I am having trouble coding Copy constructor for C++ HashTable. Now below is the class structure
template <class TYPE>
class HashTable : public Table<TYPE>
struct Record
TYPE data_;
string key_;
Record* Next;
Record(const string& key, const TYPE& data)
key_ = key;
data_ = data;
Next = nullptr;
Record(const Record& a) {
if(a.Next == nullptr){
Next = nullptr;
Record* temp = a.Next ;
Record *temp2 = Next;
while(temp != nullptr)
temp2 = temp ;
temp = temp->Next ;
temp2->Next = nullptr;
data_ = a.data_ ;
key_ = a.data_ ;
} // user-
int TableSize;
Record** records;
and below is the copy constructor
HashTable<TYPE>::HashTable(const HashTable<TYPE>& other)
records = new Record*[other.TableSize];
TableSize = other.TableSize;
for(int i = 0 ; i < other.TableSize; i++)
records[i]= (new Record(*other.records[i]));
I have also posted the code on ideone http://ideone.com/PocMTD. The code for copy constructor seems to be crashing. I don't see any memory leak that will cause the program to crash. I have tried memcopy, using the insert function and the all seems to fail.
Replace int TableSize; and Record** records; with std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Record>>
In Record, change Record* Next; to Record* Next=nullptr;.
Stop calling new.
Include HashTable(HashTable&&)=default;.
HashTable<TYPE>::HashTable(const HashTable<TYPE>& other)
records.reserve( other.records.size() );
for (auto const& rec_in : other.records)
records.emplace_back( new Record(*rec_in) ); // make_shared<Record> in C++14
Now we are no longer doing manual memory management. So an entire set of worries is gone.
Next, look at that raw Next pointer. It is bad news. When you copy a Record, the Next pointer points into the old set of Record structures.
We can fix this in a few ways. The slickest is to use an offset pointer.
template<class T>
struct offset_ptr {
std::ptrdiff_t offset = std::numeric_limits<std::ptrdiff_t>::max();
explicit operator bool()const {
return offset!=std::numeric_limits<std::ptrdiff_t>::max();
T* get() const {
return (T*)( offset+(char*)this );
T* operator->() const { return get(); }
T& operator*() const { return *get(); }
operator T*() const { return get(); }
offset_ptr(std::nullptr_t):offset_ptr() {}
explicit offset_ptr(T* p) {
if (!p) return;
offset = (char*)p-(char*)this;
offset_ptr(offset_ptr const&)=default;
offset_ptr& operator=(offset_ptr const&)=default;
offset_ptr& operator=(offset_ptr&&)=default;
which instead of storing a pointer by absolute location, stores an offset.
Now we do this:
template<class TYPE> struct Table{};
template <class TYPE>
class HashTable :public Table<TYPE>
struct Record
TYPE data_;
std::string key_;
offset_ptr<Record> Next;
Record(const std::string& key, const TYPE& data)
key_ = key;
data_ = data;
Next = nullptr;
Record(const Record& a)
if(a.Next == nullptr)
Next = nullptr;
auto temp = a.Next;
while(temp != nullptr)
Next = temp;
temp = temp->Next;
data_ = a.data_;
key_ = a.data_;
std::vector<Record> records;
and no copy ctor is needed; the offset ptr knows the location of the other record as an offset within the records. Data is stored by-value instead of by-reference.
Note that we have a vector of Records, not pointers-to-Records. This is key for the offset_ptr to work. Resizing isn't a problem, as the offsets remain the same. Copying remains safe, as offsets on each side now refer to other elements within their vector. Inserting/removing in the middle is dangerous, but simply nulling elements is not.
Note that buffers of size max std::ptrdiff_t or beyond are not supported by the above offset_ptr. On a 64 bit system that is about 2 gigs; on a 64 bit system it is large. (I don't use 0 for the null value, because if I did then an offset_ptr<X> as the first member of a struct X would nullify if I ever made it point to its enclosing X.)
boost also has a less bespoke offset_ptr type. The implementation above is meant as a sketch of how easy it is, not a solid implementation.
You do not show the complete code here (neither on ideone), but let me take a guess based on what I see.
