possible to write a perfect "halting problem solver" (that never returns "indeterminate") but I do know that it's possible to write a "halting problem solver" that is sufficient for almost all practical purposes (that returns "indeterminate" so rarely that nobody cares).

How do Multi-process use the same ncurses screen?

I'm writing a c++ multi-process program with ncurses.
Each process is required to display something on the screen.
My Example code:
int main() {
int flag = fork();
if (flag == -1)
else if (flag == 0) {
WINDOW *win = newwin(4, 4, 0, 0);
int n = 0;
while (1) {
mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%d", n % 9);
n = (n + 1) % 9;
else {
WINDOW *win = newwin(4, 4, 8, 8);
int n = 0;
while (1) {
mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%d", n % 9);
n = (n + 1) % 9;
return 0;
But it can only display one process's information on the screen.
How can I solve it?
I have hacked about something ugly that roughly works but shows what the problems are. I suspect a single window manager process which other processes communicate with would be better - or some horrible set of mutexes.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <curses.h>
int main() {
WINDOW *win0 = newwin(4, 4, 0, 0);
WINDOW *win1 = newwin(4, 4, 8, 8);
int flag = fork();
if (flag == -1)
else if (flag == 0) {
int n = 0;
while (1) {
mvwprintw(win0, 0, 0, "%d", n % 9);
n = (n + 1) % 9;
else {
int n = 0;
while (1) {
mvwprintw(win1, 0, 0, "%d", n % 9);
n = (n + 1) % 9;
return 0;
The example creates two 4x4 windows, with the second offset to 8,8. So they have no lines in common.
Since you're using fork (rather than vfork), the two processes should have separate address spaces, and there should be no way for one process to refresh a window which is modified in the other process. In some cases, developers have chosen to equate vfork and fork. With Linux, the vfork manual page comments:
Standard Description
(From POSIX.1) The vfork() function has the same effect as fork(2),
except that the behavior is undefined if the process created by vfork()
either modifies any data other than a variable of type pid_t used to
store the return value from vfork(), or returns from the function in
which vfork() was called, or calls any other function before successfully calling _exit(2) or one of the exec(3) family of functions.
but goes on to say
The requirements put on vfork() by the standards are weaker than
those put on fork(2), so an implementation where the two are
synonymous is compliant. In particular, the programmer cannot rely
on the parent remaining blocked until the child either terminates or
calls execve(2), and cannot rely on any specific behavior with
respect to shared memory.
That weaker and compliant is a developer arguing that making the two functions similar doesn't really matter...
The fork manual page asserts that there are separate address spaces:
The child process and the parent process run in separate memory
spaces. At the time of fork() both memory spaces have the same
content. Memory writes, file mappings (mmap(2)), and unmappings
(munmap(2)) performed by one of the processes do not affect the
but we're left with that ambiguity in the description of vfork. Your program may fail to update the window belonging to the parent process as part of this vfork behavior — and refreshing both windows in the suggested answer merely confirms that the fork function is vfork in disguise.
POSIX currently has no page for vfork. It had one here (the fork description is worth reading).
Either way, using vfork wouldn't actually improve things. If you have to work within the same address space, that's what threads are for. If you have to use separate processes, making one process update the screen and other process(es) communicate with pipes is what people actually do.
A commented suggested that fork is obsolete. POSIX has something different to say on that aspect. Quoting from the rationale for posix_spawn:
The posix_spawn() function and its close relation posix_spawnp() have been introduced to overcome the following perceived difficulties with fork(): the fork() function is difficult or impossible to implement without swapping or dynamic address translation.
Swapping is generally too slow for a realtime environment.
Dynamic address translation is not available everywhere that POSIX might be useful.
Processes are too useful to simply option out of POSIX whenever it must run without address translation or other MMU services.
Thus, POSIX needs process creation and file execution primitives that can be efficiently implemented without address translation or other MMU services.
The posix_spawn() function is implementable as a library routine, but both posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() are designed as kernel operations. Also, although they may be an efficient replacement for many fork()/ exec pairs, their goal is to provide useful process creation primitives for systems that have difficulty with fork(), not to provide drop-in replacements for fork()/ exec.
Further reading:
what is the difference between fork() and vfork()?
The difference between fork(), vfork(), exec() and clone()
EWONTFIX - vfork considered dangerous

