Choose rectangles for maximizing the area - c++

I've got a 2D-binary matrix of arbitrary size. I want to find a set of rectangles in this matrix, showing a maximum area. The constraints are:
Rectangles may only cover "0"-fields in the matrix and no "1"-fields.
Each rectangle has to have a given distance from the next rectangle.
So let me illustrate this a bit further by this matrix:
1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Let the minimal distance between two rectangles be 1. Consequently, the optimal solution would be by choosing the rectangles with corners (1,0)-(3,1) and (1,3)-(4,3). These rectangles are min. 1 field apart from each other and they do not lie on "1"-fields. Additionally, this solution got the maximum area (6+4=10).
If the minimal distance would be 2, the optimum would be (1,0)-(4,0) and (1,3)-(4,3) with area 4+4=8.
Till now, I achieved to find out rectangles analogous to this post:
Find largest rectangle containing only zeros in an N×N binary matrix
I saved all these rectangles in a list:
list<rectangle> rectangles;
struct rectangle {
int i,j; // bottom left corner of rectangle
int width,length; // width=size in neg. i direction, length=size in pos. j direction
Till now, I only thought about brute-force-methods but of course, I am not happy with this.
I hope you can give me some hints and tips of how to find the corresponding rectangles in my list and I hope my problem is clear to you.

The following counterexample shows that even a brute-force checking of all combinations of maximal-area rectangles can fail to find the optimum:
In the above example, there are 2 maximal-area rectangles, each of area 3, one vertical and one horizontal. You can't pick both, so if you are restricted to choosing a subset of these rectangles, the best you can do is to pick (either) one for a total area of 3. But if you instead picked the vertical area-3 rectangle, and then also took the non-maximal 1x2 rectangle consisting of just the leftmost two 0s, you could get a better total area of 5. (That's for a minimum separation distance of 0; if the minimum separation distance is 1, as in your own example, then you could instead pick just the leftmost 0 as a 1x1 rectangle for a total area of 4, which is still better than 3.)
For the special case when the separation distance is 0, there's a trivial algorithm: you can simply put a 1x1 rectangle on every single 0 in the matrix. When the separation distance is strictly greater than 0, I don't yet see a fast algorithm, though I'm less sure that the problem is NP-hard now than I was a few minutes ago...


How can I fill gaps in a binary image in OpenCV?

I have some thresholded images of hand-drawn figures (circuits) but there are some parts where I need to have gaps closed between two points, as I show in the following image:
Binary image
I tried closing (dilation followed by erosion), but it is not working. It doesn't fill the gaps and makes the resistors and other components unrecognizable. I couldn't find a proper value for the morph size and number of iterations that give me a good result without affecting the rest of the picture. It's important not to affect too much the components.
I can't use hough lines because the gaps are not always in lines.
Result after closing:
Result after closing
int morph_size1 = 2;
Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(2 * morph_size1 + 1, 2 * morph_size1 + 1), Point(morph_size1, morph_size1));
Mat dst1; // result matrix
for (int i = 1; i<3; i++)
morphologyEx(binary, dst1, CV_MOP_CLOSE, element1, Point(-1, -1), i);
imshow("closing ", dst1);
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
My proposal:
find the endpoints of the breaks by means of morphological thinning (select the white pixels having only one white neighbor);
in small neighborhoods around every endpoint, find the closest endpoint, by circling* up to a limit radius;
draw a thick segment between them.
*In this step, it is very important to look for neighbors in different connected component, to avoid linking a piece to itself; so you need blob labelling as well.
In this thinning, there are more breaks than in your original picture because I erased the boxes.
Of course, you draw the filling segments in the original image.
This process cannot be perfect, as sometimes endpoints will be missing, and sometimes unwanted endpoints will be considered.
As a refinement, you can try and estimate the direction at endpoints, and only search is an angular sector.
My suggestion is to use a custom convolution filter (cv::filter2D) like the one below (can be larger):
0 0 1/12 0 0
0 0 2/12 0 0
1/12 2/12 0 2/12 1/12
0 0 2/12 0 0
0 0 1/12 0 0
The idea is to fill gaps when there are two line segments near each other. You can also use custom structuring elements to obtain the same effect.