I assume that your other object, which you pass in the copy c'tor has a fully set up list of Records.
I further assume that your HashTable class has a destructor (not shown) which deletes all the linked Records.
Your copy constructor calls the copy c'tor of Record(for each entry in the array of pointers to Record). The Record coyp c'tor only makes a shallow copy, i.e. only the pointer to the next element is copied (it will still point to the next element of the copied Record from the other hash table.
Thus, when other and its copy are deleted (at the end of scope or program; not shown), you will have double deletion (crash).
Fix: Make sure that Record has correct copy constructor, copy assignment and destructor (maybe even move c'tor and move assignment) (rule of five).
The same applies for the HashTable class as well.
Better fix: Use std::unordered_map.
I am having an issue with implementing the following two constructors:
List(const List& other)
Originally, the copy constructor was written as:
for (auto current = other._head._next; current != &other._head; current = current->_prev){
The above is considered ineffective and inefficient. So, I am trying to re-write it like this:
for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
Link<T>* current = &_head;
Link<T>* previous = &_head;
current->_next = item;
previous = current;
// link to new head
_head._next = other._head._next;
_head._prev = other._head._prev;
// Link prev och next to correct head
_head._next->_prev = &_head;
_head._prev->_next = &_head;
However, I am a total newbie on understanding how this Next, Prev, Next Prev, and finally connect together has to be done properly in the context of this copy constructor and the destructor. So, I am not sure why the above does not work and I am asking if someone know this and can help out here.
template<class T>
class Link {
template<class> friend class List;
Link* _next, * _prev;
Link() : _next(this), _prev(this) {}
virtual ~Link() {}
T* next() const { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_next); }
T* prev() const { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_prev); }
T* insert_after(T* in)
in->_next = this;
in->_prev = m_prev;
_prev->_next = in;
_prev = in;
return in;
T* insert_before(T* in)
return _prev->insert_after(in);
T* remove()
_prev->_next = _next;
_next->_prev = _prev;
return dynamic_cast<T*>(this);
void splice_after(Link* f, Link* l)
if (f != l){
f->_prev->_next = l->_next;
last->_next->_prev = f->_prev;
f->_prev = this;
l->_next = this->_next;
_next->_prev = l;
_next = f;
void splice_before(Link* f, Link* l)
m_prev->splice_after(f, l);
T* erase_first()
Link* tmp = _next;
_next = _next->_next;
_next->_prev = this;
return static_cast<T*>(tmp);
T* erase_last() {
Link* tmp = _prev;
_prev = _prev->_prev;
_prev->_next = this;
return static_cast<T*>(tmp);
#include <string.h>
template<class T>
class List {
template<class X> class ListIter {
template<class> friend class List;
Link<T>* _ptr;
// Typedefs
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef std::remove_const_t<X> value_type;
typedef X* pointer;
typedef X& reference;
ListIter() : _ptr{ nullptr } {}
ListIter(Link<T>* ptr) : _ptr{ ptr } {}
ListIter(const ListIter& other) : _ptr{other._ptr} {}
ListIter& operator=(const ListIter& other)
_ptr = other._ptr;
return *this;
X& operator*() { return *dynamic_cast<T*>(_ptr); }
X* operator->() { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_ptr); }
ListIter& operator++() { _ptr = static_cast<T*>(_ptr->_next); return *this; }
ListIter& operator--(){ _ptr = static_cast<T*>(_ptr->_prev); return *this; }
ListIter operator++(int) { auto r(*this); operator++(); return r; }
ListIter operator--(int){ auto r(*this); operator--(); return r; }
difference_type operator-(const ListIter& other) {
return (_ptr - other._ptr);
friend auto operator<=>(const ListIter& lhs, const ListIter& rhs)
if ((lhs._ptr - rhs._ptr) < 0)
return std::strong_ordering::less;
else if ((lhs._ptr - rhs._ptr) > 0)
return std::strong_ordering::greater;
return std::strong_ordering::equivalent;
friend bool operator==(const ListIter& lhs, const ListIter& rhs)
return (lhs <=> rhs) == 0;
Link<T> _head;
using iterator = ListIter<T>;
using const_iterator = ListIter<const T>;
_head._next = &_head;
_head._prev = &_head;
List(const List& other) // Problem here, does not work, not sure how to get this solved.
for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
Link<T>* current = &_head;
Link<T>* previous = &_head;
current->_next = item;
previous = current;
// link to new head
_head._next = other._head._next;
_head._prev = other._head._prev;
// Link prev och next to correct head
_head._next->_prev = &_head;
_head._prev->_next = &_head;
List(const char* other)
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(other); ++i)
_head.insert_after(new T(other[i]));
while (_head._next != &_head)
pop_front(); // This isn't efficient.
