Linked list issue with overwriting variables - c++

I am trying to code a linked list in C++, but I am running into a problem. When I insert only one item, it works, but when I insert more than one, it goes into an infinite loop. Here is the code:
#include "linkedList.hpp"
#include <iostream>
linkedList::node::node(int value)
internalValue = value;
next = nullptr;
previous = nullptr;
: header{node(-2)}, trailer{node(-2)}
trailer.previous = &header; = &trailer;
size = 0;
int linkedList::getLength()
return size;
void linkedList::appendElement(int value)
node newNode = node(value); = &trailer;
newNode.previous = trailer.previous;
(trailer.previous)->next = &newNode;
trailer.previous = &newNode;
size = size + 1;
void linkedList::print()
node * current =;
while (current -> next != nullptr)
std::cout << current -> internalValue << "->" << "\n";
current = current->next;
std::cout << "v";
After trying to debug it, I found that the issue is with the construction of a node. So the first time I try to insert 5, the program creates a node called new node, which is then appended perfectly fine.
What happens next is when a second number is to be appended, lets say 6, the program doesn't really create a new node object. Rather the variable name "newNode" still refers to the node with the value 5 stored in it and it replaces it with a node with the value of 6.
This understandably then creates an infinite loop since it essentially makes the array circular. I don't know how to fix this. Can someone point me in the right direction?
PS: sorry if this is extremely simple, I am very new to C++ (this is only my second day of coding)

In linkedList::appendElement(int value) you create a new node on the stack ( or 'automatic storage' ), which means the node will be destroyed when the function returns.
Instead, create the node on the heap ( or 'dynamic storage' ) using the new operator so it is not destroyed when the function returns.
node* newNode = new node(value);
You will also have to remember to destroy nodes yourself when the list is destroyed or truncated, and most C++ developers soon find it better to use smart pointers for that.


Why is the delete temp crashing even though the function is defined with new

I am making a modified double ended Linked List, but the head and the tail point to each other. In the insertBeforeCurrent and the insertAfterCurrent I defined the objects with new and put them into the Linked List. But when I go to use delete, the program just crashes. I have done some tests, and insertBeforeCurrent and insertAfterCurrent works, and I am able to through the Linked List and print every single element with the getPrevious and getNext. I also printed it using only insertBeforeCurrent, insertAfterCurrent and I was also able to do the same with the mixture of the two. I was able to print it with 1,2,3,and 6 elements in the Linked List. The problem I have is the debugger, everything works until I hit the delete temp; at which point it will just say.
Can't find a source file at "/build/glibc-t7JzpG/glibc-2.30/signal/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
I know you can only use the delete function for delete the data created by the new's dynamic memory allocation, but that doesn't seem to be the case since every element of the Linked List is created by new.
So the issue with application crashing is not the Node * x = new Node(); followed by x = y;. These don't show any warnings,the application runs, and 5 or 6 people have pointed them out. Thank you by the way. My issue is specifically is the delete temp;and why is it not being deleted. I have left the code for some context.
EDIT: I have removed the insertBeforeCurrent and insertAfterCurrent code since it is not needed.
bool CircularDoublyLinkedList::remove(int original_data)
Node search_data = search(original_data);
Node* temp = &search_data;
Node* current_next;
Node* current_previous;
if (temp != NULL)
if (temp == head)
current_previous = temp->getPrevious();
current_next = temp->getNext();
head = current_next;
delete temp;
current = current_next;
cout << "Delete successful." << endl;
else if (temp == tail)
current_previous = temp->getPrevious();
current_next = temp->getNext();
tail = current_next;
delete temp;
current = current_next;
cout << "Delete successful." << endl;
current_previous = temp->getPrevious();
current_next = temp->getNext();
delete temp;
return true;
return false;
I know you can only use the delete function for delete the data created by the new's dynamic memory allocation,
So far so good.
but that doesn't seem to be the case since every element of the Linked List is created by new.
This is not relevant, since the temp in CircularDoublyLinkedList::remove() never points to an element of the linked list. You assign to temp the address of a local variable (search_data) and never change that. Local variables are not created by new, so (as you noted earlier), you cannot delete &search_data.
(You might have noticed this yourself had you used a debugger to step through your code while trying to delete the first element of the list. In your current code, temp == head will never be true, even though that is the branch for deleting the first element. Similarly, temp == tail will never be true, and temp != NULL will never be false.)
At a guess, your search() function should probably return a pointer to a node in the list instead of returning the node, at which point you'll no longer need the (poorly-named) temp variable.

