How to test a string that contains a random value? - c++

My mock class looks like this:
struct StringEater {
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1( ExecuteCommand, void( const char* ) );
and the string consist of part that doesn't change, and small part that I can not set in test. Something like this :
Command 825 finished
but it can be
Command 123 finished
or "Command " + any number + " finished".
The method from the mock class is always called.
So, how do I set the test? This obviously can not be used:
StringEater mock;
EXPECT_CALL( mock, ExecuteCommand( StrEq( expectedJsonCmd ) ) ).Times( 1 );
What do I need to put for the matcher?
This works (thanks to J):
TEST( abc, some )
struct StringEater {
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1( ExecuteCommand, void( const char* ) );
StringEater eater;
EXPECT_CALL( eater, ExecuteCommand( MatchesRegex( "Command\\s([0-9]*)\\sfinished" ) ) ).Times( 1 );
eater.ExecuteCommand( "Command 643 finished" );

So it will always be the string "Command" followed by an integral number followed by the string "finished"?
Then it could be tested by attempting to extract these three parts from the string, comparing the first and third parts to the expected strings.
Something like
std::istringstream iss(the_input_string);
std::string s1, s3;
int i2;
if (iss >> s1 >> i2 >> s3)
if (s1 == "Command" && s3 == "finished")
// Test succeeded
// Test failed
// Failed, not correct format

You could try using regexp where you check whether the string begins with "Command" and ends with "finished" and extract the number as a group.
Similar problem was described in another post:
Regex C++: extract substring