T* pop_front()
return _head.erase_first();
T* pop_back()
return _head.erase_last();
void push_front(T* node) { _head.insert_before(node);}
void push_back(T* node) { _head.insert_after(node);}
First off: I think the design here is a terrible idea; it looks like you're using the curiously recurring template pattern, but relying on dynamic_cast is pointless if so (the whole point is to get compile-time polymorphism, which means a static_cast from Link<T> to T (which is a child of Link<T>) should always be safe, and if it's not (because maybe your _head is a placeholder of type Link<T>, not an instance of T?), it's because you've written code that incorrectly treats them equivalently. I might suggest a refactor into three components:
T - the user's chosen type, which need not inherit from any given class, where currently your use of the curiously recurring template pattern requires it to inherit from Link<T>
Link<T> - The platonic ideal of a forward and reverse linked element of a linked list with no associated value (used solely for _head), where _prev and _next are pointers to Link<T> that, aside from pointers to _head, always point to Node<T>s.
Node<T> - A child class of Link<T> that adds a T data member and very little else (to avoid overhead, almost all behaviors not related to T itself would be defined non-virtually on Link<T>)
With the three of those, plus appropriate emplace* methods, you have the same features you currently have:
_head can be a plain Link<T> (no need to store a dummy T, nor require uses to define a default constructor)
All other elements are Node<T>, and have the same overhead of your current Link<T> (one instance of T plus two pointers)
T can be of arbitrary type (emplace* methods means the construction of a T can be deferred until the moment the Node<T> is created, no copies or moves of T needed)
where #3 is a stealth improvement which I'll repeat:
T can be of arbitrary type, not just subclasses of Link<T>
and you get the added benefit of:
Hiding more of your implementation (Link and Node can be private helper classes, where right now Link must be part of your public API), avoiding a lot of back-compat constraints that come with more of the API publicly visible
Secondly, your code is perfectly effective, it's just mildly inefficient (setting four pointers via indirection per new element, when you could set just two per element, and two more at the end to establish the List invariant). It's still a O(n) copy operation, not the O(n**2) operation a Schlemiel the Painter's algorithm would involve.
Beyond that, taking your word that everything else works, all you need to do to write a maximally efficient copy constructor is:
Begin with a pointer to the current element (_head), which I'll call current_tail (because at every stage of the copy, it's the logical tail of the list to date, and if no other element is found, it will be the real tail)
For each new element copied from other:
Set its _prev to current_tail (because current_tail is the current tail of the List, creating the reverse linkage)
Set current_tail's _next to the new element (creating the forward linkage)
Set current_tail to the new element (because now that they're linked to each other completely; we don't need a previous at all)
When you've copied everything per step 2, fix up the cycle, tying the final element to _head and vice-versa.
The end result is simpler than what you were writing (because you don't need a previous pointer at all):
List(const List& other) // Problem here, does not work, not sure how to get this solved.
Link<T>* current_tail = &_head; // 1. The tail of an empty list points to _head
for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
// We have validly forward linked list at each loop, so adding new element just means:
item->_prev = current_tail ; // 2.1. Telling it the prior tail comes before it
current_tail->_next = item; // 2.2. Telling the prior tail the new item comes after it
current_tail = item; // 2.3. Update notion of current tail
current_tail->_next = &_head; // 3. Real tail's _next points to _head to indicate end of list
_head._prev = current_tail; // _head._prev is logical pointer to tail element, fix it up
You might need a couple casts sprinkled in there to deal the weirdness of List<T> also being T (and storing it with different types in different places), but otherwise that's it).