Using an array of pointers-to-pointers to manipulate the pointers it points to (C++)

I've been doing this as an exercise on my own to get better at C++ (messing around with a linked list I wrote). What I want to do is to reverse the list by twisting the pointers around, rather than just 'printing' the data out in reverse (which is relatively straightforward).
I have an array of pointers-to-pointers, each pointing to a node in a linked list. But this is less a question about linked-list dynamics (which I understand), and more about pointer magick.
A node looks like this,
template<class T>
struct node {
T data;
node *next;
node(T value) : data(value), next(nullptr) {}
And the code in question,
node<T> **reverseArr[listLength];
node<T> *parser = root;
for (auto i : reverseArr) {
i = &parser;
parser = parser->next;
root = *(reverseArr[listLength - 1]);
for (int ppi = listLength - 1; ppi >= 0; --ppi) {
if (ppi == 0) {
(*reverseArr[ppi])->next = nullptr;
//std::cout << "ppi is zero!" << "\t";
else {
(*reverseArr[ppi])->next = (*reverseArr[ppi - 1]);
//std::cout << "ppi, 'tis not zero!" << "\t";
My logic:
The new root is the last element of the list,
Iterate through the array in reverse,
Set the current node's next pointer to the previous one by setting the current node's nextNode to the next node in the loop.
What's happening:
If I leave the debug print statements commented, nothing. The function's called but the linked list remains unchanged (not reversed)
If I uncomment the debug prints, the program seg-faults (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but seems to indicate a flaw in my code)
I suspect there's something I'm missing that a fresh pair of eyes might catch. Am I, perhaps, mishandling the array (not accounting for the decay to a pointer or something)?
You're overthinking the problem. The correct way to reverse a single-linked list is much simpler than you think, and does not involve arrays at all.
All you need to do is walk through the list setting each node's next pointer to the head of the list, then set the head of the list to that node. Essentially, you are unlinking each node and inserting it at the start of the list. Once you reach the end, your list is reversed.
It just requires a bit of care, because the order that you do things is important. Something like this should do it:
template <class T>
node<T> * reverse( node<T> * head )
node<T> *current = head;
head = NULL;
while( current != NULL )
// store remainder of list
node<T> *remain = current->next;
// re-link current node at the head
current->next = head;
head = current;
// continue iterating remainder of list
current = remain;
return head;
The operation has a linear time complexity. You would invoke it by passing your list's head node as follows:
root = reverse( root );
It should go without saying that it would be a bad idea to call this function with any node that is not the head of a list, or to pass in a list that contains cycles.

Circular Singly Linked List: Remove a particular Node from List

I wrote the code to remove a particular node from list according to user
choice, code works perfectly fine for a particular value but if i make
several calls to it meaning if I call it 2 times continuously then one of my
another function pointer_to_node(index) gives an out of bounds error which
was also implemented by me to record such conditions,
Actually, why I need several calls is that I have to write a separate function
to remove all the nodes. I am trying to accomplish that task using this
function by using a for loop up to the size of my Circular Singly Linked list.
But in that case it also returns me a NULL pointer and gives me out of bounds
message (implemented by me in code). I have included both my functions down
void remove_from_index(int index){
temptr = new Node;
int tempdata;
if (index==1)//means remove from first
temptr = firstptr;
tempdata= temptr->data;
firstptr = firstptr->nextptr;
} else if(index==size_of_list()) //means last node
temptr = pointer_to_node(index);
index--; //get pointer of 2nd last position
lastptr = pointer_to_node(index);//setting 2nd last as last postion
delete (temptr);
} else // any position of node
temptr = pointer_to_node(index);
tempdata = temptr->data;
index--; // to get address of back
Node* temp2ptr;
temp2ptr = new Node;
temp2ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
index = index+2;
Node* temp3ptr;
temp3ptr = new Node;
temp3ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
temp2ptr->nextptr = temp3ptr;
delete (temptr);
Node* pointer_to_node(int index){
temptr = new Node;
temptr = firstptr;
temptr2 = new Node;
temptr2 = NULL;
int count = 1;
while (temptr!=temptr2){
if (count==index)
return temptr;
if (index>size_of_list())
cout<< "Can't You think in bounds. Take your NULL Pointer ";
return temptr;
delete temptr;
delete temptr2;
You have several memory leaks:
temptr=NULL; // BAD!! BAD!! Remove it otherwise you will not actually free
delete (temptr);
And here too (actually you have this in four places of the code):
Node* temp2ptr;
temp2ptr = new Node; // BADD!! Why do you allocate if you are going to reassign?
temp2ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
Remove the bads and you will avoid the memory leaks.
Still, this is not going to fix your problem.
Also you have operations after return here:
return temptr;
delete temptr;
delete temptr2;
These are never going to be executed.
EDIT Your pointer_to_node function is too complex please change it with
Node* pointer_to_node(int index) {
Node* tempPtr = firstptr;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
tempPtr = tempPtr->nextptr;
return tempPtr;
And see if this will fix your problem. More lines of code very rarely means better programming skills, do not artificially try to increase their count.
I think another possible issue here, aside from all the memory leaks and style issues which are already well documented, is that your code does not seem to handle the case of there only being one thing in the list.
If that happens, it will delete that node, but leave firstptr and lastptr pointing at random memory.
If your size_of_list() function is just counting nodes in the list, it will probably still think there are non-zero nodes remaining, and you might then attempt to remove or otherwise access another node.

