Using an array in the Arduino ide - c++

Hi i'm trying to use an array to make a code for the arduino to play music using a piezo speaker, however it's having trouble receiving data from the array. Please help, thanks!
int y = 0;
int x = 1600;
int song[8]={653,4,494,8,523,8,578,4};
int dur;
int note;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int n = 0;
while (n<2){
if (n=0){
note = song[y];
Serial.print(song[y]) ;
else if(n=1){
dur = song[y+1];
if (y>7){
y = 0;

You're not using the proper operator in your if statements. Change your if statement to this...
if (n==0){
note = song[y];
Serial.print(song[y]) ;
else if(n==1){
dur = song[y+1];


Code only outputs std::vector one time instead of wanted multiple times

So my problem is the following: I want to program a basic game of life simulation. Therefore I am using std::vector to save the current state and calculate the next state. All put together in a while(). I am doing std::cout for every value, formated as a matrix. The problem is, that I only get one "matrix" as an output, instead of expected multiple.
I've also tried to output text after calculating the next state (so before and after the nextCells=currentCells), which didn't work, while outputting text within the calculating for() loop works.
I don't know what to do anymore. Appreciate any kind of help!
I've tried to output text after calculating the next state (so before and after the nextCells=currentCells), which didn't work, while outputting text within the calculating for() loop works.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DIMX 10
#define DIMY 10
int countCells(std::vector<std::vector<int>> currentGrid, int x, int y);
int main() {
std::vector<std::vector<int>> currentCells(DIMX, std::vector<int>(DIMY));
std::vector<std::vector<int>> nextCells(DIMX, std::vector<int>(DIMY));
int count = 0;
nextCells = currentCells;
while(true) {
for(int i=0;i<=DIMX-1;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=DIMY-1;j++) {
std::cout << currentCells[i][j];
std::cout << "\n";
for(int i=0;i<=DIMX-1;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=DIMY-1;j++) {
int aliveCells = countCells(currentCells, i, j);
if(currentCells[i][j]==0) {
if(aliveCells==3) {
} else {
} else {
if(aliveCells>3) {
} else if(aliveCells<2) {
} else {
currentCells = nextCells;
if(count>=5) {
return 0;
int countCells(std::vector<std::vector<int>> currentGrid, int x, int y) {
int aliveCounter;
if(x==DIMX || x==0 || y==DIMY || y==0) {
return 0;
if(currentGrid[x-1][y-1]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x-1][y]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x-1][y+1]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x][y-1]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x][y+1]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x+1][y-1]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x+1][y]==1) {
} else if(currentGrid[x+1][y+1]==1) {
return aliveCounter;
Your code produces an out of vector-range exception, For optimization reasons the exception may not throw in release mode.
When countCells gets called for y = 9 or x = 9
is out of range.
Notice that
v = std::vector<int>(10,0) can be called from v[0] to v[9]; not v[10],
which would be out of range.

arduino if statement giving error

I am working on some arduino code and my program keeps on giving me this error,
ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
I've tried searching on the internet to solve this issue but, either the solution is incorrect, or irrelevant. here is where the arduino software is saying the problem is,
if((millis - incLastDebounce) > debounceDelay) {
and if you need the rest of the code here it is,
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int freq = 0;
int change = 0;
const int incPin = 3;
const int setPin = 2;
int incButtonState;
int setButtonState;
int incPreviousState;
int setPreviousState;
int incLastDebounce;
int setLastDebounce;
const int debounceDelay = 50;
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(setPin, INPUT);
pinMode(incPin, INPUT);
lcd.print("Frequency: " + freq);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int incReading = digitalRead(incPin);
int setReading = digitalRead(setPin);
if(setReading != setPreviousState) {
setLastDebounce = millis();
if(incReading != incPreviousState) {
incLastDebounce = millis();
if((millis - setLastDebounce) > debounceDelay) {
if(setReading != setButtonState) {
setButtonState = setReading;
if(setButtonState == HIGH) {
//Okay so here you will do your set lcd voodoo
if((millis - incLastDebounce) > debounceDelay) {
if(incReading != buttonState) {
incButtonState = incReading;
if(buttonState == HIGH) {
// here you can put the lcd code
change = change + 500;
if(change == 10500){
change = 0;
incPreviousState = incReading;
setPreviousState = setReading;
hopefully you can find the problem and help.
Looks like you're missing parentheses after millis, so instead of calling the function, you're trying to do arithmetic with its memory address.
This will probably work better:
if ((millis() - incLastDebounce) > debounceDelay) {