Voila, the only two uses of indirect variables per loop (both writes; all loads come from locals) rather than five (four written, one read; each reference to _prev is implicitly indirect use of this->_prev) involved when you push_back repeatedly.
For bonus points, write yourself a swap helper (using the copy-and-swap idiom), which really only needs to change four items (_head's _next and _prev to swap all the nodes of each List, the _next of the tail element, and the _prev of the current head element to point to the _head of the new owning List), and about six lines of simple boilerplate will get you a cheap, efficient and safe move constructor and assignment operator.
I'm having trouble figuring out the destructor for my hashTable class, the destructor is like this:
template <typename ElementType>
HashSet<ElementType>::~HashSet() noexcept
for (unsigned int i=0;i<hashCapacity;i++)
Node* current = hashTable[i];
while(current != nullptr)
Node* entry = current;
current = current->next;
delete[] entry;
delete[] hashTable;
No matter I use either delete[] or delete, it gives me either double-free errors or segmentation fault.
The class template is below:
template <typename ElementType>
class HashSet : public Set<ElementType>
// The default capacity of the HashSet before anything has been
// added to it.
static constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;
// A HashFunction is a function that takes a reference to a const
// ElementType and returns an unsigned int.
using HashFunction = std::function<unsigned int(const ElementType&)>;
// Initializes a HashSet to be empty so that it will use the given
// hash function whenever it needs to hash an element.
explicit HashSet(HashFunction hashFunction);
// Cleans up the HashSet so that it leaks no memory.
~HashSet() noexcept override;
// add() adds an element to the set. If the element is already in the set,
// this function has no effect. This function triggers a resizing of the
// array when the ratio of size to capacity would exceed 0.8, in which case
// the new capacity should be determined by this formula:
// capacity * 2 + 1
// In the case where the array is resized, this function runs in linear
// time (with respect to the number of elements, assuming a good hash
// function); otherwise, it runs in constant time (again, assuming a good
// hash function). The amortized running time is also constant.
void add(const ElementType& element) override;
Where my add function and default constructor implementation is like this:
template <typename ElementType>
HashSet<ElementType>::HashSet(HashFunction hashFunction)
: hashFunction{hashFunction}
hashCapacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
hashSize = 0;
hashTable = new Node* [hashCapacity];
for (int i=0;i<hashCapacity;++i)
hashTable[i] = nullptr;
template <typename ElementType>
void HashSet<ElementType>::add(const ElementType& element)
if (contains(element)==false)
if ((hashSize/hashCapacity) > 0.8)
unsigned int index = hashFunction(element) % hashCapacity;
hashSize += 1;
Node* add = new Node;
add->next = nullptr;
add->value = element;
if (hashTable[index]==nullptr)
hashTable[index] = add;
Node* addNode = hashTable[index];
while(addNode->next != nullptr)
addNode = addNode->next;
addNode->next = add;
Note: that resize hashtable part is incomplete because I'm examining the functionality for my hash table to hold a small amount of value first.
I'm reading lines from a file and storing them into linked list.
void add(llist *list, somevalue) {
Node *newnode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
newnode->value = somevalue;
newnode->next = list->head;
list->head = newnode;
and I call this function from an initialize function which opens the file and reads lines from the file.
void init() {
llist *list = (llist *) malloc(sizeof(llist));
//bunch of file i/o codes
while (read file until it returns NULL) {
add(list, line);
//if I try to print the values of the list here it works.
//Outside the loop, the head is back to NULL
And another problem that I realized is the values get concatenated every time I try to print the value. That is to say, the output would be:
First Loop: Tony
Second Loop: Peter
Third Loop: Mir
How do I fix it so the add function permanently adds the node to the linked list?
Why would the values be jumbled up like that?
The list is a global variable, and here are some more snippets from the init function. This is the while loop with the problem:
//open file
//initialize & declare pointers
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
value[i] = '\0';
if (!(fgets(value,max,f))) {
//segfaults if I try to print out the list inside this block.
add(list, value);
//the values are well separated in this statement
printf("id is %s\n", list->head->value);
//This print list works, but works weird as shown above.
