Launch Failed: Binary Not Found - c++

I'm running eclipse on SUSE with gcc compiler installed.
When I create new "Hello World" C++ project, clean and build and run I'm faced with "Launch Failed: Binary Not Found".
I try to set a run configuration only to find no binary has been created, no binary folder has been created in project.
Only message from build is :
**** Build of configuration Debug for project HelloWorld ****
(Cannot run program "make": Unkown reason)
Binary Parser is set to Elf.
Tried everything on SO with no success. Only thing I can think of is binary file is being created elsewhere....but no idea where it could be.
Help much appreciated.

I have faced this issue before due to incorrect installation of C++ compiler
use this command in the terminal
zypper in gcc
and then try again , I actually had this so I Finally Switched to Visual Studio community 2015 it works fine for me
I hope this helps you
adding a link below

Try to reinstall the g++(gcc) compiler
→if you're using arch linux:
sudo pacman -S gcc
→if you're using Debian based distributions (like Ubuntu, Mint...)
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo aptitude install gcc
→if you're using OpenSUSE
sudo zypper install gcc
I forget how to install on fedora(22+)/RedHat ...
→From source Gcc Wiki
After installing, create a "helloworld.cpp" file, then manually compile it, for test, open a terminal on the same directory of this file, then type:
g++ helloworld.cpp -o executable
And run it:
If compiling manually works, and eclipse compiling don't, try to install Make (use "make" instead of "gcc" on commands)
The helloworld.cpp file, can have the following code:
int main()
std::cout<<"Hello World!"<< std::endl;
return 0;


Installing and using arm-none-eabi-gcc on MSYS2

I am trying to build an embedded program using "make all" with the GNU ARM toolchain, but it is not working yet.
I installed it with xpm according to this website with the xpm installer:
Now when I try to build my program using "make all", I get following error:
$ make all
Collecting dependencies for: Bsp/....cpp
/bin/sh: Zeile 1: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found-
The file is of course located in the xpack location:
while the normal mingw64 binaries are in another location. How exactly can I use arm-none-eabi-gcc now or how can I edit the PATH variables of msys2 to use the xpm packages?
There is also a similar toolchain here:
But I guess I can not install this without something like Linux subsystem...
If you downloaded arm-none-eabi-gcc separately from MSYS2, then after starting your MSYS2 shell, you need to add whatever directory contains arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe to your PATH environment variable by running a command like this:
export PATH=$PATH:/c/Users/path/to/bindir/
You can test it by running arm-none-eabi-gcc in the shell with no arguments, and also running which arm-none-eabi-gcc.
The main place to download such a toolchain is here:
You can install arm-none-eabi-gcc on MSYS2 using its package manager.
Start MSYS2 using mingw64.exe (or the equivalent shortcut) and then install the toolchain by running:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-arm-none-eabi-gcc
Now arm-none-eabi-gcc should be on your PATH without any additional work.

Build cpptest unit test framework on linux

I have successfully build and used cpptest on windows. Downloaded from Now I want to build same on Linux platform. but I am not able to build because config.h file is not present in downloaded zip file which is used inside collectoroutput.cpp. Can anyone guide me how I can build cpptest on Linux. zip folder has INSTALL.quick file but that is not working for me. Please find attached command on linux from INSTALL.quick and error on execution that command.Command and error on execution
Download cpptest-1.1.2.tar.gz
and unpack.
$ cd cpptest-1.1.2/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
works fine with ubuntu 16.04

How to use Boost.Python in Eclipse running on Linux Mint 18?