Access Object attributes in C++ [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I am relatively new to C++ programming and I have done a code which is not performing as expected.
The code is a bit long [pasted at end for reference] but I will just point to my concern in the code:
I define an object of a class inside a while loop:
objVec[obj_i] = new ChipSeqRegion(refID, strand, midPoint, start, end, posArray, frac_posArray, negArray, frac_negArray);
cout<<"printing object number: "<<obj_i<<endl;
cout<<"printing frac pos array: "<<endl;
In the above code fragment PrintID and PrintFracPosArray are just procedures[members of same class] to print contents of the variables/Arrays.
Now, If I try to print the object attributes refID and posArray inside the loop then all printed values come out different and as assigned and expected.
But outside the loop the printID attribute prints values uniquely [as expected] but posArray attributes just repeat the value last assigned in the loop.
I want to access all values uniquely outside the loop which is my concern.
I am sure this might be from a scope conflict or the way the variables are getting passed.
Any help will be great !!!
Thanks in advance.
A quick look on detailed code below can clarify any questions:
Detailed Code:[Apologies for bad presentation]
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include "api/BamReader.h"
#include "api/BamWriter.h"
#include "api/BamAlignment.h"
#include "api/BamAux.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace BamTools;
BamReader reader;
BamAlignment al;
int const windowSize = 10;
int halfWindowSize = windowSize/2;
int const N = windowSize + 1;
//determine the gap score
float gap = -2;
//default value for matrix F
double negNum = -100000;
float F[N][N];
int xTraceBack[N][N];
int yTraceBack[N][N];
float maxScore;
int x_coord = 0;
int y_coord = 0;
//collections of arrays from chipSeq data after loading data
class ChipSeqRegion{
int ref_id, mid_p, start_p, end_p;
char genomeStrand;
float* pos_array;
float* frac_positiveArray;
float* neg_array;
float* frac_negativeArray;
float* gap;
ChipSeqRegion (int refID, char strand, int midPoint, int start, int end, float* posArray, float* frac_posArray, float* negArray, float* frac_negArray);
int GetRefID(){return ref_id;}
int GetMidPoint(){return mid_p;}
void PrintID();
void PrintFracPosArray();
delete [] pos_array;
delete [] frac_positiveArray;
delete [] neg_array;
delete [] frac_negativeArray;
ChipSeqRegion::ChipSeqRegion(int refID, char strand, int midPoint, int start, int end, float* posArray, float* frac_posArray, float* negArray, float* frac_negArray){
ref_id = refID;
genomeStrand = strand;
mid_p = midPoint;
start_p = start;
end_p = end;
pos_array = posArray;
frac_positiveArray = frac_posArray;
neg_array = negArray;
frac_negativeArray = frac_negArray;
void ChipSeqRegion::PrintID(){
cout<<"ref id is: "<<ref_id<<endl;
void ChipSeqRegion::PrintFracPosArray(){
cout<<"this is raw pos data"<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i<windowSize; i++){
cout<<"this is frac data"<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i<windowSize; i++){
class ChipSeqLoader{
void LoadData (string bamFileName, string coordFileName);
void GetRegions();
string nameOfBamFile;
string nameOfCoordFile;
void ChipSeqLoader::LoadData(string bamFileName, string coordFileName){
nameOfBamFile = bamFileName;