//This print list doesn't work, the list is NULL
And this is the print list function:
void print_users(llist *list) {
ListNode *e;
if (list->head == NULL) {
printf("NO USERS\r\n");
e = list->head;
while (e != NULL) {
e = e->next;
So I don't have a good grasp at all on what you're exactly trying to do here, so we can only do but so much. You may consider posting a MCVE. However, I may be able to give you some pointers on building a linked list. I directly copied your add function into a linked list class that I just hurriedly built, and it worked fine, so there may be something else in your llist class that is causing the issue, or it could be something else in your code. The class and a brief description of the class are listed below.
basic node class
Note: I used templates, but you could just as easily remove the template statements and replace T with any type.
template<typename T>
class node {
T data;
node* next;
// The C++11 rule of 5
// Default Constructor
node(T value = T(), node* nxt = nullptr) : data(value), next(nxt) { }
// Copy Constructor
node(const node<T>& src) : data(src.data), next(src.next) { }
// Move Constructor
node(node<T>&& src) : data(src.data), next(src.next) {
src.data = T();
src.next = nullptr;
// Copy Assignment Operator
node<T>& operator=(const node<T>& src) {
this->data = src.data;
this->next = src.next;
// Move Assignment Operator
node<T>& operator=(node<T>&& src) {
this->data = src.data;
this->next = src.next;
src.data = T();
src.next = nullptr;
// Destructor
~node() {};
// Some functions to help with encapsulation
void set_next(node* nxt) {
this->next = nxt;
void set_data(T value) {
this->data = value;
node* get_next() {
T& get_data() {
linked list class body
Since you're using dynamic memory, you need to make sure you adhere to the rule of 3 or 5 depending on whether or not you're using C++11.
template<typename T>
class llist {
node<T>* head;
llist(const llist& src);
llist(llist&& src);
llist& operator=(const llist& src);
llist& operator=(llist&& src);
void push();
void insert();
default constructor
Nothing fancy here.
template<typename T>
llist<T>::llist() : head(nullptr) { }
copy constructor
Since you're using dynamic memory this is crucial
template<typename T>
llist<T>::llist(const llist& src) {
node<T>* tmp = src.head;
while(tmp) {
move constructor
template<typename T>
llist<T>::llist(llist&& src) {
// delete current nodes
node<T>* tmp = this->head;
while(tmp) {
tmp = head->get_next();
delete head;
head = tmp;
// steal the sources list
this->head = src.head;
src.head = nullptr;
template<typename T>
llist<T>::~llist() {
node<T>* tmp = this->head;
while(tmp) {
tmp = head->get_next();
delete head;
head = tmp;
copy assignment operator
template<typename T>
llist& llist<T>::operator=(const llist<T>& src) {
node<T>* tmp = src.head;
while(tmp) {
move assignment operator
template<typename T>
llist& llist<T>::operator=(llist<T>&& src) {
node<T>* tmp = this->head;
while(tmp) {
tmp = head->get_next();
delete head;
head = tmp;
this->head = src.head;
src.head = nullptr;
push member
this is essentially opposite of your add member.
template<typename T>
void llist<T>push(T data) {
node<T>* new_node = new node<T>(data);
if(this->head) {
node<T>* tmp = this->head;
while(tmp->get_next()) {
tmp = tmp->get_next();
} else {
this->head = new_node;
insert member
This is essentially your add member.
template<typename T>
void llist<T>insert(T data) {
node<T>* new_node = new node<T>(data, this->head);
this->head = new_node;
I don't know if this will help, and you probably already have and know most of this, but I hope it helps.
In this code, it would appear that you attempted to 'malloc' space for a "llist" user defined object.
void init() {
llist *list = (llist *) malloc(sizeof(llist));
//bunch of file i/o codes
while (read file until it returns NULL) {
add(list, line);
//if I try to print the values of the list here it works.
//Outside the loop, the head is back to NULL
First, you tagged this as C++. In C++, you simply must use new and delete. The C++ compiler does not associate "malloc" with the ctor / dtor of your user created object called "llist". And I assure you that you really do want to create these two methods, even when each are simple. Really.