Given 2d array of 0s and 1s, find all the squares in it using backtracking

in this 2d array 1 represents a point and 0 represents blank area.
for example this array:
1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1
my answer should be 2, because there are 2 squares (or rectangles) in this array like this
all the points should be used, and you can't make another square | rectangle if all its points are already used (like we can't make another square from the point in the middle to the point in the top right) because they are both already used in other squares, you can use any point multiple times just if at least one corner is not used point.
I could solve it as an implementation problem, but I am not understanding how backtracking is related to this problem.
thanks in advance.
Backtracking, lets take a look at another possible answer to your problem, you listed:
{0,0} to (2,1}
{0,0} to {4,0}
As one solution another solution is (With respect to the point can be used multiple times as long as one point is unused):
{4,0} to {2,1} (first time 4,0 and 2,1 is used)
{0,0} to {2,1} (first time 0,0 is used)
{0,0} to {4,4} (first time 4,4 is used)
Which is 3 moves, with backtracking it is designed to show you alternative results using recursion. In this equation if you start the starting location for calculating the squares at different areas of the array you can achieve different results.
for an example iterating starts from 0,0, and going right across each row trying to find all possible rectangles starting with [0,0] will give the solution you provided, iteratings starting from 4,0 and going left across each row trying to find all possible solutions will give my result.

Pack smaller Rectangle in Bigger One with highest Repeat Count?

i have a canvas rectangle ( constant width and height ) , i have child rectangle (also constant width and height) .
i want to fit the smaller rectangle in canvas with highest repeat count (or least wastage space Or maximize occupancy ratio ) .
when i tried famous algorithms like GuillotineBinPack or MaxRectsBinPack to fit lets say 25*20 rectangle in 70*100 all of them give me maximum of 13 rectangle instead of optimal result of 14 ( 5 first row + 5 second row + 4 third row).
Note : i tried all possible Heuristic permutations available with algorithm and even failed to achieve my optimal goal .
any small hint will highly appreciated.

HOG: What is done in the contrast-normalization step?