C++ - Stack with Linked List - Bad Memory Error?

I am currently writing stack that is being implemented with a linked list. I am get this error:
Unhandled exception at 0x75249617 in STACK_LinkedList.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x002ee8f8.
I believe it is possibly coming from either my push() or pop() functions. I can't find my error. I am fairly new to linked lists, so I have a little bit of a tough time finding errors.
Here is my push() function:
// Adds an item to the top of the stack
template <class S>
void Stack<S>::push(const S & e)
NodePointer temp = new Node(e);
if ( isEmpty() )
theTop = theFront = temp;
// Whatever is after top is stored in temp to keep track of it
theTop->next = temp;
// TheTop is stored in temp
theTop = temp;
delete temp;
Here is my pop() function:
//Takes the item off the top of the stack
template <class S>
void Stack<S>::pop()
if ( !isEmpty() )
//temp node is set equal to the front
NodePointer temp = theFront;
//Holds the second to last node in the linked list
NodePointer pred;
//loops through until the node after temp is 0
while (temp->next != 0)
//sets the second to last as temp
pred = temp ;
//basically "increments" temp to the next node
temp = temp->next ;
//sets temp equal to the top
temp = theTop;
//the top is then set to its predecessor
theTop = pred;
//deletes what was known as the top
delete temp;
cout << "STACK IS EMPTY" << endl;
Thanks alot! I believe most of my logic is correct. I just am missing something small. If it's something else please tell me and i'll post that code.
You should not delete your temp in push! It's a part of the list. So when you access this data later, you get surely an exception.
Second, you have to initialize your pred with NULL in pop(), otherwise you'll get an undefined value assigned to theTop if the stack contains only 1 item.
Third, you should delete in pop() the Node which you allocated in push().
In general, your approach seems to be not very efficient. You should better store the pointers other way round: from stack top to the bottom items. That way you won't need to traverse the whole stack on each pop(). Your code will be something like that:
void push(data)
allocate new top
new top's next is the old top
store new top in the class
void pop()
if empty, ERROR;
new top = old top's next
deallocate old top
Note that you don't need theFront at all.
Your push function is deleting "temp". However, temp points to the data you just added to your list. If call delete on a pointer, you are not throwing away the pointer, but rather deleting the memory it points to! Get rid of your delete statement in push and test that first (without pop). I haven't looked over your pop function, but I will leave that as an exercise for you to check for errors after you test pop().