The objective is to compile a C++ program with Boost.Python in Eclipse on the OS on Linux Mint 18. In particularly, we want to run the template program:
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "My first boost program with version: " << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << endl;
return 0;
This personally took me quite a while to get working, so the tutorial below should serve as a one-stop-shop reference for anyone in a similar situation. Note on software used:
Boost version: 1.62.0
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Linux Mint 18 Xfce 64-bit
Eclipse version: CDT 9.1.0 for Eclipse Neon.1
Installing Eclipse CDT
Make sure that you have Java installed. For the Java JDK (if you want to also develop Java programs), run:
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
To simply run Java programs (such as Eclipse), you can install the lighter Java JRE:
sudo apt-get install default-jre
Both JDK and JRE will work, but JDK takes up more space.
Go to CDT download webpage and download the Linux 64-bit file eclipse-cpp-neon-1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
Assuming you downloaded the file in ~/Downloads/, run the following command to unpack ("install") Eclipse into the /opt/ directory:
sudo tar zxvf ~/Downloads/eclipse-cpp-neon-1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt/
To create a desktop launcher icon, run
sudo gedit ~/.local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
and in the text editor copy-paste:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
You now have Eclipse installed, but you don't need to run it yet, just keep reading and following the instructions :)
Installing Boost
The instructions are more or less given here, but for the sake of cohesion I write them here.
Download boost_1_62_0.tar.gz
Assuming you downloaded the file into ~/Downloads/, run the following command to unpack Boost into the /usr/include/ directory:
sudo tar zxvf ~/Downloads/boost_1_62_0.tar.gz -C /usr/include/
It's as easy as that - you now have Boost... but that's not all yet. Read on :)
Building Boost.Python and Boost.System
The Boost libraries Boost.Python and Boost.System must be built before they can be used. Here's how you do this:
Go into the Boost directory in your Terminal:
cd /usr/include/boost_1_62_0/
Run the command:
sudo ./ --prefix=/usr/local
To build Boost.Python and Boost.System into the /usr/local/lib folder, run:
sudo ./b2 install --with-system --with-python
once the command has finished, you will find libboost_system and libboost_python (with various file endings) in /usr/local/lib
That's it for building the necessary Boost libraries. Note that any other Boost library that needs to be built can be done in the same way.
Preparing Python 2.7
Linux Mint 18 comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed. For me, running the command python --version returns the output Python 2.7.12. I'll assume this is the same for you - but probably it doesn't make a difference what the version is. However, to get our objective of the C++ program with Boost.Python to build and run, you have to execute the additional command:
sudo apt-get install python-dev
which places some additional necessary files (particularly pyconfig.h) into /usr/include/python2.7.
Installing Linux GCC
Linux GCC allows you to compile C++ programs. To install everything necessary, simply run:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Making our program run in Eclipse
Now we've got everything configured to be able to write, build and run our program in Eclipse. So, let's do it!
Run Eclipse, either from the terminal (either by using the desktop icon we've created or by running /opt/eclipse/eclipse in the Terminal).
If it's your first time running Eclipse, you'll be prompted to choose a workspace (basically, a folder where all Eclipse project files will be stored):
Now go to File -> New -> C++ Project and enter the following and click Finish (you can use whatever Location you wish, including the default location (i.e. the one of your workspace)):
Now go to File -> New -> Source File, enter the following and click Finish:
In the main.cpp file that automatically opens in the editor, type in the program that we want to compile (note that I customized my Eclipse layout, so it looks different from the default layout you might have):
Now the secret sauce. Go to Project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings where you will see:
Go to GCC C++ Compiler -> Includes and, using the little icon that looks like a folder with a green plus sign, add the following Include paths:
Go to GCC C++ Linker -> Libraries and add the following Libraries and Library search paths:
Press OK to close the Project Properties window.
Back in the main Eclipse window, first click the hammer icon to build the project, then the green play icon to run it (both buttons are highlighted in the below screenshot). In the console view you will first see a successful build, then the Terminal output of our program:
That's it! We've achieved our objective of building and running a C++ program with the Boost.Python library included. That's the end of this tutorial, I hope it helped you :)

Compiler Not Found

I am getting this error when i tried to compile my program
-bash: g++: command not found
Also I have only been getting this error after I formatted my Mac Book Pro
This error came after I did this
g++ functions.cpp
Please help me.
Thank You
Here is a cleanest solution than installing XCode just for Gcc.
STEP 1 > install this:
[HomeBrew Web Site] (
All the informations concerning the installation and the utility of such a program are on the site itself.
It's a package manager, but for Mac. It's like apt-get or yaourt, if you ever used Ubuntu or Arch Linux.
STEP 2 > Go to the Terminal application and type :
$> homebrew search gcc
Then choose from the version you want, and type again in Terminal:
$> homebrew install [choosen version]
Gcc is now installed.

Compile error in eclipse for c++

First of all, I'm new to Linux OS.
I installed ubuntu and eclipse and the c/c++ package.
I started a new project, that is the default project, "Hello World c++ project",
and when I run it, it's given me the erorr:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Program "g++" not found in PATH Preferences, C++/Build/Settings/Discovery, [CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings] options C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem
What should I do?
Try to install all developer tools typing in console: sudo aptitude install build-essential. It will install g++, gcc and all libraries.
I had the same problem. Here's how I fixed it:
Run sudo sudo apt-get install build-essential to install the gcc, g++ and libraries.
Update the PATH environmental variable in the /etc/environment file adding /usr/bin/g++
Restart your VM or PC for this changes to take effect.