According to the HOG process, as described in the paper Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection (see link below), the contrast normalization step is done after the binning and the weighted vote.
I don't understand something - If I already computed the cells' weighted gradients, how can the normalization of the image's contrast help me now?
As far as I understand, contrast normalization is done on the original image, whereas for computing the gradients, I already computed the X,Y derivatives of the ORIGINAL image. So, if I normalize the contrast and I want it to take effect, I should compute everything again.
Is there something I don't understand well?
Should I normalize the cells' values?
Is the normalization in HOG not about contrast anyway, but is about the histogram values (counts of cells in each bin)?
Link to the paper:
The contrast normalization is achieved by normalization of each block's local histogram.
The whole HOG extraction process is well explained here:
When you normalize the block histogram, you actually normalize the contrast in this block, if your histogram really contains the sum of magnitudes for each direction.
The term "histogram" is confusing here, because you do not count how many pixels has direction k, but instead you sum the magnitudes of such pixels. Thus you can normalize the contrast after computing the block's vector, or even after you computed the whole vector, assuming that you know in which indices in the vector a block starts and a block ends.
The steps of the algorithm due to my understanding - worked for me with 95% success rate:
Define the following parameters (In this example, the parameters are like HOG for Human Detection paper):
A cell size in pixels (e.g. 6x6)
A block size in cells (e.g. 3x3 ==> Means that in pixels it is 18x18)
Block overlapping rate (e.g. 50% ==> Means that both block width and block height in pixels have to be even. It is satisfied in this example, because the cell width and cell height are even (6 pixels), making the block width and height also even)
Detection window size. The size must be dividable by a half of the block size without remainder (so it is possible to exactly place the blocks within with 50% overlapping). For example, the block width is 18 pixels, so the windows width must be a multiplication of 9 (e.g. 9, 18, 27, 36, ...). Same for the window height. In our example, the window width is 63 pixels, and the window height is 126 pixels.
Calculate gradient:
Compute the X difference using convolution with the vector [-1 0 1]
Compute the Y difference using convolution with the transpose of the above vector
Compute the gradient magnitude in each pixel using sqrt(diffX^2 + diffY^2)
Compute the gradient direction in each pixel using atan(diffY / diffX). Note that atan will return values between -90 and 90, while you will probably want the values between 0 and 180. So just flip all the negative values by adding to them +180 degrees. Note that in HOG for Human Detection, they use unsigned directions (between 0 and 180). If you want to use signed directions, you should make a little more effort: If diffX and diffY are positive, your atan value will be between 0 and 90 - leave it as is. If diffX and diffY are negative, again, you'll get the same range of possible values - here, add +180, so the direction is flipped to the other side. If diffX is positive and diffY is negative, you'll get values between -90 and 0 - leave them the same (You can add +360 if you want it positive). If diffY is positive and diffX is negative, you'll again get the same range, so add +180, to flip the direction to the other side.
"Bin" the directions. For example, 9 unsigned bins: 0-20, 20-40, ..., 160-180. You can easily achieve that by dividing each value by 20 and flooring the result. Your new binned directions will be between 0 and 8.
Do for each block separately, using copies of the original matrix (because some blocks are overlapping and we do not want to destroy their data):
Split to cells
For each cell, create a vector with 9 members (one for each bin). For each index in the bin, set the sum of all the magnitudes of all the pixels with that direction. We have totally 6x6 pixels in a cell. So for example, if 2 pixels have direction 0 while the magnitude of the first one is 0.231 and the magnitude of the second one is 0.13, you should write in index 0 in your vector the value 0.361 (= 0.231 + 0.13).
Concatenate all the vectors of all the cells in the block into a large vector. This vector size should of course be NUMBER_OF_BINS * NUMBER_OF_CELLS_IN_BLOCK. In our example, it is 9 * (3 * 3) = 81.
Now, normalize this vector. Use k = sqrt(v[0]^2 + v[1]^2 + ... + v[n]^2 + eps^2) (I used eps = 1). After you computed k, divide each value in the vector by k - thus your vector will be normalized.
Create final vector:
Concatenate all the vectors of all the blocks into 1 large vector. In my example, the size of this vector was 6318

C++ alternative algorithm for solution

I need some help with an algorithm, I have a problem with an program.
I need to make a program where user inputs cordinates for 3 points and coefficient
for linear funciton that crosses the triangle made by those 3 points and i need to compare area of the shapes what is made function crossing that triangle.
I would paste code here but there is things in my native language and i just want to know your alogrithms for this solution, becuase my wokrs only if the points are entered in exact sequence and I cant get handle of that - code
and for example i use this
The code is not finnished, I just noticed if I enter it in different sequence it does not work like when entering points " 1 1 2 5 4 4 0.5 1 5 " works but " 4 4 1 1 2 5 0.5 1 5 " does not
The linear must cross with 2 edges of the triangle at least. So you can find these 2 crossing points first, these 2 points with one of the 3 vertices will make a small triangle. Use this equation to calculate the area of a triangle S = sqrt(l * (l-a) * (l-b) * (l-c)) where l = (a+b+c)/2 and a, b, c are the length of the edge. It should be easy to get the length of an edge given the coordinate of the vertex. One is the area of the small triangle, the other one is the area of the big triangle minus the small one.
If your triangle is ABC, a good approach would be the following:
Find lines that go through points A and B, B and C, and C and A.
Find the intersection of your line with these three lines.
Check which two intersections lie on the triangle sides.
Depending on the intersections calculate the surface of the new small