Is there a way to safely reload jetty? - jetty

is there a way to reload jetty ? For example if I have separate java apps running on same jetty instance and I want one of those apps restarted, but don't want any other apps to be affected by that restart, how can I achieve that ?
Or the only way to achieve that is running one jetty per app ?
Thank you

If you are deploying with a webapp (*.war) file or context xml file *.xml in the ${jetty.base}/webapps/ directory, just touch the file (update its timestamp) and that specific webapp will reload automatically.
You could also copy a fresh copy of the webapp or context xml file over top of the existing one (this will also trigger a reload)

I believe you asked this on the Jetty-Users mailing list as well. Reposting the answer that Simone Bordet provided, which is to use JMX to restart the affected context/webapp:
You can enable JMX and then stop() and start() again the context of
the application you want to restart.
The webapp contexts are typically under ObjectNames of the form:


Disable Liquibase execution at startup using Jetty + Spring (not Spring boot!)

I'm working in an application developed with Spring5 (not Spring boot!) that runs on Jetty. This application has module that uses the plugin liquibase-maven-plugin.
We generate a image from a dockerfile (base image jetty:9-jre8), where we add the application (war file) in the jetty application directory.
In some specific environments, where I deploy the application, I want to be able to disable that execution.
Is it possible to do so?
I've seen on spring boot documentation, that it's possible to do so by defining the property spring.liquibase.enabled (or liquibase.enabled on Spring4) to false, but that seems that doesn't work:
I've tried to define them at the properties file, define them as env properties and also as java options (-Dspring.liquibase.enabled=false).
This has the same behavior when I deploy the container, or when I execute locally the maven command: mvn jetty:run
Do you have any ideas or hints how to do this?
Thank you in advance
Well I just discovered that it's possible to disable the execution of liquibase by adding the JAVA_OPTION
For more details see here
I will keep this quesion anyway, in case someone has the same problem I did.

Best tool for simple automated deployment with Django

For a Django project, I'm looking for a tool that would:
update the code on my server from a given branch in a remote repository (example: a master branch from Bitbucket)
run basic django command (migrate, collectstatic, etc...)
restart the project
notify me that all went ok (on Slack for instance)
I've seen many possible ways of doing this (Ansible, DeployBot, Pipelines, etc...), but I was wondering if there is a tool to recommend for a simple app?
Generally, on my Django project I am using Fabric ( for all activities mentioned by you. So deploy from particular branch, Django commands (eg. static collect), server restart etc.

Deploying Web job with appropriate environments variable

We are trying to deploy a web job via octopus. We have different eventhub keys saved in the variables and we expect the webjob to pick up the right key depending on the environment that it is being deployed to. Has one one done this before? Any advice on settings up configurations in octopus?
<========== UPDATE ===========>
We were being careless and didn't quite set our octopus process to transform the Configuration Variables. You should be able to do so by clicking 'configure variables' in the process step.
I don't think it being deployed via Octopus is all that relevant here. Generally, a .NET WebJob is able to access Azure App Setting using standard configuration API.
If that is not working for you, please update your question to clarify what you tries, and specifically what didn't work.

How to work with a local development server and deploy to a production server in django?

I want to work locally on my django(1.7) project and regularly deploy updates to a production server. How would you do this? I have not found anything about this in the docs. I am confused about that because it seems like many people would want to do that and there should be some kind of standard solution to this. Or am I getting the whole workflow wrong?
I should note that I'm not expecting a step-by-step guide. I am just trying to understand the concept.
Assuming you already have your deployment server setup, and all you need to do is push code to your server, then you can just use git as a form of deployment.
Digital Ocean has a good tutorial at this link
Push sources to a git repository from a dev machine.
pull sources on a production server. Restart uwsgi/whatever.
There is no standard way of doing this, so no, it cannot be included with Django or be thoroughly described in the docs.
If you're using a PaaS how you deploy depends on the PaaS. Ditto for a container like docker, you must follow the rules of that particular container.
If you're old-school and can ssh into a server you can rsync a snapshot of the code to the correct place after everything else is taken care of: database, ports, webserver setup etc. That's what I do, and I control stuff with bash scripts utilizing a makefile.
ssh $REMOTEHOST make -C $REMOTEPATH deploy
My "deploy"-action is a monster but might be as easy as something that touches the wsgi-file used in order to reload the site. My medium complex ones cleans out stale files, run collectstatic and then reloads the site. The really complex ones creates a timestamped virtualenv, cloned database and remote code tree, a new server-setup that points to this, runs connection tests on the remote and if they succeed, switches the main site to point to the new versioned site, then emails me the version that is now in production, with the git hash and timestamp.
Lots of good solutions. Heroku has a good tutorial:
Check out a general guide for deploying to multiple PaaS providers here:

Django deploying on lighttpd automatization

I have few simple django-based sites and I their number increasing all the time. Every time I deploy the site I need to:
Manually create bash-script that start Django FastCGI server.
Adding it to etc/init.d to run after server reboot.
Creating separate config for Lighttpd to work with FastCGI server and serving static files.
I know how to do it, but I'd like to automate this task if possible.
My dream setup process could look like this:
I have a folder somewhere in my /var/ directory. For example: /var/django/
I clone one of my projects to the subdirectory of this directory.
After that happening one of the following: Some software automatically detects folder creation, and creates all necessary configs and then restart Lighttpd. OR I manually run some kind of script in my new folder to do it.
I tried to look for existing tools for such automation or something similar in the internet, but couldn't find one.
So I'd like to ask is there tools like this out there? Maybe not exactly to install Django apps, but to this kind of process automation in general. Or everybody just writes their own bash script to do such things?
have you had a look at fabric and puppet?
I think fabric will do the job. I've just started reading through the docs, seems very simple to get started on. Also it has nice Python-ic way of doing things locally and on remote servers.