C++, efficient way to call many possible functions from user

I'm relatively new to c++, mostly worked with python.
I have a scenario where a user(me) uses a GUI to send commands to a microcontroller via serial, and then the microcontroller processes them.
Right now i have 10 commands, but as the project develops (some form of modular robot) I can envision having 50-100 possible commands.
Is there a better way for my c++ handleCommands function to select which one of the possible 100 functions to run without doing massive case switches or if else statements?
Extract of the code:
char cmd = 1; // example place holder
int value = 10; //example place holder
switch (cmd){
case '1':
case '2':
getID(value); // in this case value gets ignored by the function as its not required
This works fine for 3-4 functions but doesn't seem to me like the best way to do it for more functions.
I've heard of lookup tables but as each function is different and may require arguments or not I'm consumed on how to implement them.
Some background on the set-up:
The commands are mainly diagnostic ,< ID > ect and a couple of functional ones that require parameters like, <blink,10> <runto,90> <set-mode,locked>
The validation is done in python against a csv file and the actual serial message sent to the microcontroller is sent as <(index of comand in csvfile),parameter> with < > and , being delimiters.
So the user would type blink,10 and the python app will send <1,10> over serial as blink is found at index 1 of the csv file.
The microcontroller reads these in and i am left over with 2 char arrays, the command array containing a number, and the value array containing the value sent.(also a number)
As I'm running this on a microcontroller i don't really want to have to store a long file of possible commands in flash, hence the validation done on the python gui side.
Note that in the case of a possible multi argument function, say <move,90,30> i.e move 90 degrees in 30 seconds eat, the actual function would only receive one argument "30,90" and then split that up as needed.
If you have the commands comming over the serial line in the format
we can simulate that like so:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> // needed for simple parsing
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map> // needed for mapping of commands to functors
int main() {
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
// example commands lines read from serial:
for (auto& cmdline : {"<1,10>", "<2,10,90>", "<3,locked>", "<4>"}) {
std::cout << exec(cmdline) << '\n';
exec above is the interpreter that will return true if the command line was parsed and executed ok. In the examples above, command 1 takes one parameter, 2 takes two, 3 takes one (string) and 4 doesn't have a parameter.
The mapping from command-mapped-to-a-number could be an enum:
// uint8_t has room for 256 commands, make it uint16_t to get room for 65536 commands
enum class command_t : uint8_t {
blink = 1,
take_two = 2,
set_mode = 3,
no_param = 4,
and exec would make the most basic validation of the command line (checking < and >) and put it in a std::istringstream for easy extraction of the information on this command line:
bool exec(const std::string& cmdline) {
if(cmdline.size() < 2 || cmdline.front() != '<' || cmdline.back() != '>' )
return false;
// put all but `<` and `>` in an istringstream:
std::istringstream is(cmdline.substr(1,cmdline.size()-2));
// extract the command number
if (int cmd; is >> cmd) {
// look-up the command number in an `unordered_map` that is mapped to a functor
// that takes a reference to an `istringstream` as an argument:
if (auto cit = commands.find(command_t(cmd)); cit != commands.end()) {
// call the correct functor with the rest of the command line
// so that it can extract, validate and use the arguments:
return cit->second(is);
return false; // command look-up failed
return false; // command number extraction failed
The only tricky part left is the unordered_map of commands and functors.
Here's a start:
// a helper to eat commas from the command line
struct comma_eater {} comma;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const comma_eater&) {
// next character must be a comma or else the istream's failbit is set
if(is.peek() == ',') is.ignore();
else is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
return is;
std::unordered_map<command_t, bool (*)(std::istringstream&)> commands{
[](std::istringstream& is) {
if (int i; is >> comma >> i && is.eof()) {
std::cout << "<blink," << i << "> ";
return true;
return false;
[](std::istringstream& is) {
if (int a, b; is >> comma >> a >> comma >> b && is.eof()) {
std::cout << "<take-two," << a << ',' << b << "> ";
return true;
return false;
[](std::istringstream& is) {
if (std::string mode; is >> comma && std::getline(is, mode,',') && is.eof()) {
std::cout << "<set-mode," << mode << "> ";
return true;
return false;
[](std::istringstream& is) {
if (is.eof()) {
std::cout << "<no-param> ";
return true;
return false;
If you put that together you'll get the below output from the successful parsing (and execution) of all command lines received:
<blink,10> true
<take-two,10,90> true
<set-mode,locked> true
<no-param> true
Here's a live demo.
Given an integer index for each "command" a simple function pointer look-up table can be used. For example:
#include <cstdio>
// Command functions (dummy examples)
int examleCmdFunctionNoArgs() ;
int examleCmdFunction1Arg( int arg1 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction2Args( int arg1, int arg2 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction3Args( int arg1, int arg2, arg3 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction4Args( int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4 ) ;
const int MAX_ARGS = 4 ;
const int MAX_CMD_LEN = 32 ;
typedef int (*tCmdFn)( int, int, int, int ) ;
// Symbol table
#define CMD( f ) reinterpret_cast<tCmdFn>(f)
static const tCmdFn cmd_lookup[] =
0, // Invalid command
CMD( examleCmdFunctionNoArgs ),
CMD( examleCmdFunction1Arg ),
CMD( examleCmdFunction2Args ),
CMD( examleCmdFunction3Args ),
CMD( examleCmdFunction4Args )
} ;
namespace cmd
// For commands of the form: "<cmd_index[,arg1[,arg2[,arg3[,arg4]]]]>"
// i.e an angle bracketed comma-delimited sequence commprising a command
// index followed by zero or morearguments.
// e.g.: "<1,123,456,0>"
int execute( const char* command )
int ret = 0 ;
int argv[MAX_ARGS] = {0} ;
int cmd_index = 0 ;
int tokens = std::sscanf( "<%d,%d,%d,%d,%d>", command, &cmd_index, &argv[0], &argv[1], &argv[2], &argv[3] ) ;
if( tokens > 0 && cmd_index < sizeof(cmd_lookup) / sizeof(*cmd_lookup) )
if( cmd_index > 0 )
ret = cmd_lookup[cmd_index]( argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] ) ;
return ret ;
The command execution passes four arguments (you can expand that as necessary) but for command functions taking fewer arguments they will simply be "dummy" arguments that will be ignored.
Your proposed translation to an index is somewhat error prone and maintenance heavy since it requires you to maintain both the PC application symbol table and the embedded look up table in sync. It may not be prohibitive to have the symbol table on the embedded target; for example:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
// Command functions (dummy examples)
int examleCmdFunctionNoArgs() ;
int examleCmdFunction1Arg( int arg1 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction2Args( int arg1, int arg2 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction3Args( int arg1, int arg2, arg3 ) ;
int examleCmdFunction4Args( int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4 ) ;
const int MAX_ARGS = 4 ;
const int MAX_CMD_LEN = 32 ;
typedef int (*tCmdFn)( int, int, int, int ) ;
// Symbol table
#define SYM( c, f ) {#c, reinterpret_cast<tCmdFn>(f)}
static const struct
const char* symbol ;
const tCmdFn command ;
} symbol_table[] =
SYM( cmd0, examleCmdFunctionNoArgs ),
SYM( cmd1, examleCmdFunction1Arg ),
SYM( cmd2, examleCmdFunction2Args ),
SYM( cmd3, examleCmdFunction3Args ),
SYM( cmd4, examleCmdFunction4Args )
} ;
namespace cmd
// For commands of the form: "cmd[ arg1[, arg2[, arg3[, arg4]]]]"
// i.e a command string followed by zero or more comma-delimited arguments
// e.g.: "cmd3 123, 456, 0"
int execute( const char* command_line )
int ret = 0 ;
int argv[MAX_ARGS] = {0} ;
char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1] ;
int tokens = std::sscanf( "%s %d,%d,%d,%d", command_line, cmd, &argv[0], &argv[1], &argv[2], &argv[3] ) ;
if( tokens > 0 )
bool cmd_found = false ;
for( int i = 0;
!cmd_found && i < sizeof(symbol_table) / sizeof(*symbol_table);
i++ )
cmd_found = std::strcmp( cmd, symbol_table[i].symbol ) == 0 ;
if( cmd_found )
ret = symbol_table[i].command( argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] ) ;
return ret ;
For very large symbol tables you might want a more sophisticated look-up, but depending on the required performance and determinism, the simple exhaustive search will be sufficient - far faster than the time taken to send the serial data.
Whilst the resource requirement for the symbol table is somewhat higher that the indexed look-up, it is nonetheless ROM-able and will can be be located in Flash memory which on most MCUs is a less scarce resource than SRAM. Being static const the linker/compiler will most likely place the tables in ROM without any specific directive - though you should check the link map or the toolchain documentation n this.
In both cases I have defined the command functions and executer as returning an int. That is optional of course, but you might use that for returning responses to the PC issuing the serial command.
What you are talking about are remote procedure calls. So you need to have some mechanism to serialize and un-serialize the calls.
As mentioned in the comments you can make a map from cmd to the function implementing the command. Or simply an array. But the problem remains that different functions will want different arguments.
So my suggestion would be to add a wrapper function using vardiac templates.
Prefix every command with the length of data for the command so the receiver can read a block of data for the command and knows when to dispatch it to a function. The wrapper then takes the block of data, splits it into the right size for each argument and converts it and then calls the read function.
Now you can make a map or array of those wrapper function, each one bound to one command and the compiler will generate the un-serialize code for you from the types. (You still have to do it once for each type, the compiler only combines those for the full function call).