On the other hand, the C++ compiler does provide New and Delete, and will automatically invoke the ctor and dtor when appropriate for both dynamic variables (in heap), and automatic variables (on stack). The compiler will not support this with malloc.
Second, your function init() does not return or otherwise deliver the value of the automatic variable you named "list" to any other scope. (Typically, a list lifetime exceeds the life of any function that uses or creates it.)
So your object "list" only exists within the scope of the function init(), within the lifetime of init(). Not very useful.
So the handle to the list of 'malloc'ed things is lost, no longer accessible to anything else. After init(), where did you plan for the listHead to reside?
Even if you used new (and delete) the code still does not deliver the listHead anywhere.
To further your program, you need perhaps 1 of 2 things:
1) a return (from the function) of the "list" handle (I've been calling it "listHead" as you intended, right?)
llist* init() {
llist *listHead = ...
2) a parameter reference which your init function changes. This places the list head outside of init().
void init( llist** listHead) {
llist *list = ...
*listHead = list;
You might look into, and take hints from std::list, which has 40+ methods, though you might only need 10. For the methods you plan to implement, you should strive to conform to and use similar names and parameters.
Perhaps you meant to use a class data attribute with the label list (it is quite difficult to imagine this from what you provided). In this case, you should distinguish data attributes names to help you remember what it is, and that it has a different scope. For instance, I would use m_listHead. The prefix m_ (or often, simply the one char prefix '_') simply indicates to the reader that this symbol is a data attribute of a class. This idea is a common c++ idiom, and not enforced by the compiler, but is often part of a coding-standard.
Good luck.
First, I realize that there are multiple topics about this on StackOverflow. I'm having a slight bit of trouble understanding the responses in some of them. I'm creating this in hopes that someone can help me understand the process.
I apologize if this question seems relatively novice, but I am doing my best to understand it.
I'm learning about data structures and have been asked to create a LinkedList implementation file based on a header that was provided.
This is homework, so please no 'here is the exact code' type answers. Pseudocode, steps, and hints are welcome.
Here is the part of the header that I'm working on at the moment:
typedef std::string ElementType;
class LinkedList
class Node
ElementType data;
Node * next;
Node( )
: data( ElementType( ) ), next( NULL )
{ }
Node( ElementType initData )
: data( initData ), next( NULL )
{ }
}; // end of Node class
typedef Node * NodePointer;
LinkedList( );
/* Construct a List object
Precondition: none.
Postcondition: An empty List object has been constructed.
LinkedList( const LinkedList &source );
/* Construct a copy of a List object.
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: A copy of source has been constructed.
~LinkedList( );
/* Destroys a List object.
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: Any memory allocated to the List object has been freed.
const LinkedList & operator=( const LinkedList &rightSide );
/* Assign a copy of a List object to the current object.
NodePointer first;
int mySize;
So far, I've created the destructor, can you check and make sure it is correct?
NodePointer ptr = first;
while(ptr != 0 ) {
NodePointer next = ptr->next;
delete ptr;
ptr = next;
first = 0;
Now here is the part where I'm lost...What are the basic steps of creating the copy constructor? I've finished the default constructor which was simple, but I'm a bit confused with what I should be doing on the copy constructor.
I'm also slightly confused about overloading the = operator, I assume it will be very similar to the copy constructor.
My first attempt at the copy constructor:
LinkedList::LinkedList(const LinkedList & source)
//create a ptr to our copy
Node * copy_node = source.first;
//where we will be inserting our copy
Node * insert_node = first;
while(copy_node != nullptr)
//insert our new copy node
insert_node = new Node(copy_node->data);
//move to our next node
copy_node = copy_node->next;
if(copy_node != nullptr) {
insert_node = insert_node->next;
} else {
insert_node = first;
//update size
I feel like something is missing there.
What are the basic steps of creating the copy constructor? I've finished the default constructor which was simple, but I'm a bit confused with what I should be doing on the copy constructor.
Well, you need to copy the source, obviously. If the source is a list of N nodes then you need to construct another list of N nodes, with each node being a copy of the corresponding one in the source.
So loop over the source nodes and create copies of them.
I'm also slightly confused about overloading the = operator, I assume it will be very similar to the copy constructor.