Problems with pointers and memory adresses

I wonder why this code doesn't work:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int *pointer = (int*)0x02F70BCC;
return 0;
In my opinion it should write on the screen value of 0x02F70BCC,
instead of this my programm crashes.
I know that memory with adress 0x02F70BCC stores value of 20.
But like I said no matter what it just doesn't want to show correct number.
Please help me guys, detailed explanation would be very nice of you.
It doesn't work, because you won't get access to every location in memory you want. Not every location in memory is valid, you may want to read about Virtual Address Space.
Some addresses are reserved for device drivers and kernel mode operations. Another range of addresses (for example 0xCCCCCCCC and higher) may be reserved for uninitialized pointers.
Even if some location is valid, operating system may still deny access to write to/read from certain location, if that would cause undefined behaviour or violate system safety.
I think you might be interested in creating some kind of "GameHack", that allows you to modify amount of resources, number of units, experience level, attributes or anything.
Memory access is not a simple topic. Different OSes use different strategies to prevent security violations. But many thing can be done here, after all there is a lot software for doing such things.
First of all, do you really need to write your own tool? If you just want some cheating, use ArtMoney - it is a great memory editor, that I have been using for years.
But if you really have to write it manually, you need to do some research first.
On Windows, for example, I would start from these:
Also, I am quite certain, that one of possible techniques is to pretend, that you are a debugger:
I have done some research and it looks, that on Windows (I assume this is your platform, since you mentioned gaming; can't imagine playing anything on crappy Linux), steps required to write another process' memory are:
1. Enumerate processes: (EnumProcesses)
const size_t MAX_PROC_NUM = 512;
DWORD procIDs[MAX_PROC_NUM] = { 0 };
DWORD idsNum = 0;
if(!EnumProcesses(procIDs, sizeof(DWORD) * MAX_PROC_NUM, &idsNum))
//handle error here
idsNum /= sizeof(DWORD); //After EnumProcesses(), idsNum contains number of BYTES!
2. Open required process. (OpenProcess,GetModuleFileNameEx)
const char* game_exe_path = "E:\\Games\\Spellforce\\Spellforce.exe"; //Example
HANDLE game_proc_handle = nullptr;
DWORD proc_access = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE; //read & write memory, query info needed to get .exe name
const DWORD MAX_EXE_PATH_LEN = 1024;
for(DWORD n = 0 ; n < idsNum ; ++idsNum)
DWORD current_id = procIDs[n];
HANDLE current_handle = OpenProcess(proc_access, false, current_id);
//handle error here
char current_path[MAX_EXE_PATH_LEN];
DWORD length = GetModuleFileNameEx(current_handle, nullptr, current_path, MAX_EXE_PATH_LEN);
if(length > 0)
if(strcmp(current_path, game_exe_path) == 0) //that's our game!
game_proc_handle = current_handle;
CloseHandle(current_handle); //don't forget this!
//sorry, game not found
3. Write memory (WriteProcessMemory)
void* pointer = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x02F70BCC);
int new_value = 5000; //value to be written
BOOL success = WriteProcessMemory(game_proc_handle, pointer, &new_value, sizeof(int), nullptr);
//data successfully written!
//well, that's... em...
This code is written just 'as is', but I see no errors, so you can use it as your starting point. I also provided links for all functions I used, so with some additional research (if necessary), you can achieve what you are trying to.
When you use,
the program tries to dereference the value of the pointer and writes the value at the address.
If you want to print just the pointer, use:
cout << pointer;
int main()
int i = 20;
int* p = &i;
std::cout << *p << std::endl; // print the value stored at the address
// pointed to by p. In this case, it will
// print the value of i, which is 20
std::cout << p << std::endl; // print the address that p points to
// It will print the address of i.

Which thread finishes with multithreading?