CppUnitTestFramework: Test Method Fails, Stack Trace Lists Line Number at the End of Method, Debug Test Passes

I know, I know - that question title is very much all over the place. However, I am not sure what could be an issue here that is causing what I am witnessing.
I have the following method in class Project that is being unit tested:
bool Project::DetermineID(std::string configFile, std::string& ID)
std::ifstream config;;
if (!config.is_open()) {
WARNING << "Failed to open the configuration file for processing ID at: " << configFile;
return false;
std::string line = "";
ID = "";
bool isConfigurationSection = false;
bool isConfiguration = false;
std::string tempID = "";
while (std::getline(config, line))
std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::toupper); // transform the line to all capital letters
if ((line.find("IDENTIFICATIONS") != std::string::npos) && (!isConfigurationSection)) {
// remove the "IDENTIFICATIONS" part from the current line we're working with
std::size_t idStartPos = line.find("IDENTIFICATIONS");
line = line.substr(idStartPos + strlen("IDENTIFICATIONS"), line.length() - idStartPos - strlen("IDENTIFICATIONS"));
isConfigurationSection = true;
if ((line.find('{') != std::string::npos) && isConfigurationSection) {
std::size_t bracketPos = line.find('{');
// we are working within the ids configuration section
// determine if this is the first character of the line, or if there is an ID that precedes the {
if (bracketPos == 0) {
// is the first char
// remove the bracket and keep processing
line = line.substr(1, line.length() - 1);
else {
// the text before { is a temp ID
tempID = line.substr(0, bracketPos - 1);
isConfiguration = true;
line = line.substr(bracketPos, line.length() - bracketPos);
if ((line.find("PORT") != std::string::npos) && isConfiguration) {
std::size_t indexOfEqualSign = line.find('=');
if (indexOfEqualSign == std::string::npos) {
WARNING << "Unable to determine the port # assigned to " << tempID;
else {
std::string portString = "";
portString = line.substr(indexOfEqualSign + 1, line.length() - indexOfEqualSign - 1);
// confirm that the obtained port string is not an empty value
if (portString.empty()) {
WARNING << "Failed to obtain the \"Port\" value that is set to " << tempID;
else {
// attempt to convert the string to int
int workingPortNum = 0;
try {
workingPortNum = std::stoi(portString);
catch (...) {
WARNING << "Failed to convert the obtained \"Port\" value that is set to " << tempID;
if (workingPortNum != 0) {
// check if this port # is the same port # we are publishing data on
if (workingPortNum == this->port) {
ID = tempID;
if (ID.empty())
return false;
return true;
The goal of this method is to parse any text file for the ID portion, based on matching the port # that the application is publishing data to.
Format of the file is like this:
Idenntifications {
ID {
port = 1001
In a separate Visual Studio project that unit tests various methods, including this Project::DetermineID method.
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define EXPAND(x) STRINGIFY(x)
TEST_CLASS(ProjectUnitTests) {
Project* parser;
std::string projectDirectory;
TEST_METHOD_INITIALIZE(ProjectUnitTestInitialization) {
projectDirectory = EXPAND(UNITTESTPRJ);
projectDirectory.erase(0, 1);
projectDirectory.erase(projectDirectory.size() - 2);
parser = Project::getClass(); // singleton method getter/initializer
// Other test methods are present and pass/fail accordingly
TEST_METHOD(DetermineID) {
std::string ID = "";
bool x = parser ->DetermineAdapterID(projectDirectory + "normal.cfg", ID);
Now, when I run the tests, DetermineID fails and the stack trace states:
Source: Project Tests.cpp line 86
Duration: 2 sec
Assert failed
Stack Trace:
ProjectUnitTests::DetermineID() line 91
Now, in my test .cpp file, TEST_METHOD(DetermineID) { is present on line 86. But that method's } is located on line 91, as the stack trace indicates.
And, when debugging, the unit test passes, because the return of x in the TEST_METHOD is true.
Only when running the test individually or running all tests does that test method fail.
Some notes that may be relevant:
This is a single-threaded application with no tasks scheduled (no race condition to worry about supposedly)
There is another method in the Project class that also processes a file with an std::ifstream same as this method does
That method has its own test method that has been written and passes without any problems
The test method also access the "normal.cfg" file
Yes, this->port has an assigned value
Thus, my questions are:
Why does the stack trace reference the closing bracket for the test method instead of the single Assert within the method that is supposedly failing?
How to get the unit test to pass when it is ran? (Since it currently only plasses during debugging where I can confirm that x is true).
If the issue is a race condition where perhaps the other test method is accessing the "normal.cfg" file, why does the test method fail even when the method is individually ran?
Any support/assistance here is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Run a repeated test reporting as different tests