Yes, except you need to dispose of the current nodes first. However, a simple and safe way to implement assignment is copy-and-swap, so define a correct swap member:
void swap(LinkedList& other)
std::swap(first, other.first);
std::swap(size, other.size);
Then use it to implement assignment:
LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList& source)
return *this;
This creates a temporary that is a copy of source, then swaps it with *this, so the old contents of *this get destroyed by the temporary, and *this ends up with the copied data.
N.B. the return type should be non-const, it is not idiomatic to return a const-reference from an assignment operator.
The most easiest way is to implement a function which adds new nodes into the list and call it in the loop inside the constructor:
LinkedList(const LinkedList& rhs)
Node* node = rhs.first;
while (node) {
node = node->next;
void add(ElementType data)
Node* node = new Node(data);
// add node somehow
// I'd recommend to keep pointer to the tail
Please note this implementation is not exception safe!
EDIT: added copy function for the copy constructor, the first step to the exception safety:
LinkedList(const LinkedList& rhs)
copy(rhs.first, first);
void copy(Node* src, Node*& dest)
// handle the head element separately
if (!src) {
return; // empty list
} else {
dest = new Node(src->data); // equivalent to first = new Node...
src = src->next;
// copy the rest of the list
Node* p = dest;
while (src) {
p->next = new Node(src->data);
src = src->next;
p = p->next;
I would like to ask you how to write a copy constructor (and operator = ) for the following classes.
Class Node stores coordinates x,y of each node and pointer to another node.
class Node
double x, y;
Node *n;
Node (double xx, double yy, Node *nn) : x(xx), y(yy), n(nn) {}
void setNode (Node *nn) : n(nn) {}
Class NodesList (inherited from std:: vector) stores all dynamically allocated Nodes
class NodesList : public std::vector<Node *>
The main program:
int main()
Node *n1 = new Node(5,10,NULL);
Node *n2 = new Node(10,10,NULL);
Node *n3 = new Node(20,10,NULL);
NodesList nl1;
//Copy contructor is used, how to write
NodesList nl2(nl1);
//OPerator = is used, how to write?
NodesList nl3 = nl1;
I do not want to create a shallow copy of each node but a deep copy of each node. Could I ask you for a sample code with copy constructor?
Each node can be pointed more than once. Let us have such situation, when 3 nodes n[1], n[2], n[3] are stored in the NodesList nl1:
n[1] points to n[2]
n[2] points to n[3]
n[3] points to n[2]
A] Our copy constructor process the node n[1]. It creates a new object n[1]_new represented by the copy of the old object n[1]_old. The node n[2] pointed from n[1]_old still does not exist, so n[2]_new must be also created... The pointer from n1_new to n2_new is set.
B] Then second point n[2] is processed. It can not be created twice, n[2]_new was created in A]. But pointed node n[3] does not exist, so the new object n[3]_new as a copy of an old object n[3]_old is created. The pointer from n2_new to n3_new is set.
C] Node n[3]_new has already been created and n[2]_new. The pointer from n3_new to n2_new is set and no other object will be created...
So the copy constructor should check whether the object has been created in the past or has not...
Some reference counting could be helpful...
There is my solution of the problem. A new data member n_ref storing a new verion of the node n was added:
class Node
double x, y;
Node *n, *n_ref;
Node (double xx, double yy, Node *nn) : x(xx), y(yy), n(nn) {n_ref = NULL;}
Node * getNode() {return n;}
Node * getRefNode () {return n_ref;}
void setNode (Node *nn) {this->n = nn;}
void setRefNode (Node *nn) {this->n_ref = nn;}
The copy constructor creates a shallow copy of the node:
Node (const Node *node)
x = node->x;
y = node->y;
n = node->n;
n_ref = node->n_ref;
The copy constructor for NodesList
NodesList::NodesList(const NodesList& source)
const_iterator e = source.end();
for (const_iterator i = source.begin(); i != e; ++i) {
//Node* n = new Node(**i);
//Node n still has not been added to the list
if ((*i)->getRefNode() == NULL)
//Create node
Node *node = new Node(*i);
//Add node to the list
//Set this note as processed
//Pointed node still has not been added to the list
if ((*i)->getNode()->getRefNode() == NULL)
//Create new pointed node
Node *node_pointed = new Node ((*i)->getNode());
//Add node to the list
//Set pointer to n
//Set node as processed
//Pointed node has already been added to the list
//Set pointer to node n
//Node n has already been added to the list
//Get node
Node * node = (*i)->getRefNode();
//Pointed node still has not been added
if ((*i)->getNode()->getRefNode() == NULL)
//Create new node
Node *node_pointed = new Node ((*i)->getNode());
//Add node to the list
//Set pointer to n
//Set node as processed
//Pointed node has already been added to the list
//Set pointer to n
Perform a shallow copy in NodeList::NodeList(const NodeList&) and you don't have to worry about cycles breaking the copy operation. Disclaimer: the following is untested, incomplete and may have bugs.