What is the pointer-to-pointer technique for the simpler traversal of linked lists? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
An interesting C linked list idiom
(11 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Ten years ago, I was shown a technique for traversing a linked list: instead of using a single pointer, you used a double pointer (pointer-to-pointer).
The technique yielded smaller, more elegant code by eliminating the need to check for certain boundary/edge cases.
Does anyone know what this technique actually is?
I think you mean double pointer as in "pointer to a pointer" which is very efficient for inserting at the end of a singly linked list or a tree structure. The idea is that you don't need a special case or a "trailing pointer" to follow your traversal pointer once you find the end (a NULL pointer). Since you can just dereference your pointer to a pointer (it points to the last node's next pointer!) to insert. Something like this:
T **p = &list_start;
while (*p) {
p = &(*p)->next;
*p = new T;
instead of something like this:
T *p = list_start;
if (p == NULL) {
list_start = new T;
} else {
while (p->next) {
p = p->next;
p->next = new T;
NOTE: It is also useful for making efficient removal code for a singly linked list. At any point doing *p = (*p)->next will remove the node you are "looking at" (of course you still need to clean up the node's storage).
By "double-pointer", I think you mean "pointer-to-pointer". This is useful because it allows you to eliminate special cases for either the head or tail pointers. For example, given this list:
struct node {
struct node *next;
int key;
/* ... */
struct node *head;
If you want to search for a node and remove it from the list, the single-pointer method would look like:
if (head->key == search_key)
removed = head;
head = head->next;
struct node *cur;
for (cur = head; cur->next != NULL; cur = cur->next)
if (cur->next->key == search_key)
removed = cur->next;
cur->next = cur->next->next;
Whereas the pointer-to-pointer method is much simpler:
struct node **cur;
for (cur = &head; *cur != NULL; cur = &(*cur)->next)
if ((*cur)->key == search_key)
removed = *cur;
*cur = (*cur)->next;
I think you mean doubly-linked lists where a node is something like:
struct Node {
(..) data // The data being stored in the node, it can be of any data type
Node *next; // A pointer to the next node; null for last node
Node *prev; // A pointer to the previous node; null for first node
I agree with the comments about using the STL containers for handling your list dirty work. However, this being Stack Overflow, we're all here to learn something.
Here's how you would normally insert into a list:
typedef struct _Node {
void * data;
Node * next;
} Node;
Node * insert( Node * root, void * data ) {
Node * list = root;
Node * listSave = root;
while ( list != null ) {
if ( data < list->data ) {
listSave = list;
list = list->next;
Node * newNode = (Node*)malloc( sizeof(Node) );
newNode->data = data;
/* Insert at the beginning of the list */
if ( listSave == list ) {
newNode->next = list;
list = newNode;
/* Insert at the end of the list */
else if ( list == null ) {
listSave->next = newNode;
newNode->next = null;
list = root;
/* Insert at the middle of the list */
else {
listSave->next = newNode;
newNode->next = list;
list = root;
return list;
Notice all the extra checking you have to do depending on whether the insertion occurs at the beginning, end or middle of the list. Contrast this with the double pointer method:
void insert( Node ** proot, void * data ) {
Node ** plist = proot;
while ( *plist != null ) {
if ( data < (*plist)->data ) {
plist = &(*plist)->next;
Node * newNode = (Node *)malloc( sizeof(Node) );
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = *plist;
*plist = newNode;
As Evan Teran indicated, this works well for singly linked lists, but when it's doubly linked, you end up going through just as many if not more manipulations as the single pointer case. The other draw back is that you're going through two pointer dereferences for each traversal. While the code looks cleaner, it probably doesn't run as quickly as the single pointer code.
You probably mean a doubly-linked list, with one of the pointers going forward and the other going backward. This allows you to get to the next and previous nodes for a given node without having to remember the last one or two nodes encountered (as in a singly-linked list).
But the one thing I discovered which made the code even more elegant was to always have two dummy elements in the list at all times, the first and the last. This gets rid of the edge cases for insertion and deletion since you're always acting on a node in the middle of the list.
For example, an empty list is created:
first = new node
last = new node = last
first.prev = null = null
last.prev = first
// null <- first <-> last -> null
Obviously, traversing the list is slightly modified (forward version shown only):
curr =
while curr <> last:
do something with curr
curr =
The insertions are much simpler since you don't have to concern yourself with whether you're inserting at the start or end of the list. To insert before the current point:
if curr = first:
raise error
add = new node = curr
add.prev = curr.prev = add
curr.prev = add
Deletions are also simpler, avoiding the edge cases:
if curr = first or curr = last:
raise error = = curr.prev
delete curr
All very much cleaner code and at the cost of only having to maintain two extra nodes per list, not a great burden in today's huge memory space environments.
Caveat 1: If you're doing embedded programming where space still might matter, this may not be a viable solution (though some embedded environments are also pretty grunty these days).
Caveat 2: If you're using a language that already provides linked list capabilities, it's probably better to do that rather than roll your own (other than for very specific circumstances).