I'd like to unit test a function with a set of different inputs and expected outputs.
My function is irrelevant thus I'll instead use an example function which counts english words with the following candidate implementation :
int countEnglishWords( const std::string& text )
return 5;
The following would be the set of test data. The end of the data is marked by an element with the word "END".
struct TestData {
std::string text;
int englishWords;
struct TestData data[] = // Mark end with "END"
{ "The car is very fast", 5 },
{ "El coche es muy rapido", 0 },
{ "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain", 9},
{ "Yes Si No No", 3},
{ "I have a cheerful live", 5},
{ "END", 0}
I could easily write 6 test cases and I would get the result I want. But this is not maintainable, since any further test added to the test cases would not be tested, it would require another test case to be written, which would be just boiler plate. Thus I've written a single test case which loops through all the test data like this :
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
class cppUnit_test: public CppUnit::TestFixture
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (cppUnit_test);
void myTest();
void cppUnit_test::myTest()
TestData* p = data;
while ( p->text != "END")
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Text=\"" << p->text << "\" Counted=" <<
countEnglishWords(p->text) << " Expected=" << p->englishWords;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( ss.str().c_str(),
countEnglishWords(p->text) == p->englishWords );
int main()
CppUnit::Test *suite =
CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
return 0;
The problem is that the previous code runs through the 1st test fine and also detects the error in the 2nd test but after that it stops testing. And the report is :
Test Results:
Run: 1 Failures: 1 Errors: 0
While the result I'd like to get is :
Test Results:
Run: 6 Failures: 4 Errors: 0
As I already mentioned in the comment cppunit 1.14.0 can support your use case.
I you want to reference an external array the quickest way is to use CPPUNIT_TEST_PARAMETERIZED. This macro expects two parameters: first similar to CPPUNIT_TEST a test method and then as a second parameter an iteratable.
Based on your code it would look like:
Now we need to adapt your myTest function a little bit.
void cppUnit_test::myTest(const TestData& data)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Text=\"" << data.text << "\" Counted=" <<
countEnglishWords(data.text) << " Expected=" << data.englishWords;
bool b = countEnglishWords(data.text) == data.englishWords;
std::string a = ss.str();
Finally as the framework needs a way to report which test failed it expects that it can print the parameter that is passed to the test function. In this case the easiest way is to add a simple operator<< overload.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const TestData& data)
strm << data.text;
return strm;
If you combine these pieces you should quickly get a generic solution that will allow you to add as much data to your data array as you want without adapting the test code.
CPPUNIT_TEST_PARAMETERIZED(testMethod, {1, 2, 3, 4});
void testMethod(int /*val*/)

Search a string against multiple string arrays

I have a input string and need to run through it and see if it matches certain words. I have multiple string arrays but not sure whats an efficient way to check the string agianst all the arrays.
String Arrays:
string checkPlayType(string printDescription)
const string DeepPassRight[3] = {"deep" , "pass" , "right"};
const string DeepPassLeft[3] = {"deep" , "pass" , "left"};
const string DeepPassMiddle[3] = {"deep" , "pass" , "middle"};
const string ShortPassRight[3] = {"short" , "pass" , "right"};
const string ShortPassLeft[3] = {"short" , "pass" , "left"};
const string ShortPassMiddle[3] = {"short" , "pass" , "middle"};
//Must contain right but not pass
const string RunRight = "right";
//Must contain right but not pass
const string RunLeft = "left";
//Must contain middle but not pass
const string RunMiddle = "middle";
const string FieldGoalAttempt[2] = {"field" , "goal" };
const string Punt = "punt";
Sample Input: (13:55) (Shotgun) P.Manning pass incomplete short right to M.Harrison.
Assuming this is our only input...
Sample Output:
Deep Pass Right: 0%
Deep Pass Left: 0%
Deep Pass Middle: 0%
Short Pass Right: 100%
Shor Pass Left:0%
you may want something similar to:
void checkPlayType(const std::vector<std::string>& input)
std::set<std::string> s;
for (const auto& word : input) {
const bool deep_present = s.count("deep");
const bool pass_present = s.count("pass");
const bool right_present = s.count("right");
const bool left_present = s.count("left");
// ...
if (deep_present && pass_present && right_present) { /* increase DeepPassRight counter */}
if (deep_present && pass_present && left_present) { /* increase DeepPassLeft counter */}
// ...
Try regular expressions:
if found "pass" then
if regexp "(deep|short).*(left|right|middle)"
else if regexp "(left|right|middle).*(deep|short)"
Aye, Caramba!
Aye, Caramba!
You can go over your arrays and search for the words are stored in the array within the input string. Use std functions for better performance. For example:
const string DeepPassRight[3] = {"deep" , "pass" , "right"};
int i = 0;
string s = " ";
s.append(" ");
std::size_t found = printDescription.find(s);
if (found ==std::string::npos)
if(i == 3)
// printDescription contains all DeepPassRight's members!
if(i== 2)
// just two words were found