class NodeList {
typedef std::vector<Node*> Delegate;
Delegate nodes;
NodeList(int capacity=16) : nodes() { nodes.reserve(capacity); }
NodeList(const NodeList& from);
virtual ~NodeList();
NodeList& operator=(const NodeList& from);
/* delegated stuff */
typedef Delegate::size_type size_type;
typedef Delegate::reference reference;
typedef Delegate::const_reference const_reference;
typedef Delegate::iterator iterator;
typedef Delegate::const_iterator const_iterator;
size_type size() const { return nodes.size(); }
iterator begin() { return nodes.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return nodes.begin(); }
iterator end() { return nodes.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return nodes.end(); }
// ...
NodeList::NodeList(const NodeList& from)
: nodes(from.size()), flags(NodeList::owner)
std::map<Node*, Node*> replacement;
Delegate::const_iterator pfrom;
Delegate::iterator pto;
// shallow copy nodes
for (pfrom=from.begin(), pto=nodes.begin();
pfrom != from.end();
++pfrom, ++pto)
replacement[*pfrom] = *pto = new Node(**pfrom);
// then fix nodes' nodes
for (pto = nodes.begin(); pto != nodes.end(); ++pto) {
NodeList::operator=(const NodeList&) can use the copy-swap idiom, the same as Tronic's Node::operator=(const Node&).
This design has a potential memory leak in that a copied NodeList is (initally) the only place that references its nodes. If a temporary NodeList goes out of scope, a poor implementation will leak the Nodes the list contained.
One solution is to proclaim that NodeLists own Nodes. As long as you don't add a Node to more than one NodeList (via NodeList::push_back, NodeList::operator[] &c), NodeList's methods can delete nodes when necessary (e.g. in NodeList::~NodeList, NodeList::pop_back).
NodeList::~NodeList() {
Delegate::iterator pnode;
for (pnode = nodes.begin(); pnode != nodes.end(); ++pnode) {
delete *pnode;
void NodeList::pop_back() {
delete nodes.back();
Another solution is to use smart pointers, rather than Node*. NodeList should store shared pointers. Node::n should be a weak pointer to prevent ownership cycles.
I would just use std::list<Node> instead of NodesList. Well, let's code...
NodesList::NodesList(const NodesList& source)
const_iterator e = source.end();
for (const_iterator i = source.begin(); i != e; ++i) {
Node* n = new Node(**i);
Apparently each Node is only allowed to point to another Node in the same list? Otherwise the "deep copy" of a list needs more definition. Should it not be connected to the original NodeList? Should it not be connected to any original Node? Are copies of Nodes not in the list being copied added to some other list or free-floating?
If all the Node-to-Node pointers are constrained within the NodeList, then perhaps you should store indexes instead of pointers, then no special handling is required.
You should not inherit from standard library containers (because they lack virtual destructors). Instead, include them as member variables in your classes.
Since you want a deep copy, you need these: (rule of three)
Node(Node const& orig): x(orig.x), y(orig.y), n() {
if (orig.n) n = new Node(*orig.n);
Node& operator=(Node const& orig) {
// The copy-swap idiom
Node tmp = orig;
swap(tmp); // Implementing this member function left as an exercise
return *this;
~Node() { delete n; }
A better idea might be to avoid using pointers entirely and just put your nodes in a suitable container.