I am new to here and I hope I am doing everything right.
I was wondering how to find out which thread finishes after waiting for one to finish using the WaitForMultipleObjects command. Currently I have something along the lines of:
int checknum;
int loop = 0;
const int NumThreads = 3;
HANDLE threads[NumThreads];
WaitForMultipleObjects(NumThreads, threads, false, INFINITE);
threads[loop] = CreateThread(0, 0, ThreadFunction, &checknum, 0, 0);
It is only supposed to have a max of three threads running at the same time. So I have a loop to begin all three threads (hence the loop value). The problem is when I go through it again, I would like to change the value of loop to the value of whichever thread just finished its task so that it can be used again. Is there any way to find out which thread in that array had finished?
I would paste the rest of my code, but I'm pretty sure no one needs all 147 lines of it. I figured this snippet would be enough.
When the third parameter is false, WaitForMultipleObjects will return as soon as ANY of the objects is signaled (it doesn't need to wait for all of them).
And the return value indicates which object caused it to return. It will be WAIT_OBJECT_0 for the first object, WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 for the second, etc.
I am away from my compiler and I don't know of an onlione IDE that works with windows but here is the rough idea of what you need to do.
const int NumThreads = 3;
HANDLE threads[NumThreads];
//create threads here
DWORD result = WaitForMultipleObjects(NumThreads, threads, false, INFINITE);
if(result >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && result - WAIT_OBJECT_0 < NumThreads){
int index = result - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
if(!CloseHandle(Handles[index])){ //need to close to give handle back to system even though the thread has finished
DWORD error = GetLastError();
//TODO handle error
threads[index] = CreateThread(0, 0, ThreadFunction, &checknum, 0, 0);
else {
DWORD error = GetLastError();
//TODO handle error
at work we do this a bit differently. We have made a library which wraps all needed windows handle types and preforms static type checking (though conversion operators) to make sure you can't wait for an IOCompletionPort with a WaitForMultipleObjects (which is not allowed). The wait function is variadic rather than taking an array of handles and its size and is specialized using SFINAE to use WaitForSingleObject when there is only one. It also takes Lambdas as arguements and executes the corresponding one depending on the signaled event.
This is what it looks like:
Win::Event ev;
Win::Thread th([]{/*...*/ return 0;});
Win::WaitFor(ev,[]{std::cout << "event" << std::endl;},
th,[]{std::cout << "thread" << std::endl;},
std::chrono::milliseconds(100),[]{std::cout << "timeout" << std::endl;});
I would highly recommend this type of wrapping because at the end of the day the compiler optimizes it to the same code but you can't make nearly as many mistakes.

Issue with fork and wait system call

I have written a basic c++ program in unix with fork() and wait() system call. I am only creating one child. I have used two pipes. So After fork operation with first pipe i am writing from child to parent and as after parent receives the data, parent is writing back to child in second pipe. after that in parent side I am using wait(0) system call. but still my parent process dies before child process?
structure is something like this:
char buff[] = "Parent process kills";
char cuff[] = "before Child process";
int fd1[2];
int fd2[2];
if((pid = fork()) == 0)
wait((int *) 0);
Even though wait() is used but still parent process dies before child.
Thanks in adavance.
Your call to read result in undefined behavior. You try to read into string literals, not the buffers you have. In this case it probably results in a crash.
Your write calls also writes a string literal and not the buffer you have.
Also, since you have character arrays initialized to strings, sizeo(buff) and strlen(buff) + 1 are equal.
Are you sure you're not dying due to a segfault? Each of these commands is trying to send more than you intend:
and each of these is trying to receive into read-only memory:
There is a subtle error in the line
if(pid == fork())
You compare the result of fork() with pid instead of assigning to it and comparing it to zero. What you wanted to write is this:
if((pid = fork()))
Note the extra set of parentheses that tells the compiler that you really want to do the assignment, and that you don't want get a warning on it.
And with the corrected if, you have the parent executing the first case, not the second, so the correct code would be:
if(pid == fork()) {
wait((int *) 0);
} else {