extract domain between two words

I have in a log file some lines like this: Logged ... Logged ... Logged ...
How can I extract each domain without the subdomains? Something between "-" and "Logged".
I have the following code in c++ (linux) but it doesn't extract well. Some function which is returning the extracted string would be great if you have some example of course.
regex_t preg;
regmatch_t mtch[1];
size_t rm, nmatch;
char tempstr[1024] = "";
int start;
rm=regcomp(&preg, "-[^<]+Logged", REG_EXTENDED);
nmatch = 1;
while(regexec(&preg, buffer+start, nmatch, mtch, 0)==0) /* Found a match */
strncpy(host, buffer+start+mtch[0].rm_so+3, mtch[0].rm_eo-mtch[0].rm_so-7);
printf("%s\n", tempstr);
start +=mtch[0].rm_eo;
memset(host, '\0', strlen(host));
Thank you!
P.S. no, I cannot use perl for this because this part is inside of a larger c program which was made by someone else.
I replace the code with this one:
const char *p1 = strstr(buffer, "-")+1;
const char *p2 = strstr(p1, " Logged");
size_t len = p2-p1;
char *res = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1));
strncpy(res, p1, len);
res[len] = '\0';
which is extracting very good the whole domain including subdomains.
How can I extract just the or from ?
is strtok a good option and how can I calculate which is the last dot ?
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
int main()
boost::regex re(".+-(?<domain>.+)\\s*Logged");
std::string examples[] =
" Logged ...",
" Logged ..."
std::vector<std::string> vec(examples, examples + sizeof(examples) / sizeof(*examples));
std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [&re](const std::string& s)
boost::smatch match;
if (boost::regex_search(s, match, re))
std::cout << match["domain"] << std::endl;
something like this with boost::regex. Don't know about pcre.
Is the in a standard format?
it appears so, is there a split function?
Here is some logic.
Iterate through each domain to be parsed
Find a function to locate the index of the first string "-"
Next find the index of the second string minus the first string "Logged"
Now you have the full domain.
Once you have the full domain "Split" the domain into your object of choice (I used an array)
now that you have the array broken apart locate the index of the value you wish to reassemble (concatenate) to capture only the domain.
NOTE Written in C#
Main method which defines the first value and the second value
`static void Main(string[] args)
string firstValue ="-";
string secondValue = "Logged";
List domains = new List { " Logged", " Logged"," Logged"};
foreach (string dns in domains)
Debug.WriteLine(Utility.GetStringBetweenFirstAndSecond(dns, firstValue, secondValue));
Method to parse the string:
`public string GetStringBetweenFirstAndSecond(string str, string firstStringToFind, string secondStringToFind)
string domain = string.Empty;
//throw an exception, return gracefully, whatever you determine
//This can all be done in one line, but I broke it apart so it can be better understood.
//returns the first occurrance.
//int start = str.IndexOf(firstStringToFind) + 1;
//int end = str.IndexOf(secondStringToFind);
//domain = str.Substring(start, end - start);
//i.e. Definitely not quite as legible, but doesn't create object unnecessarily
domain = str.Substring((str.IndexOf(firstStringToFind) + 1), str.IndexOf(secondStringToFind) - (str.IndexOf(firstStringToFind) + 1));
string[] dArray = domain.Split('.');
if (dArray.Length > 0)
if (dArray.Length > 2)
domain = string.Format("{0}.{1}", dArray[dArray.Length - 2], dArray[dArray.Length - 1]);
return domain;