nameOfCoordFile = coordFileName;
int obj_i = 0;
int objSize = 6;
ChipSeqRegion **objVec = new ChipSeqRegion* [objSize];
//reading coordinates
ifstream CoordFile;
char chrom[5], strand;
string sChr1, sChr2, withmotif, dot;
int start, end, midPoint;
float tag;;
if (CoordFile.is_open()){
while (!CoordFile.eof()){
midPoint = (start+end)/2;
ostringstream convert1;
ostringstream convert2;
sChr1 = convert1.str();
sChr2 = convert2.str();
string sChrom;
sChrom = sChr1+sChr2;
int refID;
if (sChr1 =="X\0"){
refID = 19;
}else if (sChr1 == "Y\0"){
refID = 20;
refID = atoi(sChrom.c_str())-1;
int intStrand;
if (strand == '+'){
intStrand = 0;
}else if (strand == '-'){
intStrand = 1;
//get information from the coordinates to return array
BamRegion region(refID, midPoint-600, refID, midPoint+600);
std::cout<<"could not set region."<<endl;
float posArray[windowSize];
float negArray[windowSize];
float frac_posArray[windowSize];
float frac_negArray[windowSize];
for (int index = 0; index < windowSize; index ++){
posArray[index] = 0;
negArray[index] = 0;
int posPosition;
int negPosition;
//if reverse strand, calculate and return the end position
//if positive strand, return the position
//put them in separate arrays
while (reader.GetNextAlignment(al)){
if (al.MapQuality>0 && al.IsReverseStrand()== true){
negPosition = al.GetEndPosition();
if (negPosition>=midPoint-halfWindowSize && negPosition <midPoint+halfWindowSize){
}else if (al.MapQuality>0){
posPosition = al.Position;
if (posPosition>=midPoint-halfWindowSize && posPosition <midPoint+halfWindowSize){
float posMax = 0, negMax = 0, max = 0;
float temp;
for (int i= 0; i<windowSize; i++){
temp = posArray[i];
if (temp>posMax){
posMax = temp;
for (int i = 0; i<windowSize; i++){
temp = negArray[i];
if (temp>negMax){
negMax = temp;
if (posMax>=negMax){
max = posMax;
max = negMax;
for (int i = 0; i<windowSize; i++){
frac_posArray[i] = posArray[i]/max;
frac_negArray[i] = negArray[i]/max;
objVec[obj_i] = new ChipSeqRegion(refID, strand, midPoint, start, end, posArray, frac_posArray, negArray, frac_negArray);
cout<<"printing object number: "<<obj_i<<endl;
cout<<"printing frac pos array: "<<endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string bamFileName, coordFileName;
if (argc == 3){
bamFileName = argv[1];
coordFileName = argv[2];
std::cout << "Wrong number of arguments." <<endl;
return 1;
if (!reader.Open(bamFileName)){
std::cout<< "Could not open input Bam file." <<endl;
return 1;
if (!reader.LocateIndex()){
std::cout<<"Could not locate index file."<<endl;
return 1;
ChipSeqLoader loader;
loader.LoadData(bamFileName, coordFileName);
return 0;
All your objects point to the same piece of data, namely posArray and frac_posArray which are defined in the loop: if you look at the ChipSeqRegion class constructor, it accepts 2 arrays (with the very same names as the arrays cited above), ie. 2 pointers to sequences of data in memory. These pointers in the constructors are simply copied over in the instance fields:
pos_array = posArray;
frac_positiveArray = frac_posArray;
instead of copying the array contents, as it should probably be:
pos_array = new int[windowSize];
memcpy(pos_array,posArray, sizeof(int)*windowSize); // or use std::copy_n
frac_positiveArray = new int[windowSize];
memcpy(frac_positivearray,frac_posArray, sizeof(int)*windowSize); // or use std::copy_n
You probably will have the same issue with other arrays in the class.

Can't return anything other than 1 or 0 from int function

I wish my first post wasn't so newbie. I've been working with openframeworks, so far so good, but as I'm new to programming I'm having a real headache returning the right value from an int function. I would like the int to increment up until the Boolean condition is met and then decrement to zero. The int is used to move through an array from beginning to end and then back. When I put the guts of the function into the method that I'm using the int in, everything works perfectly, but very messy and I wonder how computationally expensive it is to put there, it just seems that my syntactic abilities are lacking to do otherwise. Advice appreciated, and thanks in advance.
int testApp::updown(int j){
arp =true;
else if (j==7){
arp = false;
if(arp == true){
else if(arp == false){
return (j);
and then its called like this in an audioRequest block of the library I'm working with:
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){
if ((int)timer.phasor(sorSpeed)) {
z = updown(_j);
noteOut = notes [z];
EDIT: For addition of some information. Removed the last condition of the second if statement, it was there because I was experiencing strange happenings where j would start walking off the end of the array.
Excerpt of testApp.h
int z, _j=0;
Boolean arp;
EDIT 2: I've revised this now, it works, apologies for asking something so rudimentary and with such terrible code to go with. I do appreciate the time that people have taken to comment here. Here are my revised .cpp and my .h files for your perusal. Thanks again.
#include "testApp.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
testApp::~testApp() {
void testApp::setup(){
sampleRate = 44100;
initialBufferSize = 1024;
//ofAddListener(MidiIn.newMessageEvent, this, &testApp::newMessage);
j = 0;
z= 0;
state = 1;
tuning = 440;
inputNote = 127;
octave = 4;
sorSpeed = 2;
freqOut = (tuning/32) * pow(2,(inputNote-69)/12);
finalOut = freqOut * octave;
notes[7] = finalOut+640;
notes[6] = finalOut+320;
notes[5] = finalOut+160;
notes[4] = finalOut+840;
notes[3] = finalOut+160;
notes[2] = finalOut+500;
notes[1] = finalOut+240;
notes[0] = finalOut;
ofSoundStreamSetup(2,0,this, sampleRate, initialBufferSize, 4);/* Call this last ! */
void testApp::update(){
void testApp::draw(){
int testApp::updown(int &_j){
int tmp;
arp = true;
else if(_j==7) {
arp = false;
if(arp == true){
else if(arp == false){
tmp = _j;
return (tmp);
void testApp::audioRequested (float * output, int bufferSize, int nChannels){
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){
if ((int)timer.phasor(sorSpeed)) {
noteOut = notes [updown(z)];
output[i*nChannels ] = outputs[0];
output[i*nChannels + 1] = outputs[1];
class testApp : public ofBaseApp{
~testApp();/* destructor is very useful */
void setup();
void update();
void draw();
void keyPressed (int key);
void keyReleased(int key);
void mouseMoved(int x, int y );
void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);
void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button);
void windowResized(int w, int h);
void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo);
void gotMessage(ofMessage msg);
void newMessage(ofxMidiEventArgs &args);
ofxMidiIn MidiIn;
void audioRequested (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels); /* output method */
void audioReceived (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels); /* input method */
Boolean arp;
int initialBufferSize; /* buffer size */
int sampleRate;
int updown(int &intVar);
/* stick you maximilian stuff below */
double filtered,sample,outputs[2];
maxiFilter filter1;
ofxMaxiMix mymix;
ofxMaxiOsc sine1;
ofxMaxiSample beats,beat;
ofxMaxiOsc mySine,myOtherSine,timer;
int currentCount,lastCount,i,j,z,octave,sorSpeed,state;
double notes[8];
double noteOut,freqOut,tuning,finalOut,inputNote;
It's pretty hard to piece this all together. I do think you need to go back to basics a bit, but all the same I think I can explain what is going on.
You initialise _j to 0 and then never modify the value of _j.
You therefore call updown passing 0 as the parameter every time.
updown returns a value of 1 when the input is 0.
Perhaps you meant to pass z to updown when you call it, but I cannot be sure.
Are you really declaring global variables in your header file? That's not good. Try to use local variables and/or parameters as much as possible. Global variables are pretty evil, especially declared in the header file like that!

I'm having some scope issue (unidentified identifier error after a for loop)

I'm using visual studio 2008 to do some problems and brusg up on using c++. I have an error and I don't know why it occurs. Here's all the code. The error occurs on the line :
with error:
error C2065: 'levels' : undeclared identifier
a shorthand of what's happening to levels is this:
//declaring it
binaryValNode*** levels;
levels = new binaryValNode** [size];
//adding arrays to the array:
for(int i = 0;i<size;i++){
levels[i] = new binaryValNode* [size];
//adding the objects
for(int k = 0; k <= i ; k++)
levels[i][k] = new binaryValNode();
//I tested cout here and it works fine
//but loses scope here(?)
binaryValNode is a struct with int value,binaryValNode* left and binaryValNode* right.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "binaryValNode.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
int length = 0;
int size = 0;
ifstream myReadFile;"input.txt");
char* c = new char[3];
if (myReadFile.is_open()) {
while (myReadFile.getline(c,(size+1)*3)) {
c = new char[(size+1)*3];
binaryValNode*** levels;
levels = new binaryValNode** [size];
for(int i = 0;i<size;i++){
levels[i] = new binaryValNode* [size];
c = new char[(i+1)*3];
for(int k = 0; k <= i ; k++)
levels[i][k] = new binaryValNode();
if(c[3*k] != '0')
levels[i][k]->value = ((int) c[(3*k)+1]-48) + 10*((int) c[(3*k)]-48);
levels[i][k]->value = (int) c[(3*k)+1]-48;
if(k==0){//only left parent
levels[i-1][k]->left = levels[i][k];
else if(k==i){//only right parent
levels[i-1][k-1]->right = levels[i][k];
levels[i-1][k]->left = levels[i][k];
levels[i-1][k-1]->right = levels[i][k];
return 0;
Fix your indentation (for example, gg=G in Vim).
Right now you have
int main() {
// ...
if (myReadFile.is_open()) {
// ...
binaryValNode*** levels;
// ...
// ...
cout << levels[0][0]->left->value;
// ...
where levels is very clearly out of scope.
This needs to be moved to before the conditional:
binaryValNode*** levels;
Sort out your indentation - it will show that you have one too may closing }, and hence the problem line occurs after the end of main().
Try edit/advanced/format-selection